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1、Air Freightby GaofengAir freight vs.Air cargoAir freight is goods that are imported by a freight forwarding company.These companies organize large shipments of goods for companies or individuals who are importing large quantities.Sometimes freight forwarders act as carriers of these goods,as well.Ai

2、r cargo,on the other hand,is bulk cargo that is added to domestic cargo on an airplane.Air cargo companies do not have their own planes to transport goods but simply“add on”to already existing cargo.Cargo airline /airfreight carriersFedex ground truck空运方面的专用术语 空运费 air freight 机场费 air terminal charge

3、 空运提单费 airway bill fee FSC(燃油附加费)fuel surcharge SCC(安全附加费)security sur-charge 抽单费 D/O fee 内装箱费 container loading charge(including inland drayage)疏港费 port congestion charge 场站费 CFS charge 文件费 document charge各航线费用组成 美西 O/F+PSS+AMS+WRS+IAC+IPI+ERS+ACC 美东 O/F+PSS+AMS+WRS+PCC+RIPI+ERS 东南亚线 O/F+BAF+WRS+PC

4、S 欧洲 O/F+BAF+CAF+PSS(旺季时候会加)日本 O/F+PSS(EBS+BAF/YAS+CYC一般到付)韩国 O/F+PSS+EBS EBS、EBA 部分航线燃油附加费的表示方式,EBS一般是澳洲航线使用,EBA一般 是非洲航线、中南美航线使用 aAMS Automated Manifest System 自运舱单系统 ACS/ACC ALAMEDA CORRIDOR SURCHARGE 火车通道费(自洛杉矶转运)BAF BUNKER AJUSTMENT FACTOR 燃油附加费系数 BAF 燃油附加费,大多数航线都有,但标准不一。BRC THE BUNKER RECOVERY

5、CHARGE 燃油附加费 CAF CURRENCY AJUSTMENT FACTOR 币值附加费 CY-CFS CY-CHARGE FAF Fuel AdjustmentFactor 燃油价调整附加费(日本航线专用)GRI General Rate Increase 综合费率上涨附加费 一般是南美航线、美国航线使用 DDC Destination Delivery Charges 直航附加费 美加航线使用 DOC DOcument charges 文件费 EBS EMERGENCY BUNKER SURCHARGE 紧急燃油附加费 一般是澳洲航线使 用 EBA 紧急燃油附加费 一般 是非洲航线

6、、中南美航线使用 bERS/ERA 空箱调转费 IFA 临时燃油附加费,某些航线临时使用 IAC 联运管理费(中海)IAS 直航附加费 美加航线使用 IPI INTERIOR POINT INTERMODAL 内陆转运费 ISPS 上海港口拥挤费用 ISPS(视船公司而定)ORC ORIGIN RECEIPT CHARGE 发货港收货费,本地出口附加费.和SPS类似,一般在华南地区使用 PTF 巴拿马运河附加费 美国航线、中南美航线使用 PSS Peak Season Sucharges 旺季附加费 大多数航线在运输旺季时可能临时使用 PCC 巴拿马运河附加费 cPCS Port Conges

7、tion Surcharge 港口拥挤附加费 一般是以色列、印度某些港口及中南美航线使用8月15日起ALEXANDRIA收取PCS($350/TEU)上海 RIPI 没动内陆点转运费 SPS Shanghai Port Surcharge 上海港口附加费(船挂上港九区、十区)THC TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGES 码头操作费(香港收取)WRS 战争附加费 一般中东尤其是以色列的港口要加这个费用 YAS YEN ADJUSTMENT SURCHARGE 日元贬值附加费(日本航线专用)ORC Origen Recevie Charges 本地出口附加费,和SPS类似(广东省收取

8、)EPS Equipment Position Surcharges 设备位置附加费 SCS Suez Canal Surcharge 苏伊士运河附加费 Heavy-Lift Additional 超重附加费 YAS Yard Surcharges 码头附加费 dHeavy-Lift Additional 超重附加费 YAS Yard Surcharges 码头附加费 Deviation Surcharge 绕航附加费 Transhipment Surcharge 转船附加费 Direct Additional 直航附加费 Long Length Additional 超长附加费 Fumiga

9、tion Charge 熏蒸费 Ice Surcharge 冰冻附加费 Cleaning Charge 洗舱费 Optional Fees or Optional Additional 选择卸货港附加费 Alteration Charge 变更卸货港附加费货运代理术语中英对照1换单费/抽单费:D/O fee delivery order上海港THC:THC in Shanghai port港口附加费:port surcharge 分拔费:break-bulk fee舱单更改费:manifest modified fee三检费:commodity inspection fee,plant and

10、 animals quarantine fee报检预录费:inspection declaration sheet input fee通关单单证费:transfer fee通关单预录费:input fee of inspection and quarantine transfer 通关单代办费:quarantine transfer sheet charge2商品检验费:commodity inspection fee箱体消毒费:container antisepsis fee箱检费:container inspection fee箱体封识费:container seal fee货物消毒费:g

11、oods sterilize fee动检费:animals quarantine fee动检场地费:site fee of animals quantine卫检费:hygiene inspection fee卫检场地费:site fee of hygiene inspection熏蒸费:fumigation charge3报关费:customs declaration fee报关单预录费:input fee of customs pre-declaration报关代理费:customs declaration handling fee舱单预录费:manifest input fee查验费:cu

12、stoms inspection fee查验开箱费:container open fee in inspection查验吊箱费:container sling fee in inspection查验称重费:weight fee in inspection查验掏箱费:goods take-out fee in inspection转关代理费:customs transfer handling fee4退单费:shut-out fee拼单费:combine customs declaration sheet fee滞报金:declaration demurrage duty滞纳金:demurrag

13、e duty国内运输费:trucking fee港杂费:port sundries提货费:pick-up charges汽代费:truck agent fee理货费:tally fee园区卡口费:gate charge5修污箱费:repair contaminated container fee疏港费:port demurrage charge超期租箱费:container overtime used fee危险品提货费:pick-up charges for DGR cargo保险费:insurance送货费:delivery charge上下车费:lift on and lift off

14、charge通关点使用费:bonded area charge6仓储费:warehouse charge拆箱费:CFS charge堆存费:storage charge at container yard装卸作业费:loading and unloading charge海运费:ocean freight包干费:lump sum charge代理费:handling fee代收杂费:collected sundry fee到付运费:collected freight免表代办费:charge for handling certificate of imposing import duty7免表输

15、机费:chare of input certificate of imposing import duty年审费:annual auditing fee by customs特种箱作业费:particular container operating charge备案费:annual auditing memo fee快递费:express fee佣金:commission机场杂费:terminal charges短驳费:extra movement charge实报实销:at cost散货:LCL(less than container loading)8柜货:FCL(full contain

16、er loading)航空燃油附加费:FSC(fuel surcharge)航空安全附加费/战险:SC(security surcharge)航程:transit time拼柜费:stuffing charge拆柜费:unstuffing charge燃料调整因素:BAF(bunker adjustment factor)币值调整因素:CAF(currency adjustment factor)日元增值附加费:YAS(Yen appreciation surcharge)旺季燃料附加费:EBS(emergency bunker surcharge)9集装箱申请费:CHC(container

17、handling charge)送货签收单:POD(proof of delivery)旺季附加费:PSS(peak season surcharge)20标箱:TEU(twenty equivalent unit)增值税:VAT(value added tax)关税:duty超重费:overweight fee加班费:overtime fee过夜费:overnight charge放空费:consignment canceling charge10设施保安费:port security charge三方物流:The third party logistics卡车费:cartage/truck

18、ing fee力资费:labor charge分流费/场站费:CY charge(container yard charge)物流词汇 Logistics-1Airline cooperation航空公司协作航空公司协作amendment修改修改arrival notice到货通知到货通知as per按照按照assembly plant装配厂装配厂bale or grain capacity包装或散装容积包装或散装容积bank draft银行汇票银行汇票bargaining strenght讨价还价的能力讨价还价的能力bill of entry报关单报关单bills of lading提单提单

19、2block style齐头式齐头式body of the letter书信正文书信正文break bulk cargo杂货杂货,普通货物普通货物breakage of packing risks包装破裂险包装破裂险bunker adjustment factor(BAF)燃油价格调整因素燃油价格调整因素business correspondence商务通信商务通信call at a port挂靠挂靠,停靠停靠cargo transportation货物运输货物运输carriage of goods by sea海上货物运输海上货物运输carriage of gooods by road公路货

20、物运输公路货物运输carrier承运人承运人3carrying capacity运载能力运载能力certificate of registry登记证书登记证书CFR(Cost and Freight)(成本加运费成本加运费)chargeable weight计费重量计费重量charter party租船合同租船合同check list核查单核查单CIF(Cost,Insurance and Freight)(成本、保险费加运费成本、保险费加运费)CIP(Carriage and Insurance Paid To)(运费、保险费付至运费、保险费付至)clash and breakage ris

21、ks 碰损、破碎险碰损、破碎险4class rates等级运价等级运价clean bill of lading清洁提单清洁提单clear the goods for export办理货物出口清关手续办理货物出口清关手续combined transport合并运输合并运输commission agent委托代理人委托代理人common carrier公共承运人公共承运人common practices一般做法一般做法conference lines 班轮公会运输班轮公会运输5consignee收货人收货人consolidated shipment集运货物集运货物consolidation ser

22、vices合并运输服务合并运输服务Constructive total loss推定全损推定全损container cargo集装箱货物集装箱货物containerization集装箱化集装箱化contract of affreightment(COA)包运合同包运合同contract of carriage货物运输合同货物运输合同Convention de Merchandises Par Routes(CMR)国际公路货物运输合同公约国际公路货物运输合同公约6Council of Logistics Management(美国美国)物流管理协会物流管理协会CPT(Carriage Paid

23、 To)CPT(运费付至运费付至)hand pallet truck油压拖板车油压拖板车horizontal bracing橫撑橫撑industrial door工业门工业门industrial vehicle 工业车辆工业车辆intermodal transportation复合一贯运输复合一贯运输lashing捆扎加固捆扎加固levelling plate垫片垫片7LGV 激光引导无人搬运车激光引导无人搬运车load efficient 装载效率装载效率loading and unloading 装卸装卸logistical utilities 物流效用物流效用materials hand

24、ling 物料搬运物料搬运mezzanines floor积层架积层架mini-load AS/RS料盒式自动仓库系統料盒式自动仓库系統mobile dock leveller 月台桥板月台桥板mobile shelving移动柜移动柜net unit load size 净单元货载尺寸净单元货载尺寸8operation area理货区理货区order picking truck电动拣料车电动拣料车order picking指令拣选指令拣选order shipped complete 订货完成率订货完成率packaged cargo包装货物包装货物packaging包装包装pallet托盘,托

25、盘,(木质木质)栈板栈板pallet container栈板笼架栈板笼架pallet pool system 通用托盘系统通用托盘系统pallet racking传统式重型物料钢架传统式重型物料钢架9palletization托盘化托盘化palletizer托盘堆垛机托盘堆垛机pick up货物聚集货物聚集picking拣货,拣货,拣选作业拣选作业pictorial marking for handling货运标识货运标识pinwheel pattern针轮式码放针轮式码放plan view size平面尺寸平面尺寸plastic bin物料盒物料盒plastic pallet塑胶栈板塑胶栈板

26、platform物流容器,站台,月台物流容器,站台,月台physical distribution model 物流标准物流标准10powered pallet truck电动拖板车电动拖板车powered stacker自走式电动堆高机自走式电动堆高机push-back pallet racking后推式重型物料钢架后推式重型物料钢架rack货架货架rack notice标示牌标示牌reach truck前伸式电动堆高机前伸式电动堆高机returnable container 9通用容器通用容器roll container笼车笼车roller conveyor 滚筒式输送机(带)滚筒式输送机

27、(带)safety pin 插销插销11safety stock安全储备安全储备scrubber洗地机洗地机shed临时周转仓库临时周转仓库shelving轻量型物料钢架轻量型物料钢架shuttle car梭车梭车slat conveyor条板式输送机(带)条板式输送机(带)slotted-angle shelving角钢架角钢架sorting分类分类special cargo特殊货物特殊货物spot stock 现场储备现场储备12stacker crane 自动存取机高架吊车自动存取机高架吊车stacking 堆垛堆垛stockout frequency 缺货频率缺货频率storage存储

28、存储support bar跨梁跨梁surface utilization percentage表面利用率表面利用率sweeper扫地机扫地机table trolley物流台车物流台车third part logistics 第三方物流第三方物流third party logistics service provider第三方物流服务商第三方物流服务商13transit inventory中转存货中转存货transportation运输运输transportation package size by modular coordination 运输包装系列尺寸运输包装系列尺寸tray convey

29、or盘式输送机盘式输送机(带带)truck terminal卡车货运站卡车货运站turntable转盘转盘(变更输送变更输送 方向方向)unit load 单元货载单元货载unit load system单元货载系统单元货载系统upright支柱支柱upright protctors护脚护脚14value added network-VAN加值网络加值网络vanning装箱装箱vertical conveyor垂直输送机垂直输送机very narrow aisle truck窄巷道电动堆高机窄巷道电动堆高机warehouse仓库仓库WCS(Warehouse Control System)仓储

30、控制系统仓储控制系统A CaseDialogues1A:Hello,sir.B:Hello,Miss.A:What can I do for you?B:I want to ship some goods to Moscow.2A:What kinds of goods are you going to ship?B:Some down wear and knitwear.A:How much are you going to ship?B:A half ton of down wears and one ton of knitwear.3A:To whom are you going to

31、ship?B:To my brother.A:Is your brother in Moscow now?B:Yes,he is.He is there doing some business.4A:Im sure these are not for his own use.B:Do they sell well in Moscow?A:Im not sure.But brother faxed me last week and told me that these kinds of goods were wanted very much in Moscow marktets.5A:Why d

32、o you want to ship them by air?Its very expensive to ship them by air.B:I know it is very expensive by air.But it will take too much time to ship by train.Needless to say by sea.A:When do you want to ship these goods,then?B:The sooner,the better.6A:Since you have decided to ship them by air,lets go

33、through the procedures.B:All right.A:Lets fill in this form together first.If you have any questions,I can help you immediately.B:Thank you very much.8A:Here is the form,sir.B:Thank you.A:We should write evey item in the form clearly.B:All right.9A:Any questons,Sir?B:Thi si called AWB,i.e,AIr Waybil

34、l.There are as many as twelve copies.B:Oh.10A:Are you clear now?B:No,I still dont understand why.A:These copies will go to the shipper,the receiver,and the carrier.You are the shipper,your broher is the receiver,and the carrier.If your goods have to be shipped by several airlines,copies will also go

35、 to each airlines concered.A:Oh,I see.11A:Your name should be filled here,please.B:My name is Han Baolin.A:Ok.Thats right.And your brothers name should be filled there.B:My brothers name is Han Baosen.A:OK.Well down.12A:Both your address and telephone numbers.B:Here are our visiting cards.Everything

36、 you want is printed in them.A:OK.Please fill them in the form.And Ill check every item.B:All right.If you didnt help me,I couldnt fill it in right.A:Every new customer is not familiar with this form.I think you dont need any help to fill another one next time.13A:Now,you have finished the AWB.B:I h

37、ave finished it with your help.A:When will send you goods here.B:I have already brought all my goods here,just on the truck outside in your yard.14A:Thats very good.B:I dont want to waste my time.A:Oh,good.Lets go and have a look.I have to check your goods and its packing first,to see whether it is

38、properly packed.A:All right.Lets go.15A:Thats very good.B:I dont want to waste my time.A:Oh,good.Lets go and have a look.I have to check your goods and its packing first,to see whether it is properly packed.A:All right.Lets go.16A:Your goods is the same as what you said and filled in the form.B:Yes.

39、Do you need to weigh again?A:Yes.We must.And the packing is perfect,too.It seems that this is not the first time for you to ship goods by air.B:Yes,this is really the first time for me.17A:How could you pack it so perfectly?B:I was helped by a friend from a freighter forwarder.A:Oh.So thats how it i

40、s!B:Yes.Otherwise,I couldnt know how to pack it.A:We can help you to pack,too.B:Oh,thats a good idea.18A:Would you please ask your driver to drive the truck to that storehouse.B:Yes.But why?A:Well weigh your goods there.B:OK.Well be there in a minute.You may go first.A:All right.19A:Would you please

41、 ask your men to put the goods on the platform scale.B:Certainly.A:Your goods is too much.We have to weigh it by batches.B:OK.No problem.20A:There are 5 batches.(5秤)B:Yes.A:The total weight of your goods is 1505 kg.Is that right?B:Yes.Quite right.I have the same amount.21A:Hello,Mr.Wan.Ill turn this

42、 goods to you.B:All right.Well take care of it.A:Now,I have turned your goods to the storekeeper.Lets go back to my office to work out the fare.B:All right.Please get on my truck.22A:The total fare is$_.You should pay it now.B:But I heard that I could pay after my brother get the goods.A:Oh,no.Becau

43、se you are shipping your personal effects.If you are shipping for your company,and the company should be very large and frequently use air freight,you can pay it on delivery.B:Oh,I see.Here is the fare.A:Thank you very much.Good-bye.B:Good-bye!23A:Good morning,Sir.B:Good moring,Miss.A:Can I help you

44、?B:I come to claim my goods.A:When did you get the notice,Sir?B:I got it yesterday afternoon.24A:Have you got your AWB with you?B:Yes.A:Would you please give yours to me?Well have a check.B:OK.Here you are.A:Thank you.Yours is the same as ours.The two AWBs are OK.25A:Are you Han Baosen?B:Yes,I am.A:

45、Who is Han Baolin?B:He my elder brother.A:Have you got your identity card or some other certificates?B:Yes.I have got my identity card with me.Here you are.A:What we did is just for the safety of your goods.B:Thats OK.I understand it.26A:We have checked the AWBs against each other.And now we are sur

46、e that you are the receiver of the goods.B:Yes.You are right.A:Now,please follow me to go the cargo yard to have a look.B:All right.Lets go.27A:This is your goods,Sir.B:Yes.I think.A:You may check your AWB against the one on it.B:Yes.The AWB on it is the same as mine.A:Are you sure it is yours?B:Yes

47、,I am.I am sure it is my goods sent by my elder brother.28A:Next,well open the cargo at your presence.B:Why do you want to open my goods?A:We can only open it at your presence.This is for checking,too.A:Is it necessary?B:Yes,it is.It is very necessary.If you take it back and find something wrong,who

48、 will be responsible for that?A:Oh,I see.29A:We should check all the items in it before you take it away.B:Oh.A:If you think it is unnecessary,we dont be responsible for anything wrong when you take it back and find some problems in it.B:I understand now.Its better for us to check it here.30A:Now,we

49、 have opened all your cargo.B:Yes.I have seen it.A:Please check your goods item by item against your AWB.B:OK.A:Is there anything wrong with your goods?B:No.There is nothing wrong.All the items are correct,and all the goods is in good conditon,too.31A:OK.Please sign your name on my AWB.B:All right.A

50、:Now,I have turned your goods to you.B:Thank you very much.I have received it.A:But Ill be responsible for your goods so long as you havent taken it away.B:Thank you again.Ill take it back.32A:How do you take your cargo back,Sir?B:I have hired a truck and it is just over there.A:Very good.Need we he


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