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1、Sentence Patterns Commonly Used in Writing English Compositions 英语写作常用句型英语写作常用句型OutlineI.表示不同看法的句型表示不同看法的句型II.说明原因的句型说明原因的句型III.关于利弊、优缺点的句型关于利弊、优缺点的句型IV.举例表示法举例表示法V.表示措施、办法、怎样做打算表示措施、办法、怎样做打算VI.辩论中常用的句型辩论中常用的句型 VII.结尾句型结尾句型 VIII.常用谚语常用谚语(在议论文中在议论文中)邓铫峋飞苓闰害始朔肝泌人磕籴李戊闺罚旗埒珞苛截扫横饺砷锣前府市嵘竭哺共侃施沥倭轮肚价蟆粝企盐瑰罡鸡霞v

2、1.Different people have/hold different opinions/views on this question/problem/matter.vSome believe that Others argue that Still others maintain thatv2.They are quite different from each other in their opinions.v3.Some people hold the opinion that it is good to have a small family.v4.They think quit

3、e differently on this question.v5.Which opinion is right/more reasonable?Im inclined to accept the latter/the second view.I.表示不同看法的句型表示不同看法的句型(1)邓机峁礞拮衰啵蛳鸾淆桤湛嵝谓臾胝屈咎模咣刑芤鎏诩肇诏刍认用期烦吕谱v6.My opinion is that there is something in both of the views.v7.With regard to the question,I think a correct attitude is

4、(that)v8.In my opinion,whether it is good or bad depends on how we look at it.vExample:Parents and children think differently on this question.Parents hold that children should work hard and do well at school.Children,however,maintain that they should have more freedom to spend their leisure time an

5、d to plan for their own future.I.表示不同看法的句型表示不同看法的句型(2)柁讽钎谨刑弁颗磊濯狈蝽怼仆芫刚坻瞎佻驶蚂罚苡菔裁杭殊观钏v1.There are two/some/many good reasons for sth./to do sth.vExample:There are two reasons for the changes in peoples living conditions.First,we have been carrying out an opening and reform policy.Second,our national ec

6、onomy is developing rapidly and the birth rate has been put under control.v2.We have two good reasons for sth./to do sth.vExample:We have many good reasons to object to smoking in public places.v3.The reason foris that+clausevExample:The reason for my being late was that I missed the bus.II.说明原因的句型说

7、明原因的句型(1)废罘冰浅褪岛了渺聊赢渎鹄按动焦颉笕庙狄耳诂缍鞅乳乎痢孝蜷薇亨绯松曹窈快舢妯垣泡韶蔬邛移兽硖罐蚣和邓驷匙秤摈候惠v4.Several factors are responsible for the phenomenon.v5.Their opinion is based on the fact thatv6.Those who are in favor of the believe thatv7.These/The following are my reasons for my choice.II.说明原因的句型说明原因的句型(2)蚤媵镡踅埂您镉波茚京世诀陌椭鞠底馒兵橇峒徼僮诌

8、虱哂止息雏顼磬鸢v1.S+have(or has)a lot of advantages over(与与相比有许多优点相比有许多优点)Compared with B,A has(or have)many advantages.v译:译:v1)澳大利亚与中国相比,其优点是人口少。澳大利亚与中国相比,其优点是人口少。v2)英语好是她的长处。英语好是她的长处。vShe has the advantage of good English.III.关于利弊、优缺点的句型关于利弊、优缺点的句型(1)危嵌盟惴撮壤凡鲮蔹喉臧郦殆墨盾兄抹迂氤癔牍獍班濮鹨聍故怠庾蛄墅泫瞵死闶哿宜哈蚪兑倍孀粞绘锓委隙磕呐怒徊千斫寰

9、墩趾退猾洋 of great benefit to sb./sth.(对对有益有益)译:你的计算机知识对你将来的工作十分有利。译:你的计算机知识对你将来的工作十分有利。v3.benefit sb./sth.(对对有好处有好处)译:这家新医院对整个社区有利。译:这家新医院对整个社区有利。vBenefit from sth.(由于由于而受益而受益)译:我们将从技术发明中受益。译:我们将从技术发明中受益。 lot of)good to sb.(对对有许多好处有许多好处)译:早晨锻炼对你很有好处。译:早晨锻炼对你很有好处。vbe good for sb./sth.(对对有益有益

10、)译:蔬菜和水果有利人的健康。译:蔬菜和水果有利人的健康。vdo damage to sth.(对对造成损坏造成损坏)译:这次地震对城市建筑损坏严重。译:这次地震对城市建筑损坏严重。III.关于利弊、优缺点的句型关于利弊、优缺点的句型(2)孛绮揶县腿瑰鹱揉悯桅两龉惘棹庇熄峻跋罾巛欲乐诚 as(not so)good asvWhat he does is not so good as what he says.vnot so muchas(与其说与其说,不如说不如说)v译:人口的迅速增长与其说是由于出生率年升还译:人口的迅速增长与其说是由于出生率年升还不如说是由于死亡率的下降。不如说是

11、由于死亡率的下降。v7.It benefits us in many ways/respects.v8.Doing beneficial tov10.Whilehas so many advantages,we should not ignore the problems it brings us.v11.Just as a coin has two sides,everything has its advantages and disadvantages.III.关于利弊、优缺点的句型关于利弊、优缺点的句型(3)鼎旆弁嫜鎏鞔蹑碓揆怼溲冲缍幢缺啖忠氢居攥效堕店觳瘛铟光梢篮湟题闪狡

12、褡庋献缱泛阻咆辩阖析筐毂骤傀滚莺镧喟洙v1.For example,the peoples economic status has been greatly improved.v2.For instance,the economic status of the people has been improved.v3.Lets have an example.TV sets,refrigerators and computers have become household a case in point.v5.A case in point is IV.举例表

13、示法举例表示法替荃优怄毙愧愀妆邵透末疽笠暨惘厉邻伯尴数蝎显垒嫩名圊坞郡逗跏阖锱v1.We should take effective/drastic measures to stop/prevent/protectv2.Faced with such a situation,what shall we do?v3.What should we do to solve the problem?v4.Perhaps the best choice is the combination of the twoV.表示措施、办法、怎样做打算表示措施、办法、怎样做打算(1)婊魍瘛搋洮锱翱佝斗腩顿诋嫫鄯翘崔

14、滔萌栖臊亘歉檑岂艹汰痪钤党饵狙藜浍聪颗唐近垫懊淹戈郐钐钸湔从轺东坶泗吨琢淖半鳇生折彤葭森恸髑欲森粹舴铫眸v5.There are several ways to cope with the problem.v6.the government should make strict regulations/laws to ban such practice/to stop this phenomenon from spreading.v7.Its urgent for us to do something about this.v8.We should spare no effort/try ev

15、ery means toV.表示措施、办法、怎样做打算表示措施、办法、怎样做打算(2)犯萌挠搂瘦疚批遏勋惶撕朦鹋犭趿艳哇瓜克狠略蠕瞢夹捐嗾屠啶擅棚荸饮螬圾谗匕僮蠡歪蝰埽燧次书壕梧涉疆拆咫栓柬苒瞪讫霰推褐寝嫂拚填呓谠叉秸贤讷v1.There is no doubt thatv2.It is obvious/clear thatv3.As is known to all,v4.(Its)no wondervHe didnt work hard and no wonder he lost his job.v5.It goes without saying thatvIt goes without s

16、aying that healthy men are happier than sick men.v6.What is more important,v7.I am convinced thatVI.辩论中常用的句型辩论中常用的句型岽羔拱肿嗍编诫疫匦洁秽圪燥呖荧雕寥汤极弘疫数镭漤呦者僦溥蕾絷糙渍织谙柿浒泻籍剥疾繇炀徭茎v1.In short,parents and children should learn to get through to each other.v Only in this way can the most difficult problems be solved prop

17、erly.v2.In conclusion,we cannot achieve success without effort and hard work.v3.From the above analysis,we can see that/we can come to the conclusion thatv4.Only in this way can wev5.Only when we.can weVII.结尾句型结尾句型嵌崃逡篱痘跻供簪复巡襁樽比患夂凼雹硇柏恳歌颀帛铪话镨哈抖荸锐笃鹄级噫欢殓羟褶艺烂敬赤赕鸫勤漫禾娆蚶侃诿谋侍序兽抬v1.As a popular saying goes,“E

18、very coin has two sides”.v2.As a proverb says,“Everything has two sides”.On the one hand,physical exercise is good for your health.On the other hand,if you dont deal with it properly,it will do harm to your health.So we should look at the matter from two sides.v3.As a proverb says,“Where there is a

19、will there is a way.”v4.As a popular saying goes,“A man is known by the company he keeps.”v5.As is known to all,“No pains,no gains”.v6.To open a book is always beneficial.v7.All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.v8.Knowledge is power.VIII.常用谚语常用谚语(在议论文中在议论文中)(1)吊霉承赡俨七氯还勹殊汆嗜增肆镟前飕闩筮剑所刹篓缍比蹈鄙祈汾跣撙卷锬邵

20、莫楼门哇v9.More haste,less speed.v10.A good beginning is half done.v11.Time and tide wait for no man.v12.Every little(bit)helps.v13.A little learning is a dangerous thing.浅学误人。浅学误人。v14.Its never too late to learn.v15.Easier said than done.v16.Actions speak louder than words.v17.Opportunity knocks at the

21、 door only once.v18.Failure teaches success.VIII.常用谚语常用谚语(在议论文中在议论文中)(2)嗝蹿筇眵埂掮址陛稹饰沪壶牧性鞠镐魇椟喻铙垤奢刿悝熙虍媾萝v19.A life without a friend is a life without a sun.v20.A contented mind is a perpetual feast.v21.God helps those that help themselves.v22.Early to bed,and early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy an

22、d wise.v23.Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today.v24.To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.v25.If you want to understand today,you have to search yesterday.v想理解现在,就要研究历史。想理解现在,就要研究历史。VIII.常用谚语常用谚语(在议论文中在议论文中)(3)电副楂嘧癣认宫钲肱钨陷杀叮三囫云惴邺滢迓蔻收怜谱堰匠铐螗八v26.Honesty is the best

23、policy.v27.Each man has his limitation.v人各有所不能。人各有所不能。v28.Dont put the cart before the horse.v29.A friend is easier lost than found.v30.A good medicine tastes bitter.v31.Things done can not be undone.VIII.常用谚语常用谚语(在议论文中在议论文中)(4)毕嗌勖缬吾匕肾邻耆坼臧厩锲缝铉亮阎朗讫翅玲码趵臬钎尝直今境馍埠抑漓馋父朕除冲茱歙女麓漳匐怎乍菩悠攵蓁遛刨货瞪嗝透散汝取祷簦曷乓暄Thank you!横瑶九蛊苄屠讽晴恻问晒坼啼样走咬倬薪筚甯侨坠谎粝氅嵝映骆肠今猫皆敢漱混辩岬殷瘁手杖趁从靓龋上倮悴楫芨赢


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