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1、2023一模知识点分类1.名词e ae i Junior Thre. Evrywekend we have _ oewrk to do.A) many B) quteafew C) hue amount of D) a grat r o2 Wouldyou pease give msoe _ on meoriin ords quicy?A) ti )ugestionC) aD) dvice3 erea _ ifferent thds t help you fal aslee.A) ewB)tteC) mu D) svr 4. Yar late,Shldon,mcousin, ealied th

2、e _ of en aeacr.A) hapnessB) hapilyC) ap ) appi5.uit _ pple rekiled inthe traffic ent lastee. A) litleB) alitteC)wD)a f6 Afe had rn ut an aused mc_ t he roof.A) e) accientC) amageD) poble7. Nowaays we can cllet ch _ eiherfrom books oro t Intene. A) sugestionB) deaC)ifrmation) method8 _ inrmation com

3、s o the centrefrm aloer te wold al the meA) ug amounsoB)Lge numbersoC) Man D) A fw2.代词1 ichaeJordan is forite bal star anIlike _vry muchA)he B) he C) hs ) him2.Adm, may I use yuon? I tk _ is out f ordr. ) I )y) me D) mne. Ea shop has_onwyto trct cusor A) his)he) tsD)my4. Thepassenger o i Asia lht Q8

4、51 los _ livs bcase o heetremtherA) thyB) theirC) hmD) ther5. h gir ouldntbliev e eyewhen se s _ n teirror ) r B)erself C) hes ) she6he girl in red is usa. oes fro Cnaa.A) he B) r ) Hers D)Hs7. - Who do te bokon the hef belongo? -Tey are _. A.eB sC. orD. ours8Ms pople cose ntoy Jnesplan but also_ af

5、ter tedisussion ) I B) my C) meD) ine9. ute few eop likto ta photos o _ anshar hem thrugh WChat A)theyB) theis ) theeles D) them10.Weshoul epend on _ mre tha our prts andtachers.A) we B)C)ou D)oursles1. Tetwn look o siilr hat als mistke teoe for _) hoer B) the or C) nthrD) other. Sompl mghtcoose ive

6、i a village, ut _ njoy th lofu life f th ity.A) eoherB) th othe) anoherD) other 13 frien of mie usu ell som veetables nhaes _ith hsfamily.A) aothrB) othC) te restD) theother14 Now Iknw yourecsionPease sk_ i o las aboutther ieas.A)othersB)e otesC) oher D)he other15. Afterte arthqak, somedeidedto lev

7、ad_hose to stay torebul eir hoown.A) other B) e other C)oer ) the otes16. Th rofeso swred h quetin neafter _afte telete. A. he ohe. anohrC.the othersD thes17.Some artss work n penil and ink, nd_work itcla orsoe. A) otherB) otherC) t othrs) no18.Tere e o empty sats n thsfliht,buhr are_ aible ontent o

8、ne.A) fewB) afewC) littleD) a lttle 19 .Henrwrote lt of novels but Iveolyead _o te.A) fw) a few) litle) a litte2. Or as teahe waspeased kno at _tudets in hs classte junk ood. A) uhB)ayC)ewD) lil21. e twin siersoftenfeel the ame way but _f hem hve thei own ideas now nd thn.A) iterB) thC) etD) l22. he

9、n shall we eet, this turday or Sundy? _s OK. Im fe hee day. A) BothB) EiterC)AllD)Neither3. A: hicho e two-shrts woul u lke, ohnsn? : ,I dnt li thei styes.A) Either) Both C) NoneD) Nether2.Jak isgood at hes Hcan _speak gd Cinese _ed dite iwel. A) ot onybu lso B) notrC)eror) nihernor2. My moe s aceat

10、ivcok, so sheften cooks _ fo meeeryweeend.A)athin differenB)nothingdifferentC)somethingdifrentD) evryhigdieen6.I can use moilepho no. heeust b _ wrog iit.A) ethng)anything C) eveythg D) hing2. heaherakd wha ws apeni,ut _ansere.We er al silent.A) everody B) nood )sombdy ) anbod冠词1. The oy aske hs mth

11、e wher Fae is European cony. A) anB) C)aD) e2. Farmers plt he ee o hoe i _sri and wat fr ther growng.A)/ ) C) an D)the3 We soul gi or es to_ ld wnty get onh bu.A) aB)n C) the D)/4Cormorantfisin s_ iportant traitional skill in anetCha. A)a ) an ) t) /5. Tonys shelltt e lways oe me _fvor. A. a B an. t

12、eD/6 H had uch_usu ay wih thefamo wrer thatheoul remem fover. A)aB) )/D) the7.Guie dos hlp_ bind walfree in hstreet.) a B) anC) thD) /8Oncepon time,n _ land ar,faraway, her ied a oldmahisg. A) aB) anC) theD) /9he gn saywecan park or car here It _ inormtionsign.A) aB) anC) theD) 10. The itch wllsoon

13、eome _ seful too fuure comnicti an eneranmntA)aB) anC) he D) /11.his is _ eful ctionar. alwalook up new rs i it. A) /B)C) D)an4介词. Th 223Smmer outh Olyp ameswer held ugst in anjing A)n) on C) D) a2. Ipho produ are bming moreand ore pouar nhina_may reson.A)as ) on C)r D) abt. Yousafai cae th yonest e

14、veinnrof a Noel Prie _ ctober10, 2023.A) at B) in C) t D) on4. If ything dangrus hpens _you a scool, et yortach knw.A.atB. n C. t D. y5hiea the Sprin Festiv fal ebruary 1th .A)inB)t C) nD) at .Cildren nder the g ffiv cane he sow free.A) tB) inC) with) fo7.Whihne d o ofen us to alk toyour friens, WeC

15、ha?A) rB) butC)sD)or8. The Troa gh aginst threeks to rve the aay _ ther contr. fromB.oC. ithD. 9 hee gumen broke _a book tore ad tole man gretbook as nihA) up )dow C) ou ) into10.Faeook is on o emos pularwesites n Briti_oe ty-fiilion usr.)oB) forC) withD) by11._ my pinion, the xpence in ones dhodwll

16、 affeitcharact. A) ) InC) For) Among 12.On allowee, iaduls ont ive cilrencanis,cildren nlay trcks_ them.A)wthB) forC) on) of1. Or famy cebratedTkgivingDy_ Noembe 28t,2023A)forB)t) i D) on1. _myiio, kidould leartodosome husewrk .A) OnB) IC) Of) Wit1They dicusd _ bot to hours,andten ected Tm a the chi

17、ef eitor. ) frB) nC) forD) with16The mae cat atend te meeting ecae hehs onto Bijg_ busnss. A) tB)inC) atD) on7od bttertae an actveprt in sports, _ you cant ls weigt A) soB) for) orD)u18h tldm they arived in Shaha _ the eeng f Octer 20thA) on B) n ) t ) at19 Yo cnalways peoplexerciin at park, evn _ c

18、ol wine mring. A) o ) in )at D) frm0. h 2023 APEC ws held in Beiing_NvembeA) on B)at C) by D)n5.语音语气1. hey will build ew bige acoss therer soon. Which of thfllowing is orrect f te undried part? A) ju: l /B) / i: ld /C)/b Il d /D) /b eld /2. i of thfollowing uneine prts i differt in prunciati fom oth

19、ers?A) Davdmade a eure, peadng out s hansnd sai, “Welcome omyhome!”B) Poplesstandar f iving hs rty mproved the es) Mr Lihadlk and brad o beafast at he.D)Th boy rovehis exensecar to how off his wealth. Moer askdmetoge u arlyhich of the folowig i correct for th uderined wordn teentenc?A) :s B)/:skd C)

20、/:k/ )/:skt/4 Wicho the foloig unerind atsdiferetinrnunitin ih other?) Bil es is famousinhe wold. B) Imfond ofidn hores.C) He as an odiary ir before ) aI tke ur oder, sir? hich o th follown nrlie pat i dffer in pronuntion fr others?A) The thiefbea hi witha atB) Whatste mnng ofhe sn?C) Takemseat, pas

21、e.D)Te dea the og adee sad.6.Lt me tell yu about new as tt I ealt ith.i of the olwing is corec or the undrline wod in esentc? A.ksB :sC. sD. s7Whic ofthe flowing deinedparts is dfferent n ronncain fromths?A. Whatsthe eann o ts word? .erofedseth maeher very sa. C Yo can tke this at because ther o oe

22、el he. D. My eaoisto anstonaut.Iwouldt nd hvng a roommate Which of the flowi iscorect fthe undelied d?) /maId/B)/mIndC) /m:d/D) /med/9. Lk metd is a gdway fo tdens to rembrEnglihwods. Who thflwing s correcin pounciio frth underlined word inthe ntence?10 Wic o hfollowing derlied parts isdffren in pro

23、nunciatin om hers?A) He earnssalary of,00 yuan a month.B) Tim s in a ificltittio no. C)y ar yous unhap?D)The ase s eavy,but I cn maage.Whih otefolling wods mates h soun kes?A)kissB) c)caveD) case 2. Which of the follw underlned prt is diffret in prounciation fro the othrs?A) We outhinkf aplot when c

24、reatin a comc strip B) e fis are removedfom he birs mouthb Dan) Yetaya bn obbeyhapeeat e endf thecrner.) He ws hckedthat e oul hadlys wor.13 Which of the olowig udelind pr is diffrentn pronunciation from othes?A) Ma takeyor rder?B) Monitorser usd n th xamC) uckl, In fford he tripD) Pese wit for me i

25、nthe ornr.1. Which ofthe follwnods aths the soundp?A) polB) plC)poorD) pl15.The suhin greets me with smle. Whihof thflwng i crrecr unerned wod? A) /sml/B) sme/C)/sal/D) /mel16Sound ects add excteentopitur. Whch f theollon i correct oth undelied wd in the setenc? A) andB) C) sndD)snd17.Wch of thefolo

26、wing undelned arts isdferent i roncationwit othrs?A) No one undrstads me. B) Tkyoufr loongate us swell. C) Thoe lren have fnished of the frui. ) hisis wha I gathered rom hs spech.18. Whchoh floing uneine pts is dirent nprouncitnfm othr?A) Tom efusedto g hopng thhismumB)Agood deetiveverjups t a oluso

27、n.) Excse me, cno el m whereth hosital i?D) We hadao tim nthaamusemetprk 19. Whih ofhflowi underine prts is iffeent n proncatio from others?) Wildanialsshoul not bekept inzoos.B) altle mor lqid t t sac.) ad abunindesie t vist ran.D) It nois for him totrave alone.2. Matersare rarely thasmpl. ih o he

28、folloin i corrct for te underlinword? ) /r:l/ B) rel C) /rl/ D)l21.Whc of th oowng underlined parts i differet in prnuciationfro the othrs?A) Fo al his wealth, he is not hapyB) Goighhead, and youll th hllC) o on an lead b thenoe.D) Een dth oulnt bat m dn.22.Theaders fro othercouis will reach Bijinto

29、ng. Whih o he olowingis orrecfr the nderlind d?A) /ri:/B) /r/C) /re/D)/r.固定搭配1. W ely nee aewar, but _ ell hve contnuusg theol one.A. for th imeengB. fr the frs timeCfrom timt tie. fosom me2. Beqie ango to _ slep. Wve gt along day tomorrow. Good niht. A) a) n C)the) 3 halthy diet is essentl _vrody.

30、Yo shol are o at wa yo eat.A) fB) toC)inD) about4.Are u in _ fvou of uingan iPadin cas?A) aB) a C)/) 5. Eboa (埃博拉) s spreading in many counie,ade need mor fr _ it. A) trol) ocntrolC) cntrol) contrling6. Al the visitrs are ske to line u quietly a go ito e ehibtion hal on a _time. A)the B) C) a ) n.ft

31、er the accdet,th reles diverhas to pay $ 500 _ the dmage o the car A)on B)o C) r D) wit895% the passengersy hey arsatisfd _ he plc trnsport srvice.) in)forC) tD)wih9Lets ae brak_ the ime bein. W wil urthrdscus the topic in ten mites.)inB) nC) forD)at1Stand andgi rnswer _Qestio 5, lease.A) it) ofC) t

32、oD) by7数词1. he Cntuy Paris fr aa rm here,inded is abot wak. A) to our B) atwo urs C) to-hoursD) a to-hour2. ter cversre an _ of the Eths surface. ) hreeouh B) three-fu C)theefourths D) third-fourths3. Th ffel Towerinri isout _.A) 2-mete-al B) 320-metraC) 20mtrtaD)320 erstl4 The topi “od Sat” ceves _Interet its (点击)romcutomr eerydy. )housans B) thousand )thousandofD) thousands of5.Malla Yosafzai,a _ girl fromPakistan (巴基斯坦), on h 203obel Pace Priz. A)17yearsld


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