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1、Instructor:Guo Qing第1页Chapter Seven Petroleum Storage and Transportation(石油储运)第2页Petroleum Surface Treatment(石油在地面处理)(石油在地面处理)Well fluids(井流)are often a complex mixture(复杂混合物)of liquid hydrocarbons,gas,and some impurities(杂质).It is necessary to to move the gas and some impurities from the liquid hyd

2、rocarbons before they are stored,transported,and sold.Liquid hydrocarbons and objectionable impurities(讨厌杂质)must also be removed from natural gas before the gas goes to a sales line(销售网线).Impurities that might be found in some well streams(井流)are hydrogen sulfide(硫化氢),carbon dioxide(二氧化碳),free water

3、,water vapor,nitrogen(氮),helium(氦气),and solids(固体物质).Nearly all of the impurities cause various types of operating(操作)problem.第3页The separation(分离)of natural gas,liquid hydrocarbons,and impurities(杂质)is accomplished(完成)by various field-processing methods(油田现场处理方法),depending upon the composition(组成)o

4、f the well stream(井流)and the desired end product(所需要终端产品).These methods include time,chemicals(化学药剂),gravity(重力),heat(热),mechanical or electrical processes(机械和电方法),and combinations(组合)of these.第4页Oil Treating(原油处理)Treating system(处理系统)are important parts of lease equipment(井场设备).Experience(经验)in a p

5、articular field or area is valuable(宝贵)in determining(确定)the best equipment for the application(使用).In selecting a treating system,a number of factors should be considered to determine the most desirable method(最理想方法)of treating the crude oil to pipeline requirements(到达管输要求).第5页Some of these factors

6、 are:1.Tightness of emulsion;(乳状液牢靠程度)2.Specific gravity of the oil and produced water;(油和采出水相对密度)3.Corrosiveness of the oil,gas and produced water;(油,气和采出水腐蚀性)4.Scaling tendencies of the produced water;(采出水结垢趋势)5.Quantity of fluid to be treated and percent of water in the fluid;(需处理流体数量和流体内含水量)6.Av

7、ailability of sales line for the gas;(是否有气体销售管线)7.Desirable operating pressure for the equipment;(设备要求操作压力)8.Paraffin-forming tendencies of the crude oil(原油析蜡倾向)第6页Separators(分离器)Separation(分离)of well-stream gas from free liquids is the most common and simplest form of field processing(现场加工),The equ

8、ipment most widely used for this type of processing is referred to as a separator(分离器).The separation of natural gas from liquids and/or impurities(杂质)in a separator combines gravity(重力),time,mechanical processes(机械方法),and occasionally chemicals(化学药剂).The size of the separator is dependent upon rate

9、 of flow(流量)of the natural gas and/or liquids going in the vessel(容器).The operating pressure of the vessel is dependent upon the pressure of the gas sales line(气体销售管线),the flowing pressure(流动压力)of the well,and operating pressure desired by the lease operator(矿厂操作人员).第7页Separators(分离器)are built in va

10、rious designs,such as vertical(立式),horizontal(卧式)and spherical(球型).The internals of the vessel,to aid in the mechanical separation of the gas and liquids(促进气液机械分离分离器内部构件),are of a special design,depending upon the manufacture(制造商).Although most separators are two-phase(两相)in design separating the ga

11、s and liquids,they can be built three-phase(三相)to separate natural gas,liquid hydrocarbons(液态烃),and free water(游离水).第8页Treating oil field emulsions(井场乳状液处理)An emulsion(乳状液)is a combination of two immiscible(不混相)liquids,or liquids that do not mix together under normal conditions.One of the liquids is

12、 spread out(分散),or dispersed(消散),throughout the other in the form of small droplets(小液滴).These droplets can be of all sizes,from fairly large to very small.A stable emulsion is an emulsion that will not break down(打破)without some form of treating.Oil field emulsions are usually of the water-in-oil t

13、ype(油包水型);however,a few of the emulsions are oil-in-water type(水包油型)and are called reverse emulsions(反向乳状液)第9页In order to break a crude oil emulsion(破除原油乳状液)and obtain clean oil,it is necessary to displace(破坏)the emulsifier(乳化剂)and its film(乳化膜).There are several methods used in conjunction with(共同)

14、one another to“treat”an oil emulsion.A heater-treater(加热处理器)is normally used in treating oil emulsions.The heater treater uses thermal,gravity,and sometimes chemical and/or electrical methods to break emulsions.第10页Hydrogen Sulfide(硫化氢)Removal(脱除)The presence(存在)of hydrogen sulfide in a reservoir fl

15、ow stream(油藏油流)is an added complication(增加了复杂性).The disagreeable smell(不好闻气味)of rotten eggs(臭鸡蛋),characteristics of hydrogen sulfide is extremely toxic(有毒性)and cause erosion(腐蚀).Breathing apparatus(呼吸器)of the airline mask(航空面罩)or other protective methods will be necessary for all personnel(工作人员)on s

16、uch a site(现场).A hydrogen sulfide detector(探测器)and alarm(报警器)should also be installed(安装)on the platform(平台)and arranged to indicate the presence of hydrogen sulfide in any enclosed space(封闭空间)or where a leak(泄露)is likely to occur.第11页Before gas can be sold it is necessary to remove the hydrogen sul

17、fide.this is commonly done using an amine tower(胺塔).The liquid amine(液态胺)percolating(渗滤)down through rising gas absorbs(吸收)the hydrogen sulfide.In a separate process the hydrogen sulfide is removed from the amine,which can then be recycled(循环使用).A recent development is the use of molecular sieves(分子

18、筛)to trap(吸附)the hydrogen sulfide,after which it can be recovered from the sieve in an ancillary regeneration process(辅助再生过程).第12页Dehydration of Natural gas(天然气脱水)Most natural gas contains substantial amount(相当数量)of water vapor(水蒸汽)at the time it is produced from a well or separated from an associat

19、ed(对应)crude-oil stream(原油流).Water vapor must be removed(去除)from the gas stream(气流)because it will condense(凝析)into liquid and may cause hydrate(水合物)formation as the gas is cooled from the high reservoir temperature to the cooler surface temperature.Liquid water almost always accelerates(加速)corrosion

20、(腐蚀),and the solid hydrates may pack(堆积)solidly in gas-gathering systems(集气系统),resulting in partial or complete blocking(堵塞)of flow lines(采气管线)第13页Hydrates(水合物):Hydrates are solid compounds(固体化合物)that form as crystals(晶体状)and resemble(象)snow in appearance(外表).They are created by a reaction(反应)of nat

21、ural gas with water,and when formed they are about 10 percent hydrocarbon(烃)and 90 percent water.Hydrates have a specific gravity(比重)of about 0.98 and will usually float(漂浮)in water and sink(沉入)in hydrocarbon liquids.Dehydration(脱水):The process(过程)whereby water vapors(水蒸气)-and certain other vapors a

22、s well-are removed from the gas by either absorption(吸收)or adsorption(吸附)will be referred to as dehydration.第14页Absorption(吸收):Water vapor may be removed from natural gas by bubbling the gas(气体以气泡形式)countercurrently(逆流)through certain liquids that have a special attraction(吸引力)or affinity(亲和力)for wa

23、ter.When water vapors are removed by this process,the operation is called absorption.第15页Adsorption(吸附)There are also solids(固体)that have an affinity(亲和力)for water.When gas flow through a bed of such granular solids(颗粒状固体床),the water is retained(滞留)on the surface of the particles(颗粒)of the solid mat

24、erial(固体材料).This process is called adsorption.第16页Dew point(露点):The term dew point means the temperature at which natural gas at any specified pressure is saturated with water vapor.指在任一要求压力下天然气被水蒸汽饱和时温度 Saturated(被饱和):Saturated means that the gas contains in vapor form all the water possible at the

25、 specified pressure and temperature.指在要求压力和温度下气体中以蒸汽形式可能含有全部水分。If temperature drops while pressure is not changed free water will be released from the gas.The free water may form hydrate with natural gas which will cause problem in transportation.So the nature gas should be treated to meet a certain

26、 dew point requirement.第17页Handling Produced Water(石油生产(石油生产伴生水处理)伴生水处理)Most oil and gas wells produce some water.Some of the produced waters are fresh(淡水)which others are slight,medium or high in salt(chlorides氯化钠)content(成份).The method of disposal of the produced waters depends on many factors suc

27、h a volume of water(水量),type of water,location of oil or gas field,type of reservoir from which water is produced,government regulations(政府要求),etc.第18页The most accepted methods of disposing of produced waters are:1.Injection(注入)into underground salt water bearing formations(含盐水地层),2.Injection into o

28、il bearing underground reservoirs from which the oil and water is produced.3.Disposal of carefully treated water into the ocean from offshore production platform(海上生产平台).第19页Transportation of Oil and GasOne of the areas in which the technical advances have been most spectacular is in the transportat

29、ion of petroleum and petroleum products.One of the most important links(连接)in the chain of operation that brings oil and gas from the reservoir to users around the world is the network of pipelines(管网)that transport oil,natural gas,and other products from producing fields to consumers.This network g

30、athers oil and gas from hundreds of thousands of individual wells(单井),including those in some of the worlds remote areas(偏僻地域),and eventually distributes(销售)a range of products to individuals,residences,businesses and plants.第20页Oil and natural gas supplies are mainly located in rural and remote are

31、a.Supply and demand are linked together by pipelines(管道).Some are massive steel conduits(大管子)more than a meter in diameter(直径),while others are plastic tubes a few centimeters across.They form delivery system(运输系统)as vast(庞大)and complex(复杂)as the railroads,highways or electric utilities(电力设备网).Howev

32、er,pipelines are largely invisible,buried(埋)a meter or more underground.Crude oil,gas liquids and refined products are also transported by tanker(油轮),barge(驳船),railway(火车)and truck(卡车).Natural gas is only delivered by pipelines today.第21页Pipelines fall into three general categories:Gathering lines(集

33、油气管网)move raw oil and gas from wellheads to processing plants and transmission facilities.trunk/transmissions lines(输油气干线管道)transport crude oil,natural gas liquids and refined petroleum products to refineries and petrochemical plants,and some trunk lines transport refine products to consumer areas.G

34、as transmission systems carry natural gas at high pressure from producing areas to consuming areasDistribution lines(分配管网)owned by local distribution companies deliver natural gas at low pressure to homes and business.第22页Some pipelines run above the surface,especially in rugged(崎岖不平)or uninhabited(

35、无人居住)areas,but many others run beneath the ground.第23页pig(剐管器)(剐管器)Pipelines are cleaned by device called a pig(剐管器).This mechanism has metal blades(金属刀刃)that scrape(刮擦)the inside of the pipe to keep it clean of the tar-like substance(焦油状物质)that runs in it.The pressure of the oil itself forces the p

36、ig to move through the pipe.The pig can only go from one pumping station to the next,where it is taken out and cleaned.The pipelines must be constantly(经常地)checked(检验).Each section is patrolled(巡查)by a pipeline walker(管道检验工)who looks for evidence of a leak(泄露)or other damage(损坏)in the line.第24页Natur

37、al Gas Pipelines(天然气管道)The purpose of gas-gathering pipelines(集气管)and gas transmission lines(输气干线)is similar to that of crude-gathering(集油管)and crude trunk lines(原油干线),respectively(分别地),but operating conditions(操作条件)and equipments(设备)are quite different.In general,gas pipelines operate at higher pre

38、ssures than crude lines;gas is moved through a gas pipeline by compressors(压缩机)rather than by pumps(泵);and the path of natural gas to the user is more direct.Gas transmission lines(输气干线)operate at relatively high pressure.Compressors(压缩机)at the beginning of the line(管道起点)provide the energy to move t

39、he gas through the line.Then compressor stations are required at a number of points(若干点)along the line(沿管道)to maintain(维持)the required pressure.The distance between compressors varies,depending on the volume of gas(气体流量),the line size(管道尺寸),and other factors.第25页Capacity(输送能力)of the system can be in

40、creased by adding compressors(压缩机)at one or more of the compressor stations(压缩机站)or by building an additional compressor station.The size of compressors within the station varies over a wide rang(改变范围相当大),but many stations include several thousand horsepower(马力)in one station.Gas transmission pipeli

41、nes are made of steel pipe(钢管)and buried below ground surface(埋在地下),which is externally coated(内部涂层)to protect against corrosion.第26页LNG pipelines(液化天然气管道)Liquefied natural gas(LNG)is natural gas cooled and compressed to a temperature and pressure at which it exists as a liquid.Significant volumes(大

42、量)of nature gas are transported in the liquid phase as LNG,but these shipments are made by special ocean tanker(专用远洋海轮)rather than by long-distance pipeline.Short pipelines,however,are in operation in association with gas liquefaction or vaporization plants(天然气液化厂或气化厂)and terminals for loading and u

43、nloading of LNG tankers(海轮装船和卸船终点).Liquefaction of natural gas(天然气液化)provides a way to transport it from producing countries to consuming countries when natural gas pipelines are not possible(不适于铺设天然气管道生产国和消费国之间运输).For land transportation(陆路运输),pipe lining natural gas in the vapor phase(气相)is still

44、the preferred method.第27页Products Pipelines(成品油管道)The industrys products pipeline system(工业成品油管道系统)is a sophisticated(复杂)transportation network.Many segments of the system are highly flexible in both capacity(输送能力)and the products that can be transported(输送品种).Products pipelines can often carry seve

45、ral different products in the same pipeline.Products pipelines often must operate at higher pressure than crude pipelines because the material being transported is lighter than crude.Products being shipped must remain(保持)in a liquid phase.If gas is allowed to enter the liquid pumps on the pipelines,

46、pump efficiency(泵效)is lowered and pump damage may result.第28页 Key words Well fluids(井流)objectionable impurities(讨厌杂质)separation(分离)Separators(分离器)field-processing methods(油田现场处理方法)end product(终端产品)Oil Treating(原油处理)lease equipment(井场设备)the lease operator(矿厂操作人员)two-phase(两相)three-phase(三相)free water

47、(游离水)第29页emulsion(乳状液)break emulsions(破乳)A heater-treater(加热处理器)Hydrogen sulfide(硫化氢)leak(泄露)hydrogen sulfide detector(硫化氢探测器)alarm(报警器)an amine tower(胺塔)absorbs(吸收)molecular sieves(分子筛)an ancillary regeneration process(辅助再生过程)Dehydration of Natural gas(天然气脱水)water vapor(水蒸汽)第30页hydrate(水合物)absorpti

48、on(吸收)adsorption(吸附)countercurrently(逆流)attraction(吸引力)affinity(亲和力)dew point(露点)saturated(被饱和)chlorides(氯化钠)pipelines(管道)tanker(油轮)gathering lines(集油气管网)trunk/transmissions lines(输油气干线管道)distribution lines(分配管网)第31页pig(剐管器)natural Gas Pipelines(天然气管道)compressors(压缩机)LNG pipelines(液化天然气管道)Liquefacti

49、on of natural gas(天然气液化)Products Pipelines(成品油管道)第32页Questions for reviewing1.What are the factors that influence the selection of oil treatment system?2.What are the two common types of oil emulsions?3.Why should hydrogen sulfide be removed from a reservoir flow stream?4.What are hydrates?5.What is the dehydration process?6.How to define dew point?7.What are the most accepted methods of disposing of produced waters?8.What are the three general categories of pipelines?9.What is a pig for?第33页第34页


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