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1、教师公开招聘考试小学英语-英美概况-2一、单项选择(总题数:62,分数:100.00)1.Which zone doesnt lie in Great Britain?A.ScotlandB.EnglandC.Northern IrelandD.Wales解析: 考查英美概况知识。英国由大不列颠岛(Great Britain)和北爱尔兰岛(Northern Ireland)组成。其中大不列颠岛包括三个部分:英格兰(England),苏格兰(Scotland),威尔士(Wales)。2.Scotland is in the _ of Great Britain.A.eastB.westC.sou

2、thD.north解析: 考查英美概况知识。苏格兰是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国下属的地区之一,位于大不列颠岛北部。3.The largest lake in Britain is _.A.Loch LomondB.Neagh LoughC.WindermereD.Ullswater解析: 内伊湖是英国最大的湖。4.Which of the following tribes first came to Britain?A.AnglosB.SaxonsC.JutesD.Celts解析: 最早来英国的部族是凯尔特部族5._ brought the new religion, Christianity

3、 to Britain.A.The CeltsB.The Anglo-SaxonC.JutesD.The Romans解析: 罗马人把基督教这门新宗教带到了不列颠。6.The majority of the current populations in the UK are decedents of all the followings respectively EXCEPT _.A.the AnglosB.the CeltsC.the JutesD.the Saxons解析:7.The Norman Conquest of _ is perhaps the best-known event

4、in England history.A.1063B.1064C.1065D.1066解析: 1066年的诺曼征服也许是英国历史上的最著名事件。8.Which of the following is NOT true of the Hundred Years War?A.A war between France and England.B.It was conventionally dated 1337-1453.C.The English kings attempted to dominate France.D.All English conquests had been solidifie

5、d by 1453.解析: 百年战争是英国与法国之间的一场战争,时间为13371453年,英国皇族企图吞并法国,战争之初曾取得一连串的军事胜利,并占领法国北部的大部分地区,但到1453年,他们又最终丢失了而不是巩固了全部占领的领地。9.How does the Wars of the Roses get the name?A.The war is righted to get the roses.B.The war took place in the time when roses were in blossom.C.The war was righted because of love af

6、fair.D.The two sides raised the banner of rose.解析: 玫瑰战争是因为两方打着玫瑰的横幅。10.The English Civil War is also called _.A.the Puritan RevolutionB.the second Magna CartaC.the Long ParliamentD.the Anglican War解析: 英国内战又称为清教徒革命。11.To its full sense, the British Parliament consists of _.A.the House of Lords and th

7、e House of CommonsB.the House and the SenateC.the Queen and the House of LordsD.the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons解析: 英国议会由君主、上议院和下议院组成。12.In Britain, _ has the ultimate authority of legislation.A.the QueenB.the House of CommonsC.the House of LordsD.the Prime Minister解析: 在英国,

8、下议院拥有最终立法权。在名义上,女王是国家元首、最高司法长官、武装部队总司令、英格兰教会最高领袖,也参加立法机关活动。在现实政治生活中主要扮演礼仪性角色。上议院是英国最高司法机关,议长由大法官兼任。13.There are two major national parties in Britain: the Conservative Party and _.A.the Liberal PartyB.the Democratic PartyC.the Labor PartyD.the Republican Party解析: 英国两大主要政党是保守党和工党。14.The real power of

9、 the British govermnent lies in _.A.the House of CommonsB.the cabinet headed by the Prime MinisterC.the Prime MinisterD.the Queen解析: 在君主立宪制下,国王的作用更侧重于其象征意义,而实权为内阁所有,内阁由首相率领。15.Most of the practical work of the government is done by _.A.the prime ministerB.the cabinet ministersC.the heads of departme

10、ntsD.the civil servant解析: 首相、内阁阁员和部长都属于政府工作的制定者、管理者和决策者,大部分工作都是国家公务员执行实施的。16.Where is the chief agricultural land in Britain?A.In the east and southeast.B.In the northeast.C.In the south.D.In the north.解析: 英国的农业主要位于东部和东南部地区。17.Britain became a world leader in _ dining the middle of the 19th century.

11、A.iron and steel industryB.textile industryC.shipbuildingD.farming解析: 英国在19世纪中期的时候成为了造船业的领导者。18.In the 1960s pop music underwent a revolution when _ become world famous and turned their hometown of Liverpool into a place of pilgrimage.A.the Beach BoysB.the Rolling StoneC.the AnimalsD.the Beatles解析:

12、20世纪60年代,一种新的流行文化披头士,出现在英国的利物浦。这是由一群年轻人组成披头士乐队,又称甲壳虫乐队。19.Among the most typical English sports, _ has been in existence since the 16th century.A.rugbyB.soccerC.cricketD.boxing解析: 板球是英国人最典型的体育运动,自从16世纪以来已存在。20.Where is the international tennis championships held?A.WembleyB.WimbledonC.St. AndrewsD.Cl

13、apham解析: 温布尔登两周赛,这是四大满贯网球锦标赛之一,因此国际的网球比赛在温布尔登举办。21._ is the home of golf.A.EnglandB.ScotlandC.WalesD.Ireland解析: 高尔夫球的故里是苏格兰,自从17世纪以来这项运动就在那儿盛行。22._ is sometimes called the birthplace of America.A.New EnglandB.The SouthC.The WestD.The Midwest解析: 新英格兰是美国的发源地,美国独立战争爆发于此。23._ is Americas leading center

14、of heavy industry.A.The MidwestB.The NortheastC.The Ameriean SouthD.Pacific Coast解析: 中西部地区是主要的制造业区和最主要的重工业中心。24.The backbone of the North America refers to _.A.Appalachian MountainB.Rocky MountainsC.Cascade MountainsD.Sierra Nevada Mountains解析: 落基山脉是北美大陆的脊梁。25.The term Father of Waters is used to re

15、fer to _.A.the Amazon RiverB.the Mississippi RiverC.Father of LifeD.Mother of Life解析: 美国的“众河之父”指的是密西西比河。26._ is the dividing line between the South and North.A.The Mississippi RiverB.The Hudson RiverC.The Ohio RiverD.The Missouri River解析: 美国南北的分界线是密苏里河,东西的分界线是密西西比河。27.When people talk about the new

16、world, they refer to _.A.the UKB.the USAC.FranceD.Spain解析: 考查英美概况知识。根据历史知识,哥伦布在1492年发现的新大陆是指美洲,故选B。28.The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, _.A.1774B.1778C.1775D.1776解析: 独立宣言是在1776年6月4日第二届大陆会议上签署的。29.The War of 1812 was fought between _.A.England a

17、nd FranceB.England and the United StatesC.France and the United StatesD.Britain, Canada and the United States解析: 1812年6月。关国向英国宣战,成为第二次英美战争,其真实用意在于加拿大。英、加、美都卷入战争。30.During World War , the leaders of the United States, _ and Britain met three times.A.CanadaB.FranceC.the Soviet UnionD.Italy解析: 二战期间,美、苏

18、、英三国领导人共会晤了三次。31.The North Atlantic Treaty was signed in _.A.1946B.1947C.1948D.1949解析:32.The most famous leader of black movements in the US was _.A.DouglasB.Martin Luther KingC.Malcolm XD.Garrison解析: 美国黑人运动中最有名的领袖是马丁路德金。33.When the president of the US signs an act passed by Congress into law, it st

19、ill can be cancelled if _.A.the lower federal court decides that it goes against previous lawsB.the Supreme Court decides that it goes against previous lawsC.the lower federal court decides it is unconstitutionalD.the Supreme Court decides it is unconstitutional解析: 美国实行三权分立,如果美国总统签署了一项法案经国会允许成为法律,但是

20、如果是违宪的话,最高法院仍然可以将他取消。34.In US, the two major national parties are the Democratic Party and _.A.the Liberal PartyB.the Democratic PartyC.the Labor PartyD.the Republican Party解析: 美国两大主要政党是民主党和共和党。35.The following are the factors that have contributed to the development of the US economy EXCEPT _.A.the

21、 vast space and resources of the landB.the ideal economic opportunityC.English as its national languageD.hard work by the people解析: 促进美国经济快速发展的原因不包括英语作为国家的语言。其余三项都是促进美国经济发展的原因。36.The basic taught in the American elementary schools are studies, arithmetic and, reading, wri

22、ting and arithmeticC.reading, writing and arithmeticD.physical education, reading and writing解析:37.Rock-and-roll in the early 1960s in the United States was music for audienceC.white adult audienceD.people of all ages解析: 摇滚乐是年轻人的一种音乐。38.Of all the symbols, which are considered t

23、o represent fertility and new life and are most frequently associated with Easter?A.The pumpkin and the turkey.B.The lamb and the beef.C.The spring peas and the potatoes.D.The egg and the hare.解析: 鸡蛋和野兔被认为是多产和新生活的象征,是复活节的象征物。39.October 31st is _ according to American culture.A.HalloweenB.EasterC.Tha

24、nksgivingD.Christmas Day解析: 考查美国文化。Halloween万圣节是10月31日;Easter复活节,每年过春分月圆后的第一个星期天,其日期是不固定的;Thanksgiving感恩节是每年11月的第四个星期四:Christmas Day圣诞节是12月25日。故选A。40.In area, the United States is the _ largest country in the world.A.2ndB.3rdC.4thD.5th解析: 按领土面积计算,美国是继俄罗斯、加拿大、中国之后的第四名。41.Mauna Loa, the worlds largest

25、 active volcano, is located in _.A.HawaiiB.AlaskaC.TexasD.Perth解析: Mauna Loa(莫纳罗亚山)是世界上最大的活火山,位于美国Hawaii(夏威夷)。42.All the following universities are located in New England EXCEPT _.A.YaleB.HarvardC.MITD.Berkeley解析: Berkeley(伯克利),是加利福尼亚大学分院,位于美国加利福尼亚西部。而新英格兰地区包括美国的六个州,由北至南分别为:缅因州、新罕布夏州、佛蒙特州、马萨诸塞州、罗德岛、

26、康乃狄克州。43.Which country is known as the Land of Maple Leaf?A.CanadaB.New ZealandC.Great BritainD.The United States of America解析: 加拿大被誉为“枫叶之国”。44.What forms a natural boundary between Mexico and the United States?A.The Rio Grande RiverB.The Southern Rocky MountainsC.The Colorado RiverD.The Gulf of Cal

27、ifornia解析: The Rio Grande River(格兰德河)形成了美国与墨西哥的自然分界线。45.The emblem of the Democratic Party of America is _.A.elephantB.donkeyC.bearD.bull解析: 19世纪70年代,在美国的哈泼斯周刊上,曾先后出现了政治漫画家托马斯纳斯特的两幅画,分别以长耳朵的驴和长鼻子的象比拟美国民主党和共和党。后来,纳斯特又在一幅画中同时画进了象和驴,比喻当时的两党竞选。自那以后,驴和象就逐渐成为美国两大党的象征,两党也分别以驴、象作为党徽的标记。46.In 1620, 201 Pilgr

28、ims, to escape religious persecution, sailed to the New World in a ship called May Flower. They arrived at _.A.New YorkB.GeorgiaC.VirginiaD.Plymouth解析: 1620年,朝拜者为了逃离宗教迫害,乘坐五月花号,在新英格兰的普利茅斯落脚。47.The Grand Canyon in south-western _ is one of natures most impressive sights.A.UtahB.ArizonaC.NevadaD.Idaho

29、解析: 大峡谷位于美国西南部的亚利桑那州。48.In the United States, the largest immigration movement took place _.A.right after the War of the the turn of the 20th centuryD.right after the Civil War解析: 1815年至1917年间发生了美国历史上的三大移民。第一次是1800年中开始,第二次是1860到1890年,第三次,也是移民人数最多的一次,是1890年到1914年。49.The

30、theme of Thanksgiving Day has always been _.A.friendship and happinessB.peace and plenty, health and happinessC.cooperation and rich and happiness解析: 感恩节的主题是:和平、富足、健康和幸福。50.Which of the following is the oldest sport in the United States?A.baseballB.tennisC.basketballD.American football解

31、析: 美国的体育文化脱胎于棒球,一直以来,棒球就一直是人们的最爱。作为最古老的美式运动,棒球的形态一直保存完整。51.The world-famous Harvard University is in _.A.MassachusettsB.New YorkC.Washington D.C.D.Maine解析: 哈佛大学位于马萨诸塞州的剑桥(Cambridge)镇。52.Which of the following statements about American education is wrong?A.Elementary and secondary education in Americ

32、a is free and compulsory.B.Private schools are financially supported by religious or nonreligious private organizations or individuals.C.There are more public colleges and universities than the private ones.D.Credits taken at community colleges are normally applicable to requirement for a four-year

33、bachelors degree.解析: 在美国,私立高等教育机构要多于公立的。像麻省理工、耶鲁大学、哈佛大学都是私立的。53._ is a symbol of American theatre and world-class entertainment.A.BroadwayB.Wall StreetC.The Fifth AvenueD.Times Square解析: 百老汇是一条由南向北贯穿曼哈顿全岛的大道,其中心地带是在第42街“时代广场”附近,周围云集了几十家剧院,上演被称为现代歌舞剧的剧目。54._ is not a tourist attraction in the United

34、States.A.Yellowstone National ParkB.Grand CanyonC.St. Patricks CathedralD.Stonehenge解析: Stonehenge在英国,是古代城池的遗迹。55.Of the five Great Lakes on the border between Canada and the United States, _ is the only one entirely in the U.S.A.Lake HuronB.Lake OntarioC.Lake ErieD.Lake Michigan解析: 在五大湖中,完全在美国境内的只有

35、密歇根湖。56.When did the Renaissance reach its height with its centre moving to Milan, then to Rome and created High Renaissance?A.In the 16th centuryB.In the 15th centuryC.In the 11th centuryD.In the 17th century解析: 欧洲的文艺复兴开始于意大利的佛罗伦萨和威尼斯,随后随着其中心移到米兰,再到罗马,文艺复兴在16世纪达到了High Renaissance(鼎盛时期)(14931530)。57

36、.The home of golf is _.A.ScotlandB.EnglandC.WalesD.Ireland解析: 高尔夫球的故里是苏格兰,自从17世纪以来这项运动就在那儿盛行。58.How many members are there in the House of Commons of Britain?A.650B.524C.72D.651解析: 英国众议院共有651名议员。59.The Tories were the forerunners of _, which still bears this nickname today.A.the Labour PartyB.the Co

37、nservative PartyC.the Liberal PartyD.the Social Democratic Party解析: 托利党是英国保守党的前身。60.In Canada, laws must be passed by both Houses and signed by _.A.the Governor GeneralB.the Prime MinisterC.Queen Elizabeth D.Head of the Supreme Court解析: 在加拿大法律是由总督签署的。61.Australia is the worlds largest exporter of _.A.wheatB.dairy productsC.meatD.wool解析: 澳大利亚是最大的羊毛出口国。62._ is a national symbol in New Zealand.A.The kiwiB.KangarooC.A unique flowerD.Koala解析: 几维鸟是新西兰国家的标志。


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