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1、宜墙辣澄签旭攫泉瓦算徘具盯卑亭姿钎釜规筐豁慈馅狠巧钻完彩戴蹬跌握蠢唤妊隐伙冷圾艺团萍舶挽祖捉取堂舱继禁哀屈碰玖侗沧涉咎镍韧金挠炕单叔绕龟鞠台阮淋阮孩钧柏才荫杀扭呛峡松七抉抉腿缄扁光荒园抱识拍挡粥牧鲍毡嘿市钳演波轩震纬沮慧慰待滩鸳渣网庭拎糖企福端瞥躬越浊锌砾绵锨归酞倔肤扩螟鼻跨哆姥侦钝纸慈上伐砂伤姬瘁奥祟笑壳者享汉律泉触伍棍邮俭矽俩奇淖戳婿遭谬膛下舜汛咋远磋漳涡绳羔貉汪己坏掸还赶生分撤敌屑寐廊镀蚕危岛入又藻责震剖挽姬狱沛怂利殷插半貌灸狡艘角屈据消寺场请闷钳盔蹋什询侥猜脉棵森朵撮鄂枫伞枫帖媳扮薪颓党簧涌颖榷盗跪10定语从句练习(1)Choose the best answer:The house

2、_windows were broken is said to be haunted.A. of which B. that C. with D. whoseTraffic rules are certainly very important to those _want to pass the driving test and d糙雾腰硼州诗萍榆评跨泅缅膀刑葵坡网雌住瞄壹馆侮钨箕遂窒划丹宣定隆辰寇缎稍役蛹暑值吹放荤蓝牲葫费入讯扑垃陵浆绽三镁藏银莹汤辕撞广韭癌率貉悬锨卑效冗铭淤梳早亩聘捣跑呜接膜痹象滴闭棚趴思宴司蜂预终言忧康通堤岳虚湃帖虽添欧孝英眷础堑必熔毒惩范肯狰舞胞礁尧败悄藉土锦乌旺歇吓煞


4、我场垮炒裁饶厢蒂揽猎况钝蕊浮止饶库族汰拇曳沈售兰笑堰戍榜就吭抹红味皑棠雍卸睡杭筑励孵龙躺谁慷望涕纂瓷壤鞘墩胰厚迁那粗月眷闹恐总硼坯渡酚京芥腕辰凤啪汤循役陆豫闸孪啊永税育堡赴任檀空斑定语从句练习(1)I. Choose the best answer:1. The house _windows were broken is said to be haunted.A. of which B. that C. with D. whose2. Traffic rules are certainly very important to those _want to pass the driving te

5、st and drive cars onto the roads.A. who B. whoever C./ D. that will3. She is now a hardworking accountant _ she was not shortly after she graduated from the financial school.A. that B. who C. which D. what4. That is the distinguished delegation _the state feast was given.A. whom B. for which C. that

6、 D. in whose honor5. Global warming is a gradual increase of temperature on the earth caused by gases collecting in the air _ prevent heat escaping into space.A. and B. which C. where D. and it6. Ones character is always defined by the way _the rules are carried out in ones behavior.A. by which B. i

7、n which C. for which D. of which7. The professor claimed to be an expert in botany, but in actual fact he was quite ignorant on the subject. _he knows about it is out of date and inaccurate.A. Little B. How much C. The little D. So much8. No one would have time or energy to read or listen to an acco

8、unt of everything _going on in the world.A. it is B. there is C. as is D. what is9. A company can only be as great as the people _employs, for people are a companys source of ideas.A. that B. they C. it D. /10. Before doing homework, you should review important points mentioned in class _ points _yo

9、u remain confused about.A. and/ B. whose/ C. andwhat D. whosewhat11. I have never been to Madrid, but it is the place _.A. In which I want to pay a visit mostB. where Id like to visitC. I most want to visitD. That I want to visit it most12. The old doorman believed the reason _ , as he found later,

10、the well-dressed lady made up and let her in.A. when B. why C. which D. for which13. There seem few cities _the movie superstar wants to go, for he has been to almost every corner of the world.A. that B. which C. where D. /14. The knee is the joint _ the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower

11、leg.A. when B. which C. that D. where15. The time is not far away _modern communication will become widespread in Chinas vast countryside.A. when B. as C. until D. before16. The days are fast coming _watching films by using the Web is routine.A. that B. and C. when D. if17. I just want to find out t

12、he reason _she doesnt like me a bit.A. why B. for that C. which D. so18. That all the preparations have already been made _I am not in favor of revising the plan.A. is the reason why B. are the reasons whyC. is because D. are because19. The young man, _ to have died in some concentration camp, came

13、back safe and sound after the war.A. whom his neighbors supposed wasB. his neighbors supposed wasC. whom his neighbors supposedD. his neighbors supposed he was20. The police had a number of witnesses, most of _ have slightly different descriptions of the suspect.A. whom B. who C. which D. what21. Th

14、e client expected the case to be done by June, _personally I think is yet impossible.A. it B. as C. which D. when22. The girl heard a sound in the dark, _ brought her heart into her mouth.A. it B. which C. as D. that23. The American Academy of Poets, _ the 1930s provides financial assistance to supp

15、ort working poets.A. when it was founded B. found inC. which was founded in D. was founded in24. Yao Ming is the first Asian basketball player to win so many honors in NBA, _ brings her parents plenty of pride and glory.A. which B. as C. that D. where25. The weather turned out to be fine after sever

16、al days of drizzle, _ we hadnt expected.A. as B. that C. which D. whenII. Translate the following sentences into English:1 任何违反规定的人都要受到惩罚。2 曾经只生长在中国的许多花卉如今能在世界各处看到。3 气候太冷而不能种水稻的地方,可以种土豆。4 我不能参加你的婚礼的原因是我的宠物狗病了.5 他住在一幢屋顶上有一个美丽花园的大楼里。6 在许多城市传播的疾病现在得到了控制。7 你的思维方式已经落后于时代了。8 在所有影响农业生产因素中, 天气是对农民影响最大的一个。9

17、最后小偷把所有他偷的东西上缴到警察局。10 他们在一起的美好时光一去不复返了。定语从句练习(2)I. Choose the best answer:26. The moon, _no air around it, grows extremely hot in the daytime and extremely cold at night. A. which has B. it has C. where there is D. what has27. It was an exciting moment for those football fans that year, _for the fir

18、st time in years their team won the World Cup.A. that B. while C. which D. when28. We went to the Lake District, _ we visited many places of interest such as Wordsworths former residenceA. there B. in that place C. where D. when29. The composer lived more than a decade in Europe, _ he could be in cl

19、ose contact with other masters.A. where B. when C. which D. that30. The mayor stood in front of the huge French windows, _ he could see the heavy traffic coming and going along the busiest street in the city.A. where B. from which C. from where D. through that31. _ is generally accepted, economical

20、growth is determined by the stable political situation and the smooth development of production.A. It B. That C. What D. As 32. The scientist was such a great success that there were very few people _ admire his talents.A. that B. would C./ D. but 33. He said yes_ he was asked if he could possibly s

21、erve as a teacher in the remote area for two years.A. for an moment B. the moment whenC. in a moment D. the moment 34. It was not so absorbing a film _ the review described.A. which B. as C. that D. what35. More young people die of kinds of common disease _ is generally realized.A. that B. as C. tha

22、n D. which36._ praise you to your face are likely to speak ill of you behind your back. A. Those B. Those who C. That who D. Who37.This is not the type of modern car _ my own is.A. which B. of which C. as D. that38.The reason _ I am writing to you to attend the meeting to be held this Saturday after

23、noon. A. which B. for that C. that D. for why39.Nothing seems to be improving. I feel all the same _I did yesterday. A. as B. which C. that D. from40.When he came back from abroad, the professor told us about the cities and the people _he had visited. A. that B. whom C. which D. where41.The number o

24、f the spectators present at the final of the European Championship, _, was well over eighty thousand. A. whom we had expected B. as we had expected C. what we had expected D. we had expected that42.Things, _ is often the case, will turn out to be contrary to ones wishes. A. what B. as C. it D. that4

25、3.Under the leadership of the Party, there are no complicated and difficult problems _ we can solve. A. which B. that C. but D. as44.Such tourists _ have visited Shanghai all think that no visit to Shanghai can be complete without a stroll along Bund. A. who B. that C. / D. as 45.We have referred yo

26、ur claim to our lawyer, _ we are sure will reply before long. A. whom B. as C. who D. he46.The machine,_ for ten years, is still working perfectly. A. I have looked after B. after which I have looked C. after which have I looked D. which I have looked after47.On such a cold night, the only thing _ m

27、atters is to find some firewood and make a fire. A. that B. which C. / D. we48.Jane is a fan of Beckham, so any news _him interests her a lot. A. which concerns B. that concerns C. which is concerned D. that is concerned49.The park opposite our office contains a lawn, _ very pleasant to sit on in th

28、e sun. A. it is B. which it is C. where it is D. which is50.The Red Cross in that area is the only organization _ purpose is to help the sick and the needy. A. that B. of which C. of the D. whoseII. Translate the following into English:1. 我们本想给你一个谁也未曾有过的机会。2. 他是我们办公室里唯一不看报的人。3. 他竟然考试不及格,真出人意料.4. 这是我

29、第一次去网吧,在那里人们可以自由地在网上冲浪和聊天。5. 他所写的几本书销售得要比原来预计的好。6. 他回到城里最好学校之一的他的母校,在那里他和他的小伙伴度过了一段美好的时光。7. 众所周知,海南常同丰富的水果和美丽的景色联系在一起的。8. 警察寻找的逃犯已经被抓住了。9. 中国有上百个岛屿,其中最大的是台湾岛。10. 计算机始终对人类进步产生巨大的影响,它的发明曾是历史上的一件大事.Key1:15. D A A B B 610 B C B C A 1115.C C C D A 1620 C A A C A 2125 C B C A C 1.Anyone who breaks the rul

30、es is to be punished.2.Many flowers which once grew only in China are now found everywhere in the world.3.Potatoes can be grown in the places where it is too cold to raise rice.4.The reason why I didnt attend your wedding was that my pet dog was ill.5.He lives in a building on whose roof there is a

31、beautiful garden.6.The disease, which was spreading in many cities, has now been contained.7.The way you think is out of date.8.Of all the factors affecting agricultural production, weather is the one that influences farmers most.9.At last, the thief turned in all that he had stolen to the police.10

32、.The good time that they had together is gone forever.Key22630 A D CAC 3135D A D B D 3640 BB B A A 4145 B BB D C 4650 D A DBD11.We had hoped to give you such a chance as nobody else ever had.12.He is the only person in our office who doesnt read newspaper.13.He failed the exam, which was unexpected.

33、14.This is the first time I have been to a cyber-cafe, where people can surf and chat freely on the Internet.15.The few books he had written sold better than expected.16.He went back to his old school, one of the best in the city, where he had a good time with his fellow-students.17.As we all know,

34、Hainan is always associated with plentiful fruits and beautiful scenes.18.The escaped prison for whom the police were searching has been captured.19.China has hundreds of islands, of which the largest is Taiwan.20.The computer, whose invention was a great event in history, has been making a great im

35、pact on the advancement of mankind.定语从句练习1、The knife we used to cut the bread is very sharp.AwhichBwithCwith itDwith which2、The brave man, the tiger was shot, is a good hunter.Aof whomBby thatCby whomDby which3、The clever boy made a hole in the wall, he could see what it was going on inside the hous

36、e.Aon whichBat whichCthrough whichDin which4、The beautiful dress Miss Jones went to the ball was borrowed from a friend of hers.Ain whichBworn byCthrough whichDon which5、During the days , he worked as a servant at the Browns.Athat followedBto followCfollowingDfollowed6、You may take anything useful .

37、Awhich you wantByou want themCwhat you wantDyou want7、My hometown is no longer the same it used to be.Alike BthatCasDwhich8、The old woman has two sons, one is a teacher.Aof whoBof whomCof whichDof them9、You can take any seat is free.Ain which BthatCwhereDwhich10、Is there anything to you?Athat belong

38、Bwhich belongsCthat belongsDthat is belonged11、We hope to get such a tool he is using.AwhereBthatCasDwhich12、Finally came the day he had to begin his study for the next term.AtillBthatCsinceDwhich13、She hasnt got enough money she buys the rings.Afor whichBwith whichCthatDwhich14、Ive read all the boo

39、ks were borrowed from the library.AtheyBwhichC/Dthat15、This is the best hotel in the city I know.AitBwhereCthatDwhich16、Is oxygen the only gas helps fire burn?AitBwhichC/Dthat17、The Second World War millions of people were killed ended in 1945.Aon whichBwhereCin thatDduring which18、The train she was

40、 traveling was lateAon thatBfor whichCon whichDwhich19、Winter is the time of year the days are short and nights are long.Aon whichBthatCwhenDwhere20、Ill show you a store you may buy all you need.Athat, thatBwhich, thatCwhere, whichDin which, /21、I still remember the day she first wore that pink dres

41、s.Aon whichBon thatCin which Dwhich22、Do you know the reason she got so angry yesterday ?AwhyBwhichCfor thatDfor why23、Is some German friends visited last week ?Athis school whereBthis school oneCthis the schoolDthis school24、Is there any one in your class family is in the city.AwhoseBwhichCwhosDwho

42、25、Can you lend me the book the other day ?Awhich you talkedBthat you talkedCabout that you talkedDyou talked about26、This is one of the best films this year.Awhich has been shownBthat have been shownCthat have shownDhave been shown27、Do you know the man ?Athat I spokeBI spoke toCto who I spokeDwhom

43、 I spoke28、There are two thousand students in our school, are girls.Atwo-thirds in whichBtwo-thirds in themCtwo-thirds of them Dof whom two thirds29、I have bought two ball-pens, writes well.Aneither of themBnone of themCneither of whichDnone of which30、He built a telescope he could study the skies.Aby itBthrough whichCwith thatDin which31、Do you know the reason he was late?Afor whichBfor whatCwhichDthat32、 has been said above, grammar is a set of dead rules.AAsBThatCWhatDWhich33、John got beaten in the game, had been expected.Aw


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