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1、完形填空(1)The western world has always been divided into two types of peoplethe cool and the uncool. It is a 11 that starts in school. The cool kids are good at sports. They are popular with the opposite sex. They are good-looking and people want to 12 their style. They can do their homework but they d

2、ont makea big effort. That would not be cool. The 13 kids are in the other corner of the playground. They are very bright, but they dont have great 14 skills, not popular with the opposite sex and they are 15 at sports. When they are not programming computers or doing calculus (微积分) , they are watch

3、ing shows like the “X Files”. They are known as the geeks.But the geeks are taking over. Make friends with them now or they will put virus in your computer and 16 your maths homework to ruin. Geeks might not be popular at school, yet they do pass their examinations. They 17 good degrees, though they

4、 might not be too popular at university. The most important 18 of the 21st century, computers and IT, has been at least partly created by geeks. Geek heroes like Bill Gates 19 others to follow their examples. Being a geek is a way of earning good money. And the creation of the Internet gave them a 2

5、0 of their own to work and play in, making them a global force. 21 , the effect of the geeks on popular culture has started a new trend. It is now cool to be 22 . Geek culture is becoming an important part of general popular culture, in which what you 23 is more important than what you look like.But

6、 there are also 24 . Geeks were often bullied (欺侮) or laughed at in school. Now a geek may be your 25 . Perhaps it is time for punishment.【小题1】 A.time B.division C. groupD. part【小题2】 A. show B. act C. copy D. represent【小题3】A. uncool B. unimportant C. clever D. strange【小题4】A. personalB. attractive C.

7、experimental D. social 【小题5】 A. tastelessB. careless C. hopeless D. helpless【小题6】 A. introduce B. bringC. prefer D. add【小题7】A. score B.lack C. take D. save【小题8】A.discovery B. industryC.progress D. improvement【小题9】A. excite B. discourageC. demand D. promise【小题10】A1. world B.challengeC. chance D. heav

8、en【小题11】A. However B. ThereforeC. Still D. Besides【小题12】A. imaginativeB. uncoolC. attractive D. cool【小题13】 A. remember B. understandC. receive D. know【小题14】 A. dangers B. questionsC. possibilitiesD. wonders【小题15】A. secretaryB. traineeC. friend D. boss【答案】【小题1】B【小题2】C【小题3】A【小题4】D 【小题5】C【小题6】B【小题7】C【小

9、题8】B【小题9】A【小题10】A【小题11】D【小题12】B【小题13】D【小题14】A【小题15】D【解析】试题分析:本文描述了西方社会的两种人,一种是很酷的,一种是不怎么酷的,后者是描述的重点。不酷的孩子在校园的另外一个角落里。他们很聪明,但是他们没有很棒的社交能力,他们在运动上没有希望的。但是他们有可能成为怪人奇才。现在怪人文化正在成为一般流行文化的重要的一部分。【小题1】考查名词及语境的理解。 A.time时间; B.division分类,除法,部门; C. group组; D. part分离。根据They are good-looking 可知这里叙述的是分类。学校里的分类就开始了

10、,故选B。【小题2】考查动词及语境的理解。 A. show显示; B. act行动; C. copy复制,抄袭; D. represent代表。因为They are good-looking,他们是好看的,人们想要模仿他的风格,故选C。【小题3】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. uncool不酷的,不冷静的;B. unimportant不重要的; C. clever聪明的;D. strange奇怪的。根据上文The cool kids are good at sports. 酷的都爱好体育,所以这里指不酷的。不酷的孩子们在操场的另一角落,故选A。【小题4】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. person

11、al个人的; B. attractive吸引人的; C.experimental实验的; D. social社会的。根据常识可知他们没有社会技能。他们很聪明但是他们没有社会技能,故选D。【小题5】考查形容词及语境的理解。 A. tasteless无味的; B. careless粗心的; C. hopeless无希望的; D. helpless无助的。他们很聪明但是他们没有社会技能,不受异性的欢迎,并且对于体育是绝望的,故选C。【小题6】考查动词及语境的理解。 A. introduce介绍; B. bring带来; C. prefer喜欢;D. add增加。这里是bringto ruin带来损害

12、。是固定短语。和他们做朋友不然他们会把病毒放进你的电脑里毁坏你的家庭作业。故选B。【小题7】考查动词及语境的理解。A. score获得; B.lack缺乏; C. take拿走; D. save挽救。take good degrees拿到学位;怪人也许在学校不受欢迎,但是他们仍然通过考试,他们可能在大学里仍然不受欢迎但是他们拿到学位。 故选C。【小题8】考查名词及语境的理解。A.discovery发现; B. industry工业; C.progress进步;D. improvement提高。根据常识可知电脑和IT是工业。电脑和 IT做为21世纪最重要的工业,至少一部分是由怪人创造的。故选B。

13、【小题9】考查动词及语境的理解。A. excite激动; B. discourage阻止,泄气; C. demand要求;D. promise允诺。excite sb to do激励某人做某事。像比尔盖茨那样的怪人英雄激励人们以他们为榜样。故选A。【小题10】考查名词及语境的理解。A. world世界; B.challenge挑战; C. chance 机会; D. heaven天堂。某人的领域用world。成为怪人是一种挣大钱的方法,并且网络的创造给了他们一个属于他们的工作和玩的世界。故选A。【小题11】考查副词及语境的理解。A. However可是; B. Therefore因此; C.

14、Still仍然; D. Besides并且。根据上文可知它们是递进关系。并且,怪人在流行文化的努力开始了一个新的趋势。故选D。【小题12】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. imaginative虚构的,富有想象力的;B. uncool不冷静的; C. attractive吸引人的; D. cool冷静的。根据短文的大意可知就是现在酷的成为不酷的。故选B。【小题13】考查动词及语境的理解。 A. remember记得; B. understand理解; C. receive 收到; D. know知道,了解。根据常识可知文化应该是了解怪人文化正在成为一般流行文化的重要的一部分,在这部分里你知道的比你

15、看上去的更重要。故选D。【小题14】考查名词及语境的理解。 A. dangers危险; B. questions问题; C. possibilities可能性; D. wonders奇观。根据but可知这是对上文的转折。但是仍然有危险者。故选A。【小题15】考查名词及语境的理解。A. secretary秘书; B. trainee实习生;C. friend朋友; D. boss老板。怪人在学校经常被欺负或者被嘲笑,现在那个怪人可能就是你的老板,也许是时候该惩罚你了。 故选D。完形填空(2)If you want to learn a new language, the very first t

16、hing to think about is why. Do you need it for a 1 reason, such as your job or your studies? Or perhaps you are interested in the 2 , films or the music of a different country and you know how much it will help to have a knowledge of the language.Most people learn best using a variety of 3 , but tra

17、ditional classes are an ideal(理想的)start for many people. They provide an environment where you can practice under the 4 of someone whos good at the language. We all lead 5 lives and learning a language takes 6 . You will have more success if you study regularly, so try to develop a 7 . It doesnt mat

18、ter if you havent got long. Becoming 8 in a language will take years, but learning to get by takes a lot less.Many people start learning a language and soon give up. “Im too 9 ,” they say. Yes, children do learn languages more 10 than adults, but research has shown that you can learn a language at a

19、ny 11 . And learning is good for the health of your brain, too. Ive also heard people 12 about the mistakes they make when 13 . Well, relax and laugh about your mistakes and youre much less likely to make them again.Learning a new language is never 14 . But with some work and devotion, youll make pr

20、ogress. And youll be 15 by the positive reaction of some people when you say just a few words in their own language. Good luck!1. A. technical B. political C. practical D. physical2. A. literature 文学类 B. transport C. agriculture 农业 D. medicine3. A paintings B. regulations 法规 C. methods D. computers

21、4. A. control B. 命令 C. pressure 压力 D. guidance 引导5. A. busy B. happy C. simple D. normal6. A. courage B. time C. energy D. place7. A. theory 学说;理论;原理;推测; B. business C. 常规routine D. project项目8. A. bored B. fluent流畅的C. interestedD. Devoted投入9. A. old B. nervous C. weak D. tired10. A. closely B. quick

22、ly C. privately D. quietly11. A. school B. speedC. distanceD. age12. A. worry B. hesitate 犹豫 C. think D. quarrel争吵13. A. singing B. working C. bargaining D. learning14. A. tiresome B. hard C. interesting D. easy15. A. blamed 指责 B. amazed C. interrupted 中断 D. informed通知【文章大意】这篇短文主要谈论了成年人学习外语的一个话题。告诉我

23、们,要想需要一门语言,首先直到自己为什么要学这门语言。然后选择一种适合自己的学习方法,并且有规律的练习。学习外语不只是孩子们的专利,我们在任何年龄都可以学习外语,并且这有助于我们的大脑健康。学习外语从来不是一件容易的事情,但是只要有付出就会有回报。【答案】C【 解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。联系下文such as your job or your studies?比如你的工作或者你的学习,可知此处指的是你需要一个实际的原因,practical实际的,务实的,故选。【答案】A【 解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A、文学;B、运输;C、农业;D、医学。联系下文films or music of a d

24、ifferent country描述,可知能和电影,音乐并列的只能是文学。故选。【答案】C【 解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A、绘画;B、规则,法规;C、方法;D、电脑。句意:大部分学得最好的人用各种方法,但是传统的课堂对于许多人来说是一个理想的开端。故选。【答案】D【 解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. 控制;B. 命令,控制;C. 压力;D. 指导,引导。联系下文of someone whos good at the language.擅长这门语言的某人,可知此处指的是在擅长这门语言的人的指导下,故选D。【答案】A【 解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. 忙碌的;B. 高兴的;C. 简单的;D.

25、 正常的。联系生活常识,可知成年人一般都有自己的工作,可知此处指的是成年人都过着忙碌的生活,故选。【答案】B【 解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. 勇气;B. 时间;C. 精力;D. 地方。联系下文Becoming fluent in a language will take years, but learning to get by takes a lot less,可知此处指的是学习一门语言需要时间,故选。【答案】C【 解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. 理论; B. 生意,业务;C. 程序,例行公事;D. 计划,项目。联系前文You will have more success if you

26、 study regularly,如果你有规律的学习,你就会获得更多的成功。可知你应该制定一个时间表,及例行的做某事,故选。【答案】B【 解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. 无聊的;B. 流利的;C. 感兴趣的; D. 献身的。联系前文in a language will take years, 可知句意为:学习一门语言要想说得流利需要几年的时间,故选。【答案】A【 解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。联系下文Yes, children do learn languages more quickly than adults, but research has shown that you can l

27、earn a language at any age.可知此处指的是与孩子们相比,他们觉得自己年龄太大了,故选A,老的,年长的。【答案】B【 解析】考查副词及语境的理解。联系下文but research has shown that you can learn a language at any age.描述,可知此处指的是孩子们比成年人学习语言快,故选。【答案】D【 解析】考查名词及语境的理解。联系前文Yes, children do learn languages more quickly than adults,,可知此处指的是在任何年龄你都能学习外语。D. age 年龄。故选D。【答案

28、】A【 解析】考查动词及语境的理解。联系下文about the mistakes they make,关于他们犯的错误。可知此处指的是人们担心他们犯的错误, A. 担心,故选A。【答案】D【 解析】考查名词及语境的理解。这篇短文主要谈论的就是语言学习,可知此处指的是当他们学习外语的时候,.学习,故选。【答案】D【 解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. 烦人的,令人讨厌的;B. 努力的,艰苦的;C.有趣的;D. 容易的;联系前文对语言学习中困难的描述,可知此处指的是,学习一门新的语言从来不容易。.容易的,故选D。【答案】B【 解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. 责备,谴责;B. 使吃惊;C. 干预

29、;D. 告发,告密。联系上文Ive also heard people worried about the mistakes,我也听说人们担心他们犯的错误。可知你会被一些人的积极反应吓一跳,故选。完形填空(3)A boy lost his arms in an accident and had to depend on hisbrother for almost everything. His younger brother became his 1 , never leaving him alone for years. Except for writing with his 2 , he

30、was completely unable to do anything in his life. One night, his brother accompanied 伴随着him into the 3 and went back to wait. But being so tired, his younger brother fell 4 , leaving him in the toilet for two hours. As the two brothersgrew 5 , they had different opinions about many things and often

31、6 . His brother wanted to 7 from him to live his own life. Knowing this, he was heart-broken and didnt know whatto do. A similar misfortune 不幸happened to a girl. One night her 8 , who suffered 受痛苦from mental 心理illness, 9 . So her father went out looking for her mother, leavingher alone at home. She

32、tried to 10 a meal for her parents, but only to overturn颠覆 the stove, resulti结果ng in a 11 , whichtook her hands away. Thoughher elder sister, who was studying in another city, showed her 12 to help her, she made up her mind to be completely 13 . And she made it.One day, the boy and the girl were bot

33、h 14 to appear on a television interview program. They both were askedto 15 something on a piece of paper with their toes. The boy wrote: My brothers arms are my arms; while the girl wrote: Broken wings, flying hearts. 1. A. volunteerB. bodyguardC. servantD. shadow2. A. feetB. handsC. toesD. arms3.

34、A. kitchenB. bedroomC. toiletD. study4. A. asleepB. illC. awakeD. silent5. A. olderB. tallerC. strongerD. healthier6. A. foughtB. talkedC. quarreled争辩,争吵D. discussed7. A. learnB. keepC. hearD. separateA. learn学习; B. keep保持; C. hear听见; D. separate分离。8. A. fatherB. motherC. brotherD. sister9. A. diedB

35、. disappearedC. Cri edD. failed10. A. buyB. changeC. eatD. prepare11. A. fireB. jokeC. fallD. meal12. A. anxiety焦虑 . willingness自愿,乐意C. contribution捐赠D. respect13. A. relaxedB. disabledC. energeticD. independent14. A. madeB. invitedC. orderedD. tricked15. A. writeB. drawC. imagineD. read【文章大意】本文叙述了两

36、个小孩由于事故,而使自己变成了残废,失去了双手,他们凭借自己的坚强和勇气,战胜困难,可以用自己的脚趾写字,后来被邀请到电视台做了嘉宾。【答案】D【 解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. volunteer志愿者; B. bodyguard保镖; C. servant佣人; D. shadow庇护。根据never leaving him alone for years可知他的弟弟成了他的影子,故选D。【答案】C【 解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. feet脚; B. hands手; C. toes脚趾;D. arms胳膊。根据A boy lost his arms in an accident及最后

37、一段末something on a piece of paper with their toes.可知他没有胳膊,所以写字只能用脚趾,故选C。【答案】C【 解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. kitchen厨房; B. bedroom卧室; C. toilet厕所;D. study书房。根据下文leaving him in the toilet可知他留在了厕所,故选C。【答案】A【 解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. asleep睡着; B. ill生病的; C. awake醒着的;D. silent沉默地。根据But being so tired,可知他的弟弟太累了,睡着了,故选A。【答案】A

38、【 解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. older年长的;B. taller更高的;C. stronger更强壮的;D. healthier更健康的。根据grew可知当两个兄弟长大了的时候,两个人的意见不同了,故选A。【答案】C【 解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. fought战斗; B. talked谈话;C. quarreled争吵; D. discussed讨论。根据they had different opinions about many things可知他们因为有不同的意见而争吵,故选C。【答案】D【 解析】考查动词及语境的理解。有一天弟弟终于提出要离开他,因为弟弟要和很多正常人一

39、样需要过自己的生活。故选D。【答案】B【 解析】考查名词及语境的理解。根据her father went out looking for her mother可知她的母亲患有精神病,故选B。【答案】B【 解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. died死; B. disappeared消失; C. cried哭;D. failed失败。根据下文父亲出去找母亲可知她的患有精神病母亲不见了,故选B。【答案】D【 解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. buy买; B. change改变;C. eat吃; D. prepare准备。她试图为她的父母准备好一顿饭,故选D。【答案】A【 解析】考查名词及语境的理解。

40、A. fire火; B. joke笑话; C. fall秋天; D. meal饭。却不小心将炉子打翻,结果双手便被大火夺走了。故选A。【答案】B【 解析】考查名词及语境的理解。A. anxiety焦急; B. willingness乐意;C. contribution贡献;D. respect尊敬。虽然在外地读书的姐姐愿意照顾她,可倔强的她一定要自己照顾自己。故选B。【答案】D【 解析】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. relaxed放松的; B. disabled残疾的; C. energetic精力充沛的; D. independent独立的。她下定决心要独立,故选D。【答案】B【 解析】考查

41、动词及语境的理解。A. made创造; B. invited邀请; C. ordered命令; D. tricked诡计。根据appear on a television interview program.可知一天这个女孩和男孩他们被一家电视台邀请到了演播室。故选B。【答案】A【 解析】考查动词及语境的理解。A. write写; B. draw绘画;C. imagine想象;D. read读。something on a piece of paper with their toes.可知让他们用脚趾写字,故选A。完形填空(6) In the future, schools will teac

42、h at least one thing we do not teach today: the art of self-discovery. There is nothing more_1_in education. We turn out students from our universities who know how to give answers, but not how to_2_questions.Our students do not really get into the centres of wisdom in our culture. They_3_ universit

43、ies with skills for the workplace, but with no knowledge of how to live, or what_4_is for. They are not taught how to see. They are not taught how to listen. They are not taught the great_5_of obedience(遵守、服从).They are not taught the true art of_6_. True reading is not just passing our_7_ overwords

44、on a page, or_8_information, or even understanding what is being read. True reading is a_9_act. It means seeing first, and then using the_10_. Higher reading ought to be a new subject. As we read, we should try to get something new. I meet people in all 11 of life, and most known in the fields of literature and science, who, though professionals


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