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1、6. Terms of Payment 付款条件6.1 The price shall be paid in accordance with the instalments defined in Appendix B upon achievement of the applicable milestones and subject to submitting to the Purchaser the following documents by the Seller: 根据附件B规定,应该根据可应用里程碑完成情况分期付款,并且卖方应该把以下文件提交给买方a) Advance Payment:预

2、付款Advance Payment will be made against presenting to the Purchaser: 递交给买方下列文件后支付:l Sellers Invoice countersigned by the Purchasers authorized representative;由买方授权代表签字的卖方发货清单。l The original of Advance Payment Security in favour of the Purchaser and equal to value to be paid by the Purchaser, which ar

3、e set forth in Appendix C, and 附件C提到的买方赞成的与其所付金额相当的预付款担保原件。和l The original of Performance Security Guarantee in favor of the Purchaser and as specified in the following Clause 6.2 (b);在下文条款6.2(b)说明的买方赞成的履约保函原件。Advance payment shall be released within 14 days from receipt the above documents. 应该在接受上述

4、文件14日内免除预付款。b) Upon Shipment 装运The Seller shall notify the Purchaser and the Insurance Company by mail and courier the full details of the shipment including contract number, description of goods, quantity, the vessel, the Bill of Lading Number and date, port of loading, date of shipment, port of di

5、scharge etc. the Seller shall provide the following documents to the Purchaser:卖方应该通过信件和邮递把装运的详细信息(包括:合同号,货物描述,数量,容器,提货单号和日期,装货港口,装船日期,卸货港口等)通知买方和保险公司。卖方应该把下列文件提供给买方:l Three (3) Copies of the Sellers invoice showing the description, quality, unit price, and total amount, of the goods;带有货物描述,单价及总价的卖方

6、发货清单(复印件3份)l Three (3) Copies of the clean, onboard bill of lading, or airway bill, marked freight prepaid and three (3) copies of non-negotiable bill of lading; 注明运费预支的清理,海运提单,或船运收据(复印件3份),不可转让的提货单(复印件3份)l Copy of packing list identifying contents of each package;可供识别每个包装内货物的装箱单复印件l Insurance certi

7、ficate; 保险单l Manufacturers/suppliers guarantee certificate;制造商和供应商的担保证书l Certificate of origin;原产地证书 C) Upon delivery to the Port送货到港口Payment will be made against presentation to the Purchaser of:递交给买方下列文件后支付l Sellers invoice countersigned by the authorized representative of the Purchaser.由买方授权代表签字的

8、卖方发货清单l Appropriate receipt of the Port;港口适当收款D) Upon issue of Provisional Acceptance Certificate 临时验收证书的问题Payment will be made against presentation to the Purchaser of:递交给买方下列文件后支付l Sellers invoice countersigned by the authorized representative of the Purchaser.由买方授权代表签字的卖方发货清单l Provisional Accepta

9、nce Certificate issued by the authorized representative of the Purchaser.由买方授权代表签发的临时验收证书E) Upon issue of the Final Acceptance Certificate 最终验收证书的问题Payment will be made against presentation to the Purchaser,of:递交给买方下列文件后支付l Sellers invoice countersigned by the authorized representative of the Purcha

10、ser. 由买方授权代表签字的卖方发货清单 l Final Acceptance Certificate issued by the authorized representative of the Purchaser, or upon receipt of bank guarantee provided by the Seller as set forth in Appendix B, which shall be valid until the date of issuing of the Final Acceptance Certificate. 由买方授权代表签发的最终验收证书,或者根

11、据附件B规定的一旦收到银行担保,银行担保的有效期应该至最终验收证书签发日期。l “As Built drawing” for completion work 依照建设图纸完成工作6.2 Payment shall be made in US Dollars via wire transfer and/or irrevocable L/C as set forth in Appendix B.根据附件B 规定,应该通过电子转账或不可撤销的信用证支付美元。(a) The Down Payment of 10% of the Contract Price shall be made to the S

12、eller within 14 days from the date of receipt of the advance payment by the Purchaser from the End-user and submission of the documents specified in Clause 6.1 (a) (receipt of Sellers invoice, the original of Advanced Payment Bank Guarantee). The issuing bank shall be first class bank or the banks a

13、pproved by the Purchaser. And the balance of the Contract Price (less Advance Payment and the supervision cost for erection and commissioning at site which shall be through wire transfer) shall be paid through an irrevocable documentary letter of credit, the form stipulated in Appendix C issued to S

14、eller within ninety (90) days from the effectiveness date Sellers Advance Payment Guarantee买方提交的最终用户预付款收据和提交条款6.1(a)中规定的文件(收到卖方发货清单,预付款银行担保原件)日期后14天内,应该支付合同金额10%的定金。开证银行应该是一级银行或者经买方批准。并且余下的款项(较少的预付款和现场的管理及试运行的花费应该通过电子转账方式支付)应该通过一个不可撤销跟单信用证支付,并且在卖方预付款担保有效日期起90天内,以附件C的形式发给卖方。Within 14 Days of effectiv

15、eness date /receipt of the advance payment from the End-user, Seller shall issue to Purchaser an Advance Payment Bank Guarantee, in the form of Appendix C, for the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Contract Price that shall secure the Sellers obligations to deliver the Equipment under this Contract

16、. The advance payment guarantee shall be valid until Sellers Delivery.在14天有效期内/来自最终用户的预付款收据,卖方应按照附件c的形式向买方发送预付款银行保证,合同金额的10%应当用来担保卖方根据合同交付设备的义务。预付款保证的有效期应当至卖方的交付之日。 (b) Sellers Performance Guarantee 卖方履约保函Within thirty (30) Days of effectiveness of this Contract, the Seller shall issue to Purchaser

17、a Performance Bank Guarantee, in the form of Appendix C, for the amount of 10% of the Contract Price that shall secure the Sellers obligations under the Contract until the Seller has met its Minimum Performance Guarantees.在合同有效期30天内,卖方应该根据附件C的形式把履约保函发给买方,合同金额的10%应该用来确保卖方根据合同履行义务, 直到卖方已经支付最小履约保函。(c)

18、Sellers Warranty 卖方质量保证Not later than 10 Days after the expiration of Sellers Performance Bank Guarantee, Seller shall issue to Purchaser a Warranty Bank Guarantee, in the form of Appendix C, for the amount of 5% of the Contract Price that shall secure the Sellers obligations of Warranty under this

19、Contract. Such Warranty Bank Guarantee shall be valid until the expiration of the Warranty Period.在卖方银行保函到期后不迟于10天,卖方应该以附件C的形式把银行担保发给买方,合同金额的5%应该用来确保卖方根据合同履行保证质量的义务。银行担保的有效期应当值质量保证到期。6.3 In case of late payment the Purchaser shall pay interest on the overdue sum for the period of delay at three perc

20、ent (3%) above the annual LIBOR rate for USD.为避免逾期付款,买方应该根据延迟时间总和按上年度拆借利率3%支付利息(美元)。6.4 Unless a shorter period is expressly set out elsewhere in the Contract, payments shall be made within 45 (forty five) days of submission of invoices together with the supporting documents specified in Clause 6.1

21、above. 除非合同其他地方另有更短时间的陈述,根据条款6.1规定,应该在单据和证明文件提交后45日内付款。14.1 Performance Liquidated Damages 性能违约金Equipment performance guarantees are as set out in Clause 2.6 and Clause 4.15 of Appendix A. Only those items specifically marked “guaranteed” constitute technical performance guarantees. For failure to a

22、chieve the Equipment performance guarantees specifically identified in Appendix A liquidated damages shall be applied as set out in Appendix E up to the overall aggregate limit of liability for all performance liquidated damages set out in article 11.3. Any other specified guarantee shall be subject

23、 to make good guarantees. Technical performance guarantees in Appendix A not subject to Liquidated Damages shall be subject to make good guarantees. Equipment performance guarantees are conditional upon appointment by the Purchaser of a competent and experienced erection contractor and a technical s

24、ervices company who is experienced in the installation of turbine generators to provide assurance satisfactory to Seller that the erection, commissioning, testing and start-up of the Equipment has been conducted in accordance with Sellers specifications.设备性能保证在附录A的条款2.6和条款4.15中予以陈述。仅那些特别标明“保证”的事项构成了

25、技术性能保证。由于对未实现的设备性能保证在附录A中给予了明确的说明,违约金适用于附录E中的规定,直到条款11.3中规定的所有性能违约金责任的全部限额。其他规定的保证应该从属于“赔偿”保证。附录A中的技术性能保证不属于违约金而应属于“赔偿”保证。设备性能保证由有能力、有经验的安装承包商以及在水轮机安装方面有丰富经验的技术服务公司的购买者,依据卖方技术规范为设备安装、试运行、测试和启动的进行,通过向卖方提供满意的担保来 有条件的约定。No performance liquidated damages shall be due by Seller should the failure to reac

26、h guaranteed performances be for reasons not attributable to Seller. 因为没有达到保证性能的原因不在卖方,性能违约赔偿金不应该由卖方支付。Where multiple parameters are guaranteed and an improvement over guaranteed Equipment performance is achieved for any parameter then the Seller shall be entitled to a credit equal to the amount of

27、liquidated damages that would apply for an equivalent shortfall to offset liquidated damages payable by the Seller for shortfall in achievement of any other guaranteed parameter. Any remaining credit after offsetting shall be paid as a bonus at the rate indicated in Appendix F. The same principle sh

28、all apply in case of multiple Units. 如果多项参数得到保证,并且任何参数都超过了保证设备性能,卖方将会获得与总违约金相同的信用,其可以请求用一个等价的差额来抵消卖方应付的其他保证参数差额的违约金。抵消后剩余的信用应该按照附录F规定的比率以奖金形式支付。如果多个部件出现这种情况,适用相同的原则。14.2 Aggregate liability for Liquidated Damages违约金总责任Sellers limit of liability for liquidated damages provided for under the Contract

29、shall be limited individually and in the aggregate to the amounts stated in Appendix F.由合同规定的卖方的违约金责任限额应该在附录F中单独限定,并且加以总体说明。14.4Sole and Exclusive Remedy特有的和专有的赔偿The application of liquidated damages in accordance with this article 11 shall be the sole and exclusive remedies of Purchaser in full and final satisfaction of Sellers liability for delay and failure to achieve the equipment performance guarantees.依据本文条款11,违约金应是为了达到买方足够和最终的满意,而对卖方的延期和未达到设备性能保证的责任提供的一种特有的和专有的赔偿。


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