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本文(河北专版2020中考英语复习方案第一篇教材考点梳理第11课时Units5_6八下试题冀教版.docx)为本站上传会员【可****】主动上传,咨信网仅是提供信息存储空间和展示预览,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知咨信网(发送邮件至、拔打电话4008-655-100或【 微信客服】、【 QQ客服】),核实后会尽快下架及时删除,并可随时和客服了解处理情况,尊重保护知识产权我们共同努力。
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1、课时训练(十一)Units 56(八下)(限时:30分钟). 单项选择1.I tried many ways to solve the problem, but of them worked. Never give up. Youll surely make it. A.allB.noneC.neitherD.both2.What was the of the football match last night?AC Milan won the game.A.valueB.resultC.choiceD.decision3.I have finished my homework. I fini

2、shed it an hour ago.A.yetB.alreadyC.everD.never4.Your advice is very to me. Im sure our activity will be more meaningful. A.terribleB.comfortableC.impossibleD.valuable5.Why dont you buy the bike, Mary?Its too expensive. I cant it.A.sellB.lendC.keepD.afford6.2019临沂In the world, more than 30% of schoo

3、ls do not provide safe drinking water about 570 million children.A.withB.forC.towardsD.to7.Work gets done when people do it together, and the rewards are higher too.Thats right. Many hands make light work.A.easilyB.very easyC.more easilyD.easier 8.Tony was drawing a picture I was doing my homework.A

4、.ifB.becauseC.whileD.until9.My grandparents for over 60 years and they love each other very much.A.have been marriedC.were marriedD.have got married10.2019北京朝阳一模Can you tell me the prize, Tom?Last year.A.when you gotB.when did you getC.when will you getD.when you will get.2019河北 完形填空I h

5、ave invented robots which improve the work of cars. My love of making things began 11 I was a kid. I really became excited about inventing after I learned about Thomas Edison. One day in the fourth grade, our 12 gave us a project in class. We had to write to a company and learn about the products. I

6、 thought and thought. 13 I chose the Thomas A. Edison Company. Soon after, the company sent me a book about the life of Thomas Edison. How I enjoyed reading and re-reading about his 14! I like the recorded sound and the electric light most. The inventions were clearly printed on my brain. My dad not

7、iced my interest in inventing and 15 me. He showed me how to turn my ideas into plans and then into new things. Once, I surprised my dad 16 a model plane I made. Later, we found a 17 model plane in a store. I learned that different inventors often invent similar things. It is not unusual for this to

8、 happen. I also learned that not all great ideas 18. Failure is a common part of the inventing. As my father and I worked together, I began to realize that my dad was quite an inventor himself. He was always 19 a better way to do a simple job. His guiding hands, together with my 20 in inventing, led

9、 me to become an engineer and an inventor. Of course, I also thank Thomas Edison. He is my hero. ()11.A. beforeB.after C.whenD.until ()12.A. parentB.teacher C.inventor ()13.A. EasilyB.Finally C.Safely D.Quickly ()14.A. lightsB.projects C.suggestions D.inventions ()15.A. mistookB.refused C

10、.choseD.encouraged()16.A. withB.about C.intoD.from()17.A. differentB.similar C.largeD.small ()18.A. C.comeD.end ()19.A. looking atB.looking for C.looking afterD.looking through ()20.A. habitB.story C.interestD.plan.2019河北邯郸一模 阅读理解When it comes to shopping for clothes, my mother and I have

11、 always disagreed on what fits me well. To me, if it zips(拉上), it fits. My mom, however, usually tells me I need a bigger size.When I was a teenager, I wanted to dress like my friends, but my body size made it impossible. When Mom told me something didnt suit me, or I needed a bigger size, all I hea

12、rd was that my body was wrong.To avoid arguments, we stopped going shopping together. This continued until I got engaged(订婚) last year and needed to buy some clothes. When I tried on a blouse, my mother looked at me, and I knew what was coming. “You need a bigger size,” she said.There was no bigger

13、size, and I tried to hold back my tears. Maybe I could buy it alone, of course, but my mom is my favorite person to hang out with. The idea of looking for a wedding dress without her seemed just as scary as taking her with me.And so the day came. As I tried on a simple white dress, I saw tears in my

14、 moms eyes. “You look beautiful!” she told me. Nothing could have shocked me more.This one didnt zip up at the back and I did actually need a bigger size, but my mother didnt say that. She just told me how beautiful I looked. In that moment, all the arguments in the past ended. We didnt buy a dress

15、that day. We decided to see more.A few weeks later, we found the perfect dress. We both loved it as soon as I put it on.And during those few weeks, Mom and I also found the perfect fit for our shopping relationship.21.What does the writer want to show in the first two paragraphs?()A.She doesnt want

16、to buy a dress, but her mom allows her to do so.B.She likes the expensive clothes while her mother doesnt agree with her.C.She and Mom always disagree on what clothes fit her because of wrong understanding.D.In Moms opinion, her body is wrong and she is too thin to wear what she likes.22.How did the

17、 writer probably feel after she tried on the simple white dress?()A.Shocked and sorry.B.Funny and safe.C.Patient and honest.D.Dangerous and impolite.23.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mainly mean?()A.I like to shopping for jeans.B.When I went home, my mother always asked me to leave

18、.C.I couldnt shop for a wedding dress myself because my father disagreed.D.I wanted to shop for a wedding dress alone but I couldnt stand shopping without Mom.24.Which is the best word to describe the perfect fit for their shopping relationship?()A.Missing.B.Understanding.C.Embarrassing.D.Fighting.2

19、5.Whats the main idea of the text?()A.The daughter loves shopping.B.We must shop with Mom every day.C.Tears are the best way to end arguments between family members.D.Better communication requires not only love but also a more suitable way.任务型阅读阅读短文,并按要求完成2630题。There are many great works of art in m

20、useums, including some priceless pieces that can never be replaced. When we get a chance to enjoy them, we need to respect the art and other visitors. Here are several rules we should follow in museums.Respect the spaceKeep the museum space clean and throw away all rubbish.Remember that large things

21、 are not allowed in museums. But we can put our coats, bags, backpacks, umbrellas, etc., into the storage(储物柜) near the entrance. No eating or drinking is allowed inside museums. Finish all food and drinks before entering the museum.Respect the art Dont touch the art by hands, fingers, head or any b

22、ody part, though some people think a small touch wont hurt a painting or other pieces of works. But imagine how those “touches” would add up in a museum with thousands or millions of visitors each year! And even the smallest hurt might be too difficult, or too expensive to fix. So remember the museu

23、ms golden rule: No touching the art.Respect other visitorsShow consideration by not blocking the view of others who are also there to enjoy the art. Complete silence isnt necessary, but keep as quiet as possible.Most of these rules aim to protect the art. Following them can help make our museum expe

24、rience safe and enjoyable.26、27题完成句子;28题简略回答问题;29题找出并写下全文的主题句;30题将文中画线句子译成汉语。26.Finish all before entering the museum.27.In fact, even a small touch will a painting or other pieces of works.28.Whats the museums golden rule? 29. 30. .【参考答案】 .1.B考查代词辨析。句意:“我试了很多方法来解决这个问题,但是没一个有用。”“永远不要放弃。你一定可以做到。”根据连词

25、but可知,空白处表示否定意义,none表示对三者及以上的否定,neither表示对两者否定,由many可知此处表示对多种方法的否定。故选B。2.B3.B4.D考查形容词辨析。terrible可怕的; comfortable舒服的; impossible不可能的; valuable有价值的。由下文“我有把握我们的活动将更有意义。”可知此处为“你的建议非常有价值”。故选D。5.D考查动词辨析。句意:“玛丽,你为什么不买这辆自行车?”“它太贵了,我负担不起。”sell卖;lend借出;keep保持,保留;afford负担得起。根据句意可知选D。6.B考查介词辨析。句意:在世界上,超过30%的学校没

26、有为大约5.7亿儿童提供安全的饮用水。固定搭配provide sth. for sb.意为“为某人提供某物”。故选B。7.C8.C9.A考查动词时态。句意:我祖父母已经结婚60多年了,他们彼此非常恩爱。根据时间状语for over 60 years提示是持续到现在的动作或状态,用现在完成时态表达;be married表示状态“已婚”,和for引导的表示一段时间的时间状语连用。get married是终止性动词短语。故选A。10.A.主旨大意本文是一篇记叙文。作者小时候就对制造东西非常感兴趣,上学后对托马斯爱迪生及其发明有了更深入的了解。托马斯爱迪生的影响以及父亲对作者的支持、鼓励,加上作者对发


28、;invention发明。联系下文“我最喜欢录制的声音和电灯”可知,此处指的是爱迪生的发明。故选D。15.D考查动词辨析。mistake弄错;refuse拒绝;choose选择;encourage鼓励。联系下文可知,父亲经常鼓励“我”,教“我”方法。故选D。16.A考查介词辨析。surprise sb. with sth.意为“用某物使某人大吃一惊”。故选A。17.B考查形容词辨析。different不同的;similar相似的;large大的;small小的。联系下文“I learned that different inventors often invent similar things

29、.”可知,“我”们在商店里发现了跟“我”的模型相似的飞机模型。故选B。18.A考查动词辨析。work奏效,工作;fail失败;come来;end结束。联系常识及下文“Failure is a common part of the inventing.(失败是发明创造中常见的一部分。)”可知,并非所有的想法都能奏效。故选A。19.B考查动词短语辨析。look at看;look for寻找;look after照顾,照看;look through浏览。联系上下文,父亲总是在寻找做简单工作的更好的方法。故选B。20.C考查名词辨析。habit习惯;story故事;interest兴趣;plan计划。

30、联系上文,此处指的是“我”对发明的兴趣。故选C。 .主旨大意本文是一篇记叙文。短文讲述的是作者和妈妈在给自己买衣服这件事上,一开始总是意见不合。但后来作者要结婚了,在买婚纱的时候,母女二人的互相理解以及对彼此的爱,促使她们改变了各自的购物观念。21.C段落大意题。根据第一段中“When it comes to shopping for clothes, my mother and I have always disagreed on what fits me well. (说到买衣服,我和妈妈总是就什么衣服适合我不能达成一致意见。)”可知,前两段主要讲述了作者和母亲在什么衣服适合作者这件事上由

31、于误解造成了分歧。故选C。22.A细节理解题。根据第五段中“As I tried on a simple white dress, I saw tears in my moms eyes. You look beautiful! she told me. Nothing could have shocked me more. (当我试着穿上一件简单的白色连衣裙时,我看到妈妈眼中的泪水。你看起来很漂亮!她告诉我。没有什么比这更让我震惊了。)”可知,作者是感到震惊和愧疚的。故选A。23.D句意理解题。由上下文可知,作者在自己喜欢的衣服和母亲陪伴购物两者之间,选择了母亲的陪伴。选项D“I wante

32、d to shop for a wedding dress alone but I couldnt stand shopping without mom. (我想一个人去买一件婚纱,但我受不了没有妈妈的陪伴。)”与文中意思一致。故选D。24.B推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,母亲和女儿都为对方做出了退让,也学会了理解对方的想法。故选B。25.D主旨大意题。通读全文可知,良好的沟通不仅需要爱,而且还要用更合适的方式,故选D。 and drinks27.hurt28.No touching the art.29.Here are several rules we should follow in museums.30.完全沉默(安静)没有必要,但是要尽量(尽可能)保持安静。7


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