1、2023年度全国职称英语等级考试卫生类(B级)试题第1部分:词汇选项(第1。1题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请为每处画线部分确定1个意义最为靠近旳选项。 I evetht he accoun ofwhatppened is eryaccurate. simp precise viviD cos Hebasedhi cnlusion the evidenegven by the priner. offd B ord deD satsfid 3 The niolld fthsti at thelst minute yetry ancelled B sad le
2、nghed D organizd 4 havearned a lot of oy, but tatis otheisse. A ga B task C keyDpoint 5Thereha bee a lt febatamng u bou the nsit to sae ey A ak B suggesons C discuon D idas The enomy continued texhibitsg odclinein Octobe. A shw BmarkC rec D arry 7He nurdunbelagoiesbefore h finallypassed awy. A f rla
3、xeC diedDept 80il eang rm boat r shpmaypos ahardto drinkin water dor B diee Cdnger sel9 Th firemen madspectaularescu yeer. A timely B ondlC clve cooprve10 She asunwiling go, bushe ad no coi. A eay B agry C sry reluctnt1Itwasnftunae at adrasedthe esse. herd of B rubbedout C looked at skenout 2.e came
4、 ck hoefatiedA ehate B rd oriedD frghtened .hewoma livingnex dor is extrelysendr. slim tall wea pale 14.Youracusation iwhlyihout fuion. almostB probably C evidly D compleey 15.HwasobsessedwithAericahror mvis Akept thinkig autook advatagef id no attenionoD crdohng about第2部分:阅读判断(第162题,每题1分,共7分) 下面旳短文
5、后列出了7个句子,请根据短文旳内容对每个句子做出判断:假如该句提供旳是对旳信息,请选择A;假如该句提供旳是错误信息,请选择B;假如该句旳信息文中没有提及,请选择C。 Baselne Exam s Key ty Halh Evenpplwith o in rrik fatorfr ee diseaecan sffer viin lss and net t baslin (基线) eye xas a age 40,says he Ameicncamy of Ophhlmolog Theremindr(提醒) is par o the AOs Eyematcampaigno mak Save You
6、rVison nth in ebruary. My disease proress wtout ay wrng sins, Dr Sephani rineaux,a intil corepodnt for the AO, sa n peped tatmntGadu chngs vsoncn affec or ablit to uction indenently andve confine your bilitis. Based n he finigs from e iitial sceening, an ye dctor illcreea chdule fo folloupeye ems Pe
7、ope oay age ave smtoms ofeye isase r are at hghriskdue t faly history, iaees (糖尿病) or high blood prsure sould consulwth teir yotor todteminehowofe theyhod hve ther eyes ced,teAO rcommnds. By 023, 43 milion Amricnswill be igfcnrisk f visiolss rbindess ue tage-rla ye disase suc cataracts (白内障) an aum
8、(青光眼)Thats more than 5 prcent icreas ovr the curnt numr of Americ t suh vison- threaenin disases. ut many merans are unocernd abut he ris of inloss. Oly23 prct f meicn are vr cncere aoulosinr viin,wilmost feel wigh gan and joint oback pin ae gret wrrie than visinloss, accoringto a AAO srey conducted
9、 ritsEySmart camagn. 16 People th osigs ofe disee don need any eeeams.A Righ B Wong C otmetined17Cns in vison cant afft peplslies A Rigt BWro CNo mentond 18 Ther a grea shoaeof ee octors in he . A RighWrongC o entned 19 Hig loodprsure is e f he risk factor or ye diseae. AtB Wrog C Not etone 2 lder o
10、ple are at higher ris for visionloss orindness. ARiht BWon C Notmnione1ost mricans arewordabouth rif iion loss. A ht B Wog C Not meoned 22 eit an n jontrbac ain ar i wriesin Eurp. A RghtB Wr Nt entiond第3部分:概括大意与完毕句子(第2330题,每题1分,共8分) 下面旳短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第6题规定从所给旳6个选项中为第25段,每段选择1个最佳标题;()第730题规定从所给旳个选项中为每
11、个句子确定1个最佳选项。 Thbol OutbreYou arelikely wae that sevel ountris inest frica areattliga Ebola ubeak Ebola is a dagerou dofen letal virl infton. Sientileve hat humans conacte he irusy eatin theeat of rare animas. It is owbeied ha basre the primary arie of the ru. To dte, thr re oly thee ajountrieistAfri
12、caexerncin a major tbak: Siea Leone,Lra nd Guina. Howeer,ote countries such Nigria hav rported cnfirmed cass of Ebla wthi heirbrdrs.3 Uless you eel visieone of the hree aftd est African cotres, your riskf cotrating tevirs is virull zro Unlikotherrecentarborne iraotrak lie SARS, te bo viruscn ony be
13、spre tugh diret contct wth an inecte pern Secifcally, Ebola issprad troghcnac witbdy lids. hough thevr is ransmitale,nly an infcted peron exhit symtms coable. 4 Teigns symptoms of Ebola ae non-pecificandpatiens typically exhibit hem aftera wek of cnrating the virus.Ss may appear as eary as tw dys or
14、 s late asthee ws aternitia infectioSympom nudedisust,akness ad stomach pai.Moe ncommon sym include cet pain, leeding ad sre throt. 5 Eboais deastatigbecaus of isability to ttcand repicat n every ora ofthe oy. isausean vrtmuatinofte odysiflamatory response,causing t f k symtom he iru als cases beein
15、g and imirsthbody orma clottng mchanism (凝血机制), mkig eeing enmoseee. oo b olum an crase rga perfuion灌注) uliael la to organ fail ad det. 6 Th current outbrek is th deadlie viral otbreak in 35 eas.hidisases uch s the laia (疟疾)re armore ommncbe, Ebo is e oft ors mot fatal vial infections; Eboasfatality
16、 aeexcee at f SAS.2、ragaph 2 4、aragraph 3 25、arraph 4 2、Prarh m I at ri o conratin iru? B Ho do Inw i ha contracted he viu? Whacaused teEbloutbreak? What exactlyds Ebolao to he body?E Is the curreobrek t edlt?F Whataeas e currenly afected7 27 hiiial bol utbr wa found i8 he dfrencbetwe R and Eola vir
17、uesI The sympoms ofthe ptient aftbein inece30TeEboavius transmits by contact with lie n may first aper A ifected bodyflids B thmoe ftrnsmssio within a ide range of days D tre countrie in We AricE gainst t otbrea everiy tia das of being ifected第4部分:阅读理解(第31 5题,每题分,共45分)下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定个
18、最佳选项。 第一篇 More Aricans Gettng High Blood Prssure T nmbr of Amricnwt high blod presreis on e ie thank in largpart torong rates of obeity(过度肥胖) , reachers sd Tusdy.Bt iresing ners of thoe wt high blood essre, also caled hyertnson, ar ettingthe condon treted,researhers from te S germnts tio Instttes of
19、Halth (I) oe n the joulHypertesion.High blod presre can lead tske, heart t,heart fu okdne (肾)failur. It is somes all te silet kille becuse as symptms, and manypop ave t for ears wihout knowig it. ata pnng i yrs houg 2023showe hat29 perentof S adults hd gh lod pressure,cmard t0 2 perce inesi-ea perio
20、 edinin94, the resrchers said. Thepecntage f tepopulaonithhigh blod presur ieasng, .JefeyCur f e NHsNaional Hear,Lun, a elepoeinterve Sme f he lading factors behindhih lood prsur vrwigt, otgeting rgula pysil actiiy,smkin toThe tuy showedlas cnnud thv highr ate ofwhie going th wrong w-it nd lood Inti
21、tu said in inclue beingobese omuchsalt i th de.hig boopresure han Duringte 999023 period, 61 prcent f those wit hh blod presue were undergoig temn rit and 35 pen haheirbloodprssure uer contr,thereearcherssi.A nmberof difret drugs are ud totreat hyertensionTefdigs ere baed o datan nationllyrepreentti
22、 aple of 16,351 S aduts fo 1988-1994 a 4,430ults for 1999023. 31 Th nuber of Aericanswt hyprtsion s A sale thanefre.B gter thnbre. te am as befor ard t aculte. 2pertesin ay ead to A srok B heratak. kiyilurDl f th ave 33 Hytesin is omeimecalledA t as remain unknow.B itof h symtom. C its a lflong coni
23、ion D s teted seretly. 4 went-nne peno US duts durngthe19882023peiod B dring the 199-999erio. C drithe199-20 period. Ddurig te 1889 period. 35. hic th following isNT a iel caue oertenio? A osantsmong. BObesit or overweght CRegular phsalcivit. D Too much salt the die.New US Plan fr Disee Pevntion Urg
24、in Ameca to tak esposibiity frthei heath, Halthan HuSevice Secretry Tommy Thopson on esay anche a15 millirogra ortencuragecommuntieto do moreo peent chonic diseaseslik heart deas, car dibets (糖尿病). Th nititie (倡议) higightst costofchni iases-the dincauses eat in the Unted tates-and linswayshtpople ap
25、revet tem, iludngbeter t and icred exrcse. Ithe Unte Sttes tday, 7 0f 1 deaths ad th at ajorty ofseos llness, dibitad healt care costs aecausedbychronic diseases, thHath nd Humanevies Depatmet sidin staemt. Th aues are oftn behaiora-smoking, poor eatng aitsana lk f xcise. I amovinced ta pventng deas
26、e bypootingbetter heat i a smart oy hoefo our ftue, opson old confenc hldto launch the initiatie.ur curet heth caresyseis notstrut todealwh the risin csts of rain iseaetatrlargey revental through hanges inor lfestyle oices Topson a heat dias d trokswil cot tecounty moe thn 35 bionin20.hese leain cau
27、ses o deth fo mnand womn aelrgly preventabl, ye we as ntio are not tking te stepseesary forus tole healthir, longer es, he said Te $15 illioni schdled t commntis to pomote prveton, usngorchanes as mple as bidng sdewalks to enourg pee to alk more. Dily execie such as walking n prvet d ev reves har de
28、ae an di, anprvent cacer nd stroes.The moe will l goto community ogazations, inics nd nuritonists(营养学家)whoae being encurd towr toger toeducaepeole atrik f diabe out wat they can to prenit and norage morecancersceeninThe AmerianCacer Society estmteht hal oall cncers cn b caght byscreenng.If such ce r
29、 ll cght y eaysrening, the Sciet stimate tat th srvia rate r cacr ould ie t5 rcnt 36 he$15 milon prom saimdat A ootng diseae preventio. B building m sidewals.Chelping ed comuitis. Diping out rnc diseses. Whic of thefolloig i NT tru o hroc ieases i he US? A Thy account for %f all eats B Theyareesponi
30、bl for most of thehalth caeossC Toftesult in unhelhlfeyles D hy are largl preveabl.8 he athor mntions he foowing as wys f diseas prevntion eceptA etter die mr xece C reuo o mokig.D aily sening. 3 Th passae dicates that or moey spnodieae evt wl mn .A geter rponsibility f the gernmnt Bless ney neeedrs
31、eaetraten C gher coss f helthcae D more ifeye oces for peopl 40.Early aner sceenn can hep rduce snifanty A the eath raes oral chrnciseases Bth kinds o cancerattckig peol Cencer incdeceteD thecacr deathrte第三篇 Dgers wait Bais wihAlitude omenwho ve nte wordshighest cmuntis end t give bit to underweig b
32、abie. anstdysuggess Teseabies maygrowintdults wthahigh is o hartiseand strke. . earchas hinetht nbos in ountain mmuiis aelighterha average But it wast clear whher tis ise t educed oxygen levelsat highattude or bcaus thiorsarunr-nourish-many peole w lve ahigh altitud areelaivel or ared wththos lv tow
33、er down T find o r, Dino Gusinand his tea t CmbrdUnirsity sudied therecords of 400 births in Bolvia duri 1997an 199 Th abies were born th ich an oor area of wo cis: a az and San Cruz ist highest ciy inth world. t 3.65loeter abov se le, while Sn Crue i uchlower. at . kilomtes Sr eough Giusan fod t th
34、 aeae brhwghtof bbis in Lz ws sinifiantlylower than in SantaCruz This wa true inboh h and w-nome fami. Eebbies brn o pooramly in Senta z re beaviron averagetanaiesborn to wethy families n loft (地势极高旳)aPaz. “Wwere ey surpre ythis sult,says Giussa.The reslts ugesthatbbies born ahiglttudesareeried o yg
35、en beore ith s may trigerte rlease tha egultegowth o unornchild,saysGani.His tem ao foun hat hgtitd babis tndedthae larger hads omparedwth ter bodis.Ti is probby bce afts( 胚胎) rv ygenwilsed oxygenedblood to teban inpreerenc tote e f the body. Giuss wtsto find out is babis hav ighr rs of ease in laer
36、 li.People rnin LaPaz might be pone ohart troubl adlthood, foeampleLrthweit is a ris ftor focoonary(冠状旳) artdseae.nnewbons with a hgh aio of hedsizet oyegt ar oen isposed tohighblood prsue a stroes n la lie. 41 Watdoes the ew sudy iscver?A Bbies brn o thy failiesare heavier. . B Newborns cities a lighte thaveage. C Lw-altitude babieshave a high risk of health dss ilter life D Women ivng a
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