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1、Warm-up!Whatdidyoudointhissummerholiday?第1页A Freshmans Alphabet-description-and-guess game Direction:One student chooses a specific letter like a,b,c or anyone from the alphabet.The student is required to describe the word in sentences.The content must be related to college life and the exact word m

2、ustnt be mentioned.The other students are required to guess out the exact word with the hint of the first letter and whats more to express their attitude towards the life aspect related to the word.oInyourmind,whatisuniversitylifelike?第2页 Example:assignment It can be described as:this word starts wi

3、th the letter“A”;its the job left by the teacher to us.We have to hand in on time.The answer is assignment.The attitude may be as following:its useful for us to review and to prepare.Yet too many assignments are a real burden.The teacher has better leave us some space and time to arrange our study.第

4、3页In your mind,what is university life like?dormitoryassignmentexamsfriendsbookclubAFreshmansAlphabet第4页Universitylife第5页1.Try to describe your first year at college.Did anything special happen then?The following words might be useful.Groupworkdifferent,free from constraints,independent,excited,prou

5、d,busy Lost/at a loss,lonely,homesick,surprise/shock,disillusion,disappointed,messy第6页 2.Talk about the most embarrassing thing you encountered at college.Are you afraid of making mistakes that cause embarrassment?To err is human.(Alexander Pope)人非圣人非圣贤贤,孰能无,孰能无过过。Never take oneself too seriously.Co

6、llege allows one to make mistakes.(I will make a fool of myself and thats OK!)第7页 Conclusion There are few earthly things more splendid than a university.Wherever a university stands,it stands and shines;wherever it exists,the free minds of men,urged on to full and fair enquiry,may still bring wisdo

7、m into human affairs.-John Masefield Anyone in it cant let thechance to open himself to amultitude of new possibilitiesslip by.To exploit everychance to develop oneself,oneshould get released from the bondage of his fixed image.But if one does,he is sure toenter a new world which ismuch wider and mo

8、re fascinating and even the mistakes he or she makesduring the course will becomethe nourishment of a strongerconfidence.第8页 Unit 1 FreshStartReady,steady,Go!第9页Value revealed in the text1Basic elements of narration2Structure Analysis3Comprehensionandlanguagepoints4LearningObjectives第10页The Text and

9、 the AuthoroThe text,written by EvelynHerald(contemporary),appeared in Nutshellmagazine in 1989.oNutshell,a monthly,web-based magazine.Interested people sign up for the newsletter(简报)and thus they get a digest(摘要)of the current months content mailed to them.The newsletter contains short,interesting

10、stories while the website contains greater detail for you to dive into.第11页SketchofthestoryoAn autobiographical essayoThe authors embarrassing moments during her first days at collegeoThree incidents:Sitting in the wrong class Falling down in the cafeteria Witnessing the similar experienceoThe autho

11、rs insight第12页Reading NarrativeoWhat are the essential elements of a narrative?a clear contextwell-chosen detailsan appropriate and consistent point of view(dialogues,actions or events)a logical,often chronological organization第13页Time;Location;Characters(major&minor)Chronologicalorder(timesequence)

12、TextAnalysisContextContext Firstpersonnarrative(“I”)POVPOVOrganizationOrganization Sittinginthewrongclass;Fallingdowninthecaf;WitnessingtheupperclassfootballerhavingthesameexperiencDetails Details 第14页AssignmentoInnarratingherfirstdaysatcollege,theauthortriesvariouswaystoproducehumorouseffects.Onema


14、ntheU.S andthatinChina第15页In this autobiographical essay,Evelyn Herald narrates her embarrassing moments during her first days of college.With a chronologically balanced pattern of narration,the author focuses on three incidents_,_and_.After these,the author realizes a person should not be afraid of

15、 _ because it is only through trial and error that one can find _ and this is just the ultimate purpose of college education.Main idea of the textsitting in the wrong classfalling down in the cafeteriafootball player having the same experiencewitnessing the upper-classmaking mistakeshis/her real sel

16、f第16页Part DivisionPara.1-2:Myfirstdayoncollegecampus1.Para.3-5:Sittinginthewrongclass2.Para.6-7:Fallingdowninthecafeteria3.Para.8-10:Witnessingtheupperclassfootballerhavingthesameexperience4.Para.11-14:theinsightintomyself5.第17页UsageoffreshWhat meanings can you think of about“fresh”?ouse a fresh pag

17、eofresh vegetable/fish/bread/airoLet me make you a fresh pot of tea.ofresh goodsoThe plants look fresh after the rain.oShes quite fresh to office work.oShes trying to get fresh with my brother.o用新一用新一页页o新新鲜鲜蔬菜蔬菜/鱼鱼/面包面包/空气空气o我重新再我重新再给给你你沏沏一一壶壶茶吧。茶吧。o新到新到货货o雨后植物看起来生气盎然。雨后植物看起来生气盎然。o她她对办对办公室工作缺乏公室工作缺乏

18、经验经验。o她想她想对对我弟弟无礼。我弟弟无礼。第18页Part IoHowdidEvelynfeelonherfirstarrivalatthecollegecampus?oLost,scared,self-consciousoHowdoyouinterprettheword“first-gradish”?Collectexamplesfromthetext.oa mixture feeling of helplessness,disorientation,self-consciousness and a lack of confidence第19页oIsittruethateveryone

19、oncampuswaswatchingthenarrator?Whydidhe/shegetthatfeeling?oNo,that was just the way the narrator felt.Because he/she was self-conscious and shy.第20页1.I first began to wonder what I was doing on a college campus when my parents drove off,leaving me standing pitifully in a parking lot.Translation当我父母开

20、当我父母开车车离去,留下我可怜巴巴地站在停离去,留下我可怜巴巴地站在停车场时车场时,我开始,我开始寻寻思我在校园里思我在校园里该该做些什么。做些什么。第21页1.I decided I wanted nothing more than to find my way safely to my dorm room.(Line 2)want nothing more than to do 只想做只想做第22页She told me at the other end of the telephone line that she wanted nothing more than to listen to

21、 my voice again.她在电话那一端告诉我她只想再听听我声音。当前,我只想把英语学好,经过四级考试。Now,I want nothing more than to study English well and pass the TEM-4.第23页gradish oadj.-isho1)somewhat,near to,tending to:o reddish greenish purplish fortyish o2)in the manner of:ofoolish childish boyish womanish snobbisho 3)of a country,of or r

22、elating to a country or its peopleo Irish Polish Finnish Spanish第24页distinctoGold is distinct from iron.o金在性质上不一样于铁。oThis term,there has been a distinct improvement in Angels study.Easily perceived by the senses or intellect;cleardistinguished from others in nature or qualitiesdistinctlydistinctiond

23、istinctive第25页Adding to my distress was the distinct impression that everyone on campus was watching me.I could clearly feel that everyone on campus was watching me,and this made me even more upset.惯惯用搭配用搭配Be distinct from/in (在某方面)与截然不一样practice Now that the boss was no longer present,there was a d

24、istinct change in her attitude.老板不在场,她态度发生了180度大转变。第26页discreetoHe is discreet in choosing his friends.o他交友慎重adj.cautious,carefulDiscreet women have neither eyes nor ears.?慎重女人不四处探询.He is discreet in his behavior.?他行为慎重.第27页clutchShe clutched the childs hand as they cross the grasp or h

25、old tightlyHe lost his clutch on the rope and fell.他抓不住绳子,松手摔了下来。n.the act of graspShe released the clutch and the car began to move.n.a coupling that connects or disconnects driving 她放开离合器,汽车就动了。To be continued on the next page.第28页oThe mother clutched her baby in her arms.o母亲紧紧地把婴儿抱在怀里。oThe fright

26、ened child clung to her mother.o受惊小孩紧紧抓住她母亲.Practicecling to:hold sb.or sth.tightly,esp.because you do not feel safe.第29页reserveoI reserve the right to disagree.oretain,to keep for oneselfoa forest reserve/wildlife reserveo自然森林保护区/禁猎区oLater Darcy drops his reserve and confesses that he loves her.on.

27、self-restraint in expression;the habit of not showing ones feelings or thoughts.o矜持,拘谨第30页whereaboutsoWhereabouts in Haikou do you live?o你住海口什么地方呢?owhereabouts unknown o去向去向/行踪不明行踪不明oWhereabouts are you headed?o你要去哪儿?你要去哪儿?n.the place where somebody or something is第31页Part IIoWhere did Evelyn choose

28、 to sit?Why?oWhat did Evelyn do when she sensed something wrong?oWhat might be the narrators major,biology or literature?oWould she have been exempted from the mistake if she had been more careful?Why?第32页manualoof or relating to the handsmanual labor/a manual worker/manual training 体力劳动 /体力劳动者/手工课o

29、a small reference book,especially one giving instructionsa manual for students 学生手册descriptive manual 说明书第33页scribbleoShe cant write yet,but she loves to scribble with a pencil.o她现在还不会写字,但她喜欢用铅笔乱涂。oTime is so limited,I just scribble his phone number in my address book.o没时间了,我只是快速把他电话号码记在地址簿上。 co

30、ver with scribbles,or meaningless write or draw in a hurried,careless way.潦草潦草书书写写第34页gropeoI groped for the light switch in the dark room.o我在漆黑我在漆黑电电影院里探索着找座位。影院里探索着找座位。oI groped my way to a seat in the dark cinema.oWith strong sense of responsibility,good team spirit,have the courage to

31、 grope.o高度责任心,良好团体精神,勇于探索精神 search blindly or uncertainly第35页schedulen.1.a planned list or order of things to be done,dealt with a schedule of postal charges邮资邮资价目表价目表an exhausting/a very full schedule令人疲令人疲惫惫不堪日程安排;排得很不堪日程安排;排得很满满日程表日程表2.a formal list,such as a list of prices 价目表价目表第36页schedule

32、 plan for a certain future time 这这事安排在星期六事安排在星期六进进行行。ItisscheduledtotakeplaceonSaturday.The meeting is scheduled for Thursday.第37页ahead of/behind schedule 提前于提前于/落后于落后于时间时间表表on schedule 按按时时 tight schedule 排得排得紧紧时间紧紧时间表;表;难难以恪守以恪守时间时间表表Expressions第38页Forget it.CommentsIn the text,the author tel

33、ls himself/herself not to worry about sitting in the wrong class.Examples1)?tell someone that something is not important or they do not need to worry about it2)tell someone to stop asking or talking about something because it is impossible e.g.Im sorry I broke your teapot.。Forgetit.e.g.Id like to ta

34、ke a weeks holiday.Forgetit,weretoobusy.不可能,我不可能,我们现们现在太忙了。在太忙了。第39页Paraphrasing oIsettledintomychairandtriedtoassumethescientificposeofabiologymajor.(L2-4,Para.5)oIsatbackinmychairandtriedtotakeonthescientificlookofastudentmajoringinbiology.Ibentmybodyforward,preparedmyarmstoworkhardattakingnotes,a

35、ndatthesametimecursedmybadlucksecretly.第40页oThebottledsnakesalongthewallshouldhavetippedmeoff.(L5,Para.5)oThesnakesthatwerekeptinthebottlesshouldhavegivenmethehintthatthisroomwasforbiologyclass.第41页tip n.the usu.pointed end of something(某物)尖端(某物)尖端 a town at the southern tip of India 印度最南端一个城印度最南端一个

36、城镇镇on the tip of ones tongue His name is on the tip of my tongue.他名字就在我嘴他名字就在我嘴边边,但就是,但就是记记不起来了。不起来了。Word Study第42页tip to)fall over unintentionally(使)翻倒(使)翻倒Who knocked the bottle over?It could not have tipped over by itself.谁谁把瓶子碰倒了?它不会自己翻把瓶子碰倒了?它不会自己翻倒。倒。Word Study第43页tip sb.offoJournal

37、ists who were tipped off about the incident raced to the scene.o事先听到相关此事风声新闻记者争先恐后赶赴现场。oInformants tipped police off to Jacks whereabouts.o密告者向警察通风报信,说出了杰克行踪。oThere are nothing to tip me off that something was wrong.没有任何迹象向我显示什么地方出了差错。v.give secret information to第44页Part IIIoWhatwasEvelynsresponsewh

38、enshefelldowninthecafeteria?Why?10/10/School of Foreign StudiesSchool of Foreign Studies4545第45页I piled my tray with sandwiches and was heading for the seat when I accidentally stepped in a large puddle of ketchup.Translation我往托我往托盘盘里装了些三明治就朝座位走去,就在里装了些三明治就朝座位走去,就在这这时时,我无意中,我无意中踩踩到了一大到了一大滩滩番茄番茄酱酱。第4

39、6页In the seconds after my fall I thought how nice it would be if no one had noticed.Translation摔倒后几秒摔倒后几秒钟钟里,我想要是没有些人看里,我想要是没有些人看见见我我刚刚才窘相才窘相该该有多好。有多好。第47页rearn.1.the back part of an object 后部,背后部,背 a garden at the rear of the house 屋后花园屋后花园 2.the part of the body on which one sits 臀部臀部 As my rear e

40、nd met the floor,I saw my entire life pass before my eyes.就在我屁股着地刹那就在我屁股着地刹那间间,我看,我看见见自己整个人生在眼前一自己整个人生在眼前一闪闪而而过过。Word Study第48页Part IVoWhatwasthefootballersresponsetothestudentscheersandclapswhenhefellonthecafeteriafloor?Why?10/10/School of Foreign StudiesSchool of Foreign Studies4949Whydidnthe/shed

41、ineinthecafeteria?Because he/she was afraid that other students might recognize him/her and make fun of him/her.第49页 Perhaps three days was long enough for the campus population to have forgotten me.Translation兴许兴许三天三天时间时间已已经经足以足以让让校园里人把我忘在校园里人把我忘在脑脑后。后。第50页 Suddenly I heard a crash that sounded fam

42、iliar.I looked up to find that another poor soul had met the same fate as I had.Translation突然我听到一突然我听到一阵阵熟悉熟悉哗哗啦跌倒声,抬啦跌倒声,抬头头看看见见一一个可怜家伙遭遇了和我原先一个可怜家伙遭遇了和我原先一样样命运。命运。第51页ones heart goes out to sb.oMy heart goes out to you and I want to help you.o我同情你,我要帮助你。oMy heart goes out to all those people who w

43、ere made homeless by the hurricane.o我同情全部因飓风而成为无家可归人。feel sympathy towards show compassion for 对对表示同情表示同情第52页 make a wide smile 露露齿齿而笑,咧着嘴笑而笑,咧着嘴笑 grin with delight 高高兴兴地咧开嘴笑地咧开嘴笑 grin at sbn.a wide smile which usu.shows the teeth 露露齿齿笑,咧嘴笑笑,咧嘴笑 He gave a broad grin.他咧着嘴大笑。他咧着嘴大笑。Word

44、Study第53页laugh,giggle,chuckle,grin,guffaw,beam,smileoLaughoLaugh foolishlyo傻笑oLaugh grimlyo狞笑oLaugh hystericallyo歇斯底里地笑oLaugh maliciouslyo不怀好意地笑oLaugh lightlyo轻松地笑第54页oGiggle音调高或尖声地笑,常指儿童或女孩咯咯笑oThe girls whispered and giggled together.oChuckle轻笑,暗笑,惯用比喻意义,指以为满意oHe was chuckling to himself over what

45、he was reading.oHe must be chuckling at his success.oGrin指露齿而笑oHe grinned broadly at me.oGuffaw放声大笑,哄笑o The company guffawed at the silly answer.oBeam面露喜色oHer face beamed with joy.oSmile 微笑,反义词frownoHe smiled to see the children play.第55页expectationexpect think or believe(that something will

46、 happen)I expect(that)she will pass the exam.我我预预料她会料她会经过经过考考试试。 think or consider that(something or someone)is likely to come or happen I am expecting a letter.我正在等候一封来信。我正在等候一封来信。Word Study第56页Part Two:In-Class Reading Word Studythe act of expecting or something that is expected 预预期,期,预预期事物期事物

47、He has little expectation of passing the exam.他他对对考考试试及格不抱希望。及格不抱希望。Word Studyexpectation e/live up to ones expectations 到达某人到达某人预预期要求期要求I usually enjoy his films,but the latest one didnt come up to/live up to my expectations.我向来喜我向来喜欢欢看他影片,但他最近一部并不像我期望那么好。看他影片,但他最近一部并不像我期望那么好。第57页 have or expre

48、ss a strong wish for(something)or that (someone)will do something,with the feeling that this is reasonable or necessary 认为认为理理应应得到;期望,期待得到;期望,期待 You cant expect children to be quiet all the time.你不能指望孩子你不能指望孩子们们一直保持平静。一直保持平静。Word Study第58页oSlink:go or move in a quiet,stealthy way;move as if one feel

49、s guilty or ashamed,or does not want to be seenoShe tried to slink(=sneak)of the office so that nobody would see her.oThe cat slunk(=sneaked)through the grass toward its prey.第59页Part VoWhat,accordingtoEvelyn,isoneofthemajordifferencesbetweencollegeandhighschoollives?10/10/School of Foreign StudiesS

50、chool of Foreign Studies6060第60页Paraphrasing oWhatIhadinterpretedasamaliciousattempttoembarrassanavefreshmanhadbeen.(L1-2,Para.10)oI had understood it as an ill-intention to make fun of an innocent freshman and make him feel uneasy,but it turned out to be only an occasion for fun in college.第61页Para


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