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1、精典文章英汉对照翻译精典文章英汉对照翻译?精典文章英汉对照翻译对戏曲稍有了解的人都知道那里面的很多角色都是反串演出的,很多戏曲名家也都是因其反串角色的大受欢迎而出名的,比如我们最熟悉的梅兰芳。在国外的戏剧界,反串演出也很常见,他们管这叫 cross casting。There have been several examples recently in the London theatre of what show business calls cross-casting:men playing female roles or women mens,the latter being much

2、more common to offset the much larger proportion of male parts in plays.最近伦敦戏剧界女扮男、男演女的反串之风颇为盛行,在戏剧方面,女扮男的情形要比男演女的情形更加常见,因为戏剧里面的男性角色要远远多于女性角色。也有人说 regender 这个词是表示“反串”的,其实不然。Regender 一般用来指 the rewriting of texts to convert male parts into female ones in a play(在戏剧演出中将作品中的男性角色改成女性角色,即角色重塑),与现实演出中的“反串”

3、表演并不是一回事。加拿大银行开课 教富家子弟理财Canadian bank teaches rich kids how to stay richWealth managers at Bank of Montreal kept hearing the same things from Canada's richest families:Help me!My kids know nothing about money and will squander the family fortunes.Wealth managers at Bank of Montreal kept hearing

4、the same things from Canada's richest families:Help me!My kids know nothing about money and will squander the family fortunes.Two years later,the one-day seminar aimed at the grown children of what the bank calls its"high net worth families"has a waiting list,and is taking to the road

5、to teach heirs and heiresses across Canada how to manage their money."Word has gotten out about the program,"said Jean Blacklock,vice-president of wealth services at Canada's fourth-largest bank."Our competitors are not offering anything similar.and parents are very happy to see h

6、ow excited their children were after attending the seminar."Many were less thrilled before they attended,forced to participate by parents who control the purse strings."Levels of interest vary,"admitted Jim Davies,the New-York based expert who teaches the day-long course."You get

7、 one who says:'I play the guitar and draw,and my father told me I have to go to this or he'd cut me off'."But the economic crisis and grim headlines have upped appetites for the seminar,aimed at teaching a few key generalities:how to set goals,balance a budget,and avoid getting swin

8、dled by Bernie Madoff-esque money managers."They're concerned about that,of course they are,"said Davies,a New York Institute of Finance faculty member who has been teaching children of the wealthy for 20 years.The code word for the seminar is discretion.Blacklock declined to name clie

9、nts,saying only that parents have a net worth of at least C$500,000.She said it is frequently a family affair."Siblings often come together,or we have cousin combinations,"Blacklock explained,showing the plush seminar room,68 stories above Toronto's financial district,where wealthy hei

10、rs had enjoyed wall-to-wall views of Lake Ontario only moments before.(Agencies)加拿大蒙特利尔银行的理财经理们过去总是从该国最富裕的家庭听到同样的话:帮帮我!我的孩子对理财一无所知,总有一天会荡尽家财。两年之后的今天,蒙特利尔银行专门针对“高额资产家庭”子弟推出的的一日知识讲座颇受追捧,该讲座主要教授加拿大富豪家族的继承人们如何管理财富。该银行的理财服务部副总监吉恩?布莱克洛克说:“有关开课的消息已经传出去。我们提供的服务是竞争对手所没有的,家长们看到他们的孩子参加讲座后很兴奋也感到非常开心。”蒙特利尔银行是加拿大

11、第四大银行。很多孩子之前并不感兴趣,是在管钱的父母的逼迫下才去听课的。来自纽约、教授该理财课程的专家吉姆?达维斯坦称:“大家的兴趣程度各不相同。有个学员说,我爱弹吉它画画,但我爸告诉我必须去上这个课,要不他就不给我钱花。”但经济危机和各种郁闷的消息增加了该讲座的吸引力。该讲座旨在教授几个主要的常识性问题,包括如果设定目标,保持预算平衡以及如何避免受麦道夫这样的理财经理的诈骗等等。达维斯说:“他们很关心这些问题,这是当然的。”达维斯是纽约财政学院的一名老师,他教授富家子弟理财已有 20 年。该讲座的关键词是谨慎。布莱克洛克拒绝提供学员信息,只称参加培训的学员的家庭净资产至少为 50 万加元。据她

12、介绍,家庭成员们总是一起来听课。布莱克洛克解释说:“一家的兄弟姐妹常常一起来听课,也有表亲一起来的。”讲座教室十分豪华,位于多伦多金融区 68 层的高楼之上,在这里这些富家子弟们刚刚欣赏到安大略湖的全景。英国慈善义工获“世界最好工作”British fundraiser wins'best job in the world'Winner of"The Best Job in the World"competition Ben Southall of Britain May 6,2009.AgenciesA bungee jumping,ostrich-rid

13、ing British charity worker was named Wednesday the winner of what's been dubbed the"Best Job in the World"-a 150,000 Australian dollar($111,000)contract to serve as the caretaker of a tropical Australian island.Ben Southall,34,beat out nearly 35,000 applicants from around the world for

14、 the dream assignment to swim,explore and relax on Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef for six months while writing a blog to promote the area.He was selected for the gig by officials from the tourism department of Queensland state.Southall and 15 other finalists spent the past four days on th

15、e Queensland island for an extended interview process,which required applicants to snorkel through crystalline waters,gorge themselves at a beach-side barbecue and relax at a spa.The finalists also had to demonstrate their blogging abilities,take swimming tests and sit through in-person interviews.I

16、n his application video,Southall expressed a love for adventure,and featured photographs of himself riding an ostrich,running a marathon,trekking through Africa and kissing a giraffe.The job is part of a AU$1.7 million tourism campaign to publicize the charms of northeastern Queensland,and officials

17、 say it has already generated more than AU$100 million worth of publicity for the region.Southall will live for free in an airy,three-bedroom oceanfront villa with a private pool and sweeping views of the surrounding islands.The job begins July 1.点击查看更多双语新闻(Agencies)“世界上最好工作”最终人选于本周三揭晓,获得该职位的是来自英国的一

18、名爱好蹦极和骑过驼鸟的慈善义工。他将获签一份薪酬达 15 万澳元(合 11.1 万美元)的合同,成为澳大利亚一个热带岛屿的护岛人。现年 34 岁的本?索思豪尔击败了全球近 3.5 万名应聘者,赢得了这份梦想中的工作,他所要做的就是在大堡礁汉密尔顿岛游泳、探索和放松六个月,同时写写博客宣传该地区。索思豪尔是由昆士兰州旅游局的官员们最终遴选出的。在过去四天中,索思豪尔和另外 15 名决赛选手在昆士兰的这个岛屿上接受了一个密集面试,面试内容包括在清澈的海水里潜水,在海边大啖烤肉,以及做 spa 放松等。选手们还要展示他们写博客的能力、接受游泳测试以及与考官面谈等。在应聘视频中,索思豪尔表达了自己对冒

19、险运动的热爱,还展示了自己骑鸵鸟、跑马拉松、徒步穿越非洲以及亲吻长颈鹿的照片。该工作是宣传昆士兰东北部岛屿魅力旅游推广活动的一部分,总耗资 170 万澳元。有关官员称此次招聘为该地区创造的宣传价值已超过 1 亿澳元。索思豪尔将免费住在一栋通风的三居室的海滨别墅内,别墅配有一个私人游泳池,而且还能在此欣赏到周围海岛的无限风光。他将于 7 月 1 日正式上岗。A combination photo of Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi,Angelina Jolie,Jennifer Aniston,Jennifer Garner(L-R).Comedian

20、Ellen DeGeneres and her actress partner Portia de Rossi topped a poll that asked American moms which celebrities they would feel most comfortable leaving their kids with.Comedian Ellen DeGeneres and her actress partner Portia de Rossi topped a poll that asked American moms which celebrities they wou

21、ld feel most comfortable leaving their kids with.DeGeneres and de Rossi,who married in August when same-sex marriages in California were brief ly legalized but who have no children,beat Angelina Jolie and partner Brad Pitt with their eclectic brood of six in the ParentD poll of more than 10,000 moms

22、.The TV chat show host and de Rossi took 31 percent of votes with singleton Jennifer Aniston coming in second at 22 percent.Jolie and Pitt got 18 percent of votes,while chat show queen Oprah Winfrey got just nine percent.Jolie also won few fans as a mom,coming bottom in a list of five best celebrity

23、 mothers.Former"Alias"star and mom of two Jennifer Garner won that round with 37 percent of votes,followed by first lady Michelle Obama and Oscar winner Reese Witherspoon in a virtual tie.In a close battle for worst celebrity mom,rock singer Courtney Love edged out Dina Lohan-mother of Lin

24、dsay Lohan-and pop star Britney Spears.The poll,conducted to mark Mother's Day in the United States on Sunday,was carried out on AOL's parenting site ParentD between April 23-May 5.As for their top Mother's Day gift,those questioned chose"time with my family"by an overwhelming

25、63 percent over chocolates and flowers.(Agencies)一项调查表明,在美国的妈妈们看来,把孩子交给喜剧演员艾伦?德詹尼丝和她的伴侣、女星波蒂亚?德罗西感觉最放心。在这项由 ParentD 网站对美国 1 万多名妈妈开展的民意调查中,德詹妮丝和德罗西击败了养育有六个不同血统孩子的情侣安吉丽娜?朱莉和布拉德?皮特。德詹妮丝和德罗西于去年八月结婚,此时加利福尼亚州刚实行同性婚姻合法化不久,但她们没有孩子。身为电视访谈节目主持人的德鲁妮丝和德罗西的得票率为 31%,单身女星詹妮弗?安妮丝顿以 22%的得票率位居其后,朱莉和皮特的得票率为 18%,而脱口秀女王

26、奥普拉?温芙瑞仅得到 9%的选票。作为一位母亲,朱莉的支持者也不算太多,她在五位最佳明星妈妈评比中排名最后。曾主演双面女间谍的女星、两个孩子的母亲詹妮弗?加纳以 37%的得票率位居榜首,第一夫人米歇尔?奥巴马和奥斯卡奖得主瑞茜?威瑟斯彭并列第二。在最差明星妈妈的“激烈角逐”中,摇滚歌手科特妮?洛芙击败了林赛?罗韩的母亲迪娜?罗韩,以及流行歌星“小甜甜”布兰妮。为庆祝本周日的母亲节,美国在线旗下的育儿网站 ParentD 于 4 月 23 日至 5 月5 日开展了此项调查。在母亲节最佳礼物评选中,有 63%的受访者选择“与家人共度时光”,以压倒性优势超过巧克力和鲜花。标 题:江主席在哈佛大学的演

27、讲(英译文:1997.11.1)Enhance Mutual Understanding and Build Stronger Ties of Friendship and CooperationPresident Jiang Zemin's Speech at Harvard University,November 1,1997 Mr.President,Ladies and Gentlemen,I wish to thank President Rudenstine,for inviting me to this old yet modernized institution of

28、the United States in this golden fall.Since its founding some 360 years ago,Harvard has nurtured a great number of outstanding statesmen,scientists,writers and businessmen,in-cluding six of the American Presidents and over thirty Nobel Prize win-ners.The fact that Harvard was founded before the Unit

29、ed States of Amer-ica testifies to its position in American history.Harvard is among the first American universities to accept Chinese students.The Chinese educational,scientific and cultural communitieshave all along maintained academic exchanges with this university.Harvardhas thus made useful con

30、tribution to the enhanced mutual understandingbetween the Chinese and American peoples.Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to-state relations.WithoutIt,it would be impossible for countries to build trust and promote coopera-tion with each other.Since the establishment of diplomatic ties betw

31、eenChina and the United States,the exchanges and mutual understanding be-tween our two peoples have broadened and deepened steadily.However,this is not enough.To promote the development of China-US relations,China needs to know the United States better and vice versa.To know China better,one may app

32、roach it from different angles,China today has evolved from its past.China is a country with 5,000 years of civilization.Therefore,it is important to approach China from a histor-ical and cultural perspective.I recall my first lesson on calculus in high school.My teacher quoted aline from Zhunag Zi(

33、cir 369-286 BC),which reads"cut away half of arod and keep on halving what is left,and there will be no end to that pro-cess."This gave me a vivid concept of limit.It shows that the ancient Chi-nese realized the endless process of changes of matter and had a fairly goodunderstanding of nat

34、ure.As early as 2,500 BC,the Chinese began astro-nomical observation and geographical survey,and gradually formed a world outlook of"Heaven and Man are one."China produced in its historymany outstanding philosophers,thinkers,statesmen,strategists,scien-ties,writers and artists and left us

35、numerous volumes of literature.Thescene of"contention of a hundred schools of thought"brought forth in theSpring and Autumn Period 2,500 years ago and the Warring States Periodover 2,200 years ago and the emergence of various schools of thought andtheir exponents such as Lao Zi and Confuci

36、us(551-479 BC)occupy a veryimportant position in the world history of philosophy.Ancient China madeunique contributions to many areas of science including astronomy,calen-dric system,geography,mathematics,agriculture,medicine and the hu-manities.Records of solar and lunar eclipses are found in the i

37、nscriptionson bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty over 3,000 years ago.Inthe 2,100 years(221 BC-1911)from the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dy-nasty,the 27 appearances of Halley's Comet were all recorded in China,Zhang Heng(78-139)of the Han Dynasty invented a seismograph to de-termine

38、the location of earthquakes and an armillary sphere that showed themovement of the sun,moon and other stars.Mathematicians in the pre-Qin days over 2,200 years ago put forward the proposition known as thePythagorean theorem in the West today.In the Northern and Southern Dy-nasties in the 4th century

39、 AD,China's mathematician Zu Chongzhi(429-500)calculated the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter tobe 3.1415926.China's silk-weaving,porcelain making,metallurgy andshipbuilding very early reached the world's advanced level.In the Ming Dy-nasty,Zhu Zaiyu(1536-1610?)init

40、iated the twelve-tone temperamentwhich later became the universal standard tones.The Chinese medicine is aunique school of its own.Particularly,China's four great inventions of pa-per making,gunpowder,printing and compass had once changed the faceof the world.China had been a world leader in sci

41、ence and technology forone thousand years until the 15th century.These inventions and creationsof China represented lights of reason in the harmonious development of man and nature and the integration of the scientific spirit and moral ideals.China's culture in history has never stopped developi

42、ng.It has pro-gressed through the contention and infiltration of various disciplines andschools of thought,and also through the mutual exchanges and learning be-tween China and other countries in the world.From old times,the Chinesepeople came to know full well the importance of"drawing widely

43、uponothers'strong points to improve oneself."The Han and Tang were bothdynasties of economic prosperity and also flourishing international ex-changes.The trips of imperial envoy Zhang Qian to the Western regions(139-126,119 BC)opened up the world-famous Silk-Road;EminentMonk Xuan Zang(602-6

44、64)of Tang made a long journey and broughtback ancient culture of South Asian countries in the form of Buddhist su-tras.In the Ming Dynasty,Chinese navigator Cheng Ho(1371-1435)ledfleets to what was then called the"West Sea"seven times in the 15th centu-ry spreading the Chinese culture to

45、distant land.Only later on,especiallyin late Qing Dynasty,did the feudal rulers adopt a policy of seclusion,which hampered China's progress and its exchanges with the outside world.After the opium War(1840-1842),generation after generation of en-lightened Chinese people have,for national rejuven

46、ation,spared no effortsin learning from Western countries'advanced scientific thought and fruit of civilization,which in combination with China's realities pushed forwardChina's social reforms and development.Today,the Chinese people whoare struggling to achieve modernization have made o

47、pening-up a basic statepolicy and are conduction extensive exchanges and cooperation with the rest of the world,thus creation a brand-new situation of opening-up in the Chi-nese history.Sunlight is composed of seven colors,so is our world full of differentcolors.Every country and every nation has it

48、s own historical and cultural,traditions,strong points and advantages.We should respect and learnfrom each other and draw upon others'strong points to make up one's own,deficiencies,thus achieving common progress.In the prolonged course of its development,China has formed its finehistorical

49、and cultural traditions,which have been either developed or sub-lated with the changes of the times and social progress.These traditionshave exerted a profound impact on the values and way of life of the Chinesepeople today,and on China's road of advance.Here,I would lick to makesome observation

50、s on the following aspects,which I hope will help youknow China better.First,the tradition of solidarity and unity.The Chinese nation is a big family composed of 56 nationalities.Since time immemorial,people of all our nationalities have established close-knit political,economic and cultur-al links


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