1、七年级下语文假期综合测试题七年级下语文假期综合测试题一、基础知识及语言运用:(18分)1、给下列加点字注音:2分贻误( ) 针鼹( ) 忍俊不禁( )叫嚣( ) 恫吓( ) 黏液( )2、 在成语的错别字下边划线并把正确的字写在后边横线上:2分争颜斗艳 左顾右盼 无可言喻 络绎不绝 高赡远瞩 津津有味 怒不可恶 流连妄返 爱不释手 姹紫嫣红 3、加点词释义有误的一项是( )2分A、 相提并论(题目) 不解之缘(缘分) 豁然开朗(开阔)B、 因地制宜(根据) 先发制人(制服) 蹑手蹑脚(放轻)C、 不胜其烦(能承受) 束手无策(办法) 克勤克俭(能)D、 花团锦簇(汇集) 我行我素(平时,一向)
2、 众妙毕备(全,都)4、下列说法有误的一项是( )2分A、巨人三传是法国作家罗曼 罗兰的作品,它包括贝多芬传、米开朗琪罗传、托尔斯泰传。B、合体字是由两个或两个以上的偏旁组合而成的字,在行楷书法中偏旁有不同的书写形式。C、新诗的节奏是作者感情的外在表现,新诗的用韵比较自由,但却不可以不押韵。D、通过某一特定的具体形象来暗示另一事物或某种较为普通的意义,这种表现手法叫象征。5、下列标点符号使用正确的一项( )2分A、 然而,“道高一尺,魔高一丈,”我的本领也在不断提高。B、 上百只鹤恰似飘摇于飓风中的鸿毛又如海中的巨大漩涡,缓缓升腾。C、 “我们不知道啊,”孩子们回答说:“他已经走了。”D、 他
3、独自关在屋子里,双手支在桌子上,在琢磨:这是为什么?怎么证明呢?6、对课文中句子理解不准确的一项是( )2分A、 打打气就可以架起一座桥。这样,岂不是不用“望洋兴叹”了吗?(此句运用了反问和双重否定结合的句式,起到了强调的作用。)B、 我的抗议行动的效果,给了我深刻的印象。这次罢课胜利了。(“罢课”一词很有特色。形象而幽默地写出了少年毛泽东敢于反抗旧势力的精神。)C、 “那位小姑娘,”星星们叫道,“把房子整理得像星光一样敞亮。”“地毯下的尘土!地毯下的尘土!”米妮心里的那个小小的声音在说。(这里是小姑娘的语言描写,运用拟人、反复等修辞手法表现出小姑娘诚实的品质。)D、 不管它像一阵微风或者一片
4、阳光。(“微风”和“阳光”形象地写出了诗人希望他的歌声能极大地感动广大青年,引起广大青年的共鸣的愿望。)7、下列文学常识搭配正确的一项是( )2分A、董宣执法毕沅后汉书 酷吏传南朝B、第一千个球贝利自传阿根廷C、乡愁余光中现代新诗台湾D、口技林嗣环笔记小说明朝8、仿照例句,任选下面的一个词,展开联想,给它一个精彩的解释。2分例句:固执,你是一堵墙,使人封闭自己,看不清外面的世界。风筝 友情 9、 李晓文晚上学习到9点,感到有些疲劳,正好电视台转播世乒赛况,她刚打开电视,妈妈就生气地走过来说:“马上就要考试了,还看电视?”如果你是李晓文,你应该怎么对妈妈说:“ ”。二、 诗歌默写填空:(8分)1
5、、 出淤泥而不染, 。 ( 爱莲说)2、 ,江春入旧年。 (王湾 )3、 盈盈一水间, 。 (萧统迢迢牵牛星)4、 ,愁云惨淡万里凝。( 白雪歌送武判官归京)5、 明月别枝惊鹊, 。 ( 西江月)6、 ,小桥流水人家。 ( 天净沙 秋思)7、 月下飞天镜, 。 (李白 )8、 无丝竹之乱耳, 。 (刘禹锡 )三、诗歌赏析5分雁门太守行黑云压城城欲摧,甲光向日金鳞开。角色满地秋色里,塞上燕脂凝夜紫。半卷红旗临易水,霜重鼓寒声不起。报君黄金台上意,提携玉龙为君死。1、全诗描绘了三幅画面,请简括。(3) 首联: 颔联: 颈联: 2、“黑云压城城欲摧”除诗中的本义外,在实际运用中还有引申义,请写出引申
7、,使得至前陈曲直,吏不敢欺。1、 给下列字注音:2分 契( ) 涿( ) 鬻( ) 讼( )2、 给加点字释义:2分第归,杀而鬻之 召权知开封府 凡讼诉不得径造庭下 其人遂无以对 3、下列加点词用法相同的一项是( )2分A、“有盗人牛舌者”与“有犯赃者”B、“其人遂无以对”与“亦知其名”C、“乃欲诱我叛人,以刺疆事耶”与“人以包拯笑比黄河清”D、“何为割牛舌而又告之”与“虽甚嫉恶,而未尝不推以忠恕也”4、翻译句子:4分1、前守缘贡率取数十倍以遗权贵。 2、拯命制者才足贡数,岁满不持一砚归。 四、现代文语段阅读19分(一)(11分)“在那遥远的地方有一件无价之宝!”好消息轰动了整个禽兽国。飞禽走
9、有的说找到宝以后平分,有的主张把宝卖掉,买个清水池塘,好让大伙儿舒舒服服、痛痛快快地洗澡。1、本文段选自骆驼寻宝记,作者是( ),他是现代( )、翻译家、理论家。2分2、选文第一句话在文中起什么作用? 2分3、作者写了三十多种动物去寻宝的样子,但有详有略,请在略写的语句下边画“ ”。并说说作者写这么多动物的目的是什么?2分 4、仔细阅读文段,说说这些动物各有什么特点,作者是怎么抓住它们的特点进行描写的。2分大公象: 鸭子: 。5、 文段中找出至少三个成语、三个叠音词写在下边。 3分 五、现代文语段阅读(二)(8分)苏州园林栽种和修剪树木也着眼在画意。高树与低树俯仰生姿。落叶树与常绿树相间,花时
10、不同的多种花树相间,这就一年四季不感到寂寞。没有修剪得像宝塔那样的松柏,没有阅兵式的道旁树:因为依据中国画的审美观点看,这是不足取的。有几个园中有古老的藤萝,盘曲嶙峋的枝干就是一幅好画。开花的时候满眼的珠光宝气,使游览者感到无限的繁华和欢悦,可是没法说出来。1、文段的中心句是第( )句,选段按( )结构方式,逻辑顺序说明。2分2、句从( )说明苏州园林栽种树木的特点;句从( )说明苏州园林的修剪树木的特点;句运用了( )、( )、( )的说明方法举例说明其特点。5分4、第句中“这”指代 。1分七、 作文:(40分)最近比较 绵阳南山中学双语学校2011级暑期数学检测题(2009年)(满分:10
11、0分;测试时间:90-120分钟; 命题人:唐光胜)班级:_ _姓名:_ _得分:_ _一、细心选出符合题意的一项(每小题3分,共36分)1、如果三角形的两边分别为7和2,且它的周长为偶数,那么第三边的长为( ) A、5 B、6 C、7 D、8 2、一个多边形的内角不可能都等于 ( )A、120 B、130 C、140 D、1503、若0x1,则下列不等式成立的是 ( ) A、 B、 C、 D、4、想表示某种品牌奶粉中蛋白质、钙、维生素、糖、其它物质的含量的百分比,应该利用( )A、条形统计图 B、扇形统计图 C、折线统计图 D频数分布直方图5、有4根木条,长度分别为4cm,7cm,9cm,1
12、1cm,选其中三根组成三角形,则可选择的方法有( ) A.1种 B.2种 C.3种 D.4种6、在直角坐标系中,点P(6-2x,x-5)在第四象限,则x的取值范围是( ) A、3x 5 C、x3 D、-3x57、平面直角坐标系内,点A(,)一定不在( ) A、 第四象限 B、第三象限 C、第二象限 D、第一象限8、如图直线AB、CD相交于点O,OE平分BOC,OFOE于O,若AOD=70,则AOF等于( )A:35 B:45 C:55 D:659、若方程组的解满足,则m的取值范围是( ) A: B: C: D:10、设,且当x=1时,y=1;当x=2时,y=4,则k、b 的 值依次为( )A:
13、3,2 B:3,4 C:6,5 D:5,611、如图所示,ABC中,ABCACB,CDAB于D,ABC的平分线BE交CD于E,则BEC的大小是( )(第11题)A、 B、 C、 D、12、如图,ABAC,CD、BE分别是ABC的角平分线,AGBC,下列结论:BAG=2ABF;BA平分CBG;ABG=ACB;CFB=135、其中正确的结论是( ) A、 B、C、 D、(第12题)二、耐心填一填(每小题3分,共18分)13、关于x的不等式组的整数解共有5个,则的取值范围是 ;14、不法商贩使用“八两称”坑害消费者,用这种称称东西,小吴以2.0元kg 的价格从不法商贩处买了8kg香蕉,那么他被商贩坑
14、了 元钱。15、同学们,你们一定喜欢计算机!而计算机程序处理中使用的是只有数码0和1的二进制数,我们常使用的是十进制的数。这两者可以互换,如将二进制数1101换成十进制数应为,按此方法,则将十进制数37换成二进制数应为 。16、小华做作业时,把老师布置的一个正方形忘了画下来,打电话给小云,小云在电话中答复他:“你可以这样画,正方形ABCD的顶点A、B、C的坐标分别是(1,2)、(2,2)、(2,1),顶点D的坐标你自己想吧!”那么顶点D的坐标是 。17、池塘中放养了鲤鱼10000条,鲢鱼若干,在几次随机捕捞中,共抓到鲤鱼400条,鲢鱼320条,估计池中放养了鲢鱼_条.18、下列图案是用长度相等
15、的火柴按一定规律构成的图形,依此规律第6个图形中,共用火柴的根数是 .三、认真解一解19、x取哪些非负整数时,的值大于与1的差. (6分)20、如图ABC中,AD,AE分别是ABC的高和角平分线,B=42,DAE=14.求CAD和C的度数。(6分)21、如图,在ABC中,B=C,BAD=40,且ADE=AED,求CDE的度数. (6分)22、锐角三角形ABC中,A=54,ABC的高BE、CF所在直线相交于点G(6分)AFEGBC 求BGF的度数 若ABC为钝角,问中所求BGF的度数发生改变吗?请画图说明理由并写出结论.23、一个长方形足球场长为xm,宽为70m.。若它的周长大于350m,面积小
17、,使P的两边分别和1的两边垂直,分别写出图2和图3中P和1的之间数量关系。、由上述三种情形可以得到一个结论:如果一个角的两边分别和另一个角的两边垂直,那么这两个角 _。七年级(下)英语假期综合测试题命题人:陈良秀 2009.6一、想一想, 选哪一项最合适?(20分)( )1. Its_ in Australia when its winter in China.A、coldB、hotC、winterD、snowing( )2.- What _Vicky _ do on Sundays? -She has to clean her room. A has, to B is, have to C
18、does, have to ( )3. The bad news made him very . A. feels, happy B feel, sad C to feel, boring.( )4、._ you doing your homework now?A. Do B. Are C. CanD. Does( )5. Toronto is the capital of_.A. Canada B. England C. Korea D. France( )6、I _ my homework because I was ill. A. dont do B. dont C. didnt D.
19、didnt do( )7、Our teacher often _ us some interesting stories. A. tells B says C talks D. speak( )8.My father _ a large pizza. A. would likes B. would like C. would to like D. is like( )9.There_ some money under your chair last week. A is B are C was D.were( )10. What did John_ her vacation? A. think
20、 B. like C. think of D. likes( )11、He _ his father. His father _ reading, but he _.A. doesnt like, like,does B. is like, like, doesnt C. isnt like,likes ,doesnt D. likes, likes,does( )12._ be shy, just try. A.Not B.Dont C.Arent D. Wont( )13.Look! Emma is_ her bedroom. Her room is always_.A、clean, cl
21、ean B、clean, cleaningC、cleaning, clean D、cleaning, cleaning( )14 - -Can I help you? -_. A. Yes, you can B. No, you cant C. Id like a pizza D. I like a pizza( )15.Its too hot outside, so we decided _ home. A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. to stay at( )16.What clothes is she _ today? A wearing B putti
22、ng on C wear D. wears( )17.I have new image and nobody _ me.A. see B. sees C. know D. knows( )18.Theres_ interesting pay phone next to_ post office. A、a, theB、an, aC、a, /D、an, the( ) 19. Would you mind _the window? A opening B to open C open D. opens( )20.can you swim _ the river?A. through B. acros
23、s C. between D /二、完型填空(10分)The sun is shining and its very hot. 21 many people dont want to go out after 22 . Mrs West has to 23 her father at the airport. Her father doesnt feel well, he wants to see a 24 in the city hospital.Now shes 25 in the street. There 26 no trees and she feels very 27 . But
24、shes too 28 and cant walk fast(快). Suddenly she finds a 29 walking behind her. She gets angry and her face turns red. “Why are you walking 30 me, boy?” She asks strictly. “Its cooler”. The boy answers.( )21、A、ButB、BecauseC、SoD、Then( )22、A、breakfastB、dinnerC、supperD、lunch( )23、A、watch B、meet C、help D
25、、ask( )24、A、nurseB、waiterC、policeman D、doctor( )25、A、walkingB、walksC、walk D、to walk( )26、A、be B、is C、are D、am( )27、A、coldB、cool C、relaxedD、hot( )28、A、happy B、fat C、short D、tall( )29、A、boyB、manC、womanD、dog( )30、A、onB、in front of C、behind D.across from三、趣味阅读。(40分)根据短文内容,判断正(A)误(B)AThis is Amys room. I
26、ts small but its very nice and clean. A desk, a bed and two chairs are in the room. The desk is near the door. We can see some books, pencils, and a computer on the desk. The computer is blue. How much is the computer? Its 600 dollars. Amy likes her computer. The bed is near the desk. A ball is unde
27、r the bed. There are some photos on the wall. Who are in the photos? Theyre Amys parents and grandparents. Amy loves them.( )31. Three chairs are in the room.( )32. The pencils are under the desk.( )33. The computer is black.( )34. Amy doesnt like her computer.( ) 35. Amys father and mother are in t
28、he picture.B In the morning, Mr Martin comes into his garden. He sees too much snow in the garden. Mr Martin wants to take his car out, so he asks a cleaner to clean the road(路) from his garage(车库) to the gate. He says to the cleaner, “Dont put any snow on the flowers or on the wall. And dont put an
29、y into the street, or the policeman will come.” Then he goes out. When he comes back, the road is clean. There is no snow on the flowers, on the wall or in the street. But when he opens the garage to get his car out, he sees: it is full of snow, the snow from the road, and his car is under the snow!
30、( )36、What is the weather like?A、Its very hot. B、Its raining.C、Its cold D、Its windy.( )37、Who cleans the snow on the road?A、Mr Martin. B、A policeman.C、Mrs Martin. D、A cleaner.( )38、Why cant the cleaner put any snow into the street? A、Because theres too much snow, too.B、Because the policeman will com
31、e.C、Because there are flowers in the street.D、Because theres a car in the street.( )39、Where is the snow after the cleaner cleans the road? A、On the flowers.B、In the garage.C、In the street. D、We dont know.( )40、What does Mr Martin think of the cleaner? A、He is smart.B、He does a right thing.C、He does
32、 a wrong thing.D、He helps Mr Martin.CWe often talk about the weather. If we want to know about the weather. We can turn on the radio and listen to the weather report. We can also turn on the TV and watch the Weather Show. And we can ask other people in two different ways, “Whats the weather like tod
33、ay?” or “How is the weather today?” Sometimes you can call at 121 for the weather.When its cold, we shiver and need to wear warm clothes and scarfs. When its raining, we need raining-coats or umbrellas. When its hot, we need a cool place and want a cold drink.()41. You can watch the Weather Show _.
34、A. on radioB.on TV C.at 121 D.on other people()42. You can ask other people “_” to know about the weather.A. Whats the weatherB. How is the weather like C. What does the weather like D. How is the weather()43. We want a cold drink when its _. A. coldB. warm C. hot D. raining()44. Telephone 121 is fo
35、r _. A. illB. fireC. weatherD. food()45. The word “shiver” is “_” in Chinese. A. 颤抖B. 出汗C. 看病D. 避暑 D.Tom was seven years old. He went to a school near his house . He could go there and come home by bus or by school bus every day, but he always went to school and came home on foot. He usually got bac
36、k on time, but last Friday he came home late from school. When he ran into the house, his mother was in the sitting-room. When she saw him, she said,Why are you late today,Tom?My teacher was angry and sent me to the headmaster(校长) after school,Tom answered.To the headmaster?his mother said in surpri
37、se(惊讶). Why did she send you to him?Because she asked a question in class,Tom said,and none of the children gave her the answer except(除外)me.His mother was angry. But why did the teacher send you to the headmaster then? Why didnt she send all the other children? she asked Tom.Because her question was who put glue (胶水)on my chair.(
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