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1、专业资料Unit 2Vocabulary exercises . Fill in the blank in each sentence with a phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.stake a claim be proportional to attributeto sidle upplow into tread on carve out breathe down sb.s neck1. As I was about to leave the restaurant, a young man sidled up to me

2、and said, May I help you?”当我正要离开餐馆时,一个男人悄悄走上前来,对我说:有什么能为您服务的吗?2. Not satisfied with the present position in the company, he is trying to carve out a much greater role for himself.有由于不满足在公司的现任职务,他努力为自己谋得一个更重要的角色。3. Women rend to attribute their success to external causes such as assistance from frien

3、ds.女性往往把自己的成功归功于外部原因,例如朋友的帮助。4. Ronalds success staked a claim for his place in Germanys world championship team.到目前为止,南极洲只能被用来进行科学研究,不允许任何国家或地区宣布占有他的任何一部分。5. My job is to challenge, but not threaten them. So I must be careful not to tread on their toes.我的工作是盘问他们而不是威胁他们,所以我必须小心,不能得罪他们。6. A young lad

4、y and her little son were seriously injured when a car plowed into them on a crossing.一位年轻的女士在一个十字路口被一辆小汽车猛撞了一下,伤的很严重。7. Loss of weight is directly proportional to the rate at which the disease is progressing.体重的减轻和疾病的发展速度成比例。8. In contemporary society, most farmers have bank managers breathing down

5、 their necks in order to secure their financial balance.在当今社会大多数农民为保证他们的财政平衡,都有监督他们的银行经理。. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. When the accident happened, no one would answer for the consequences, which was very annoying (annoyance)事故发生时,没有人愿意对后果负责,这令人非常气愤。2. Years of

6、 experience as a soldier has developed great power of intuition to dangers.(intuitive)多年的当兵经验培养了对危险的强烈直觉。3. The minister had decided not to release a statement explaining the reason of his resignation, but later, he relented and let it out. (relentless)部长已经决定,不会发表声明解释他辞职的原因,但随后不久他终于答应透露一下原因。4. For t

7、his chapter the main thread proliferates into a succession of dramatic sub-plots. (proliferation)从这一章开始,主要线索扩展成一系列戏剧性的次要情节。5. The government has carried out lamentably few of their promises. (lament)十分令人失望的是政府只顾旅行了她很少的诺言 。6. He was in an expansive mood on the night of the party. (expand)在哪晚的聚会中,他的心情

8、非常不错。7. Every hour, whether the Prime Minister will use the car or not, he checks under the car for bombs as a matter of routine .(routinely)不管首相用不用车,他按常规每小时到车底检查是否有炸弹。8. Synthetic fabrics are less susceptible to shrinkage than natural ones.(shrink)合成纤维比天然物质更容易缩水。 Choose the word or phrase that can

9、replace the underlined part in each sentence without changing its original meaning.1. The drawbacks here are that the customer has to deposit a minimum of $100 monthly.A. invest B. reserve C. lay down D. place for safekeeping这儿的缺点是顾客每个月都必须至少存入100美元。2. Some of the ideas are very complicated and sound

10、 intuitively plausible.A. instinctively B. directly C. frankly D. Reasonably有一些想法非常复杂,但直觉性起来是有道理的。3. Expertly he zigzagged his way across the grassland, avoiding the deeper gullies. A. tramped B. wound C. traveled D. piloted.他熟练地在草原上曲折前行,避开较深的沟壑。4. He was relentless in his pursuit of quality, his te

11、chnical skill was remarkable.A. pitiless B. merciless C. ruthless D. unrelenting 在追求质量上他坚持不懈所以他技艺非凡。5. Why are the contents the next persons shopping trolley always more alluring than ones own?A. dissuasive C. allusive C. attractive D. seductive 为什么后面的人购物车里的东西总比前一个人自己购物车里的东西诱人?6. I believe that peop

12、le should live in houses that allow them to shrink from the harsh realities of life.A. wither B. retreat C. hide D. avoid 我认为人们应该住在能够让它们远离生活的残酷现实的房子里。7. The foundation made a gift of a million dollars to the university to establish an agricultural college.A. grant B. bonus C. tip D. present基金会向这所大学拨

13、款100万美元来成立一个农学院。8. A truly gratifying friendship is based on many long, harmonious talks. A. pleasant B. satisfying C. pleasing D. entertaining 真正令人满意的友谊是建立在很多次长时间而又和谐的对话的基础之上的。. Translate the following passage into Chinese.In some culture a significant aspect of spatial perception is shown by the a

14、mount of personal space people need between themselves and others to feel comfortable and not crowed. North Americans, for instance, seem to require about four feet of space between themselves and the people near them to feel comfortable. On the other hand, people from Arab countries and Latin Ameri

15、ca feel comfortable when they are close to each other. People from different cultures, therefore, may unconsciously infringe on each others sense of space. Thus just as different perception of time may create cultural conflicts, so too may different perceptions of space. Translation在某些文化中,空间感觉的一个重要的

16、体现于人们所需要的彼此感觉舒适却又不觉得拥挤的“私人空间”。例如,北美人彼此感觉舒适所需要的空间距离大约是4英尺。而阿拉伯人和拉美人反而是彼此靠近才会感觉舒服。因此,不同文化的人可能会无意间侵犯别人的空间感。正如不同的时间观可能会造成文化冲突,不同的空间观也可能引发同样的问题。Unit 3Vocabulary exercises. Fill in the blanks in each sentence with a phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form. at the expense of prior to give.pause t

17、o think take advantage of be available for in earnest for better life be confront with 1. Johns mind is always full of fantasies. He dreams of changing the world for the better.约翰的脑子里总是充满幻想,他们想把世界变得更好。2. Edward Stuart became a brilliant scholar, but only at the expense of his health.爱德华斯图尔特成为一名杰出的学者

18、,但却以牺牲自己的健康为代价。3. The corporation was determined to push forward the policy of reform, but the new system was confronted with great difficulty at the start.这个公司的改革政策在一开始就面临巨大的困难。4. In order to gain the utmost amount of benefit, this corporation took advantage of the exceptional opportunities open in

19、 exports.这个公司利用了针对出口方面的而开放的特殊机会。5. It present in satirical terms point made in earnest by catholic writers, which proved to be a success.他郑重其事的说了这件事,而不是在开玩笑。6. A tennis courts and a swimming pool are available for the regular members of the club, but the season tickets are only valid for three month

20、.一个网球场和一个游泳池可供这个俱乐部到正式会员使用一7. All the arrangements should be completed prior to your departure.所有的安排应该在你离开以前完成。8. An opposition statement said he hoped the agreement would give them pause to think about the futility of violence.反对派的一位政治家说他希望这个协定会让他们认真考虑暴力的徒然无益。. Fill in the blanks with the appropria

21、te forms of the given words.1. The company fears noisy brightly-lit shops are alienating older customers. (alienation)该公司担心嘈杂,灯火辉煌的商店正使年纪大点的顾客无法融入其中。 2.Trendstowardtheglobalizationofindustrialhavedramaticallyaffectedfood productioninthatcountry.(globe)工业全球化的趋势已经严重影响了那个国家的食品生产。 3.BythefirstcenturyBC,

22、Buddhismwasindangeroffragmentingintosmallsects. (fragmentation)公元前一世纪,佛教处于被分解为一个个小教派的危险之中。 4.SheisaTVaddictandwatchesasmuchasshecan.(addiction)她是一个电视迷,总是尽可能多地看电视。 5.Thedressexaggeratesherwaspwaistandenlargesherbosom.(exaggeration)这件连衣裙夸张地显示出她的蜂腰,并且使她的胸部变大 6.Heneverforgotthehardshiphewitnessedduringt

23、heGreatDepressionofthe 1930s.(depress)他永远不会忘记在20世纪30年代经济大萧条期间所目睹的艰难困苦。 7.Carsaretestedtoseehowmuchdamagetheysufferinsimulatedcrashes. (simulation)在模拟撞车事故中可以对汽车进行测试,看看它们会受到多大损害。 8.Thenewsthattheywerewellgratifiedus.(gratification) 他们身体很好的消息使我们很高兴。 . Choose the word or phrase that can replace the unde

24、rlined part in each sentence without changing its original meaning.1. The president warned, America must get rid of the hangover we all have because of economic binge we just went through, referring to the long period of inflated stock prices that sent Americans streaming into the market.A. indulgen

25、ce B. speculation C. habit D. inflation 总统警告说:美国必须摆脱我们所有的由于我们刚刚经历过的经济热潮所遗留下的问题。2. There is a small difference in meaning between the two words. A. mild B. slight C. moderate D. minimal这两个单词在一些方面稍微有些差异。3. To lament his death, national flags all over the country were hoisted at half-mast. A. regret B.

26、 mourn C. depress D. dissatisfy为了哀悼他的逝世,全国的国旗降半旗。4. Theres always intense media coverage of airplane crash and that can really play into peoples fears and skew their perceptions of how safe it is to fly. A. misconceive B. change C. distort D. preoccupy 关于飞机失事的媒体报道中是非常多,那么会让人们心存恐惧,并歪曲他们对乘飞机安全的看法5. A

27、sheet of mental can be shaken to simulate thunder. A. pretend to be B. imitate C. reproduce D. unify可以晃动一张金属板来模拟雷声。6. This budget place short-term, political partisan gratification ahead of the nations needs. A. satisfaction B. pleasure C. nomination D. bonus这个预算把政治党派人员的短期利益置于国家需求至上。7. She gradually

28、 perceived that her parent had been right. A. noticed B. knew C. accepted D. realized她逐渐意识到自己的父母是对的。8. Reputation is important and a big international bank just cant afford to alienate client in countries around the world. A separate B. give up C. discord D. distance一个大型的国际银行承受不起使世界各国的客户离其远去。. Trans

29、late the following passage into Chinese.The Internet has launched us into a true information age and is enabling people around the world to interact with each other on a scale previously unimaginable. Whatever evolution course the Internet and the Information Superhighway take, the digital convergen

30、ce of the telecommunications, television, and computer industries has forever altered the way we communicate and compute,This convergence will enable companies to deliver service that were once beyond the technical limits. WebTV will viewers to access the Internet. Big screen, high-definition digita

31、l television and DVDs may change the way movies are shot. Satellite will help automobile find their own way home. Household will receive signals from satellite, microwave towers, fiber or copper lines. KEY 互联网已经把我们带入了一个真正的信息时代,而且正在帮助世界各地的人们在一个以前不可想象的范围内相互交流。无论互联网和信息高速公路走的是一条什么样的发展道路,电讯,电视,和计算机行业一致采用

32、数码化的做法永远改变了我们的交际和计算方法。 这种一致将使大公司能提供以前因技术有限而不能提供的服务。网络电视将使观众能接触互联网。大屏幕、高保真数字电视和DVD有可能改变电影的拍摄方法。卫星将帮助汽车找到回家的路。家家户户将接收到卫星、微波发射塔、纤维或铜线传送的信号。 Unit 5Vocabulary exercises . Fill in the blank in each sentence with a phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.1) At the critical moment of presidential

33、election, the candidate urged his supporters to hang together.在总统选举的关键时刻,那个候选人敦促他的支持者们同心协力。2) Stop picking on each other like that. At this moment, what we should do is to find a way to get out of this total mess.不要那样互相指责,在这个时候,我们应该做的是找到一个脱离这一大困境的方法。 3. From the age of 52 words, General Jackson was

34、not engaged in soldiering at all. 从52岁后,杰克逊将军根本没上过战场。4) He actually enjoys his newly-bought Jaguar and has decided to start showing it off.他的确是喜欢他新买的捷豹,决定开始炫耀一下。5) It is sad to see him go because it really will make a difference to the way we conduct our daily affairs.看着他离开真让人伤心,因为这的确会对我们处理我们日常事物造成影

35、响。 6. After the death of her only son, she went on occasional drinking binges. 她唯一的儿子死后,她偶尔会大喝一顿。 7. An invitation to have dinner together is usually treated as a means of achieving intimacy with another person in eastern culture.在东方文化中,邀请别人一起吃饭通常被视为与其达成亲密关系的一种途径。 8. In his research, Professor Danes

36、 found the resiliency of human beings to fight after theyve been defeated. 达内斯教授在其研究中发现人类失败后可以很快恢复斗志。 . Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. When having a fall, old. people are more likely to be seriously injured because of the fragility of their bones.(fragile)老年人摔倒后因

37、为其骨骼脆弱更容易受重伤。2. Foreign food aid has led to a drastic reduction in the number of people dying of starvation. (drastically)外国的粮食援助使死于饥饿的人数大大减少。 3. The 18-year-old pilot made his virgin flight last week as a replacement for the injured Gordon Smith. (replace)作为受伤的戈尔登史密斯的替代者,这个18岁的飞行员上周进行了他的第一次飞行。 4. T

38、he teams superb athleticism compensated for their lack of international experience. (athlete)这个团队的超级运动能力弥补了他们国际经验的不足。 5. This is a sensitive and often interesting portrayal of a friendship between an 11-year-old boy and an old man. (portray)这是对一个11岁的少年和一个老人之间的友谊的敏感而又通常有趣的描绘。 6. Starvation and diseas

39、e over much of Asia and Europe in the 1950s were Trumans inheritance as President. (inherit)20世纪50年代并不像许多地区的饥荒和疾病是杜鲁门当总统遗留下来的问题。 7. If a friend takes you into his or her confidence, dont rush off to tell other people. (confident)如果一个朋友将自己的秘密告诉你不要立马告诉别人。 8. The inability of diplomatic policy put the

40、Bonn government in an embarrassing position. (embarrass)外交政策的无能使波恩政府陷入一个尴尬的境地。 . Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part in each sentence without changing its original meaning.1. When I took on the job of manager, I inherited certain financial problems.A. came into B. took ove

41、r C. meet with D. succeeded to我接手经理一职时,接过了某些经济问题。 2. On 1975 the portrayed the king in a Los Angeles revival of Camelot.A. describe B. played C. depicted D. revealed1975年,他在洛杉矶卡米洛特的成员中饰演了国王。 3. Lauren was passing around photos that she had culled from the albums at home.A. cut B. obtain C. selected

42、D. procured劳伦正在传阅她从家里的相册里选出的照片。 4. The director has confessed himself puzzled by the companys losses.A. told B. acknowledge C. suggested D. procured经理承认他对公司的亏损感到困惑。 5. Experts explain why people seem unable to let go of their stuff and share their smartest tricks.A. primitive B. old C. antique D. ea

43、rly专家们解释为什么人们似乎不能放手他们的东西并分享他们超越原始囤积本人的最聪明的技巧。 6. I must be coming down with flu because Ive been feeling wretched all day. A. unhappy B. unpleasant C. unlikely D. unfortunate我肯定是得流感了,因为我一整天都感觉难受。7. The main grievance of the drivers is the imposition of higher fees for driving licenses and certificat

44、es of proficiency.A. misgiving B. unfairness C. complaint D. injustice驾驶员们主要的抱怨是对取得驾照和技能合格证书收取较高的费用。 8. Trendy teachers are denying children the opportunity to study classic texts.A. Smart B. Model C. Contemporary D. Modish追求时髦的老师正拒绝给予孩子们学习经典课本的机会。 Passage TranslationIn France, as in many other Euro

45、pean countries, friends generally are of the same sex, and friendship is seen basically a relationship between men. Frenchwomen laugh at the idea that women cant be friends, but they also admit sometimes that for women its a different thing. And many French people doubt the possibility a friendship between man and woman. There is also the kind of relationship within a groupmen and women who have worked together for a long time, who may be very close, sharing great loyalty and warmth of feeling. They may call one another copains, a word that in English becomes


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