1、 Exercises Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension Structure of the Text Structure of the TextUnit 10:ExercisesExercises Vocabulary Vocabulary Cloze Cloze Translation Translation第1页Unit 10:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension1.1.For For what what purposes purposes does does Koch Koch quote
2、 quote the the words words of of condemned killers?condemned killers?Koch quotes the words of the condemned killers to show Koch quotes the words of the condemned killers to show that they did not really understand how precious life is and that they did not really understand how precious life is and
3、 how wrong killing is and show that they deserve the capital how wrong killing is and show that they deserve the capital punishment,the topic of the article.punishment,the topic of the article.ReferenceReferenceEx.I,p.196第2页Unit 10:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension2.2.What What was was Koch
4、s Kochs attitude attitude towards towards those those voters voters who who found found his position reprehensible?his position reprehensible?He He listened listened to to their their ideas,ideas,and and weighed weighed their their objections objections carefully.carefully.ReferenceReference第3页Unit
5、10:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension3.3.Why Why didnt didnt the the opponents opponents of of death death penalty penalty stop stop their their fight fight against against death death penalty penalty after after several several states states such such as as North North Carolina and Texas sw
6、itchedCarolina and Texas switchedto execution by lethal injection?to execution by lethal injection?Because Because it it is is not not the the method method that that they they oppose.oppose.Rather,Rather,its its the the death itself they consider barbaric.death itself they consider barbaric.Referen
7、ceReference第4页Unit 10:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension4.4.Evaluate the analogy Koch uses in ParagraphEvaluate the analogy Koch uses in Paragraph6.How is 6.How is injustice like cancer?injustice like cancer?The The analogy analogy is is based based on on the the similarity similarity that t
8、hat both both curing curing cancer cancer and and dealing dealing with with murder murder need need the the barbaric barbaric method method before the best method is available.before the best method is available.ReferenceReference第5页Unit 10:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension5.According to Ko
9、ch,human lives deserve protection.Then 5.According to Koch,human lives deserve protection.Then what can guarantee that protection of human life?what can guarantee that protection of human life?One One way way is is to to assure assure that that convicted convicted murderers murderers do do not not k
10、ill kill again,and only the death penalty can accomplish this end.again,and only the death penalty can accomplish this end.ReferenceReference第6页Unit 10:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension6.6.According According to to Koch,Koch,does does capital capital punishment punishment cheapen cheapen th
11、e the value of human life?Why?value of human life?Why?No.No.Koch Koch believes believes that that death death penalty penalty strengthens strengthens the the value value of of human human life.life.When When we we lower lower the the penalty penalty for for murder,murder,it it signals signals a a le
12、ssened lessened regard regard for for the the values values of of the the victims victims life.life.It It is is by by exacting exacting the the highest highest penalty penalty for for the the taking taking of of human human life life that we affirm the highest value of human life.that we affirm the
13、highest value of human life.ReferenceReference第7页Unit 10:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension7.7.Is the death penalty applied in a discriminatory manner?Is the death penalty applied in a discriminatory manner?No.No.The The appeals appeals process process for for a a condemned condemned prisone
14、r prisoner is is lengthy lengthy and and painstaking.painstaking.Every Every effort effort is is made made to to see see that that the the verdict and sentence were fairly arrived at.verdict and sentence were fairly arrived at.ReferenceReference第8页Unit 10:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension8.
15、8.Why Why has has the the biblical biblical viewpoint viewpoint been been upheld upheld these these years years by by many philosophers?many philosophers?Because Because the the Bible Bible is is our our greatest greatest source source of of moral moral inspiration.inspiration.And And besides,beside
16、s,opponents opponents of of the the death death penalty penalty frequently frequently cite cite the the sixth sixth of of the the Ten Ten Commandments Commandments in in an an attempt attempt to to prove prove that that capital capital punishment punishment is is divinely divinely proscribed.proscri
17、bed.ReferenceReference第9页Unit 10:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension9.9.Why Why in in paragraph paragraph 12,12,does does Koch Koch cite cite a a long long list list of of literary,literary,philosophical,and political authorities?philosophical,and political authorities?Koch Koch cites cites a
18、 a long long list list of of great great authorities authorities in in order order to to show show that that most most of of them them support support the the capital capital punishment punishment according according to to the the original original Hebrew Hebrew Sixth Sixth Commandments.Commandments
19、.They They all all agree agree that that natural natural law law authorizes authorizes the the sovereign sovereign to to take take life life in in order order to vindicate justice.to vindicate justice.ReferenceReference第10页Unit 10:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension10.10.Comparatively Compara
20、tively speaking,speaking,who who has has more more power,power,the the individual individual or the state?Why?or the state?Why?The The state state has has more more power power over over the the individual.individual.It It is is the the individual who give the power to the state in a democracy.indiv
21、idual who give the power to the state in a democracy.ReferenceReference第11页1.1.Introduction(Paras.14)Introduction(Paras.14)2.2.Body(Paras.513)Body(Paras.513)3.3.Conclusion(Para.14Conclusion(Para.14 16)16)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 10:Structure of the textStructure of the textEx.II,p.196第12页1.1.Int
22、roduction(Paras.14)Introduction(Paras.14)Several Several cases cases to to show show the the author author Kochs Kochs points points to to death death penalty,that is,_.penalty,that is,_.Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 10:Structure of the textStructure of the textDeath penalty should not be abolished 第
23、13页2.2.Body Body(Paras.(Paras.513):513):Kochs Kochs arguments arguments against against the the views of opponents.views of opponents.1)1)Death Death penalty penalty is is“barbaric”,“barbaric”,i.e.i.e.we we may may not not like like the the death death penalty,but it must be available to punish.pena
24、lty,but it must be available to punish.Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 10:Structure of the textStructure of the text2)2)No No other other major major democracy democracy uses uses the the death death penalty.penalty.Koch Koch presents some statistic figures of the murder rate in the U.S.presents some s
25、tatistic figures of the murder rate in the U.S.3)An innocent person might be executed by mistake.3)An innocent person might be executed by mistake.第14页2.2.Body(Paras.513)Body(Paras.513)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 10:Structure of the textStructure of the text1)1)Death Death penalty penalty is is“bar
26、baric”,“barbaric”,i.e.i.e.we we may may not not like like the the death death penalty,but it must be available to punish.penalty,but it must be available to punish.A.crime_.A.crime_.B.cases in which _B.cases in which _._.of cold-blooded murderers any other form of punishment would be inadequate and,
27、therefore,unjust 第15页2.2.Body(Paras.513)Body(Paras.513)2)2)No No other other major major democracy democracy uses uses the the death death penalty.penalty.Koch Koch presents some statistic figures of the murder rate in the U.S.presents some statistic figures of the murder rate in the U.S.Text Outlin
28、eText OutlineUnit 10:Structure of the textStructure of the textA.between 1963 and 1980:_.A.between 1963 and 1980:_.B.in New York City in the same period:_B.in New York City in the same period:_._.C.C.Koch Koch holds holds that that any any other other major major democracy democracy where where _ _
29、would soon enact it into law.would soon enact it into bined 122 percent 75 percent of the people supported the death penalty almost 400 percent increased by 第16页2.2.Body(Paras.513)Body(Paras.513)3)An innocent person might be executed by mistake.3)An innocent person might be executed by mistake.Text
30、OutlineText OutlineUnit 10:Structure of the textStructure of the textA.A.Koch Koch presents presents a a dozens dozens of of cases cases of of multiple multiple murder murder to prove that _.to prove that _.B.B.One One of of the the best best ways ways to to guarantee guarantee the the special speci
31、al protection of human life is to_protection of human life is to_ _._.C.Only the death penalty canC.Only the death penalty can _._.death penalty is necessary censure that convicted murderers do not kill again accomplish this end 第17页2.2.Body Body(Paras.(Paras.513):513):Kochs Kochs arguments argument
32、s against against the the views of opponents.views of opponents.4)_.4)_.Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 10:Structure of the textStructure of the text5)5)The The death death penalty penalty is is applied applied in in a a discriminatory discriminatory manner.manner.Law _.Law _.Capital punishment cheapen
33、s the value of human life treats all people equally 第18页2.2.Body Body(Paras.(Paras.513):513):Kochs Kochs arguments arguments against against the the views of opponents.views of opponents.Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 10:Structure of the textStructure of the text6)6)The Bible says“Thou Shalt Not Kill”
34、.The Bible says“Thou Shalt Not Kill”.The United States Constitution condemns _The United States Constitution condemns _,_,but but does does not not condemn condemn _._.cruel andcapital punishment inhuman punishment 第19页2.2.Body(Paras.513)Body(Paras.513)7)The death penalty is state-sanctioned murder.
35、7)The death penalty is state-sanctioned murder.Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 10:Structure of the textStructure of the textA.A.The The murderers murderers use use this this argument argument in in an an attempt attempt to to _._.B.Koch argues that in a democracy,_B.Koch argues that in a democracy,_ _.
36、_.C.C.The The execution execution of of a a lawfully lawfully condemned condemned killer killer is is _._.bring his accusers down to his own level no more an act of murder the state by the electorate rights are given to 第20页Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 10:Structure of the textStructure of the text3.
37、3.Conclusion(Para.14-16)Conclusion(Para.14-16)Koch Koch calls calls a a justice justice system system that that functions functions well,well,and and everyone everyone should should have have the the sense sense of of responsibility.responsibility.Otherwise,_Otherwise,_._.the society is not a societ
38、y of justice,and the victim is re-victimized 第21页Part A,Ex.V,p.198Complete Complete the the following following sentences sentences with with words words given given below,below,making making sure sure that that each each word word is is used used in in the the right right form.form.1.1.In In Sabbat
39、ical Sabbatical year,year,she she traveled traveled widely widely in in universities universities of of North America,_ on womens rights.North America,_ on womens rights.Unit 10:VocabularyVocabularyrevere revere agony agony plague plague admittedly admittedly intense intense sentimental sentimental
40、horrify horrify linger linger lecture lecture constituency constituency exact exact vindicate vindicate lecturinglecturing第22页2.2.Though Though retired,retired,Nelson Nelson Mandela,Mandela,the the first first president president of of South South Africa,Africa,is is still still _ _ for for his his
41、brave brave fight fight against against apartheid(apartheid(种族隔离种族隔离种族隔离种族隔离).).Unit 10:VocabularyVocabularyrevere revere agony agony plague plague admittedly admittedly intense intense sentimental sentimental horrify horrify linger linger lecture lecture constituency constituency exact exact vindic
42、ate vindicate reveredrevered第23页3.3.At At the the meeting meeting of of the the board board of of directors,directors,his his strongest strongest criticism criticism is is reserved reserved for for his his father,father,whom whom he he disliked disliked _._.Unit 10:VocabularyVocabularyrevere revere
43、agony agony plague plague admittedly admittedly intense intense sentimental sentimental horrify horrify linger linger lecture lecture constituency constituency exact exact vindicate vindicate intenselyintensely第24页4.4.The The senator senator worked worked hard,hard,always always talking talking to t
44、o the the people people in in his _ and hearing their problems.his _ and hearing their problems.Unit 10:VocabularyVocabularyrevererevere agonyagony plague admittedlyadmittedly intenseintense sentimentalsentimental horrifyhorrify lingerlinger lecturelecture constituencyconstituency exactexact vindica
45、tevindicate constituenciesconstituencies第25页5.5.We We were were _ _ at at the the size size of of the the bill bill after after we we enjoyed enjoyed ourselves ourselves in in the the so-called so-called“home-made“home-made dishes”dishes”restaurant restaurant for 2 hours.for 2 hours.Unit 10:Vocabula
46、ryVocabularyrevererevere agonyagony plague admittedlyadmittedly intenseintense sentimentalsentimental horrifyhorrify lingerlinger lecturelecture constituencyconstituency exactexact vindicatevindicate horrifiedhorrified第26页6.6.After After the the play play had had finished,finished,we we _ _ for for
47、a a while while in in the the bar bar hoping hoping to to catch catch sight sight of of the the actors actors we we have have long long admired.admired.Unit 10:VocabularyVocabularyrevererevere agonyagony plague admittedlyadmittedly intenseintense sentimentalsentimental horrifyhorrify lingerlinger le
48、cturelecture constituencyconstituency exactexact vindicatevindicate lingeredlingered第27页7.7.We We are are faced faced with with a(n)a(n)_ _ dilemma dilemma between between going going to to pursue pursue an an MA MA in in Great Great Britain Britain and and beginning beginning a a career in the main
49、land China.career in the mainland China.Unit 10:VocabularyVocabularyrevererevere agonyagony plague admittedlyadmittedly intenseintense sentimentalsentimental horrifyhorrify lingerlinger lecturelecture constituencyconstituency exactexact vindicatevindicate agonizingagonizing第28页8.8._,_,I I could coul
50、d have have tried tried harder harder but but I I still still dont dont think think all this criticism is fair.all this criticism is fair.Unit 10:VocabularyVocabularyrevererevere agonyagony plague admittedlyadmittedly intenseintense sentimentalsentimental horrifyhorrify lingerlinger lecturelecture c
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