1、 阶段测试阶段测试 1(120 分钟,共分钟,共 100)一单项选择一单项选择(15 分)1 Can you undersdand me?Sorry.I can_undersdand what you have said.A.nearly B easily C hardly D exactly2 Could you please give me some _to the _teachers?A advice:man B adcice:men C Suggestion:man C suggestions:men3 _does your mother watch the Talk Show?-On
2、ce a week.A How long B How often C How soon4 My shirt is as _as jennys.A cheap B more cheaper C the cheaper D cheaper5 A number of students_in the dining hall.-Let me count.The number of the student_about 300.A are is B is are C are are D is is 6 The more you smile,the _you will feel.A happy B happi
3、er C happily D more happily7 If there are _peaple driving,there will be _air pollution.-Yes,the air will be cleaner and cleaner A less:less B less fewer C fewer fewer D fewer less8 Whats _name?-_name is Jack.A your brother;His B your brothers;He C your brother;He C your brothers;His9 Where is my pen
4、?.-Oh,sorry.I have taken _by mistake.A yours B mine C hers D his10 I hear our teacher will be back _ three weeks time.A at B in C for D after11 May is the _mounth of a year A fifty B fifteen C fifth D five12 Where is Tom?-Look,he _bascketball.A played B playing C is playing D plays13 Whats this?-_a
5、backpack.A Thiss B Its C This is D That is14 Would you like _apples?-Thank you.I am full A any B some C more D many15 Please write a letter _your friend_Chinese。A for;with B at;to C to;in D to;on二二 完形填空完形填空(10 分分)One day a young man had to stop his car soon after he started for London because he hea
6、rd a strange noise from the back of his car.He 1 and examined the wheels carefully,but as he found 2 wrong,he went on.The noise began at once and now it was even louder.He turned his head and saw something that looked like a big,dark cloud following his car.When he 3 at a village,he was told that a
7、queen bee(蜂王蜂王)must be somewhere 4 his car as there were thousands of bees around.To get away from the bees,the man drove away 5 and after some time arrived in London.He 6 his car outside a house and went in to have a drink.7 a door keeper hurried in to tell him that his car was covered with bees th
8、e poor young man 8 telephone the policeman and told him what had happened.The policeman sent him a bee-keeper soon found the passenger,a queen bee,near the wheels,He was very 9 to the young man for his present.He took the bees 10 in a box,the young man drove away happily.()1.A stopped B started C go
9、t out D looked at()2.A nothing B something C anything D everything()3.A reached B stopped C started D went on()4.A under B above C in D behind()5.A widely B safely C suddenly D quickly()6.A drove B left C found D took()7.A Then B So C When D Now()8.A would B could C had to D might()9.A useful B help
10、ful C careful D thankful()10.A back B home C here D around三三 阅读理解(阅读理解(30 分)分)AA A goodgood readerreader isis veryvery muchmuch likelike a a driver.driver.HeHe mustmust changechange hishis readingreading speedspeed toto fitfit hishis purposepurpose andand thethe materialmaterial hehe isis reading,re
11、ading,justjust asas a a driverdriver doesdoes fitfit thethe roadroad situation.situation.A A goodgood readerreader maymay bebe ableable toto readread a a thousandthousand wordswords perper minuteminute (WPM)(WPM),butbut hehe wonwont t useuse thatthat speedspeed forfor everythingeverything hehe reads
12、.reads.A A goodgood readerreader doingdoing researchresearch readingreading inin thethe librarylibrary maymay readread atat thethe speedspeed ofof 1,0001,000 wordswords perper minuteminute asas hehe lookslooks forfor materialsmaterials forfor a a report.report.ButBut onceonce hehe findsfinds somethi
13、ngsomething thatthat isis usefuluseful toto him,him,hehe maymay needneed toto slowslow downdown toto 100100 WPMWPM .A A goodgood readerreader maymay readread newspapernewspaper andand magazinemagazine articlesarticles atat 600600 WPMWPM .ButBut itit maymay taketake himhim 150150 WPMWPM toto readread
14、 hishis sciencescience oror mathsmaths texttext .JustJust asas a a driverdriver hashas a a widewide changechange ofof speedspeed ,soso hashas a a goodgood readerreader .()1.According)1.According toto thethe writerwriter ,goodgood readersreaders cancan .A.A.readread atat 1,0001,000 WPMWPM B.B.spendsp
15、end moremore timetime readingreading C C .change.change thethe speedspeed asas neededneeded()2.The)2.The passagepassage tellstells usus thatthat thethe speedspeed ofof readingreading dependsdepends onon .a a .the.the numbernumber ofof booksbooks b.b.thethe purposepurpose ofof readingreading c.c.thet
16、he timetime whenwhen youyourere readingreading d.d.thethe materialmaterial thatthat youyourere readingreadinge.e.thethe placeplace wherewhere youyourere readingreadingA.A.a a andand b b B.B.b b andand d d C.C.b b ,c c andand d d()3.A)3.A goodgood readerreader maymay useuse thethe highesthighest spee
17、dspeed ofof readingreading whenwhen .A.A.hehe isis tryingtrying toto findfind materialsmaterials forfor hishis reportreportB.B.hehe isis tryingtrying toto workwork outout a a mathmath problemproblemC.C.hehe readsreads thethe materialmaterial mostmost usefuluseful toto himhim()4.The)4.The passagepass
18、age suggestssuggests thatthat a a goodgood driverdriver shouldshould .A.A.bebe ableable toto driverdriver atat a a highhigh speedspeedB.B.bebe goodgood atat drivingdriving onon a a countrycountry roadroadC.C.bebe goodgood atat changingchanging drivingdriving speedspeed()5.This)5.This passagepassage
19、isis mainlymainly aboutabout .A.A.thethe importanceimportance ofof havinghaving differentdifferent readingreading speedspeedB.B.thethe relationrelation(关系)(关系)betweenbetween readingreading andand drivingdriving speedspeedC.C.thethe differencedifference betweenbetween drivingdriving andand readingrea
20、dingB“CoolCool”isis a a wordword withwith manymany meanings.meanings.ItsIts oldold meaningmeaning isis usedused toto expressexpress a a temperaturetemperature thatthat isis a a littlelittle bitbit cold.cold.AsAs thethe worldworld hashas changed,changed,thethe wordword hashas hadhad manymany differen
21、tdifferent meanings.meanings.“CoolCool”cancan bebe usedused toto expressexpress feelingsfeelings ofof interestinterest inin almostalmost everything.everything.WhenWhen youyou seesee a a famousfamous carcar inin thethe street,street,maybemaybe youyou willwill say.say.“ItIts s cool.cool.”YouYou maymay
22、 think,think,“HeHes s soso cool,cool,”whenwhen youyou seesee youryour favouritefavourite footballfootball player.player.WeWe allall maximize(maximize(扩大扩大)the)the meaningmeaning ofof “coolcool”.YouYou cancan useuse itit insteadinstead ofof manymany words,words,suchsuch asas “newnew”or“surprising”.He
23、reor“surprising”.Heres s anan interestinginteresting storystory wewe cancan useuse toto showshow thethe wayway thethe wordword isis used.used.A A teacherteacher askedasked herher studentstudent toto writewrite aboutabout thethe waterfall(waterfall(瀑布瀑布)theythey hadhad visited.visited.OnOn thethe stu
24、dentstudents s paperpaper waswas justjust thethe oneone sentence,sentence,“ItIts s soso cool.cool.”MaybeMaybe hehe thoughtthought itit waswas thethe bestbest wayway toto showshow whatwhat hehe sawsaw andand felt.felt.ButBut thethe storystory alsoalso showsshows a a scarcity(scarcity(缺乏缺乏)of)of words
25、.words.WithoutWithout “coolcool”,somesome peoplepeople havehave nono wordswords toto showshow thethe samesame meaning.meaning.SoSo itit isis quitequite importantimportant toto keepkeep somesome credibility(credibility(可信性可信性).Can).Can youyou thinkthink ofof manymany otherother wordswords thatthat ma
26、kemake youryour lifelife asas colorfulcolorful asas thethe wordword “coolcool”?I I can.can.AndAnd I I thinkthink theythey areare alsoalso veryvery cool.cool.1.We1.We knowknow thatthat thethe wordword “coolcool”hashas hadhad _._.A.A.onlyonly oneone meaningmeaning B.B.nono meaningmeaning C.C.manymany
27、differentdifferent meaningsmeanings 2.In2.In thethe passage,passage,thethe wordword “expressexpress”meansmeans “_”.A.A.seesee B.B.showshow C.C.knowknow 3.If3.If youyou areare _ something,something,youyou maymay say,say,“ItIts s cool.cool.”A.A.interestedinterested inin B.B.angryangry aboutabout C.C.w
28、orriedworried aboutabout 4.The4.The writerwriter takestakes anan exampleexample toto showshow hehe isis _ thethe wayway thethe wordword isis used.used.A.A.pleasedpleased withwith B.B.strangestrange toto C.C.worriedworried aboutabout 5.In5.In thethe passage,passage,thethe writerwriter suggests(sugges
29、ts(暗示暗示)that)that thethe wordword “coolcool”_._.A.A.cancan bebe usedused insteadinstead ofof manymany wordswords B.B.usuallyusually meansmeans somethingsomething interestinginteresting C.C.cancan makemake youryour lifelife colorfulcolorful C CCaptainCaptain GoodGood FellowFellowDoDo youryour childre
30、nchildren enjoyenjoy interestinginteresting stories,stories,funnyfunny games,games,andand excitingexciting dancesdances?CaptainCaptain GoodfellowGoodfellow willwill bebe readyready toto teachteach allall thesethese thingsthings toto childrenchildren atat thethe CityCity TheatreTheatre onon SaturdayS
31、aturday morningmorning atat 10:0010:00 ,free.free.FilmsFilms atat thethe MuseumMuseumTwoTwo EuropeanEuropean filmsfilms willwill bebe shownshown onon SaturdaySaturday afternoonafternoon atat thethe MuseumMuseum Theatre.Theatre.SeeSee BrokenBroken WindowWindow atat 1:30.1:30.TheThe WorkersWorkers wil
32、lwill bebe atat 3:45.3:45.ForFor furtherfurther information,information,callcall 4987898.4987898.InternationalInternational PicnicPicnicAreAre youyou tiredtired ofof eatingeating thethe samesame foodfood everyevery dayday?ComeCome toto CentralCentral ParkPark onon SaturdaySaturday andand enjoyenjoy
33、foodfood fromfrom allall overover thethe world.world.DeliciousDelicious andand notnot expensive.expensive.NoonNoon toto 5:00p.m.5:00p.m.TakeTake meme outout toto thethe BallgameBallgameItIts s October,October,andand SaturdaySaturday nightnight (7:00-9:00)(7:00-9:00)isis youryour lastlast chancechanc
34、e toto seesee thethe RedRed BirdsBirds thisthis year.year.GetGet youryour ticketstickets atat thethe gate.gate.ItIt mightmight bebe coldcoldDonDont t forgetforget sweaterssweaters andand jackets.jackets.DoDo youyou wantwant toto hearhear “TheThe ZooZoo”“TheThe ZooZoo”,a a popularpopular rockrock gro
35、upgroup fromfrom Australia,Australia,willwill givegive theirtheir firstfirst U.S.U.S.concertconcert thisthis SaturdaySaturday night,night,atat 8 8 atat RoseRose Hall,Hall,CityCity College.College.1.1.OnOn SaturdaySaturday morning,morning,youyou can_.can_.A.A.gogo toto watchwatch a a ballgame.ballgam
36、e.B.B.taketake childrenchildren toto playplay gamesgames atat thethe CityCity Theatre.Theatre.C.C.gogo toto a a concertconcert atat RoseRose Hall,Hall,CityCity College.College.2.2.TheThe RedRed BirdsBirds ballgame_.ballgame_.A.A.isis inin thethe afternoonafternoon B.B.isis outsideoutside C.C.isis at
37、at thethe gategate 3.You3.You cancan eateat manymany differentdifferent kindskinds ofof foodfood fromfrom allall overover thethe worldworld ifif you_.you_.A.A.gogo toto thethe CityCity TheatreTheatre B.B.gogo toto thethe CentralCentral ParkPark C.C.buybuy ticketstickets atat thethe gategate 4.4.“The
38、The ZooZoo”isis _._.A.A.a a U.S.U.S.concertconcert B.B.a a parkpark withwith manymany redred birdsbirds inin itit C.C.a a musicmusic groupgroup 5.5.MrMr TurnerTurner wantswants toto havehave a a nicenice Saturday.Saturday.WhichWhich isis notnot possiblepossible forfor himhim toto do?do?A.A.WatchingW
39、atching a a ballgameballgame andand havinghaving a a picnic.picnic.B.B.HavingHaving a a picnicpicnic andand seeingseeing a a film.film.C.C.ListeningListening toto a a concertconcert andand watchingwatching a a ballgame.ballgame.四四 任务型阅读(任务型阅读(1515 分)分)Failure(失败)is a part of life.No matter what we d
40、o,there are always two results:success and failure.There is no doubt(怀疑)that every one of us wants to be successful,but we cant always avoid failure.People have different opinions about the failure.Some people regard failure as a bad thing.They hold that they should always do everything well.If they
41、 fail in something,they will lose their confidence.Other people regard failure as a chance to learn.They redo(重做)what they failed to do.They know complaining wont help themselves.As an old saying goes,“Failure is the mother of success.”As long as we keep to what is right and correct what is wrong in
42、 time,we will have success.In my opinion,failure is not bad,its not good,either.1.Failure can make people lose their confidence.(T or F)2.Life without failure isnt true.(T or F)_3.Put the underlined sentence(in Paragraph 1)into Chinese.4.Why do some people regard failure as a chance to learn?_5.What
43、 does the writer think about failure?_五补全对话(五补全对话(10 分)分)A Have you taken your temperature?B Youve got a cold.C Is it serious?D I am sorryE How often do I have to take itG How long have you been like this?A:1 .?B:They are talking about yesterdays football match.A:Oh,I watched it on TV.Beijing Team h
44、ad very good teamwork.Didnt you watch it?B:2 .I did my homework and forgot the time.When I turned on the TV,it had finished already.A:3 !But Beijing Team will play again this evening.B:4._?A:Sure.Youd better finish your homework earlier if you want to watch it.Remember,5.B:Thats a good idea.(Looking
45、 at his watch.)Oh,I havent much time left.Id better hurry to finish my homework.六写作六写作:(2020 分)分)请从外貌、性格、爱好、理想和为什么想要成为这样的人五个方面介绍自己的请从外貌、性格、爱好、理想和为什么想要成为这样的人五个方面介绍自己的变化和理想。变化和理想。70-9070-90 词。开头已经给出。词。开头已经给出。中文提示:中文提示:我在过去的几年中变化很多。我在过去的几年中变化很多。过去性格内向且腼腆,现在又高又活泼。过去性格内向且腼腆,现在又高又活泼。过去喜欢玩篮球踢足球,现在对电脑科学感兴趣。
46、过去喜欢玩篮球踢足球,现在对电脑科学感兴趣。将来想当电脑程序员。可以挣很多钱,使家人过上幸福生活。将来想当电脑程序员。可以挣很多钱,使家人过上幸福生活。英语提示:英语提示:thinthin,shyshy,outgoingoutgoing,usedused toto,bebe interestedinterested inin,computercomputer programmerprogrammer,makemake moneymoney inin thethe futurefuture .I.I havehave changedchanged a a lotlot inin thethe lastlast fewfew years._years._
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