1、常见英文面试问题10道及答案 1o oud ou describe youe?mpe xcellent respone: ackround tdt beencered on preparin mselfo becme the very bst nancial consultanI cn ecome L mtel you secifcally h vepreared mylf. I amaneraduae student infinnce andaccountingt _ Univesty.y past erience have be in eail and igher eductn oaspe
2、cts ave pepared mewell fohis carer.2. What specific oal,incldin hose reaetoyuroccpato,eyouetablse foryour lif? Salexcelln respse: I wat to b woring for an xcelntcmpnyike os in ajobin hic I amanagin noratio. pln contribte my eadersip, interpesona, and tchnial skills My lon-rangecaer astobe te et ifom
3、ation sysm tenician I can fr thcopany I ok f. 3. w as yourllegexeriencrepad yuforabine career? Saple exelent resp: I have repr yself o trnsiion int thewok foc throu real-world experiec inovg trave aboad, ntensp, andenrepreneuraloppotunitie. Whileiteing witha prvteorganizaon iEuador,I dvelopd 15-pag
4、marktigplcmposedn nsh tha recommeded oeeffci ways hecompany coul pmote is svices. also taeed brad n twother occasions in hich eearche the iienouscutureothe Mayn Indins i TdosSantos, Guaema,d articpted in a total langug immsin programin osa Ria. A you can see fo my cademic, eracrriul, andxpeent bcrnd
5、, haveunconditinally commited mysef tuccss a amareting prossional . lee derbe the deal jb oryu flowinggaduaon. Saple excellent espons(eutsieajob wih jb hes interviwingfor): y idealjob is oethat incoortebohmy dcation and pactcal work sillstobe t bet I ce. Nmely combgm eucatin in financewithy wrkinknw
6、lege f custmer servceoprions, entrepneurial bilities,copur sils, ndmiistave sills. I t ouiliz my anaytal pertiseto help ople eet he financial goals Tisi eaty whI m coniced thaIwou be a vy valuble memer of the Mer nhtem. What influnc o to chose his career? Smpleee rspons: M st experces aveshowme that
7、 enjy facing an ovecoming hechallenge of mkig a ae.Without abt, onI a pracid mypesntain nd peare yslffor obctins, fee ver cnient approchngpepledontknw a covicing thmthat te nedmyproduct. astl, lik ales beause otenia r success islimied lyy howuchof yself I dicae oadmyoa fnypofession is founded onslf-
8、eemiism, it sur ust be sales. 6. At whapoin i you choose thiscareer? Saple exclenresponse: I kew that I anted pue ifrmati systems teclgy about my ophore ear in colleg. Itws henthat Irelizedthtmyoby (compters) astaki p osto mytme. My favorte courses e IT ourses.I lo ralidthat I was dng omter-oriente
9、wk-ty that I nj so uch I wold e de tforee. 7. at specfc goals hv you establishedforyor crer? Samle eclentse: Mygols inlude becomng CtfdFnaciaAdvisor I ca bana bet worki knwledge of fnacial sarch any, hich wul low e cotte to client ases aetr finanial cosultantsce I old hhat exta inigt intthe comanies
10、 they re seeking to invt . Also tis is heoundatin lo oadvncing y caeer ofolio managor ven ranc offie manager. What will ittak atain your goal,anwhat step hve you taken d atain them?ampeexcelent eonse: Ie alrad dn seachooer wrkesat Merrl Lnch t seeow they acee imilar goals. I know hatMerilLnhecouages
11、 the puru nd wlremburse for tuion f agrduatdegr. I planon pusin a MB t gveme a ven more extensive kowledge f busines and fnancal nalis. 9. Wht you hin i taes o e sccesu i h arr?Sample xcelent reponse:eivesucesful aleseoleput rh that ea effort htturn poteial cnt ioirst-t cstomers. Salspelewhoattend t
12、o the detailsb dng wver itakes to wnover posecti ustomeristingus themsvs from he nls the who dt o oany exta efot Sec,I thik that ifyo label sucss as an attainaeg, u ill v consistentyrmain succesful. Youn onl succeed if y learnallthere io eanbo or prodt,competor,an pesoal selin. Sthi arnig proces i c
13、oniu, it a unatnbe goa.Wgoodreas, salespeopl shoud not consiuccesn atainab ndin oin b a ojective tat willalys igr igh beyond their eh. 0 How o yu dteine evluate uccs? Giv me an eamleo e o your successful accomplhnts. Smple excelt rpons:ast semeter I ashired by by uesis Council foStudenttiviesTherope
14、gotiaes cntract ntetanrs, sets up soun qmn, maret the eerainrs tstudents,and eneraly ecde what indo rogrmmingsou be done.Wn I go hed, didnt kno thfitthng abou ho fl an of toe resposiilitis I decd, oeve,atI wasngoingto fil. our onth later, Ihaebeco te Wbmaster fr hegroup. Ialso writ or cams nwsletter
15、 an cratd aeNigt, a sdnt cmpeionof tabe gmes. That ent yielded the bgst audence everor anon-ncert event. 1. Do ou a te qualficatios and personalcharactrsis necessar orsuccessin your hon caree? Samplexcellntrens: I beiev Ihavea cobnation qualitis to bsuccefulin this carer. Frst, I have aston ierest,b
16、cked by a slid, el-rondd, sta-of-theart eucatin, specallin a careerhat s chncl rientd. Tis bascnrdint, bck byove of lernng,prlem-ovng skis,wel-rundeintests, dtermintion to succeed andexcel,stng cmmunicatin skils, ndthability or ard, are th mostimprtat quaities that wi help me succee in hs cer. To su
17、ce,yu als ed anual curiosity abot oyses work - thkind ocurosiy Imonstrtwhn I upgrde mytwcompr rnlyhogyis consantly chang, so you must a learejust t kep upryou wil b overhelmed.Allof tes raitombine tocreate a lid tem mmer in th echangin ied of inormation systes. I amconvince ha I ose these carcterist
18、icsnd a ready tobe a uesful tea eber fo your fim. 1.ht asbeen r mo wardin acompishmen? ample excellent reson: Areen satisfying acmplisen as sn t oeof ourbrac bankthat was notoious or not growntheir lan aseThebranch ha loe $7,000 inne loans in an8-ontperio pror o my rrva. Havig reputt a hred un when
19、it came o loanprouctinI w ucessful in he soicitation and bokingf $0,00 imfirst six month at he banh. 13. Iyocouldo so, ho wud ouplanyou colge caredifferely? ample xcellnt esponse: dnt chnge ntng. ll that avedone wa a great earningexperec that Iwl car ford hrgoutth ret mlif.4 Areyumore eeridywrking w
20、h daa rbcollaoratngwith thr inividuals? aml exceent eone: I ke thevlidty of informatin and also lik the nrgythoes wt worngih pole. h bt thng aboworking in roup cominng tereat inds fromffeen espetean cing u wth smethig extrml great, compaedwth wenyore working aone. Ate s time, inrmato annerae italty
21、in the rojt youre wrkg oNo matter h ny heds yuvegot tether, wihot iformain, yo cn very fa.Teperfetsituatio wud be a ombnatin workwihfrmatin an peple, nd Im confidnt ofy abilties bohrea.Sumitedby Stace1. Hw wol yudecrbe yourslf in ters f your blt t wr as a membe of tea? Sape ecellent respos: I av had
22、ma oprtunties i th atletics and cadeicso developy lss tempaye. My tenure s a owe wih m olg e em serves as good exame. I learned a great dealaout teaworkwherowing beca all he rowes n h oat must a sone,hchmtthat icesaty orked toep ehmvemenin the boa synchonzed. O an invidul bas, we stil orked towar gr
23、oupoals trough weihlftngan land-rowg.My exriecea maeting resec team leadeaso hlped me tolen throe o teampaer. I vewed psito as th ofgrp lader ando groupmember. ense th everne i the grp had eapportunt nrbute, maintained xcelent comatioamong groupmebers,nd cordatethir ergi towr rchn ur tea gal. 16. Wh
24、t motivatsyu t u fth o gatet ffrt? Sapeexcelent respns:Yo wud thik tt becuseam inese in sales, only ficia ompsaton wuld motivae e o ahie. though montrewas re impoant to me, Iam drivnto suceinternal Mrthan anything,Iwant to be rscedby my friends andworkers fo eing hebes what o.hethe I mcnsdered oethe
25、 et cardetaler yhomton or the escolumnistrmy collge newsae, Iw recgnizedas tebe17. Given the invsten ou cm ill makin hiring an traninyou,can u gv us easonto hireyu? mpeexcellen reons: Isinrly believethatI bst per forthe jb elize hat there ae my te cole studts h havthe ailiy to o hs ob. I lso have th
26、at abilt. But so brin anadtonl quality ta makes methe vry best peson fo hejob - my attitudeo exellece.Not js ivng lip ervice to cellence, bt ptng ery rt of myef ito cevi it. In cole and a m prevouj,I ae onsistently reahedo becmg the very bs I cn beome. I hn my leadershipaad from y clge, andmy manme
27、positions a the reslt posesigtheqlities yure loking fo inanemployee 1 Wuld youdescre yurelfagoalrien? ample excelletrespon: Yes, and Idemonstrae m goal orination s psiden of e locl Jyces, communy evice organizatio. I a y prudf tect that I st goal f signng 5 ewmems nd f the yer,and accmlshe at. 1.Des
28、cribe wat youv aomplhed towardreaiga recen ga foryurelf. aple elentrespnse:My frt ew years inbakgad o he fas track to branch mnagment.I ealized t so pit along the wayht myruepassion asin fringfnncia avice not limted tochecking couts d loans wastthatpoit tht I m te necssryrrangemnts og bakto chol ull
29、-tim to usue my goa, hiI am jt about t achieve. 20. Wha shot-rm gals and ojectives ha ou estalhed or yourself? Samp excellent repos: shrter ojectvsae o rae frothe Possion evlpment rogam eore thesadartwo ers an begin developing aclientee saninten,I pepaedahea oftm bsdyng orhe Series anSeres 64xms th
30、conttute majority abegnnin fnncia consultat time. I lik to makmketh manhat hiresme wder ht t ever did wihou me. 21. ano escribe u lon-ange oals and bjectiv? Smle excellet rsponse: y priay ojectiesare learn as much sposile bot yuropny rodt offn,organizaton trutue, rofsiol sae tehiues so tat I my beom
31、e the mot pouctve memberfyor sals tam22What do youexpectt beoing in fve years? Sampeexelleeose: Althogh i s hard pedit the fture, incerely beve that Iw bece erygoo financal consltt I believe that m abltis wi allowme to exc to the pintthat I anseek otheopportnities asaorfliomnager(the next t)nd pssil
32、vn higer. Myltimate gol coinus o - and will always - t e he et watev eelI m worng at witin errillLncscorporaestrctur. 23 h o you syorelfdoin n tenyars? Sampl excellet response:en years f now I se myself as a ucesf conultant or a old-clss irmke yours. I wnto hae developd wonderf bn wih my eploye wi h
33、av oven myslf a highlcompetentsytmsanalyst and will rreseny compny n elpin other find solutins t ther inormatin-systmsne i a profesnal and tmey mannr24.o wold ou evluat you bilityo da wicfic? Saml excelent esps: eliee I m uite good t hnlig conct okingin rtail and in tresidence hls requre atI ake man
34、yunopul decisis times,whther it as terinatingn ssoiate o aking jucil ain on a residntfnthe erso in cnic wih me would b ups and sometimes physicalyotad.Iwoul lways ake suretht Ifully exainethe sution, the poliisbehid m eciion, a thoseplies exist. Usualy b the en of te nersatin, he prsn cld eee other
35、side of tesitutin 25. Hveyouver had ficultwith a suprvisor or ntrucr?How d yu eslvthe conf? Sampl exceent response:, hd an incden with Snish profsso Itne anssay hat se said as oo good ob me. ws est wih her; I tlder tha had anative speaker rvie te ess,buthme very few corecti. Howevr, had boe e GoldeR
36、le of Spans Cmpsiio -esay usno eve touch hands ofa atie seaker. To prove to hrtha wa pbleoproducing an es tt exceee er exctations a nonaespeker, ofere tor-wit anothr essyner ofce.I earnd n A-mnu. 26. el me abut a maor prlem yu cenly hndle Wrosuccessfu irslvigt? mle cll espone:hewoin atKat, Iasoe of thee peopl to ok inelcroicsdepartment. Oe day upon ring a ork,wastold he istrict maager was cmigthenext day to doastore inspecton.The two therpeoe ho oed n elecrncswer oth ver 55. Nither oud lif heavybjts, an one resed tork at all. As arest,the electronics dement as us
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