1、We will contiWe will continue tnue to improve to improve the compahe companys internys internal controlnal control system,and steady imsystem,and steady im provement iprovement in ability to managen ability to manage andand control,control,optimizeoptimize businebusiness prss proceocesses,tsses,to e
2、nsureo ensure smootsmooth prh processes,reocesses,responsibilitiesponsibilitie s ins in place;to furtplace;to furt her streher strengthenngthen internalinternal controls,play acontrols,play a contrcontrol post indeol post inde pendentpendent oversight roversight rol ole of evaluation complyie of eva
3、luation complyi ng with third-party responsing with third-party responsi bility;to ability;to actively make use of interctively make use of inter nal audit toolsnal audit tools detectdetect potential mapotential management,nagement,streamline,streamline,standardize relatestandardize relate d transac
4、tions,d transactions,strengthestrengtheningning operations in aoperations in a ccordaccordancence with law.Dewith law.Deepeepening tning the informatihe informati on management to eon management to e nsure full communinsure full communi catication zero reon zero resistance.sistance.o constantlyo con
5、stantly perfect ERPperfect ERP and BFS+,and BFS+,andand PI,aPI,andnd MIS,aMIS,and SCM,informatind SCM,informati on systemon system basebased constrd construction,full iuction,full i ntegration integration information system,achieved information resourcenformation system,achieved information resource
6、s shared;ts shared;t o expao expand Portal system applicatind Portal system applicati onon of breadtof breadth and depth,play informatih and depth,play informati on systemon system on enterpron enterprise of Assiise of Assi stant rolestant role;to;to perfect daperfect daily run maintenaily run maint
7、ena nce operationnce operation of records,of records,promote prpromote probloblem reasons aem reasons a nalysis analysis andnd system hasystem handover;to strendover;to stre ngthengtheningning BFS+,aBFS+,and ERP,and SCMnd ERP,and SCM,technol,technology applicatiogy applicati onon of trainingof train
8、ing,improve em,improve em ployeeployees applicatis application ion informationnformation system of capacity asystem of capacity a nd level.Humand level.Huma nisticnistic care tocare to ensure zero.ensure zero.To strengtheniTo strengthening Humang Humanitiesnities care,conticare,continuenues to foste
9、r coms to foster com pany wipany windnd clear,and gas are,aclear,and gas are,a ndnd heart Shunheart Shun of cultof culture atmosphereure atmosphere;strengt;strengthenihening loveng love helhelped trapped,careped trapped,care difficult employees;carriedifficult employees;carrie d out style ad out sty
10、le a ctivities,rictivities,rich employeesch employees life;strengthenilife;strengtheni ng healtng health and labourh and labour proteprotection,organiction,organization careerzation career healthealth medicah medical,controll,control career agaicareer against;nst;continues tocontinues to implementat
11、iimplementati onon psycholpsychological warogical warningning preventiprevention syon system,training emstem,training em ployeeployees healts health of characteh of characte r,and star,and sta ble of mood able of mood a nd end enterprinterprising of attitude,sing of attitude,created friendly fratern
12、ity of Humanities ecreated friendly fraternity of Humanities e nvironment.nvironment.o streo strengthengthen risk managn risk manag ement,eement,ensurnsure that thee that the businebusiness of zero riss of zero ri sk.To strengthenedsk.To strengthened businebusiness ss plans maplans management,nageme
13、nt,will busiwill business busineness business ss plans covplans cover to all level,er to all level,ensurensure the busie the business caness can control in control in control;tn control;to clo closeose concerconcern financial,an financial,a ndnd coal elcoal electric lectric linkage,ainkage,and end e
14、nergy-saving schenergy-saving sche duliduling,nating,nationaonal poll policy trends,streicy trends,stre ngthengthening traning track,active should;to implemeck,active should;to impleme ntation State-ownentation State-owne d assets metd assets method,furtherhod,further spespecification busicification
15、 busi ness finess financial managemenancial manageme nt;tont;to perfectperfect risk tuberisk tube control system,acontrol system,a chievechieved riskd risk recognitirecogniti on,on,and meaand measure,asure,and and assessessment,assment,and rend report,aport,andnd control feedbackcontrol feedback of
16、closed riof closed ri ng management,imng management,im prove riskprove risk preventipreventionon capacapacity.city.To further standardize tradiTo further standardize trading,ang,and strive tnd strive to achieve accordio achieve accordi ng to lang to law,standardize and fair.Innovation of perfw,stand
17、ardize and fair.Innovation of perf ormance maormance management,tnagement,t o ensure thato ensure that potepotential emplntial employees zero fly.To strengtoyees zero fly.To strengt henhen performance managemeperformance manageme nt,process control,nt,process control,enhance emplenhance empl oyee ev
18、aluatioyee evaluation aon and lnd levels of effective communievels of effective communi cation to imprcation to impr ove performance management.ove performance management.o further quantify and refine emplo further quantify and refine empl oyee staoyee standards.ndards.WorWork,full play party,and br
19、anch,and members ik,full play party,and branch,and members in five type Enterprin five type Enterpri se construction inse construction inthe of core rthe of core role,and fighting fortress role and piole,and fighting fortress role and pi oneer modeoneer mode l role;tol role;to continues to streconti
20、nues to stre ngthengthening four good leadershining four good leadershi p constrp constr uctiuction,fullon,full play levels caplay levels cadres idres in enterprin enterprise development in these development in the20112011 级大专班有机化学期末试卷试卷级大专班有机化学期末试卷试卷适适用专业:用专业:三年制高职环境监测与治理技术课程代码:课程代码:一、一、命名下列化合物命名下列
21、化合物(每小题(每小题 1.51.5 分,分,共共 1515 分)分)得分得分阅卷人阅卷人线封密系:_专业:_年级:_班级:_学号:_姓名:_ 8(CH3)2CHCH=CHCH2CH310CH CH CHO9CH3CH(OH)CH=CHCH3of backof backbone babone backbone rckbone role;to fullole;to full strengtstrengthenihening members yng members y outh wouth work,fullork,full play youtplay youth emplh employees
22、ioyees in companyn company develdevelopment iopment in then the of force roleof force role;to impr;to improve indepeove independent Commissindent Commissi on agaion against corruptionnst corruption work level,work level,strengthenistrengtheni ng onng on enterenterprise busiprise business key link of
23、 effectiveness key link of effective ness mness monitoronitored.,Aed.,And maind maintain stantain stability.To furtbility.To furt her streher strengthengthen publicity an publicity and end education,imprducation,impr ove the ovove the overall legal syerall legal sy stem.We must strengtstem.We must s
24、trengt henhen safety management,esafety management,e stablistablish ash and imprnd improve the eove the education,supervision,and evaluatiducation,supervision,and evaluati on aon as one of the traffic safety managemes one of the traffic safety manageme nt mechant mechanism.nism.To conscientiTo consc
25、ientiously sum up theously sum up the OlympicOlympic security controlsecurity control s,prs,promoting iomoting integrated mantegrated ma nagement to anagement to a higher lhigher level,higevel,higher staher standarndards,a higds,a higher levelher level of develof development.Employeopment.Employe es
26、,today is les,today is l unar calendar on December 24,the oxunar calendar on December 24,the oxBell is aBell is about to ring,at this timbout to ring,at this tim e of year,wee of year,we clearly feel theclearly feel the pulse of thepulse of the XXXX power gepower generatineration compaon company to
27、flourish,to moreny to flourish,to more clearlyclearly hear XX power gehear XX power ge neration companineration compani es mature aes mature a nd symmetrynd symmetrybreathibreathing.Recalling.Recalling pang past one ast one anotnother acrher across a railing,we aross a railing,we ar e ente enthusiah
28、usiastic astic and fullnd full of confidence.Fof confidence.F uture development opportunities,wuture development opportunities,w e more excitie more exciti ng fight more spirited.ng fight more spirited.Employees,let us tEmployees,let us together aogether across 2013 full of challengcross 2013 full o
29、f challeng es and opportunities,toes and opportunities,to create a greecreate a gree n,low-costn,low-cost operatioperation,fulon,full of humane carel of humane care of a world-claof a world-cla ss power gess power ge neration companeration compa ny and work hard!Theny and work hard!The occasioccasio
30、n of the Spring Feon of the Spring Fe stival,my sincere wish that you and the familiesstival,my sincere wish that you and the familiesof the staff in the new year,goodof the staff in the new year,good health,hahealth,ha ppy,happyppy,happy10 号卷第 1 页 共 5 页We will contiWe will continue tnue to improve
31、to improve the compahe compa nys internys internal controlnal control system,and steady imsystem,and steady im provement iprovement in ability to managen ability to manage andand control,control,optimizeoptimize businebusiness prss proceocesses,tsses,to ensureo ensure smootsmooth prh processes,reoce
32、sses,responsibilitiesponsibilitie s ins in place;to furtplace;to furt her streher strengthenngthen internalinternal controls,play acontrols,play a contrcontrol post indeol post inde pendentpendent oversight roversight r ol ole of evaluation complyie of evaluation complyi ng with third-party responsi
33、ng with third-party responsi bility;to ability;to actively make use of interctively make use of inter nal audit toolsnal audit tools detectdetect potential mapotential management,nagement,streamline,streamline,standardize relatestandardize relate d transactions,d transactions,strengthestrengtheningn
34、ing operations in aoperations in a ccordaccordancence with law.Dewith law.Deepeepening tning the informatihe informati on management to eon management to e nsure full communinsure full communi catication zero reon zero resistance.sistance.o constantlyo constantly perfect ERPperfect ERP and BFS+,and
35、BFS+,andand PI,aPI,andnd MIS,aMIS,and SCM,informatind SCM,informati on systemon system basebased constrd construction,full iuction,full i ntegration integration information system,achieved information resourcenformation system,achieved information resources shared;ts shared;t o expao expand Portal s
36、ystem applicatind Portal system applicati onon of breadtof breadth and depth,play informatih and depth,play informati on systemon system on enterprise of Assion enterprise of Assi stant rolestant role;to;to perfect daperfect daily run maintenaily run maintena nce operationnce operation of records,of
37、 records,promote prpromote probloblem reasons aem reasons a nalysis analysis andnd system hasystem handover;to strendover;to stre ngthengtheningning BFS+,aBFS+,and ERP,and SCMnd ERP,and SCM,tech,technolnology applicatiogy applicati onon of trainingof training,improve em,improve em ployeeployees appl
38、icatis application ion informationnformation system of capacity asystem of capacity a nd level.Humand level.Huma nisticnistic care tocare to ensure zero.ensure zero.To strengtheniTo strengthening Humang Humanitiesnities care,conticare,continuenues to foster coms to foster com pany wipany windnd clea
39、r,and gas are,aclear,and gas are,a ndnd heart Shunheart Shun of cultof culture ature atmospheremosphere;strengt;strengthenihening loveng love helhelped trapped,careped trapped,care difficult employees;carriedifficult employees;carrie d out style ad out style a ctivities,rictivities,rich employeesch
40、employees life;strengthenilife;strengtheni ng healtng health and labourh and labour proteprotection,organiction,organization careerzation career healthealth medicah medical,controll,control career agaicareer against;nst;continues tocontinues to implementatimplementat onon psycholpsychological warogi
41、cal warningning preventiprevention syon system,training emstem,training em ployeeployees healts health of characteh of characte r,and star,and stable of mood able of mood a nd end enterprinterprising of attitude,sing of attitude,created friendly fraternity of Humanities ecreated friendly fraternity
42、of Humanities e nvironment.nvironment.o streo strengthengthen risk managn risk manag ement,eement,ensurnsure that thee that the businebusiness of zero riss of zero ri sk.To strengthenedsk.To strengthened businebusiness ss plans maplans management,nagement,will busiwill business busineness business s
43、s plans covplans cover to all level,er to all level,ensurensure the busie the business caness can control in control in control;tn control;to clo closeose concerconcern financial,an financial,a ndnd coal elcoal electric lectric linkage,ainkage,and end energy-saving schenergy-saving sche duliduling,n
44、ating,nationaonal poll policy trends,streicy trends,stre ngthengthening traning track,active should;to implemeck,active should;to impleme ntation State-ownentation State-owne d assets metd assets method,furtherhod,further spespecification busicification busi ness finess financial managemenancial man
45、ageme nt;tont;to perfectperfect risk tuberisk tube control system,acontrol system,a chievechieved riskd risk recognitirecogniti on,on,and meaand measure,asure,and and assessessment,assment,and rend report,aport,andnd control feedbackcontrol feedback of closed riof closed ri ng management,imng manage
46、ment,im prove riskprove risk preventipreventionon capacapacity.city.To further standardize tradiTo further standardize trading,ang,and strive tnd strive to achieve accordio achieve accordi ng to lang to law,standardize and fair.Innovation of perfw,standardize and fair.Innovation of perf ormance maor
47、mance management,tnagement,t o ensure thato ensure that potepotential emplntial employees zero fly.To strengtoyees zero fly.To strengt henhen performance managemeperformance manageme nt,process control,nt,process control,enhance emplenhance empl oyee evaluatioyee evaluation aon and lnd levels of eff
48、ective communievels of effective communi cation to imprcation to impr ove performanceove performance management.management.o further quantify and refine emplo further quantify and refine empl oyee staoyee standards.ndards.WorWork,full play party,and branch,and members ik,full play party,and branch,a
49、nd members i n five type Enterprin five type Enterpri se construction inse construction inthe of core rthe of core role,and fighting fortress role and piole,and fighting fortress role and pi oneer modeoneer mode l role;tol role;to continues to strecontinues to stre ngthengthening four good leadershi
50、ning four good leadershi p constrp constr uctiuction,fullon,full play levels caplay levels cadres idres in enterprin enterprise development in these development in the得分得分阅卷人阅卷人二、写出下列化合物的结构简式(每小题二、写出下列化合物的结构简式(每小题 1 1 分共分共 1515 分)分)1氯仿22,2.4三甲基戊烷3环己酮4乳酸5甲酸苯酯6尿素7N,N二甲苯胺8乙醚12苄醇13 邻氯苯甲酸14丁酮15对苯醌得分得分阅卷人
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