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1、十天突破雅思写作必备资料仅供参考雅思写作必备词汇Parenting 家长对孩子的教育 schooling 学校对学生的教育Cultivate 培养 awareness=sense=recognition 意识Creative/original 有创造力的 physical 身体的 psychological 心里的 Peer 同龄人 motivation 动力 adapt to 适应 discipline 学科,纪律 memorise 记忆Acquire 获得 stimulating 有趣的 prevalent 无处不在的 objective 客观的 biased 不客观的 celebrity

2、 名人 journalists 记者 the press 新闻界 coverage 报道 misleading 有误导性的 dependable 可靠的 up-to-the-minute 非常及时的 informative 信息量大的 entertaining 娱乐性强的 transform 改变 breakthrough 突破 advance 发展 a staggering rate 惊人的速度 information overload 信息爆炸 enhance=boost 提高 innovations 创新 telecommunications 远程通信 productive 提高生产效率

3、的 priority 首要任务 stability 稳定 establish 建立 solve=combat=tackle=resolve 解决 alleviate=ease 缓解 invest in=allocate money to 对投资 the authorities 当局 ban=forbid=prohibit 禁止 scrutinise/monitor 监督 administer=regulate 管理 tax revenue 税收 democratic 民主的 demand 需求 efficient 高效率的 broaden ones horizons/expand ones o

4、utlook 开阔人的眼界 conflicts 冲突 explore 探索 promote 促进 tourist attraction 旅游点 local residents=local inhabitants 当地居民 mutual understanding 相互了解 enrich ones experience 丰富人的经历 the proliferation of 的大量扩散 plays a dominant role in 在占统治地位 go extinct 灭绝 lesser-known languages 小语种 the widespread use of 的广泛使用 ances

5、tors 祖先 descendants 后代 cultural assimilation 文化同化 indiscriminate 盲目的 time-honoured 历史悠久的 cultural heritage 文化遗产Cultural diversity 文化多样性 cultural identity 文化特性 ethnic minorities 少数民族 the pace of life =the tempo of life 生活节奏 the gap between the urban area and the rural area 城乡差距 eliminate 消除 inferior

6、质量差的 facilities 设施 alienated 疏远的 materialistic 现实的 the present situation=the current situation=the status quo 现状 exterior 外观 function 功能 sweeping trends 席卷一切的潮流 synthesise the Asian and the Western cultures 中西方文化的有机结合 erode 侵蚀 universal 普遍的 isolated 独立的 import 进口 export 出口 domestic violence 家庭暴力 gen

7、der equality 性别平等 discrimination 歧视 an enlightened society 一个开明的社会 household chores 家务 be tied down by 被拖累 offspring 后代 personality clashes 性格冲突 household 家庭 affluent 富裕的 impoverished 贫穷的 community 社区 family values 家庭观念 generation gap 代沟 family bonds 亲情 harmony 和谐 crimes=offence=criminal acts 犯罪 str

8、ingent 严厉的 punishment 惩罚 the crime rate 犯罪率 rampant 猖獗的 violate the law 违法 restrict 限制 impulsive 冲动的 consequence 后果 circumstance 处境 reform criminals 改造罪犯 preserve 保护 inhumane 残酷的 biodiversity 生物多样性 companions 伙伴 replacement 替代物 habitat 栖息地 endangered species 濒危动物 hide 兽皮 sustainable development 可持续发

9、展 exploit natural resources 开采自然资源 the ecosystem 生态系统 disposable 一次性的 conserve 节约 deteriorate 恶化 discharge排放 contamination 污染 consume=deplete 消耗 eco-friendly 有益环保的 scarcity 短缺 雅思写作288个高分词汇EducationCultivate/ foster/nurture 培养 promote the students physical, mental and emotional development. 促进学生身心发展a

10、ttend school 上学 single-sex school 只有男生或女生的学校 aptitude 学习能力(先天)skill 学习能力(后天) schooling 学校教育 upbringing/parenting 家庭教育 give the students motivation to do sth=motivate the students to do sth 给学生动力做某事 adolescents/youngsters/youths 青少年 impart/inculcate knowledge 传授知识 instill high moral values 灌输高尚的道德观念

11、give the students inspiration 给学生灵感 teaching methodology 教学方法 adapt to sth=adjust oneself to sth=become accustomed to sth 适应adaptability 适应能力 students grasp of what has been taught 学生对老师所教知识的掌握 employable skills 就业技能 force-feed the students 填鸭式教法教学生 learn things by rote 死记硬背 students should not be t

12、reated as passive receptacles of predigested ideas 学生不应该只是被动的接受知识 memorise for memorisations own sake 为了记忆而记忆 a sense of obligation/duty/responsibility 责任感 memorise equations记忆方程式 formulas 公式 theorems 定理 laws 定律 apply 应用 follow sth blindly/indiscriminately 盲从extinguish creativity 限制创造力的发展 dampen the

13、 students enthusiasm = the students 打击学生积极性 beget undue pressure 产生不必要的压力 mould ones character 塑造某人的性格 segregate students 把学生分开教育 peers 同龄人 peer pressure 来自其它同学的压力adverse circumstances=adversity 逆境team spirit 团队精神think independently 独立思考learn things through understanding 在理解的基础上学习encourage the stude

14、nts to think critically 鼓励学生用辩证的眼光看问题students feedback=students input 学生的反馈students appraise/evaluate their teachers performance 学生评价老师的教学curriculum 各门功课的总称extra-curricular activities 课外活动A school is society in miniature 学校是社会的缩影Indiscipline=misbehavior=mischief 不遵守纪律 disruptive students=unruly stud

15、ents 违反纪律的学生theoretical knowledge 理论知识generalist 通才specialist 专才well-rounded=versatile 全面发展的contribute to societal well-being 为社会健康发展做贡献humanities 人文科学social science 社会科学arts 艺术liberal studies=arts 文科总称sciences 理科engineering 工科discipline 学科basic sciences 基础科学applied sciences 应用科学primary-level educat

16、ion 小学教育secondary-level education 中学教育tertiary-level education 大学教育vocational education 职业教育Technologycutting-edge technology 尖端技术information explosion 信息爆炸the information age/era 信息时代the widespread use of the Internet 互联网的广泛使用 technological innovations and advances/progressions 科技创新及发展enhance/boost

17、 efficiency 提高效率enhance/boost productivity 提高生产效率labour-saving machinery 减少人力的机器labour-replacing machinery 取代人力的机器automation 自动化automated 自动的produce=manufacture 生产biotechnology 生物技术clone 克隆telecommunications 远程通信space exploration 太空探索ones genetic makeup 人的基因构成Media current affairs 时事the press 新闻界the

18、 print media 印刷媒体the electronic media 电子媒体news outlets 报道新闻的机构prevalent=ubiquitous=pervasive 无处不在的be awash with=be inundated with=be saturated with 充斥着censor 审查delete=eliminate=excise 删除excessive violent and pornographic contents 过多暴力和色情内容misleading=misrepresented=distorted 有误导性的fraudulent 诈骗性的false

19、=bogus 虚假的report sth in graphic detail 报道非常详尽的细节media hype 媒体炒作exaggerate things =sensationalise things =blow things out of all proportions 夸大事件objective and balanced 公正客观的expose=reveal 揭露violate someones privacy 侵犯某人隐私paparazzi 狗仔队celebrities 名人scandals 丑闻cover up=gloss over= whitewash 掩盖biased=ske

20、wed=unobjective 不客观的factual accounts 如实描述reliable=trustworthy=dependable 可信的up-to-date=up-to-the-minute 及时的informative 信息量大的entertaining 娱乐性强的newsworthy 有新闻价值的code of ethics=code of conduct 道德准则Governmentauthorities 当局citizens=the citizenry 公民regulate =monitor=oversee 管理implement 实施legislate = make

21、laws 立法strictly prohibit=ban altogether 严禁stringent laws 严格的立法scrutiny/scrutinise/monitor 监督allocate money to sth=be a patron of =invest in 为捐款budget 预算tax revenue 税收the government spending 政府开支curtail 削减augment 增添priority 当务之急give priority to sth 把当做当务之急duty=responsibility=obligation 责任arms race 军备

22、竞赛self-defence 自卫national security =homeland security 国土安全short-sighted policy 缺乏远见的政策expansion/aggression 扩张seek hegemony 谋求霸权a vicious circle 恶性循环destabilizing factors 地区不稳定因素rules and regulations 规章制度space race 太空竞赛arms/weapons/armaments 武器laid-off workers 下岗工人unemployment/joblessness 失业infrastru

23、cture 基础设施public transport system 公共交通系统power grid 电网democratic 民主的pipelines 石油天然气管线water supply and drainage system 供水和排水系统a democratic and progressive government 民主与开明的政府LanguageA lingua franca=a universal language=a global language 一种能够通用的语言the proliferation of English 英语的广泛应用the dominant role of

24、 English 英语的统治地位dialect/vernacular/the indigenous language 方言lesser-known languages will become extinct 小语种将会消亡the extinction of lesser-known languages 小语种的消亡Culturepreserve 保护forefathers=ancestors 祖先descendants=posterity 后代ethnic minorities 少数民族the harmony between ethnic groups 民族团结cultural integra

25、tion and synthesis 文化融合interaction 相互影响cultural diversity 文化多元性enrich 丰富insular mentality 狭隘的观念deprecate=denigrate=trivialise 贬低sth is not set/carved in tone 不是一成不变的DevelopmentThe tempo/pace of life is accelerating 生活节奏加快fatigue 持续的疲劳create alienation between people 导致人与人之间的疏远materialistic/mercenary

26、 过于功利的pursue maximum profit 追求最大限度的利润modes of transport/means of transport 交通运输方式vehicle 交通工具private vehicle 私家车petrol 汽油traffic jams=traffic congestion 交通堵塞car wrecks=car accidents 撞车pedestrians 行人traffic accident perpetrators 交通肇事者jaywalk 违章横穿马路surveillance camera 监控摄像头impede /hinder/hamper/obstru

27、ct 阻碍poverty alleviation 扶贫job opportunity /employ opportunity 就业机会needy/deprived/destitute/indigent 贫穷的affluent/wealthy/well-off 富裕的disposable income 可支配收入old buildings of special aesthetic value 有特殊审美价值的老房子buildings of historic significance 有特殊意义的老房子vernacular dwellings 民居enhance the cityscape 让城市

28、更美观decrepit/rundown 破旧的tear down/knock down 拆除high-rise buildings 高楼skyscrapers 摩天大楼urbanization 城市化the disparity between the city and countryside 城乡差距rural 乡村的relocate 搬迁build/construct 建造telecommute 在家上班leisure/recreation 休闲 amusement and enjoyment 精神上的享受entertainment/ diversion 娱乐laissez-faire ma

29、nagement 宽松的管理operating costs 运营成本recruit 雇用counterproductive 会导致效率降低的labour pool 劳动力资源health/fitness 健康depression 抑郁症sleeplessness/insomnia 失眠population explosion/population boom 人口爆炸family planning/birth control 控制人口pretentious/ostentatious 爱慕虚荣的sedentary lifestyle 缺少运动的生活方式over nourishment 营养过剩Gl

30、obalisationco-operate 合作cultural identity 文化特性global cultural homogenisation 全球文化同一化过程cultural homogeneity 文化统一性Globalization is a two-edged sword 全球化是一把双刃剑The global village 地球村Cultural assimilation 文化同化erode thr Asian culture 侵蚀亚洲文化Womengender equality 两性平等gender discrimination 性别歧视the opposite se

31、x 异性prejudice 偏见a progressive society 一个开明的社会be tied down by household chores 被家务事拖累child bearing 生育孩子child rearing 抚养孩子maternal instinct 母性本能housework 家务事Familieselderly people 老年人family bonds 家庭成员间的情感纽带a sense of belonging 归属感an attachment to sth 对的依恋community 社区single-parent households 单亲家庭mistre

32、at /abuse 虐待domestic violence 家庭暴力addiction to drugs 毒品上瘾Tourism tourist attractions 旅游景点expand ones horizons 开阔眼界tourists can interact with the locals 游客能够和当地人互动promote cultural communication 促进文化交流draw /attract 吸引first-hand experience 亲身经历conflict 冲突discord 争端seclude the tourist from the locals 把游

33、客和当地人隔离commercialise 商业化second-hand experience 间接体验cultural heritage 文化遗产the Internet will not render tourism obsolete 互联网不会让旅游业被淘汰Environment ecological balance 生态平衡sustainable development 可持续发展environmentalists 环保主义者environmentally-friendly 对环境无害的conserve 节约preserve 保护reuse /recycle 再利用countries o

34、n this planet must join force to combat environmental problems 各国必须携手解决环境问题raise the public awareness of sth 增强公众的意识shortage/lack/scarcity短缺put a strain on the resources 让资源承受很大压力wreak havoc on natural resources 破坏自然资源deforestation 砍伐森林over-grazing 过渡砍伐agricultural land 农业用地pollute/contaminate 污染poi

35、sonous 有毒的boost crop yield 增加农产品产量renewable resources 可再生资源non-renewable resources 不可再生资源consume/deplete 消耗use up/ exhaust 用尽harsh actions/ harsh measures 严厉的措施ecosystem 生态系统the wildlife in a region某一地区所有生物的总称biodiversity 生物多样性effluent/sewage 污水discharge 排放car emissions 汽车尾气electric car 电动汽车hybrid v

36、ehicle 混合交通工具greenhouse effect / global warming 温室效应serve/grave/grievous 严重的non-biodegradable garbage 白色垃圾condemn rather than condone sth 谴责而不是纵容ozone layer 臭氧层fertile soil 肥沃的土壤infertile soil 贫瘠的土壤arable land/farmland 耕地crimebreak/disobey the law 触犯法律commit a crime 犯罪offences /crimes 罪行criminal/off

37、ender/culprit 罪犯accomplice / accessory从犯resent society = hold a grudge against society 憎恨社会inmate/ convicts 囚犯victim 受害者trauma 心理创伤cell 牢房imprison someone 监禁be brought to justice 被绳之以法lenient 宽容的reform criminals 改造罪犯law enforcement agencies 执法部门heinous crime = flagitious crime 重罪petty crime =misdeme

38、anor 轻罪first-time offender 初犯的人hardened criminals 惯犯revert to crime 再次犯罪law-abiding citizens 守法公民abide by the law=comply with the law 遵守法律disregard 无视traumatize someone 给某人造成心理创伤track down=hunt down 抓捕criminal tendency 犯罪倾向Animalsanimal rights activists 动物权益保护主义者medical research 医学研究cruel/inhuman/ca

39、llous 残忍的vivisection 活体解剖anaesthetic 麻醉ease/relieve/alleviate animals pain 减轻动物的痛苦pets are their masters companions 宠物是主人的伙伴afford their masters consolation and comfort 给主人心理安慰poach 偷猎there are no replacements /alternatives for sth 某物是无可取代的常见同义词人类 the human race=humanity=man=humankind在当代 at present=

40、currently=in this day and age=in contemporary society解决 tackle=address=resolve=combat破坏 destroy=impair=undermine=devastate 影响 impact=repercussions=ramifications 危险 peril=hazard=danger 明显的 apparent=evident=obvious 从事 carry out=conduct=perform=go about 积极的 beneficial=advantageous 消极的 baneful=detriment

41、al 好处和坏处 advantages and disadvantages=strengths and weaknesses=pros and cons无处不在的 prevalent=pervasive 大量的 a host of=a vast number of =a great deal of=a multitude of 需要 require=necessitate=call for 增进 enhance=boost 贫穷的 impoverished=needy=deprived 保护 preserve富裕的 affluent=wealthy 污染 contamination 采取措施

42、take measures=take steps=take actions表因果关系的词因为 as=since=due to=owing to因此 hence=thus=therefore=as a consequence/result=so that=consequently从而 thereby表举例关系的词以为例 takefor example 比如 for instance 例如 such as 这个观点能够用例子来有力地证明 This point is best illustrated with the example of这个观点能够被例子支持 this point can be c

43、onfirmed by the example of以为例 consider for example 是一个恰当的例子 is a case in point 表对比关系的词用在句首或者句中表对比的词 while/whilst/whereas用在句首表对比 by/in contrast 表让步关系的词尽管 despite/in spite of /notwithstanding 后面跟名词或代词尽管如此 nonetheless /nevertheless 后面加句子尽管 even though 后面跟从句即使 even if 后面跟从句尽管 albeit 用在句中,后面跟形容词或介词短语只要 a

44、s long as 表假设关系的词如果 if/provided that 如果什么条件能够满足的话 on the condition that 否则 otherwise而不是 rather than 无论 regardless of 类似地 similarly / likewise更准确的说 more precisely具体来说 specifically 就什么而言 in terms of 我很难想象 I would be hard-pressed to imagine that 本质上讲 essentially / in essence 为了 for the sake of 一方面,另一方面

45、 on the one hand , on the other hand 雅思写作36个基础句型形容积极方面的benefit from . 从中受益invest in 对投资promote the development of 促进的发展boost efficiency/productivity 提高生产效率play a pivotal role in 在中起关键作用enrich ones social/academic/professional experience 丰富某人的社会/学术/职业经历keep the society stable and safe 保持社会稳定have a duty / obligation to do 有责任做relax their


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