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1、单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Jim/once a weekLiMing/twice a weekTony/3 or 4 times a weekBob/every dayLilei/hardly everPeter/never单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级1.没有学生今天上学迟到。没有学生今天上学迟到。No students came to school late today.在杯子里没有水。在杯子里没有水。There is no wat

2、er in the glass.There isnt any water in the glass.我既没有书也没有笔。我既没有书也没有笔。I have no book and no pen.2.我没有钱乘出租车,因此我徒步回到了旅馆。我没有钱乘出租车,因此我徒步回到了旅馆。I didnt have any money for a taxi,so I walked back to the hotel.3.牛奶对你的身体健康有好处。牛奶对你的身体健康有好处。Milk is good for your health.4.至于水果。我经常吃苹果。至于水果。我经常吃苹果。Aas for fruit,I

3、 often eat apples.5.我想让你帮我学数学。我想让你帮我学数学。I want you to help me with my math.单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Read part of Katrinas letter to a pen pal and answer the questions but Im but Im prettypretty healthy.I exercise healthy.I exercise every day,every day,usually when I usually when I come ho

4、me from come home from schoolschool.My.My eating habitseating habits are pretty are pretty good.I good.I try totry to eat eat a lot ofa lot of vegetables.I eat fruit and drink milk vegetables.I eat fruit and drink milk every day.I never drink coffee.every day.I never drink coffee.Of Of coursecourse,

5、I love junk food too,but I,I love junk food too,but I try to eat it only once a week.Oh,try to eat it only once a week.Oh,and I sleep nine hours every night.and I sleep nine hours every night.So you see,I So you see,I look afterlook after my health.And my And my healthy lifestylehealthy li

6、festyle helps me helps me get get good gradesgood grades.Good food and.Good food and exercise exercise help me to study betterhelp me to study better.3a单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级3aAnswer the following questions:1.Is Katrinas eating habit good?2.How often does she eat fruit?3.How many hours

7、 does she sleep every night?4.Does she look after(照顾)照顾)her health?单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Answer the questions:1.How often does she 1.How often does she exerciseexercise?2.How often does she drink milk?2.How often does she drink milk?3.Does she eat junk food 3.Does she eat junk food ver

8、y oftenvery often?4.Do you think she 4.Do you think she has a healthy lifestylehas a healthy lifestyle?Why or why not?Why or why not?5.Is her lifestyle 5.Is her lifestyle the same asthe same as yours or yours or differentdifferent?What are the What are the differencedifferences s?She exercises every

9、 day.She drinks milk every day.No,She only eats junk food once a week.the same as和一样和一样单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级 same 前加前加 the 后面加名词的单数后面加名词的单数*look the same *A be/动词动词 +the same as+B A 与与B 一样一样(1)他的书和我的一样。)他的书和我的一样。His book is the same as my book.(2)这支钢笔和大卫的那支一样。)这支钢笔和大卫的那支一样。This pen is

10、 the same as Davids pen.(3)那对兄弟看起来长得一样)那对兄弟看起来长得一样 The two brothers look the same.单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级different前不加前不加the 并且后面加名词的复数形式并且后面加名词的复数形式 difference n.不同之处不同之处*A be+different from+B A与与B不同不同(1)这个足球和那个足球不相同。)这个足球和那个足球不相同。This soccer is different from that one.(2)这个书包与那个书包不同。)这

11、个书包与那个书包不同。This backpack is different from that one.*There are many differences between A and B.(1)There are many differences between this soccer and that one.(2)There are many differences between this backpack and that one.单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级1.I am pretty healthy.=I am very/quite h

12、ealthy.quite pretty-very be healthy 健康的健康的 -be unhealthy keep healthy=keep in good health 我和我的弟弟身体都很棒。我和我的弟弟身体都很棒。My brother and I are both healthy.你需要锻炼身体以保持身体健康。你需要锻炼身体以保持身体健康。You need to exercise to keep healthy.2.I exercise every day,usually when I come home from school 我每天锻炼身体通常是在放学后。我每天锻炼身体通常是

13、在放学后。3.My eating habits(饮食习惯)(饮食习惯)are pretty good.单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级4.I I try totry to eat eat a lot ofa lot of vegetables vegetables try to do try to do 试图、尽力做某事情试图、尽力做某事情试图、尽力做某事情试图、尽力做某事情 (1 1)他们尽力做好他们的家庭作业。)他们尽力做好他们的家庭作业。)他们尽力做好他们的家庭作业。)他们尽力做好他们的家庭作业。They They try totry to do

14、their their homework.(2 2)我天天早上锻炼,尽量保持身体健康。)我天天早上锻炼,尽量保持身体健康。)我天天早上锻炼,尽量保持身体健康。)我天天早上锻炼,尽量保持身体健康。I exercise every morning to I exercise every morning to try totry to keep healthy.keep healthy.(3 3)我努力做到一月只吃一次垃圾食品。)我努力做到一月只吃一次垃圾食品。)我努力做到一月只吃一次垃圾食品。)我努力做到一月只吃一次垃圾食品。I I try totry to eat jun

15、k food once a junk food once a month.5.5.Of courseOf course=certainly=sure=certainly=sure6.I sleep 6.I sleep nine hoursnine hours every night every night How longHow long do you sleep every night?do you sleep every night?7.So you see,I 7.So you see,I look afterlook after my healt

16、h.look after=take care of look after=take care of look after well=take good care of look after well=take good care of 单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级(1)你一定要照顾好你自己。你一定要照顾好你自己。你一定要照顾好你自己。你一定要照顾好你自己。You must You must look afterlook after yourself yourself wellwell.=You have to =You have to take go

17、od care oftake good care of yourself yourself(2)(2)请照看好那对双胞胎姐妹。请照看好那对双胞胎姐妹。请照看好那对双胞胎姐妹。请照看好那对双胞胎姐妹。Please Please look afterlook after the twin sisters the twin sisters wellwell.=Please =Please take good care oftake good care of the twin sisters.the twin sisters.8.My 8.My healthy lifestylehealthy lif

18、estyle helps me helps me get get good gradesgood grades.我健康的生活方式帮助我取得好成绩。我健康的生活方式帮助我取得好成绩。我健康的生活方式帮助我取得好成绩。我健康的生活方式帮助我取得好成绩。9.Good food and exercise 9.Good food and exercise help me to study betterhelp me to study better.好的食物与身体锻炼帮助我学得更好。好的食物与身体锻炼帮助我学得更好。好的食物与身体锻炼帮助我学得更好。好的食物与身体锻炼帮助我学得更好。单击此处编辑母版标题样

19、式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Now fill in the blanks in Bills letterand I think Im kind of unhealthy.I hardly ever exercise.I eat _ twice a week,but I never eat _.And I _to drink_.Yuck!I love _ _and eat it _ _ _ _ a week.I love to drink _,too.So maybe Im not very healthy,although I have one healthy habit

20、.I_ for _ _every night.vegetablesfruitdont likemilkjunkfoodthree or four timessleepnine hourscoffee单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级1.maybe 你去问问她吧,或许她知道答案。你去问问她吧,或许她知道答案。Ask her,please.Maybe she knows the answer.我或许每周去钓鱼一次。我或许每周去钓鱼一次。Maybe I go fishing once a week.或许他们明天会到达济南。或许他们明天会到达济南。Maybe th

21、ey can arrive in Jinan tomorrow.2.Though=but 但是二者不能同时使用但是二者不能同时使用 尽管他病了,他还是去上学了。尽管他病了,他还是去上学了。Though he was ill,he went to school.=He was ill but he went to school.尽管她很贫穷,但她很快乐。尽管她很贫穷,但她很快乐。Though she is poor,she is happy.She is poor but she is happy.单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级How to keep h

22、ealthy?A healthy dietExerciseSleep wellHealthy lifestyle 单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级 eg:Ma Zhi is my good friend.He has a medium build and he is strong.He usually gets up very early.Then he goes exercising.His favorite sport is playing ping-pong.He plays it every day.Sometimes he plays bask

23、etball with me,too.But he hardly ever plays football.Ma Zhi has good eating habits.He likes eating vegetables and fruit.So he always keeps healthy.I like playing with him.Give a report:Who is the healthiest?单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级 She usually exercise

24、s three times a week.After breakfast,she usually goes running and takes other exercise for half an hour.This can help her to keep healthy and fit.She likes dancing very much.So she goes to dancing school twice a week.She goes shopping once a week and meets her friends twice a week.She sometimes feel

25、s very tired and then she will have a good rest.She travels three times a year,By this way,she makes herself relaxed.2单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级1.1.上网冲浪上网冲浪上网冲浪上网冲浪2.2.最喜爱的节目最喜爱的节目最喜爱的节目最喜爱的节目3.3.当然当然当然当然4.4.几乎从不几乎从不几乎从不几乎从不5.5.照顾照顾照顾照顾,照看照看照看照看6.6.每天三次每天三次每天三次每天三次7.7.垃圾食品垃圾食品垃圾食品垃圾食品8.8.不

26、同的事情不同的事情不同的事情不同的事情9.9.健康的生活方式健康的生活方式健康的生活方式健康的生活方式10.10.大量大量大量大量,许多许多许多许多11.11.好成绩好成绩好成绩好成绩12.12.与与与与相同相同相同相同13.13.努力做某事努力做某事努力做某事努力做某事surf the internetsurf the internetfavourite programfavourite programof courseof coursehardly everhardly everlook afterlook afterthree times a weekthree times a week

27、junk foodjunk fooddifferent thingsdifferent thingshealthy lifestylehealthy lifestylea lot ofa lot ofgood gradesgood gradesthe same asthe same astry to do sthtry to do sthTranslate单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Warming up根据句意及首字母写出单词根据句意及首字母写出单词根据句意及首字母写出单词根据句意及首字母写出单词1.Eating apples is good for

28、 our h _.Eating apples is good for our h _.2.Can you tell me the d _ between the two pictures?Can you tell me the d _ between the two pictures?3.I go to bed early and get up early every day,so I have a I go to bed early and get up early every day,so I have a healthy l _.healthy l _.4.If you sleep la

29、te,youll start a bad h _.If you sleep late,youll start a bad h _.5.Do you often drink m _ in the morning?Do you often drink m _ in the morning?ealthifferenceifestyleabitilk单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Warming up根据汉语意思完成下列句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子.1.I think hamburgers are _(I thin

30、k hamburgers are _(垃圾食品)垃圾食品)垃圾食品)垃圾食品).2.Mr Lis _(Mr Lis _(饮食习惯饮食习惯饮食习惯饮食习惯)are very good.)are very good.3.Can you _(Can you _(照看照看照看照看)my cat when Im away?)my cat when Im away?4._(_(当然当然当然当然),we can have our own opinionswe can have our own opinions about everything.about everything.5.It is very im

31、portant for us to _(5.It is very important for us to _(保持健康保持健康保持健康保持健康)junk foodeating habitslook afterOf coursekeep healthy单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。help have want exercise try 1.Mom_ me to get up at 6:00 and play ping-pong with her.2.Grandpa is pretty healt

32、hy because he _ every day.3.A lot of vegetables _ you to keep in good health.4.You must _ to eat less meat.5.Do you _ a healthy lifestyle?exerciseswantshavetryhelp单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级二、英汉词组互译:二、英汉词组互译:1.对对有益有益 _ 2.健康的生活方式健康的生活方式 _3.与与不同不同 _ e home from school _5.eating habits _ 6.jun

33、k food _7.twice a week _ 8.hardly ever _三、书面表达三、书面表达 请介绍你的一位朋友的身体状况及其习惯。请介绍你的一位朋友的身体状况及其习惯。Ma Zhi is my good friend.He has a medium build and he is strong.He usually gets up very early.Then he goes exercising.His favorite sport is playing ping-pong.He plays it every day.Sometimes he plays basketball

34、 with me,too.But he hardly ever plays football.Ma Zhi has good eating habits.He likes eating vegetables and fruit.So he always keeps healthy.I like playing with good forhealthy lifestylebe different from放学回家放学回家饮食习惯饮食习惯垃圾食品垃圾食品每周两次每周两次很少、难得很少、难得单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级1.-_do you r

35、ead English books?-I often read English books.A.How long B.How often C.When D.How2.-What does Mary do on weekends?-She often_the Internet at B.go on C.goes on D.surfs3.They go to movies_.A.twice a week B.twice of a week C.a week twice D.twice week 4.-How often does Li play soccer?-She do

36、esnt like it,so she _plays it.A.always B.hardly ever C.usually D.often5.My mother wants me to eat much vegetables,She says it is good_my B.with C.for D.atBDABC单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级1、你父亲周末经常做什么?、你父亲周末经常做什么?What _ your father usually_ _ _?2、你多久打扫一次你的卧室?、你多久打扫一次你的卧室?_ _ do yo

37、u clean your bedroom?3、母亲说这对我的健康有益。、母亲说这对我的健康有益。Mother _its _ _ my health.4、你每晚睡几个小时?、你每晚睡几个小时?_ _ hours do you _ every night?5、一些学生每周看电视、一些学生每周看电视4到到5次。次。Some students watch TV _ _ _times.doesdoonweekendsHowoftensaysgoodforHow manysleepfourorfive单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级How are you?How d

38、o you do?How about you?How many hours do you sleep every night?How do you spell it?How much is the milk?How old are you?How often do you go to the movies?Hows the weather in Beijing?单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Homework(Writing)下面是对一个班的小学生就几个方面所作的一个下面是对一个班的小学生就几个方面所作的一个下面是对一个班的小学生就几个方面所作的一个下面

39、是对一个班的小学生就几个方面所作的一个调查调查调查调查.请就表格内容写一篇调查报告请就表格内容写一篇调查报告请就表格内容写一篇调查报告请就表格内容写一篇调查报告.Activity Survey Activity ActivityEvery Every day day Once or twice a Once or twice a weekweekThree or four Three or four times a weektimes a weekDo Do homeworkhomework90%90%0%0%10%10%Play Play basketballbasketball15%15%

40、55%55%30%30%All students=100%Most students=51%-99%All students=100%Most students=51%-99%Some students=1%-50%No students=0%Some students=1%-50%No students=0%单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Writing Here are the results of the children activity survey.Most children do their homework everyday.Only s

41、ome students do their homework three or four times a week.No children do their homework only once or twice.As for playing basketball.Most students play basketball once or twice a week.Some students play basketball three or four times a week.Some students play basketball every day.单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母

42、版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Todays Homework1.1.她很少一个人出去她很少一个人出去她很少一个人出去她很少一个人出去.She _ _ goes out alone.She _ _ goes out alone.2.2.你的妈妈多长时间回家一次你的妈妈多长时间回家一次你的妈妈多长时间回家一次你的妈妈多长时间回家一次?_ _ does your mother go home?_ _ does your mother go home?一月三、四次一月三、四次一月三、四次一月三、四次._ _ _ _ a month._ _ _ _ a month.3.3.关于电脑关于电脑关于电脑关

43、于电脑,大多数家庭都有一台大多数家庭都有一台大多数家庭都有一台大多数家庭都有一台._ _computer,_families have one._ _computer,_families have one.4.4.多吃蔬菜对你的健康有好处多吃蔬菜对你的健康有好处多吃蔬菜对你的健康有好处多吃蔬菜对你的健康有好处.Eating more vegetables _ _ _ _ _.Eating more vegetables _ _ _ _ _.5.5.妈妈让我每天都喝水妈妈让我每天都喝水妈妈让我每天都喝水妈妈让我每天都喝水.My mother wants _ _ _ _ every day.My mother wants _ _ _ _ every day.


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