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1、57940c83c28836bc71e2e3947ae32a27.doc 第 45 页 共 46 页剑桥少儿英语第一级课 堂 笔 记上册Unit 1 Whats your name? 1. Whats your name (please)? My name is Andy / Liu / Dehua. I am Andy / Liu / Dehua. 英文名首字母大写;汉语名姓首字母大写,名首字母大写。2. 介绍朋友:I am Im be 动词 am are is (是,在) he is hes she is shes 记忆歌:我用am it is its 你用are we are were

2、is跟着他、她、它 they are theyre 复数一律用长are3. How old are you? I am 7(Yours old). 4. Boys name: Ted Jeff Girls name: Kelly Meg 5. come km 来 (反) go o 去 Lets play. 让我们玩。 Lets = Let us + do (动词原形). Its time to get up. time tim 时间get up 起床Its time to do. 6.* Mr. mist 先生 + 姓氏 (在学校中有“老师”的意思。) Miss mis 小姐 + 姓氏 (在学

3、校中有“老师”的意思。) You are 你是。7. 标点符号不同汉语英语省略号书名号 无书名号,或用斜体字顿号、无顿号,用逗号“,”句号。.8. Come in, please. 请进。 close (反) open Go to school. 上学。 dont = do not 不要 be late leit 晚的,迟到 learn l:n 学习,学会 again and again ein 一次又一次地9. Whats your name? (你的) My name is I am Whats his name? (他的) His name is He is Whats her name

4、? (她的) Her name is She is 10. 语音 a : Dan bag mat cap e e: Ben pen leg neckUnit 2 Whats this? 1. Whats this? this (反) that Whats that? =Its a (当该句用于询问字母时,答句中无“a”,即Its “B”.)Whats this in(用) English? Its a 2. letter let 字母,信 letter“A” jump mp v. 跳 A a B b C c D d E e F f G g ei bi: si di: i: ef i: H h

5、I i J j K k L l M m N n ei i ei kei el em en O o P p Q q R r S s T t u pi: kju: : es ti: U u V v W w X x Y y Z z ju: vi: dblju: eks wi zi:zed 元音字母:a e i o u 剩下的都是辅音字母。元音字母:a, e, i, o, u。元音最重要,没有元音就不能构成单词。音节:有一个元音音素叫一个音节。开音节:以元音字母和不发音的字母“e”结尾的音节。闭音节:以辅音字母结尾的音节。*元音字母在开音节和闭音节中的发音规则:aeiou开音节eii:iuju:在开音

6、节单词中元音发本身音。闭音节ei字母c的发音规则:ck在c后面遇到a, o, u,发k。s在c后面遇到i, e, y,发s,如nice nis。 have hv do du: who hu: to tu: 单词的辩音问题: A: take B: lake C: name D: lamp A: me B: she C: we D: Meg A: Bill B: mine C: lip D: tip A: code B: nod C: top D: mop A: duck B: cup C: cube D: club 字母的辩音问题: A B C D G J A k F E L M Q W U P

7、a: mat man lamp hand bag cat e: lemon leg desk pen pencil Ben i: Kim Bill fish o: dog box sock clock u: bus cup duck buck 3. 缩写字CCTV 中国中央电视台VOA 美国之音声BBC 英国广播公司PC 个人电脑AM am 上午PM pm 下午UN 联合国SOS 求救信号DC 公元CD 光盘BC 公元前WTO 世界贸易组织PRC 中华人民共和国USA 美利坚合众国4. which wi 哪一个 right rit 右边;正确的,对的 too tu: 也(句末) (与to, t

8、wo是同音异形词) handbag 手提包 schoolbag 书包5. 句子陈述句 This is a bag. 变疑问句把脖子提到前面去 Is this a bag? Yes, it is. That is a book. Is that a book? No, it isnt. 一般疑问句用yes或no来回答:Yes, it is.或No, it isnt.。答句的最后一个词用问句的第一个词。Unit 3 What colour do you like? 1. colour (color) v.(动词) 涂颜色 Colour the book blue. n.(名词) 颜色 orange

9、 yellow black red pink green white brown blue purple indigo grey(gray) dark d:k 深色的 light lit 浅色的I like (颜色) black. I dont like white. look vi.(不及物动词) 看 + at e.g.: Look at Miss Yang. what about 怎么样2. 对话 A: Whats this (in English)? B: Its a/an book. A: What colour is it? B: Its blue. A: Do you like b

10、lue? B: No, I dont. A: What colour do you like? B: I like 3. they them 他们 发出动作:they 承受动作:them Ive got = I have got lots lts of 许多 a lot of 许多4. 颜色的用法: be : Its pink. n.: Its a pink shirt. 5. shoes pencil umbrella banana book apples bike flowers cat clock tree bee pen dog mouse umbrella mbrel 雨伞 an c

11、lock klk 钟6. A and B make C. (A, B, C = colour) Red and green make black. 红和绿形成黑。7. and用最后两者之间。Unit 4 How many ducks are there? 1. how many (多少),可数名词的数量 + 可数名词 (pl.) 复数2. 可数名词单数复数 在词尾加s。pen pens 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词加es。 bus buses box boxes watch watches brush brushes 以辅音字母加y结尾的词,变y为i,再加es。 (y ies) baby

12、 babies boy boys 以f, fe结尾的词,变f, fe为v,再加es。 (f ves) (fe ves) leaf leaves knife knives 以辅音加o结尾的词(外来词、缩写词除外)加es。 negro neru negroes hero hiru heroes potato potatoes tomato tomatoes mango mangoes 一个黑人英雄坐在土豆地里,手里拿着西红柿吃芒果,多有意思。(es) 下列词除外, photo photos kilo kilos 特殊变化: oo ee foot feet tooth teeth goose gee

13、se a e man men woman women wimin mouse mice louse lice sheep 不变 deer 不变people +s peoples 民族 不变 people 人 fish 不变或加es fish 或 fishes child children ox oxen 3. 有 have 某人有某物 there be 某处有某物there is (are) + 存在物 + 存在的地点 There is a pen on the desk. 桌子上有笔。 There are two boys in the classroom. 教室里有两个男孩。4. be i

14、s 可数单数不可数 are 可数复数 如果存在物是多种东西时,按“就近”原则选be。5. 复数一定是可数名词,不可数名词没有单复数之分。6. butterfly btfli 蝴蝶 bear b 熊 hippo hipu 河马 的 加“s” e.g.: Miss Yangs beautiful bju:tfl 美丽的 homework 家庭作业7. sh she shoe ch chick chair look vi + at + 物 look! here hi 在这里 (反) there e(r) 在那里 I dont know. 我不知道。 know no (同音异形) count kunt

15、 数数 数字:one ten eleven twelve 13 19 teen (thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen) Unit 5 Have you got any fish? 1. have hv 有 I have a book. have got 有 I have got a book. some sm 一些 I have got some books. any eni 一些 Have you got any books? some 用于肯定句;any用于疑问句,否定句。 fish fi 鱼 可数名词

16、 条数:复数不变 fish fish 种类:复数变 fish fishes 不可数名词:鱼肉2. ridinggo bike riding. (ride riding) go v. ing go fish go fishing 在go后面把动词变成 ing 形式,表示去做。3. radio reidiu 收音机 picture pik 图片,照片 camera kmr 照相机 bookcase bukeis 书柜,书架 colour 颜色深颜色 colour + sth + 颜色 oo u foot fut u: food fu:d 4. Are you boy? Yes, I am. No,

17、 Im not. Is this a pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Can you sing? Yes, I can. No, I cant. Do you like green? Yes, I do. No, I dont. Have you got a fish? Yes, I have. No, I havent. 一般疑问句需要用yes或no来回答。在回答一般疑问句时,答句的最后落脚点与问句的开头词是同一类词。Unit 6 Has he got a teddy bear? 1. 单三形式:单数的第三人称或第三人称单数形式 第一人称我,我们 第二人称你

18、,你们 第三人称他,他们人名和物名(我的书) 单三主语有:she, he, it, Rose(单独的人名) the book(物名)等。 如果句子中出现单三形式,have 变has She has got a book. 她有一本书。 She has a book. 例如(e.g.):第一人称 I have got a chair. 变问句 Have you got a chair? Yes, I have. / No, I havent. 变否定句 I havent got a chair. 第三人称 She has got a book. 她有一本书。 变问句 Has she got a

19、book? 她有一本书吗? Yes, she has. / No, she hasnt. 变否定句 She hasnt got a book. 2. teddy bear tedi b 泰迪熊(玩具) I have got a teddy bear. He has got a teddy bear. Has he got a teddy bear? Yes, he has. No, he hasnt. but bt 但是 and coconut kuknt 椰子computer kmpju:t 电脑too 用于句末,表示“也”。e.g.: Im a boy, hes a boy too. 3.

20、 助动词 do Does whos got = who has got bat bt 蝙蝠,球棒 肯定式 I have a book. = I have got a book. 否定式 I dont have a book. = I havent got a book. 助动词(否定式) do not = dont does not = doesnt 肯定式 She has a book. = She has got a book. 否定式 She doesnt has a book. = She hasnt got a book. (还原)只能一个词表示单三 She doesnt have

21、a book. = She hasnt got a book. 用于单三否定时,doesnt和has都表示单三,所以has应还原为have,即:has变have,使句子中只有一个词表示单三。 We have got some flowers. We have some flowers. 否 We havent got any flowers. We dont have any flowers. She has got a bike. She has a bike. 否 She hasnt got a bike. She doesnt have a bike. 4. an apple a red

22、 apple u cupboard kbd 壁橱number nmb Unit 7 Our family 1. our u 我们的(同音异形 hour u 小时 an hour 因为h不发音,所以用an) family fmili 家庭 families (pl.) 家人(多) family (pl.) father f: mother m brother br sister sist uncle nkl aunt :nt This is my family. This is my father, he isyears old. 2. 数字:eleven twelve 1319 -teen t

23、i:n 20, 3090 -ty hundred hndrd 一百(前加one或a) 1119 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 2090 twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety 3. family photo futu 全家福 (photo photograph) look + at + 物4. grand rnd (隔一辈) grandmother = grandma grandfather = grand

24、pa 5. be for 是给的 The book is for Fed. 6. hip hip (欢呼声)hooray hu:rei (欢呼声) go away 出去 holidy hldei 假日 song s 歌曲 lovely lvli 可爱的 guitar it: 吉它 help help 帮助 help sb. do sth I help Miss Tang learn English. help sb. to do sth I help Miss Tang to learn English. 7. o box sock dog u nose those close 8. 人名后

25、+ s 表示:的 e.g.: Toms family. Unit 8 Who is the winner? 1. revision: Whats your name? My name is Im How old are you? Imyears old. How many pencils are there in the pencil-box. Theres 1. There are 2. Whats this? Its a How old is your father? Hes 36. What colour is it? Its What colour(s) are they? They

26、are How many people are there in your family? What are these? Theyre Which is the pen? This is the pen. Have you got a? Yes, I have. No, I havent. Has he got a? Yes, he has. No, he hasnt. This is a pen. (变复数形式) These are some pens. 2. turtle t:tl 乌龟 present preznt 礼物 park p:k 公园 telephone telifun 电话

27、 doctor dkt 医生 watermelon w:tmeln 西瓜 cherry eri 樱桃 grape reip 葡萄3. i 开 i bike five 闭 i big wh w white h + o who whose row ru n. 横排 What row are you in? I am in Row One. v. 划(船) Row a boat. merry meri 快乐的 Merry Christmas 圣诞节快乐Unit 9 Whats your favourite fruit? 1. favourite feivreit adj. 最喜爱的 My favou

28、rite food. n. 最喜欢的(人或物) My favourite is my mother. 我最喜欢的人是妈妈。 前面用“某人的” e.g.: your favourite book fruit fru:t 水果 food fu:d 食物 drink ik n. 饮料 drink some drink 喝点饮料 v. 喝 drink some milk 喝点牛奶2. fruit:(可数):watermelon apple pear pineapple coconut banana grape lemon orange mango plum peach cherry kiwi kiwi

29、: 弥猴桃 strawberry food:(可数):hamburger sandwich hotdog cake sausage ssei egg biscuit pie (不可数):beef rice bread pizza noodles ice cream fish meat drink:(不可数): tea milk water coffee juice u:s果汁 7-up 饮料 coke 可口可乐 lemonade lemneid 柠檬汁3. 句型: Whats your favourite food? (代表类别) My favorites food is beef.(不可数)

30、 My favorites food is burgers.(可数名词复数)(pl.) I like (pl.) Apples are my favourite fruit. 4. lets = let us lets + do go out 出去 come in 进来 there be: 有 there are / is 有 lots of = a lot of 许多 beautiful bju:tfl 漂亮的5. fruit un (不可数名词) fruits (种类)6. long l 长的 (反) short :rt 短的 like + n.(形式) I like Miss Yang.

31、 + to(do) (原形) I like to run. + doing I like running. go to school 上学 at 7:00(时刻) at 12:30 have = eat = drink for lunch ln 午餐 also :lsu 也 (用于句中,放在be后) too tu: 也 (用于句末)7. 物主代词:my your his her our their 的 物主代词 + n 8. a ei cake game face snake Unit 10 Do you want an orange or a pear? 1. want wnt 想要 + n

32、. I want a book. + to do I want to play. or 或者,还是 Do you like red or green? Do you want an apple? Yes, I do. No, I dont. Do you want an apple or a pear? I want a pear. It is a pencil-box. Is it a pencil-box? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Is it a pencil-box or a pencil-bag? Its a pencil-box. I can see a b

33、ird. Can you see a bird? Yes, I can. No, I cant. Can you see a bird or a mouse? I can see a bird. 2. juice lemonade 不可数 果汁 柠檬汁 一些 some (陈述句) any (疑问句,否定句) Do you want some bread? 用some希望得到肯定回答。 too 也 Theres an egg, too. (句末) also 也 They also love me. (句中 be v.) too用于句末;also用于句中,用在be动词后面,实动词前面,一句当中动词最重要。 I am a teacher, too. I am also a teacher. I also like English. a, an 一个 a 用在辅音音标开头词前 an 用在元音音标开头词前 a pear a university ju:niv:sti 大学 an apple an hour u 小时 ar car farm garden 3. 把陈述句转换成一般疑问句,再变成选择疑问句。 I l


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