1、99年英语试题Scio Us o Enlshleep idvded nto eriodso ocaedREM leep, characterized b rapid ey movement and dreamig, and longr pers of no-RM leep in f sleep i at all wel-nderood, but RM slep is 2 to sere some resorati fnction ofthe brain.he rpos f nonREM slee is evn mor 3 The ne expeents,ha thee 4 fr th fitt
2、im arecet meetng ofthe Society fr Sleep Reech in Mnnes,sugs asnatig explaas 5 of nn-EM ee.For exaple, it asongben knon th ttlsleep 6 is 10 ercent fl o rats, et,7 examinaions fthedeadodies,th animals ok ompletey orml. A researcherasno 8 emysteyof why he aimals die. Thets 9 bacterial nions of te bloo,
3、 10 teirimusyemstheselfprteingehairn agnst dieehacrashed1. AEiher B NeiherC Eac D Any2 A ntended reqire assmed ierre3. Asubte B oiousCmsterius Dubtful4. A maintaind describe ttle D aforde5. in the ight B by vtewth the exceptionD or h urpose6. Aredction B dstctio C rtion D estricin7. Aupon B by trogh
4、 Dith8 Apid antio t B cughsight of C laiehasioDct igh o9. A develop B prouceCstmute D inuce0. A i as fnly if if onlSectioeading ComrehensnPasae l Moey penon advertisin i moy spent as well a any I ko. erv drtly to aist a aiddistiin ofods a reasonale price,terey estblishinaim hm arket ad so mking it p
5、osible t poviefeort atcmpitie pices drawingattnion to newideasithlps enormouslyto ase tadrs ivin y hein to increas emand itesr n inceased ned or labr, andistherefoaeeive wa o fight unemploymet.Itlowers cost of many services:witot advsemnts yor aly newpper wouldcostu tiesas muh, he pricof yur tlevsio
6、nlicne oule o be doued, antravly bus ortube wouldcs 0 percentmore.And phapmost important o all, advtsin provids agurnee of reaonale value ine prodcs and sevces youuy Aprt m the ac tat tetysven ct of Parliament gven the terms tsin, n rgular avetiser dar proe produc th failsto livp to te rmise of adve
7、rtemnts. mghtfol ome peopfo litlewhile hrougmsledig adverising. will not do so r long, for ecfuly th ublic hs th oo sns not o buy te ifeiorartie moetha one. Ifyou ee an atice nstentladertie, t i thurestof I ow tht h artile dos hat is cied for it, ad that itpreent godaluAdvertiing does moforthmaeral
8、benefit f te counit than terforc I an tn of.Thee is n ore point eel I oug t toc on. Recentl I hd a wellknw teleinpersonality ere hat hwa against dvertisig bease it peudes rtr thn informs. He was drawing ecesselyne distinctons couse dtisinseeks to persad.If its ssage wre nfned ely o inormationand t i
9、n itseould b ifficultf otimpssile o ahiev, for even aetl ucs the choice of th olour of a shirtissbtl peruasievertisng woul be so bor that nonwoupay ayatntoButerps t isha th wl-nown television esonality nt.1. By e fist sentenc ofte passage hauor mean tat_A he sfailyfamiliar wih t cost o dvertnB everb
10、oynowswel hat advertsing i monycouinC adrtiingcosts onlike eveythig ele t i wrtwhile to sped moy o adveing2.I the passae, which ofthe llowingi NT includn the advantages o adersing?ASecurg geter ame B Providing mor jb. aci livg stnas.D Redung nspaper cost.3. Theatr eemsthat thewl-kV personality is_ve
11、y precise npasn hjudgmnt on avertisingB nrese in noting u te buyer tntinC oec inlling th dferene etwe persuao andinformionD obviously prtilin isvew n avertsin14. In he authors opinion,_.A avertiig cn seldombrin teril beneitt maby roiing infomatnB adrtsing ifors pop ne idasrater than wn the veCthre i
12、s thgwrong itverisnginpersuadng the buyerDthe uyeris n nteesedi gettin informtinfrman advertieenassae 2hre are tw sicwysto e groth: oe s rouct,he ther a apocs. People have generly viewedpersnal grwth as an xter result orpoducthacan ealybe ideified and mesured he worke who getsomotion, the tuntwhoe r
13、ads iroe, the foreignr who lean nelanguaeall these are examples peopl wh have masurable resul to sowfortheireffts.Bycntt,the ocessfpersoal owth imuc or difficult determin, in bydefnition it i ajurney ad no thespecfic signpostsorndmrk along the ay. Trocssisn the roadtsl, t rahr the aitudsand feeligs
14、eople have, their cauton r corage, thy enount eweperences and unexetdostace. In this ess, e jourey nerreallynds; therear always new wasto xpienethe world,new ideas o try, ne challeges to acptnrrt ,to travel ew rod,pepe ned to ha wlnness otkeris, to onron te unnw, an o acept the poibiitthat thy may “
15、fil” atirt. Hw w ee urselvs e tryane y o bin ssential toou ili tog. D w erceive ourlves a uikandurious? If so, teeted o tak m chances and to be more open o ufailir prienc. Dwe hink ereshy anindisive? hn ou seof tmdiy can cuse to heitae, o move slwly, d notto tke a step until eknw te groud i safe. Do
16、 w thik were slow to dp tochangeor that wre not sartoo cpe with a new challeng?hn we are lely to tak more asivere orn r lThee eelin ofinecrity and sef-doubt ae botunavoidabl ndneessry were to change ad gow. f we do nt onfront and overcome tee inal fers dobts, i w rotet usles too much,hen wcseto gow
17、W bcom trapd isde a hel f our own makg15 . ron s eerll believed to achiev prsonal rowth hen_. e has gven up hs song habit e has mader ffrt in his wC heis ken learngything newD hehs triedto dermine where he i on i juey16. n te authors ye, one whoviesperonal growth as a prces would_.sccee in cimbinup
18、thesociadr uge his abilityto row from his wachivenC fce ifculties n tak up challengeD aim hgh an reac s gol ch ime17. Whent athr sy anw w ofbeig (lne , Para. 3) he is rfrring t_.A n approach to expeiencig theworld anew ay of takingriks Cw mtho f peiving rselvesD new ystem fadapation to chge18. Forpe
19、rsoal gwh, ehradvocsalof the ollowing excet_.A curiotabout oe chnce B prmptness in selfaaptaion Copen-minddess to nw experiencesD aoidance ofintna far ndbsPasg sc a an, comlescetyrelmple slutiosto ifrmaionl nsbe mplited. Many of lifes rolems whch wre solvdby sn fmily membrs, rinscollages aeeondth ap
20、ailityf th xtedd famly to resov hre to turor expert infoato an owto deterne hichexpet dvceto accept ar qustins facig yee today.Inaditioto thi, here hong mobiliy ofeple sic ord ar . As fals me away fo thei tle ommnity, heir frind ofman yer, teir extended amlyeltinsips, t nrml flow of informatin iscut
21、o, ad th it the confide htinfmaton wil be vibe wenedd and wi be trtwo n relible. The lmostuncnscious owof inraion about h simplt apcs of liin can e t.Tus, hins once learned uconcosly hrouh te asal counicatios f e extende aly must beconsiusly larndAdig to ocietalcane ty is a nros tocpilofinformtion.
22、Te individualnwas moe formationaailable tan any eneration,an te task of fnding that onepiece o infoaion eleant to hisr hr pecific rle is omplicated, te-onsuming and oetimes novrwheling .oupld wththgwig qatityfiormaon i he dvelome of echnologes wich ealeesorage a deivry of m infmation with greaesped
23、omor ocatons than hseerbee posiblbeor. Comptr techology makes it pssib o sto astamuntsof dimachne-readbl fils,nd t progm comurs to locate specifc ifoation. elecomuications develomens enable te ening o mssae via telvisio, radi, andey sortly, lectroic mal o bobr peole wih ulitues of msaes Satelltes av
24、 exended te power of comuncations torprt events ath intat of occurrene. Exprts anbe sard wold de rough elecnferencing, andobles in disutecanb setted ithou the prtiipans leavig their homnd/orjobs o trvel to isan onferene sie.eholoy hs fciitaedthe sharn of nforaonand hestaan delvery f irmation, thu kn
25、g ore ifortion avilable omor eopen thisorld change an compli,t ed or inomatinisogreaest imprtnce Thos pele o have accrte, reli up-to-date fomtotosothe day-to-dayprems,thcitia prblems o hbusines, ocial and faiy lif,ill survvand sccee. “Knowled i powr” ma webethe tretsyig and ccess to iformatinmaybe t
26、he ost crital requirement fall pele1.Th worit (lin ,Pra. ) most probly rers t_.A theak stable commuities t breakown f infrminforatin chnels t increse obity ofamsDhe oing nuer f people oving frmple o pce The main prblem peopl mayencontrtday arises form thefact tht_ they havelan new hins consciouslyB
27、hey lack the confidce o scuringrelaled trutworhy nformtioC tey hve difcutobtaining the neded infrmaton readiDthycn hadl carr out casual commniaions ith an xtededfamily.21 Frm te passage we cn infer tha_Aeletronic mil w oonp a domnant role in rnsmting megeBit will become moedifficul oreople to kep se
28、cretsin informatn erCple illspd less time oldin ming orcnferenesD evens will e ertedon the sot manl thrugh teltes2. We an lean om the last pagraph that _. i necsay o tain muchBpepl shoulake the best useofteinfmaiowe shoud rlzethe importanceo accumulatinginfrmin .D itsofvital ipance acqire needed ifr
29、mation fficientlyPssge Persnalit isto a lrg extntihenttypeparet usualri abut Atype ofping. But te evioent ut asohave aofound effec, nce i cmpiton simporan t e pas; it s ike to bcome amjor fctr in the livs of their ilrenOne pla whe cde soa p -chrctristcs is choo, hich is, byitverynature, a high copet
30、iive nstuton. To man shols dp tei at all costsmral stndrd nd asure thei successbysponachivmets he urren passon for making chilren cot gais hir clasmates agaitthe lc prouces a twoayer ystm, in wic coetive A peem in some way ettr tanthe B-type felows. Bin to eno win can have darous cnsc: remmbr tat Pd
31、ippdes, the fist maraon rnner, droppe da secodsfte sayi: “Rejo, w conuer!”By farhe worst m o cmpiin sho is thedsoportioat emphasison exminain.t isa re hool that allow pupils to oncene on ose thinsthedo wll. Temeri ocmpetiton b exainatinresomew quetinable, butcompettio inthe certaiknledgeof failure i
32、s oitiey harmfl.Ovosly, it is neither acti nor desirabl that all A youngsters chne ints.Thworl needs ypes,and choos hav an potant duy to try to fita cldpersonaity to hs possiblefutueepoymt It is op aagement.Ifh pccuaon ofschos wih cemc ork ws lsened, oe tie ight espe teching chdren sur vlues. rhas e
33、cionfor the carngrfesion,scialyeicne,cud be maes bygoodgrades i cemisry ndmore by suh condrtiosa senitivtyand sympaty. It is surel istk o choosourotors eclusively fromA typ sto.Br impont nd shuldbe encuaged3. ccording to tpssage, ypeidiviuls ae usully_. imaient Bconsderate agressiv agreeae24. Te aut
34、r s sgly oposed to the prctieofexmintins at cools bcu_.A the psre istoo reat n thestudetsB om student areoud o fal failureratesar to hgh the resus of xanimation a dubtful25. The eletio ofmedical rfessinals arrnty basd on_Acndidatessesitivity B ademicaciemetsCcetitve siritD surrvals26. Frm te passage
35、 we an d he conclsion that_.A te pesonality f acld is wll estalishd at ithBfmilyinflene doinats he hapn of ne s characerstc .C the elopmt fne ersonaityisdue o mutipleactos B-type haerist can fd noplace ioitive societyassage 5ht experiences infuence subseqent behi is eidence o an obiusut nevrthele re
36、aabeactivitcald emmbering. eain coudnotocu whoutth fnctin ppularly named mmoy. Costat practic has uch as efect onmeory aso lad t skillfulperformance o te pian, rcittioofaoem,dvento readig and unerstandig thse ord. So-alled inteligent behviour abilty o sve any roblmor evento recgiz tat a roem exi depends on memor
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