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1、 公共建筑节能改造重点城市绿色金融实施体系研究Research on Green Finance Implementation System of Energy Saving Reconstruction of Public Buildings in Key Cities 住房和城乡建设部科技发展促进中心 2018.7.25 住房和城乡建设部科技发展促进中心 2018.7.25 项目信息项目信息 项目资助号:G-1706-26436 Grant Number:G-1706-26436 项目期:2017 年 6 月-2018 年 5 月 Grant period:June 2017-May 20

2、18 所属领域:建筑节能 Sector:Building energy saving 项目概述:人民银行等七部委联合发布 关于构建绿色金融体系的指导意见后,绿色金融在中国迅速发展。本项目以住房和城乡建设部推动的公共建筑节能改造重点城市为切入点,探索构建公共建筑节能改造领域绿色金融体系。一是梳理公共建筑节能改造融资现状、预测融资需求、识别融资障碍;二是基于绿色金融发展现状,在具体案例分析的基础上,提出公共建筑节能改造领域绿色金融发展方案;三是提出包括完善绿色信贷、绿色基金、绿色债券等金融产品、建立公共建筑节能改造项目库、完善节能信息服务及披露制度在内的绿色金融支持公共建筑节能改造重点城市指导意见

3、建议稿,为主管部门决策提供建议。此外,本项目推动制定相关政策文件及标准建议稿,从具体实施层面推动中国公共建筑节能改造绿色金融体系的建立完善。Project Discription:Green finance has been developed in a rapid way in China since the issue of the Guiding Ideas about Construction of the Green Financial System by seven ministries and commissions such as Peoples Bank of China.B

4、y taking the energy saving reconstruction of public buildings in key cities promoted by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development,this project explores the green finance system in the field of energy saving reconstruction of public buidings.Firstly,it analyzes current conditions of financi

5、ng for energy saving reconstruction of public buildings,and predicts demands on financing,and identifies barriers to financing.Secondly,based on current conditions in development of green finance,it proposes specific schemes for green finance development in the field of energy saving reconstruction

6、of public buildings based on specific case analysis.Thirdly,it proposes to perfect financial products including green credits,green funds and green bonds and establish the project library for energy saving reconstruction of public buildings and perfect recommendations for guiding ideas on energy sav

7、ing reconstruction of public buildings in key cities supported by green finance including energy information service and disclosure system,so as to provide competent departments with suggestions.In addition,the project promotes to formulate related policy documents and standard srecommendations,so a

8、s to perfect the establishment of the green financial system of energy saving reconstruction of public buildings in China.项目成员:殷帅、丁洪涛、曾荻、刘海柱、刘伊生、武涌、尹波、朱能、钱颖初、赵本坤、白燕峰、黄锦、金占勇、吴景山、李明洋、武朋。Project team:Yin Shuai,Ding Hongtao,Zeng Di,Liu Haizhu,Liu Yisheng,Wu Yong,Yin Bo,Zhu Neng,Qian Yingchu,Zhao Benkun,

9、Huang Jin,Jin Zhanyong,Wu Jingshan,Li Mingyang,Wu Peng.关键词:公共建筑节能;绿色金融;实施体系;政策研究。Key Word:Energy saving of public buildings,Green finance,Implementation system,Policy research.本报告由能源基金会资助。报告内容不代表能源基金会观点。This report is funded by Energy Foundation.It does not represent the views of Energy Foundation.I

10、 摘要摘要 公共建筑节能能耗高,减排潜力巨大,是建筑节能工作的重要领域。2011 年起,中国财政部、住房城乡建设部(以下简称“两部”)启动实施了公共建筑节能改造重点城市试点工作,先后确定上海、天津、深圳、重庆作为首批重点城市,济南、青岛等八个城市为第二批重点城市,要求每个城市 3 年内根据情况完成 200-400 万平方米的公共建筑节能改造任务,改造后单位建筑面积能耗下降 15%以上。在推动公共建筑节能改造重点城市进程中发现,重点城市积极引导市场机制发展,鼓励合同能源管理模式的应用,但仍存在节能量核定困难、未能充分撬动金融资源、节能服务公司融资困难、节能改造市场发展缓慢等问题。2016 年,中

11、国人民银行等七部委发布联合发布关于构建绿色金融体系的指导意见,绿色金融在中国迅速发展。2017 年,住建部会同银监会决定启动新一批重点城市建设。借鉴前两批重点城市经验和教训,新一批重点城市将加大力度探索市场化改造机制,全面推进合同能源管理、PPP 等模式应用。同时,在中央财政节能减排专项资金规模逐步压缩、财政政策转型预期强烈的背景下,鼓励重点城市主管单位探索以绿色金融为重要融资渠道,支持公共建筑节能改造市场化推进。从目前的建筑节能工作来看,公共建筑节能改造是市场化应用程度最高的领域之一,可以作为培育发展建筑节能领域绿色金融体系的突破口。II 为此,本项目以推动公共建筑节能改造重点城市绿色金融发

12、展为主要目标,开展的主要研究内容如下:(1)梳理公共建筑节能改造融资现状、预测融资需求、识别融)梳理公共建筑节能改造融资现状、预测融资需求、识别融资障碍。资障碍。当前公共建筑节能改造融资模式主要包括政府融资模式、合同能源管理融资模式、业主自筹融资、银行贷款等;统计全国各省市“十三五”期间公共建筑节能改造规划目标为 1.5 亿平方米,在此基础上,测算“十三五”期间低预期融资需求为 130 亿元,高预期融资需求为900 亿元,并根据具有改造价值的既有公共建筑面积测算,可预期范围内的潜在总投资需求约为 8700 亿元。而当前公共建筑节能改造存在缺乏长效激励政策的支持、各相关主体对节能改造认识不足、现


14、层次管理绿色金融支持体系,包括一级投融资市场、二级转让市场和衍生品交易市场,并提出未来 III 节能收益权、节能收益债券等金融产品创新。(3)提出绿色金融支持公共建筑节能改造重点城市提出绿色金融支持公共建筑节能改造重点城市政策建议政策建议 政策建议包括出台鼓励性文件,制定节能量核定导则,建立公共建筑节能改造项目库,完善信息披露机制等内容。鼓励公共建筑节能改造重点城市通过政策、财政、金融等手段,推动合同能源管理模式发展。并在此基础上,提出绿色债券、绿色信贷、绿色基金等金融产品支持公共建筑节能改造的建议。(4)开始试点城市研究。)开始试点城市研究。本课题研究选取青岛、重庆、上海、深圳四省市开展试点

15、研究,通过实地调研,对各城市的项目实施基本情况,金融手段支持建筑节能改造的主要创新性做法、融资改造模式进行调研分析,总结梳理好的经验做法,识别存在问题,为项目的进一步研究奠定基础。IV SummarySummary With high energy consumption and huge emission reducing potential,public buildings involve in an important field in energy saving of buildings.The pilot work of energy saving reconstruction of

16、 public buildings in key cities has been implemented by Ministry of Finance of the Peoples Republic of China and Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development(hereinafter referred to as“two ministries”)since 2011.Shanghai,Tianjin,Shenzhen and Chongqing are determined as the first batch of key citi

17、es,and eight other cities such as Jinan and Qingdao are determined as the second batch of key cities.Each city is required to finish energy saving reconstruction of public buildings of 2 4 million square meters within 3years,to achieve energy consumption reduction in unit covered area of at least 15

18、%after the reconstruction.It is detected during the promotion of the energy saving recosntruciton of public buildings in key cities that key cities lead the development of market mechanism in a positive way,and they encourage the application of the contracting energy management mode.However,there ar

19、e still problems such as difficulty in energy saving amount check,failure in promotion of financial resources,difficulty in financing by energy saving service companies and slow development in energy saving reconstruction market.V The green finance has been developed in a rapid way in China since th

20、e issue of the Guiding Ideas about Construction of Green Financial System by seven ministries and commissions such as Peoples Bank of China in 2016.In 2017,the Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development and China Banking Regulatory Commission determined to start a new batch of key cities.Based

21、on experiences and lessons from the first two batches of key cities,the market-oriented reconstruction mechanism will be further explored in the new batch of key cities,so as to promote applications of contract energy management and PPP.At the same time,with the background of increasingly compressed

22、 scale of special fund for energy conservation and emission reduction of central finance and increasingly intensive fiscal policy transformation expectation,competent units in key cities are encouraged to explore the way to marketization of energy saving reconstruction in public buildings by taking

23、green finance as the important financing channel.According to current works related to energy saving of buildings,energy saving reconstruction of public buildings is one of the fields with the largest marketization application degree,which can be taken as the entry for cultivation and development of

24、 green financial system in the energy saving of buildings.Therefore,the project conducts research on the following contents by taking the promotion of green financial development of energy saving VI reconstruction of public buildings in key cities as the main objective:(1)Arrange current conditions

25、in energy saving reconstruction of public buildings,and prediect demands on financing,and identify barriers to financing.At present,the financing modes for energy saving reconstruction of public buildings mainly include thhe government financing mode,the contract energy management financing mode,the

26、 owner self-raised financing mode and the bank loan mode.The planning target of energy saving of public buildings of all provinces in the whole country during the“13th five-year-plan”is 150 million square meters.On this basis,the low expected financing demand during the“13th five-year-plan”is 13 bil

27、lion yuan;the high expected financing demand during the period is 90 billion yuan.When calculating based on the area of existing public buidings with value of reconstruction,the total potential investment demand is about 870 billion yuan.However,there are a series of barriers to financing for energy

28、 saving reconstruction of public buildings such as lack of long-term efficient incentive policies,insufficient awareness on energy saving reconstruction by related bodies,unfavorable existing public budget system in promoting spontaneous energy saving reconstruction behaviors,difficulty in financing

29、 by energy saving service companies,lack of standards for reconstruction and difficulty in energy saving amount check.VII (2)Arrange current conditions in development of green finance at home and abroad,and propose schemes for green financing based on energy saving reconstruction of public buildings

30、.Financing institutions shall take influences of environmental factors into consideration in financing decision,and shall invest more fund in enterprises and projects with sustainable development such as environment protection,energy saving and emission reduction and resource recycling utilization t

31、hrough a series of institutional arrangement and product innovation.At the same time,financing institutions shall reduce investment in enterprises and projects with high pollution and energy consumption,so as to promote sustainable development in economy.Based on the arrangement to current condition

32、s of green finance development at home and abroad,this project analyzes cases of energy saving reconstruction of public buildings supported by green finance,including first level of investment and financing market,secondary transfer market and derivative trading market.In addition,innovations in fut

33、ure financial products such as right to yields of energy saving and revenue bond of energy saving are proposed.(3)Propose policy suggestions in energy saving reconstruction of public buildings supported by green finance.The policy suggestions include releasing of incentive documents,formulating of e

34、nergy saving amount checking guidelines,establishing of VIII project library for energy saving reconstruction of public buildings and perfecing of information disclosure mechanism.Key cities of energy saving reconstruction of public buildings are encouraged to develop by promoting contracting energy

35、 management mode by means of policies,public finance and finance.On this basis,financial products such as green bonds,green credits and green funds are proposed to support for energy saving reconstruction of public buildings.(4)Take up the research on pilot cities.Four cities,i.e.,Qingdao,Chongqing,

36、Shanghai and Shenzhen,are selected in the research as pilot cities.Based on field investigation,research analysis is conducted on implementation conditions,main innovative practices in energy saving reconstruction supported by financial means and financing reconstruction modes in various cities,to c

37、onclude favorable experiences and practices as well as identify problems,laying a solid foundation for further research of the project.IX 目目 录录 摘要.I Summary.IV 第一章 综述.13 1.1 项目背景.13 1.1.1 公共建筑节能改造重点城市实施背景.13 1.1.2 绿色金融发展背景.16 1.2 研究现状.23 1.2.1 国外研究现状.23 1.2.2 国内研究现状.24 1.3 拟解决问题.27 第二章 当前公共建筑节能改造重点城

38、市融资现状.29 2.1 融资模式梳理.29 2.1.1 政府融资模式.29 2.1.2 合同能源管理模式.30 2.1.3 业主自筹融资模式.32 2.1.4 银行贷款模式.32 2.1.5 政府与社会资本合作(PPP)模式.34 2.2 公共建筑重点城市融资需求.35 2.2.1 公共建筑重点城市发展规划.35 2.2.2 公共建筑重点城市融资需求测算.36 2.3 关键问题及融资障碍分析.38 X 2.3.1 相关利益主体分析.38 2.3.2 融资机制障碍分析.42 2.4 公共建筑节能改造案例分析.Error!Bookmark not defined.2.4.1 南京天丰大酒店.Er

39、ror!Bookmark not defined.2.4.2 镇江市老市政府节能改造Error!Bookmark not defined.2.4.3 广州市妇女儿童医疗中心(珠江新城院区).Error!Bookmark not defined.2.4.4 案例总结分析.Error!Bookmark not defined.第三章 绿色金融支持公共建筑节能改造可行性分析.47 3.1 国内外绿色金融发展现状.47 3.1.1 国外绿色金融的发展.47 3.1.2 我国绿色金融推动公共建筑节能改造重点城市现状 50 3.2 基于公共建筑节能改造的绿色金融发展方案.52 3.2.1 多层次绿色金融市

40、场体系框架.52 3.2.2 多层次绿色金融市场体系的构成.53 3.2.3 多层次绿色金融市场体系中的金融工具创新.57 第四章 绿色金融支持公共建筑节能改造重点城市政策建议.60 4.1 建议主管部门出台鼓励性文件,推动各地金融创新.60 4.2 出台节能量核定导则,规范节能量认定.60 4.3 建立公共建筑节能改造项目库,完善信息披露及共享机制.60 XI 4.4 支持合同能源管理模式,完善市场化改造机制.61 4.5 绿色债券支持公共建筑节能改造建议.62 4.6 绿色信贷促进公共建筑节能改造建议.62 4.7 绿色基金推动公共建筑节能改造建议.63 4.8 完善法律法规政策体系.63

41、 4.9 构建行业诚信体系.64 4.10 加强能力建设.65 4.11 深化组织管理协调机制.65 第五章 试点城市实施情况总结.66 5.1 青岛市.66 5.1.1 前期工作情况.66 5.1.2 存在的主要问题.70 5.1.3 下一步工作打算.71 5.2 重庆市.76 5.2.1 基本情况介绍.76 5.2.2 重庆建筑节能改造示范效果分析.76 5.2.3 重庆建筑节能改造示范项目的经济分析.79 5.2.4 重庆市公共建筑节能改造示范项目节能模式.79 5.3 上海市.84 5.3.1 基本情况介绍.84 5.3.2 建立适宜上海地区综合节能改造技术体系.85 5.3.3 中美

42、绿色基金绿色融资模式.87 XII 5.4 深圳市绿色资产证券化支持绿色建筑的模式探讨.89 5.4.1 基本情况介绍.89 5.4.2 绿色资产证券化及其适用性.91 5.4.3 资产证券化在绿色建筑领域的已有实践.91 5.4.4 资产证券化支持绿色建筑的创新模式探讨.92 第六章 总结.94 13 第一章第一章 综述综述 1.1 项目背景项目背景 1.1.1 公共建筑节能改造重点城市实施背景公共建筑节能改造重点城市实施背景 习近平总书记在十九大报告中提出,“加快生态文明体制改革,建设美丽中国”,建筑领域作为推进绿色发展,推动生态文明建设的重要抓手,一直是节能减排的重点。根据住房和城乡建设

43、部 2016 年建筑节能与绿色建筑专项检查的相关资料显示:我国建筑面积总量逐年增长,并将持续呈现增长趋势,(图 1-1,图 1-2)新建建筑面积总量从 2001 年的 359.75 亿,增长到 2015 年的 613.43 亿,增长约1.7 倍,年均增长 3.89%。2015 年中国建筑能源消费总量为 8.57 亿吨标准煤,占全国能源消费总量的 20%,另外,房屋建筑在全寿命周期中,消费了全国 1/3 的钢材,60-70%的水泥,1/3 的城市建设用地,1/3 的城市用水,40-50%的能源,对能源、资源、环境影响巨大,是生态文明建设的重要领域。同时,建筑还承载了人民对更加健康舒适的美好居住空

44、间的需求,新时代对建筑领域绿色低碳发展的要求将进一步提高。有研究表明,到 2050 年,建筑部门减排潜力高达 74%,将为碳排放提前达峰贡献约 50%的节能量。因此降低建筑领域碳排放量是我国实现碳排放达峰目标的关键。14 图图1-1 2001-2015分类型建筑面积数据分类型建筑面积数据 图图1-2 “十五”到“十二五”期间中“十五”到“十二五”期间中国建筑面积年均增速国建筑面积年均增速 为此,我国很早便开始建筑节能工作,建筑节能概念分为广义以及狭义之分,广义的建筑节能指建筑从材料制造、运输、规划、设计、施工、运行维护、报废回收全过程节约的能量。狭义的建筑节能是指即节约建筑的运行能耗,如采暖、

45、空调、照明、炊事等。通常所指的建筑节能为狭义建筑节能概念,为建筑运行阶段的节能。绿色建筑有着较为明确的概念:指在建筑的全寿命周期内,最大限度地节约资源,包括节能、节地、节水、节材等,保护环境和减少污染,为人们提供健康、舒适和高效的使用空间,与自然和谐共生的建筑物。公共建筑种类繁多,包括公益类的学校、医院、体育馆、博物馆等,商业类的酒店、宾馆、商场、写字楼、综合楼等,运输通信类的机场、车站、邮电通信楼等。公共建筑为全社会提供公共服务,其发展状态、服务水平和服务质量在一定程度上也是衡量一个国家现代化程度的标准之一。但与此同时,作为建筑能耗大户,公共建筑的平均单位面积能耗是其他建筑的 23 倍;在经

46、济发达地区这一比例则更高,如上海市即达到 5 倍。住房和建设部 2016 年建筑节能与绿色建0200400600800200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015公共建筑城镇居住建筑农村居住建筑4.50%3.08%4.23%0%1%2%3%4%5%十五十一五十二五 15 筑专项检查相关资料显示:2015 年全国建筑总面积达到 613 亿平方米,其中公共建筑面积约 113 亿平方米(图 1-3),占比大约 18%。但同时,建筑能源消费总量为 8.57 亿吨标准煤,其中公共建筑能耗已达 3.41 亿吨标准煤,占比竟然达 4

47、0%。因此,公共建筑节能能耗高,减排潜力巨大,是建筑节能工作的重要领域。图图1-3 2015年我国建筑能耗及建筑存量统计年我国建筑能耗及建筑存量统计 因此,我国很早便开始了公共建筑领域的节能工作。公共建筑节能监管体系及公共建筑节能改造体系,并在校园及医院开展试点,并建立省级节能监管平台,取得很好的节能效果。2011 年起,中国财政部、住房城乡建设部(以下简称“两部”)启动实施了公共建筑节能改造重点城市试点工作,支持公共建筑能耗数据清楚、有良好节能改造潜力的城市规模化推进公共建筑节能改造。两部先后确定上海、天津、深圳、重庆作为首批重点城市,济南、青岛等八个城市为第二批重点城市,要求每个城市 3

48、年内根据情况完成 200-400 万平方米的公共建筑节能改造任务,改造后单位建筑面积能耗下降 15%以上。截止目前,首批重点城市已经全部完成改造任务,第二批重点改造城市1132482523.413.21.9700.511.522.533.54050100150200250300公共建筑城镇居住建筑农村居住建筑2015年我国建筑能耗及建筑存量统计建筑存量(亿平方米)建筑能耗(亿标准煤)16 也在顺利进展当中。在实施过程中发现,重点城市积极引导市场机制发展,鼓励合同能源管理模式的应用。但是,根据对部分重点城市的调研情况显示,公共建筑节能改造全面市场化推动尚存在部分障碍,一是全国尚缺乏权威的节能改造

49、节能量核定标准,业主与节能服务公司纷争频发;二是公共建筑节能改造领域未能充分撬动金融资源,节能服务公司融资困难,节能改造市场发展缓慢。因此,公共建筑节能潜力未能转化成节能改造市场,对社会资本的吸引力有限。2017 年,住建部会同银监会决定启动新一批重点城市建设。借鉴前两批重点城市经验和教训,新一批重点城市希望可以加大力度探索市场化改造机制,全面推进合同能源管理、PPP 等模式应用。同时,在中央财政节能减排专项资金规模逐步压缩、财政政策转型预期强烈的背景下,鼓励重点城市政府探索建立绿色金融支持体系,带动社会资金投入。从目前的建筑节能工作来看,公共建筑节能改造是市场化应用程度最高的领域之一,也是培

50、育发展建筑节能领域绿色金融体系的重点以及突破口。根据关于构建绿色金融体系的指导意见(银发2016228 号)的文件精神,提出支持公共建筑节能改造的一系列金融政策、措施和机制,成为构建建筑节能改造可持续市场机制的重要抓手。1.1.2 绿色金融发展背景绿色金融发展背景 绿色金融指一类有特定“绿色”偏好的金融活动,金融机构在投 17 融资决策中充分考虑环境因素的影响,并通过一系列的体制安排和产品创新,将更多的资金投向环境保护、节能减排、资源循环利用等可持续发展的企业和项目,同时降低对污染性和高耗能企业和项目的投资,以促进经济的可持续发展。20 世纪 70 年代以来,西方发达国家开始了对可持续经济增长


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