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1、音乐演出合同范本四篇音乐演出合同范本Music Performance Contract Sample音乐演出合同范本一Music Performance Contract Sample One合同双方:音乐人(以下简称“甲方”)和演出机构(以下简称“乙方”)。Contracting Parties: Musician (referred to as Party A) and Performance Agency (referred to as Party B).一、演出内容:1. 甲方将于【演出日期】在【演出地点】举行音乐演出,演出内容为【演出曲目】。2. 乙方将负责安排场地、音响设备等必要

2、设备,以确保音乐演出的顺利进行。Performance Details:1. Party A will hold a music performance on Date at Venue, with the performance including Set List.2. Party B will be responsible for arranging the venue, sound equipment, and other necessary devices to ensure the smooth progress of the music performance.二、费用支付:1.

3、 乙方将支付给甲方【费用金额】作为演出酬劳,具体支付时间为【支付时间】。2. 若演出因乙方原因取消,乙方需支付甲方【取消费用】作为赔偿。Payment Terms:1. Party B shall pay Party A a fee of Fee Amount as performance remuneration, with the specific payment date being Payment Date.2. In case of cancellation of the performance by Party B, Party B shall compensate Party A

4、 with Cancellation Fee.三、权利保障:1. 甲方享有演出期间的人身安全和合法权益保障,乙方应当提供必要的保护措施。2. 乙方有权利合理使用甲方的表演资料、宣传照片等进行宣传推广。Rights Protection:1. Party A has the right to personal safety and legal rights protection during the performance, and Party B should provide necessary protection measures.2. Party B has the right to u

5、se Party As performance materials, promotional photos, etc., for publicity and promotion purposes.四、违约责任:1. 若一方未履行合同约定,需支付对方【违约金额】作为违约金。2. 若因不可抗力因素导致演出无法进行,一方可提出延期或取消演出的申请,另一方须无条件接受。Breach of Contract:1. If either party fails to fulfill the contract, they shall pay the other party Liquidated Damages

6、 Amount as liquidated damages.2. In case the performance cannot proceed due to force majeure factors, one party can apply for postponement or cancellation of the performance, and the other party must unconditionally accept.五、其他约定:1. 合同一式两份,甲乙双方各持一份,具有同等效力。2. 本合同自双方签署之日起生效,至演出结束之日止。Other Agreements:1

7、. Two copies of the contract shall be made, with each party holding one, both having equal legal validity.2. This contract shall come into effect from the date of signing by both parties and shall remain in force until the end of the performance.音乐演出合同范本二Music Performance Contract Sample Two合同双方:乐队(

8、以下简称“甲方”)和音乐节主办方(以下简称“乙方”)。Contracting Parties: Band (referred to as Party A) and Music Festival Organizer (referred to as Party B).一、演出详情:1. 甲方将于【音乐节日期】在【音乐节场地】参加音乐节演出,演出时间为【演出时长】。2. 乙方将负责提供音响设备、舞台搭建等必要设备支持,以确保甲方演出成功。Performance Details:1. Party A will participate in the music festival performance

9、on Music Festival Date at Music Festival Venue, with the performance duration being Performance Duration.2. Party B will be responsible for providing sound equipment, stage setup, and other necessary equipment support to ensure the success of Party As performance.二、费用结算:1. 乙方将支付给甲方【固定费用】作为音乐节演出酬劳,具体

10、支付方式和时间为【支付条款】。2. 若因甲方原因未能完成演出,乙方有权利要求返还已支付的部分费用。Payment Settlement:1. Party B shall pay Party A a fixed fee of Fixed Fee as music festival performance remuneration, with specific payment terms and schedule as Payment Terms.2. If Party A fails to complete the performance due to its own reasons, Part

11、y B has the right to demand a refund of the partially paid fee.三、保险责任:1. 甲方需购买演出人身意外保险,为演出期间可能发生的意外情况进行保障。2. 乙方应当购买音乐节责任险,确保在演出期间造成的人身伤害及财产损失得到赔偿。Insurance Responsibility:1. Party A shall purchase performance personal accident insurance to provide protection against possible accidents during the per

12、formance.2. Party B should purchase music festival liability insurance to ensure compensation for personal injuries and property damage caused during the performance.四、演出权利:1. 甲方享有演出期间的表演权利和演出录音拍摄权利,乙方应提供必要支持。2. 乙方享有利用音乐节现场照片、视频进行宣传推广的权利,甲方应协助推广。Performance Rights:1. Party A has the performance righ

13、ts during the performance and the right to record and shoot the performance, with Party B providing necessary support.2. Party B has the right to use on-site photos and videos of the music festival for promotional purposes, and Party A should assist in the promotion.五、解决争议:1. 若在履行过程中发生争议,应协商解决;协商不成的

14、,提交有管辖权的法院进行裁决。2. 若出现不可抗力因素导致演出无法进行,应协商解决或提出延期取消的申请。Dispute Resolution:1. In case of disputes during the performance, they should be resolved through negotiation; if negotiation fails, the dispute shall be submitted to a court with jurisdiction for adjudication.2. In case of force majeure factors ca

15、using the performance to be unable to proceed, the parties should negotiate a solution or apply for postponement or cancellation.其他补充:1. 本合同一式两份,自双方签署之日起生效,至音乐节结束之日终止。2. 本合同内容经甲乙双方确认,具有合法有效性。Additional Provisions:1. Two copies of this contract shall be made, coming into effect from the date of signi

16、ng by both parties and terminating on the day of the end of the music festival.2. The content of this contract, confirmed by both parties, is legally valid.音乐演出合同范本三Music Performance Contract Sample Three合同双方:独立音乐人(以下简称“甲方”)和音乐场馆(以下简称“乙方”)。Contracting Parties: Independent Musician (referred to as Pa

17、rty A) and Music Venue (referred to as Party B).一、演出安排:1. 甲方将于【演出日期】在【音乐场馆】进行独立音乐演出,演出时间为【演出时段】。2. 乙方将提供演出场地、音响设备等必备设备支持,以确保甲方演出顺利完成。Performance Arrangement:1. Party A will hold an independent music performance on Performance Date at Music Venue, with the performance duration being Performance Slot.

18、2. Party B will provide the performance venue, sound equipment, and other necessary equipment support to ensure the smooth completion of Party As performance.二、费用结算:1. 乙方将支付给甲方【演出收入分成比例】的演出收入,具体结算方式和时间为【结算条款】。2. 若演出期间因乙方原因取消,乙方将支付甲方【取消费用】作为赔偿。Payment Settlement:1. Party B shall pay Party A a share o

19、f the performance income at a ratio of Revenue Sharing Percentage, with specific settlement terms and schedule as Settlement Terms.2. If the performance is canceled due to Party Bs reasons during the performance, Party B shall compensate Party A with Cancellation Fee.三、权利保障:1. 甲方享有演出期间的表演权利和作品权利,乙方应

20、保护甲方的合法权益。2. 乙方有权合理利用甲方的肖像权、宣传照片等进行音乐场馆宣传推广。Rights Protection:1. Party A has the performance rights and intellectual property rights during the performance, and Party B should protect Party As legal rights.2. Party B has the right to reasonably use Party As image rights, promotional photos, etc., fo

21、r music venue publicity and promotion.四、违约责任:1. 若一方未履行合同约定,需支付对方【违约金额】作为违约金。2. 若演出因不可抗力因素无法进行,一方可协商提出取消或延期演出的申请。Breach of Contract:1. If either party fails to fulfill the contract, they shall pay the other party Liquidated Damages Amount as liquidated damages.2. In case the performance cannot procee

22、d due to force majeure factors, the parties can negotiate to cancel or postpone the performance.五、其他约定:1. 本合同自双方签署之日起生效,甲方应在演出开始前提供演出曲目等必备资料。2. 本合同内容经甲乙双方确认无误,具有法律效力。Other Agreements:1. This contract shall come into effect from the date of signing by both parties, and Party A should provide necessar

23、y materials such as the setlist before the performance starts.2. The content of this contract, confirmed by both parties, is legally valid.音乐演出合同范本四Music Performance Contract Sample Four合同双方:音乐公司(以下简称“甲方”)和独立音乐人(以下简称“乙方”)。Contracting Parties: Music Company (referred to as Party A) and Independent Mu

24、sician (referred to as Party B).一、合作内容:1. 甲方将签约乙方作为旗下艺人,推动乙方的音乐作品制作、录音发行及演出推广等工作。2. 乙方需全力配合甲方的安排,积极参与音乐作品的创作和演出活动。Collaboration Details:1. Party A will sign Party B as its artist to promote Party Bs music production, recording, release, and performance promotion, etc.2. Party B shall fully cooperate

25、 with the arrangements of Party A, actively participate in music creation and performance activities.二、合同期限:1. 本合同自【签署日期】起生效,有效期为【合同期限】,双方均需遵守合同规定进行合作。2. 若一方需提前解约,应提前【解约通知期限】书面通知对方,需支付解约违约金。Contract Period:1. This contract shall come into effect from Signing Date, with a validity period of Contract

26、Period, and both parties shall abide by the contract provisions for cooperation.2. If either party needs to terminate the contract early, they shall provide a written notice to the other party in advance, and pay a contract termination penalty.三、收入分成:1. 甲方与乙方共同分享音乐作品、演出收入的分成比例为【收入分成比例】。2. 收入分成的具体计算和

27、结算方式由双方在合同中详细规定。Income Sharing:1. The revenue sharing ratio between Party A and Party B for music works and performance income shall be Revenue Sharing Percentage.2. The specific calculation and settlement method of income sharing shall be detailed in the contract by both parties.四、权利义务:1. 乙方应确保音乐作品

28、及演出的真实性和专属性,不得擅自进行商业利用。2. 甲方有权合理利用乙方的音乐作品、形象等进行宣传推广,乙方需提供必要支持。Rights and Obligations:1. Party B shall ensure the authenticity and exclusivity of the music works and performances, and shall not engage in unauthorized commercial use.2. Party A has the right to reasonably use Party Bs music works, imag

29、e, etc., for promotional purposes, and Party B should provide necessary support.五、争议解决:1. 如合作过程中发生争议,双方应协商解决;如协商不成,应提交仲裁机构进行仲裁。2. 若因不可抗力因素导致无法履行合同,应协商解决或提出解约申请。Dispute Resolution:1. In case of disputes during the cooperation, the parties should resolve them through negotiation; if negotiation fails, the dispute shall be submitted to an arbitration organization for arbitration.2. In case the contract cannot be fulfilled due to force majeure factors, the parties should negotiate a solution or propose a contract termination application.以上为音乐演出合同范本四篇,希望对您有所帮助。


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