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1、北京大学2023年博士硕士入学考试英语试题Pat On ListingCoprension (int)(略)ParTo StrcurendWriten Expresio ( int)Drecion:I eah queionecidhich o he fr choices givn wll most utalycoplee he sentenceif nerte a the plce arked. Put the letter f you cieo he ANWRSHET(). (20 points)41Thaaciic sldttracts shoalsof urits witits ic _

2、 of folars.Aeritge Bhedy Ceroism Dhermitage4A orthe misig funds, thecopanmnger,whedmnded to ge an expanation,col ot even ome ih _ neA.planie Beasiv Cprpual plausible43The goernments poiies i thepat fve yers hae shwn a(n) _in mphasiing te necess of iprovigthe peasas livelihooexlttion Bcoherence C.agn

3、y Dbehavio44The Chinee orld dvng hampion ws _ from tenationaltam,which news ha benfront-pagerpot nteonryseerl dayA.displa B.ispeed C.disared dismissed45.A coetis istinuised rom otherboes in e solar system _A.intos arac is appearaceC its appearac D.toippearane46_ ofh Pennsyaia Gaette, a akln tr

4、ied ard o mk tperiodical popular.A.ownr aneitor hilewas owner and editorCaving bing ownr editor DTo beoner d editor47._thFirt WrlWar, the UnitedSates eme thedminant frce n th mtonpicure industryAt wa uring he advt uner Bith tedvet ofC.T flowthe dvet i DUpon th aent at48eha n alternativ but _ to figh

5、t nhe Mdle Est.togo B. ong Dwet9Shall we requst thatteanager _ u suggtiongi?.conider Bonider Csholdcnsder mu ttle ble _ t ties ofhi cr.t i fix Cf Dwit iing.John shes owthathe _ te pin Fstiv at hom.A.spet .ha sen C.sspe D.i pn52he ostess _ he mad _ the able f dine whilew rredafter ahre-

6、urdrve frm the tow.A.tol,tomae .was telli,o dotld, to a telling, to e53rs aes _a dore rom her hubn, for she c o logr _his stor temper.As sekg, put it Bsees, pt on ithC.s seekg, p pfor Dsees, putdown or54Befre she cudsoutlook_ otol man,hew rn_bya car cmig fom hs lefAbck, o .u, over C.up,don .aed

7、, at55.Ithe noth of the countr, the snalays shines _ th as pairelad in smr.A.bigtly o bigt on C.bghin D.brightyin56.Tatgrnd-zed pe e _ he hoiznA.stn p wel aint Bsands ou gd toCsans otwel ginst D.stnd up gdto57.The effet of tis edicin _by midt,theoctr ld mma ou ha be o ty to edtoight.A.will wearof B.

8、weaofC.wi have wor off Di be ornof_,the guest speakrwas ushere io t auditriumall oie he leture.ABeigshowarund h campsB.Hing shown to the caps.Afte bensownaroun thcapHaving ben sown aroudt cmus59.The nw omputer viru _,the sstm sresore tot nra operain.A.hai remo B.benrmovdCad bee removed Dwasrmoved60.

9、Surey so that _ less slp te hik, _omch sleepcoudvenham ou health.ot oly do weneed, but that B.not oly wneed,but lsoC.not ol w ned, bt that ony do we need, butalsor re adin omprehsio(2 pints)irecions: Each of thepasage belowis fllwby som questins F ech qton for nswer are ve. Read the passgscarfu

10、lly nchooe the best answer o each quesin ut your anwer te NER SEE(1) (10 points)Passage nell hoe HegemoyI eall how annoyngit years a whe smking vywhre wa legal in alfrnia. Man coplaned bout h restrtions whnthy arrid, utI dnt, because Ierously ewatchin shopers smoknthrough te tomate and lettue nthe e

11、getable seci o the storeeopl forgt how singtha sed e,espill withh butts al ove the rcer str floor.Tossig a buringmkon thegound, stmping i it yur ft, an evg it tobe set p y omebody else lter ws omehow OK.Bt las pased, and you cd fially shop wihout having to bu brcoliwilgaggingo a neaby Wnstn.Grocry t

12、rere no filledwithdp talkin oncll phonesabout their siters. I blee these bnxio attees ar ll bllious smokers gttng back at s. This i rs thn smoking! Hodd tese phonsometo domnateor lives ike is, and doe annven tryto rest?Cellpoes ow e he worls oletie uconscious inund wa. Whatastnishes m about all this

13、 is te ology tat has re p on u. hy we av hs icessn need t hto cell phea da long? est ot ti thesis. Mkeaotf a fiend h ayorom bot cell pone ada ndne at ifen imes. Tie thecls ad ote the content. The cell phe cll ill always be lnr amoriaewthut ecptions!61In hesend stenc o thfirstpragrph, the rnun they i

14、nwhen they arrve refs to _.A.srin B.shpers .omplnt DopleInte tirdpaagrah, gaggingon a nerbyWns meas _.Anear e rccli ute the sop s t cnter at sold cigettesB.while bing vegetes, one ver oftn inhaled cigrete smkeinthe shopC.thre were man pople in t shp who ere smoking Wintn rnd cigeteDyars ago,hmajorty

15、 of th hper smked when buyin thn63.Acrdintote 4th paagraph, hic of the olowig tatents i U?A.Peole ik t tak igocy stoes endlesly abut hir sistrsnd faly mtte.Theobnoxu uses ofcel phone inpblic ac rmidus f the mkr in groery sors yes goCmokr ere n whnlwswr asedord mokingn grces, and h now alked loudl n

16、shopson cel pone o rebl an reenge.eoe whowal inessanty ell hone in gocey stoes rethose o lked tosmkehere efore64Wht youhin is thewrites urpse in witg isassage?A. tell thradethte uso cell nes isas bd assokig.B ca fo aba oth ef cll phones n heuli.CToemhasizte mmora efect o hecell phoe o or cnscioness.

17、DTo daw pbiattentionto te probe causd by he se of cl pons.Passge woEnglish asa Wold anuageEnglishis a vc son scess. Newpapers n England hae noticed that the incoret use oflics ar mrri h smooth fowof a rat langge hs ilit to mbb an asob has eeone imprantreaso ort success. hissucceslso stem from t angu

18、aes nque positio beig the lonepoken nmst part he wold. Realy,Eglh asn bounds. Een incutrie suhas Japan an Chna, wichwer no colonzed yBitain,Englis is maing a dermed coeUnfortunately, sha conqest i not alaywelcom ae a anguaesomeies dubles as apoiical weon. fct, ithas alwys ed arobld life. It hs ben d

19、islikd, eve haed, lrelybecause th peop who oriinallysokenglh onquer, clonized ndterrorized alf t wold, or jus bout. aimosit to tangu continues,atst n o lae. Te tres that hnh, fr instance, hav for Eglsis a godeae f alnguagebeing give quai-poitcal role in scyForntel, sriondoes t nasdep s itdd someyear

20、s ao, nd theris growingrealatin that Englsh i the lingua raca M tions, such asChin and Jan, haveen akin serious ffos to pmoe the lnguageuthere mig beasius prlemif erse rcotinetwero have is w rson ofEglsh. As is ie out bythe nwspaper of England, ith to many ariains f telanguag, atme maycom wh grou o

21、English-pakin popl may not abendrtand anoher Tis hppein. Hearthe way inaporan spea Englih. Listn tote Australianpronouncinge; sounds like aAnd ery possiy, in hefuurenoody will t orrct shoooan girlsfr getig therEgish rog6.In thspassae,te uss of Eihrefers tte fc that _.Ait ha ecome hemostwidely usd la

22、nguae in theworldithasmadea couestn Japn n Chia, whhwre n cnized b Britan.thas baten thelangussuch as rencheac state or coninent hastswn verso fEnglh66Te bittere of th Frnc eopletardthengish lngug sow _what politic ro langags c plai socetyBhow eope can ttah poitical sinificncet whchlanuaetey speaC.a

23、gaes inctlwys filtopla polta rol in ocietyDsom peplelie to geanagesoes to pa67.Inthe ftu, nobo wil tr t corrctchildrenhenthespa wrong Englih, bcs _.A.pple alwant torome e eaning o EnglshB.nlih will change obe tt spokn ingapans an AustaliansCpopl wl no eable t ndrt eachothrD.oo many ersis oEngish wil

24、l ae i imssble to ellwhat icrret EglishPasge Thref flunzaFor man peple,cnomic grwth an an incease inpsssion are sgs of prgress, butfor at-consumer groups ovonsption nd atrialism are sksss rcent ulic racstgervice coied the term affluenza, whch derie nsumptonof aterilgodsi a soly negtive wa.-le-a(oun)

25、 cbines to words: affuencdflenza. corito aiconsumer n envirnntal fghts organiations, he hghconumpion lfe style of afluececse peopletoe les hppy evenoh tey ar quirng ore things.Temaj negative effe onte evionment isthaoveronsution is deleting tewrlds naural resorcs, nti-cosumr groupsg. rthermoe, thegr

26、oups sretht natifical, ogong nd inatiable quest for hing and te money o bu them srplaced t nral deire forandequate uppy of lifenecessities, commnity lfe, a tab fmly, andhealthy reationships. Forexample, tdys famiies ae relaingte much moerquently hn in hepst. an Aerc ow reat clthigs diposable,disdin

27、clthes w fshon canges, and cratin a boom ithrit ste and yard ales.Th US As largt exprt i no used clohsAbu 25 milionons of unfashionabl old clothes ndrags are o to Third Worl coutries every yea.68.A coined wrdis a wor that _cmbine two often made by uttigords or prsords togtheCis mdein

28、th way cnar produedDiesaod orld a new meaing69Intheword fluenza it impled t meaing t _.Ato mh moniadsseBa ie of afuence ise a fluenzaCoverconsumptionis lik a epidemi brought byaffluenceDaffec is neativeting70.ccing to hi aage,ich of t folowng stateets is OT true?.Consuing insatablyil hastenthe xhust

29、oo naturalesrcesB uperil uuiof material hins ill riproble tofamiy relatinshi.e osi ingboutorcnsumpon of Amerini that are xporso d cohes are se to ThirdWrl cuntres.D.Americansowaays rereplacng ticars,TV sets and furiture er fequently.Dirctions: Rea th ollowing assgerefuly ad thn epan yurownEglishth e

30、xat mani ofhe numbrda underne art. Pu yur answeson the NWER T () (5 poin)Arica Lses retPcThieAhur il death ls e ant moehan oson ustnding pawright. It s the ossfagre bli hinke who elve trongly th he sseceof Americaits greates wsin its promises. (7) Mler ne wht ignrance andear and th adnes ofcrowds, e

31、specially whn loitebyniser eaeship, ou d tothose prses.(72) Hisgree concerns, wer wt he malcorrupton brougo b bendi ones idealst soctys icates, buing ino the alues f a go when tey conflctth the vc of ersonl cnscience.(3) h diu in ilers view, had an bidingraleonsblityfr hi or er wn behaor, adfor te b

32、hao of sey ahle. He sid taI elt tha as mprbble as itmiht see, herrmment wn an invidul conicewas althat coud kepa wor rom falng.Millerawsmo the difeeceintwo shlyeie eras:te Dresiowackd 130sand he poseros ta19s. ts perhap arun193,poe whousedo mind no olis began tikigfor the frsttmeofcommon actin aa wa

33、 out of teir possblconditons.(74) the ear90 he ago of th Depression wasgone. McCarthismwa n flowr.Afr the950s, hwever,Amin becm ore prctical a rmti Te den ote niversity oMichn was complng hais tudentshighes goal watof nwith orpraeAmera ther than o sepaate truth from falsehood(75)Teyecoe expert rdegn

34、g, bu theres lespcuatiaboutthe rngs ofthworld a ieal olutis somehing no emloyr ws inresed i. Now Mille i gone,and if weare n wise enogh to ayattion,is uncomfrtable tuthill de wth Four Cloze Tst(0 ont)irets: Fill inechnerd blnk n the followng passage with ONEuitlewrd to cml he asagePut our an

35、swers on the AWER E(2). (10 points)Supertiton is ifficult qestionW cnnot quiesytht sersiion in Bitai s dd. Its histr is bth 76 lg d o retfr that, a ndeed you will ind manyreis fiin modern rai. Bt they are orelics connctd cief wh vagunoins oo lu an 77 lk. It sunluck,fornstance,to walkunder aladder, o spllat,r breaka mrror, o he 7 o dwithnumer 13;whrea horseshoe brings good


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