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1、周六循环训练第34练综合测试(十五)时间:30分钟 分值:53分.单项填空1(2021德州一模) A bottle of beer? _. I will have to drive back home after the party.A. By all means B. Anything but thatC. It depends D. Help yourself答案与解析B句意:要一瓶啤酒吗?可不行。晚会后我还要开车回家的。A项表示接受,意为“当然可以”,与“I will have to drive back home after the party.”不符;B项表示否定和拒绝,意为“绝不能

2、那样”,符合语境;C项意为“那得看状况”,与答语信息不符;D项“请任凭吃”,用于招呼客人吃东西的客套话或表示答应恳求,不符合语境。2(2021芜湖一模)Music is _ universal language and it is one of _ ways to learn about another culture.A. the; the B. a; /C. the; / D. a; the答案与解析D第一个空应用不定冠词,泛指“一种通用的语言”, universal虽以元音字母开头,但它的发音却并非以元音音素开头,故第一空用a;其次个空后面有动词不定式作后置定语,是特指。3(2021太原

3、一模)The new computer, _ he loves a lot, breaks down frequently.A. which B. whatC. that D. one答案与解析A空处引导非限制性定语从句,并且在从句中作loves的宾语,因此用which。what不能引导定语从句;that不能引导非限制性定语从句;假如选D,则需将先行词前面的定冠词改为不定冠词,one表示泛指概念。4(2021河北质监二)The man talks as if he knew the truth about the car accident. _ he knows nothing about i

4、t.A. Actually B. ReallyC. Obviously D. Generally答案与解析A句意:那个人谈起来好像知道这次车祸的真相。事实上,他什么也不知道。actually“事实上”,符合句意。really“的确地;的确”; obviously“显而易见地”; generally“通常地”。5(2021湖北八校联考) Next week I will go to a job interview. Will you give me some suggestions? Smiling is a great way to make yourself _.A. stand out B

5、. turn outC. work out D. pick out答案与解析A句意:下周我将去参与工作面试。你情愿给我一些建议吗?微笑是一个让你突出的很好的方法。stand out“突出;惹眼;精彩”符合语境。6(2021吉林质检) When did Bob leave? I have no idea. I _ a shower upstairs.A. took B. have takenC. was taking D. would take答案与解析C答语句意:我不知道。当时我在楼上洗澡。依据句意和问句中的“did”可知,在Bob离开的那个时刻“我”正在洗澡。过去进行时强调在过去的某一时刻动

6、作正在进行。故选C。7(2021连云港一模)Start working hard from now on, _ you wont realize your dream of being admitted to Oxford University.A. and B. soC. then D. or答案与解析D句意:从现在开头努力学习吧,否则你就不行能实现被牛津高校录用的幻想。依据句意可知,此处应选or,表示“否则”。8(2021唐山一模)Making mistakes is a part of life. _ matters is what you do afterwards.A. It B.

7、WhatC. All D. That答案与解析B句意:犯错误是生活的一部分。重要的是你事后如何去应对。空处引导主语从句,且在从句中作主语,应用what。故答案为B。9(2021浙江调研) Do you think you could get this package _ for me, please? No problem!A. to mail B. mailedC. mailing D. mail答案与解析Bmail和package是规律上的动宾关系,所以用过去分词作宾补,构成get sth. done结构。10(2021沈阳二次质检)Usually your style of dressi

8、ng can be regarded as a _ of your character.A. recognition B. regulationC. reflection D. reaction答案与解析C句意:通常你穿衣的风格反映(reflection)了你的共性。recognition“认可;认出”; regulation“规定”; reaction“反应”,均不符合语境。故答案选C。11(2021哈尔滨质检)Tom told me that he needed a chair and that soon he found _.A. it B. thatC. one D. the one答

9、案与解析C句意:Tom告知我说,他需要一把椅子而且很快他就找到了一把(椅子)。it用来代替同类同物,即“同一个”; that常用来指代不行数名词,也可用来指代有定语修饰的可数名词(此时,相当于the one); one用来指代泛指的可数名词单数,表示同类不同物中的另外某一个。本题中应用one来指代前面毁灭的、表泛指的a chair,故答案选C。12(2021合肥二次质检)He met Rachel at her college graduation ceremony in 2008, _ he was later to marry.A. which B. whenC. where D. who

10、m答案与解析D句意:他是在2008年Rachel的高校毕业典礼上生疏她的,后来娶她为妻。whom引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作marry的宾语,修饰先行词Rachel。13(2021长沙一模) The research on the new flu virus vaccine is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can do the job? _ my students have a try?A. May B. MustC. Will D. Shall答案与解析D句意:新病毒疫苗的争辩要求高又具有挑战性,你认为谁能做这个工作呢?我的同

11、学可以试一试吗?shall用于第三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请示,符合文意。故答案选D。14(2021天津十二区二次联考)Plans have been proposed _ the largest dam in the world to be built along the Congo River.A. of B. withC. for D. on答案与解析C句意:沿刚果河建世界上最大水坝的方案已经被提出来了。15(2021太原二模) Under no circumstances _ the door to the Data Centre unlocked. I prom

12、ise Ill be more careful in future.A. you need to leave B. should you leaveC. need you leave D. you should leave答案与解析B句意:你无论如何都不能不锁数据中心的门就走了。我答应你下次我会留意的。under no circumstances“决不”,置于句首时,句子要部分倒装。由语境可知,此处有责怪的意思,情态动词应用should。故B项正确。.完形填空(2021天津十二区二次联考)My mother has been a true inspiration to me and chang

13、ed the way I look at life. Since my birth she has made it evident that I would become _16_ and that I would be one of the great ones. She has taught me that I can do anything if I put my _17_ to it.As a young boy, I struggled to achieve tasks that came _18_ to others. I had problems with writing, re

14、ading and especially speaking. I didnt talk the way _19_ kids did and did not respond to questions or stay alert (警觉的) to my surroundings. My reading was poor _20_ with teachers helping me, and my speech was hard to _21_. My writing was not at the _22_ it should have been. Even simple things like kn

15、owing my left from my right or being able to snap my fingers (弹手指) were _23_.My mother _24_ all my challenges and as a professor with a PH.D., decided to _25_ the situation early in my development. She didnt want me to _26_. After a while, we did indeed get over all the problems that had _27_ me. Sh

16、e spent hours every day _28_ me everything I needed to know, determined to help me learn. _29_ her I would not be anywhere close to the level I am now.In addition, she gave _30_ for my life. She told me what to do and what not to do. Her expectations have always been high _31_ she knows that I can d

17、o it. For that, I thank her, she would not allow her son to be incapable. She never _32_ on me, and to this day she tells me education is a must. I will be a _33_ person if I continue to follow her lead. She encourages me to study hard for my _34_ and attend college.She used her gifts as a _35_ to h

18、elp a child her child and now I have the opportunity to become something.16A. everything B. nothingC. anything D. something17A. mind B. brainC. feelings D. work18A. smoothly B. stronglyC. frequently D. easily19A. average B. ordinaryC. normal D. common20A. just B. everC. even D. only21A. hear B. writ

19、eC. read D. understand22A. level B. lengthC. speed D. degree23A. problems B. excusesC. worries D. duties24A. suffered B. observedC. removed D. tolerated25A. study B. findC. change D. keep26A. fight B. struggleC. strike D. challenge27A. interrupted B. disturbedC. terrified D. troubled28A. teaching B.

20、 givingC. supporting D. reminding29A. Without B. ExceptC. Besides D. Beyond30A. information B. adviceC. promise D. expectation31A. before B. thoughC. because D. unless32A. set up B. gave upC. pushed up D. looked up33A. rich B. famousC. successful D. powerful34A. training B. gradesC. experiments D. a

21、bilities35A. woman B. doctorC. sister D. teacher答案与解析本文是一篇记叙文。作为一名老师和哲学博士,妈妈对残疾的儿子尽心尽力,挂念“我”克服生活中的种种困难,树立乐观的生活态度,最终使“我”有所作为。16Deverything“一切事物”; nothing“无事”; anything“任何事”; something“某事;重要的人或物”。由语境可知,妈妈认为“我”终将会有所作为。此处与文章最终一句中的“now I have the opportunity to become something”呼应。故选something。17A妈妈让我知道了只

22、要我认真于某件事,就确定能成功。put ones mind to“全神贯注于”,符合语境。18Dsmoothly“平稳地;平滑地”; strongly“坚强地”; frequently“频繁地”; easily“简洁地”。联系下文“I had problems with writing, reading and especially speaking.”可知,此处是指其他人能很简洁完成的事情“我”必需很努力地去做。故D项正确。19Caverage“平均的”; ordinary“一般的”; normal“正常的”; common“一般的”。句意:我不能和正常孩子一样说话。故C项正确。20C即使有

23、老师的挂念,我的阅读力气还是很差。故C项正确。21D依据其次段第四句可知,“我”讲话很难让人听懂。故D项正确。22Alevel“水平”; length“长度”; speed“速度”; degree“程度;等级”。我的写作没有达到本该有的水平。故A项正确。23Aproblem“问题”; excuse“借口”; worry“担忧”; duty“职责”。联系语境可知,就连那些简洁的事情,比如辨别左右、弹手指等,对“我”来说都是问题。故A项正确。24Bsuffer“患病”; observe“观看;遵守”; remove“移动”; tolerate“容忍”。由语境可知,此处指妈妈看到了“我”所面临的全部

24、挑战。故B项正确。25C作为一名哲学博士,妈妈打算要尽早转变我的这种状况。依据下文内容可知,妈妈始终没有放弃“我”,而是始终在挂念“我”转变这种状况。故C项正确。26Bfight“斗争”; struggle“挣扎;奋斗”; strike“打击”; challenge“挑战”。依据上下文语境可知,妈妈要帮“我”转变这种状况,她不想让“我”如此挣扎。故B项正确。27Dinterrupt“打断”; disturb“打搅”; terrify“使可怕;恐吓”; trouble“麻烦”。一段时间之后,我们的确克服了全部那些让我苦恼的问题。故D项正确。28A妈妈打算挂念我学习,她每天花几个小时教我所需要知道

25、的全部事情。故A项正确。29A依据语境可知,没有妈妈的话,“我”不会达到“我”现在的水平。故A项正确。30Binformation“信息”; advice“建议”; promise“诺言”; expectation“期望”。依据下句“She told me what to do and what not to do.”可知,妈妈在生活上给“我”建议。故B项正确。31C由于妈妈知道我能行,因此她的期望往往很高。依据空前后两句话之间的规律关系可知C项正确。32Bset up“建立”; give up“放弃”; push up“提高”; look up“仰视”。句意:她从来都没有放弃过我,直到今日她

26、还告知我:训练是必需的。故B项正确。33Crich“富有的”; famous“出名的”; successful“成功的”; powerful“强大的”。 句意:假如我连续跟着她的指导,我确定会成为一个成功的人。故C项正确。34Btraining“培训”; grade“成果”; experiment“试验”; ability“力气”。句意:她鼓舞我要努力学习,提高成果,考上高校。故B项正确。35D她利用她作为一名老师的天赋挂念了一个孩子她自己的孩子。上文提到妈妈每天都会花几个小时教“我”所需要知道的事情,并挂念“我”学习,所以此处是指妈妈作为一名老师的天赋。故D项正确。.阅读理解 (2021济南

27、五月模拟)Walking home from his work as a New York City bus driver, Stephen St. Bernard, 52, heard screaming and saw sevenyearold Keyla McCree standing on top of an airconditioning unit outside the window of her thirdfloor apartment. He rushed over in time to catch the child as she fell the 25 feet. The

28、force of the lifesaving catch tore a tendon (肌腱) in St. BernarD s shoulder, and the girl suffered only minor injuries.When Lezlie Bicknell pulled into a parking space near Albuquerque, New Mexico, she noticed two unattendeD kids in the lorry parked next to her, one of them sitting in the drivers sea

29、t. Before she could move her own truck into park, the lorry began to roll backward toward a busy street. When Bicknell jumped out of her truck to help, it, too, drifted (任凭移动) backward, preventing the lorry from rolling onto the road.A 72yearold man visiting New Hampshire suddenly lost his memory. H

30、e didnt know who he was, but something told him he belonged in North Carolina. So he walked and got free rides all the way back to the Tar Heel state. With the help of police and the initials on his wedding ring, he figured out his identity and located his family.An online game of Words with Friends

31、 became a lifesaver when Georgie Fletcher of Australia wrote to Beth Lelger of Blue Springs, Missouri, that her husband, Simon, was having chest pains.Beth told her husband, Larry, a doctor, who suggested he go immediately to the hospital. Simon had a 99 percent blockage in an artery (动脉) near his h

32、eart and would have died.36What might be the authors purpose in writing the text?A. To tell some amazing stories.B. To introduce first aid methods.C. To give examples of emergency.D. To attract readers attention.答案与解析A写作意图题。由全文结构可知文章每段介绍了一个令人惊异的故事。37According to the text, Stephen St. Bernard _.A. go

33、t a free ride homeB. worked in a parking lotC. saved a girl on his way homeD. suffered an injury during work答案与解析C细节理解题。由文章第一段可知,Stephen St. Bernard救了一个小女孩。38How did Lezlie Bicknell prevent the lorry from rolling onto the road?A. With great efforts.B. Totally by accident.C. With the help of kids.D. By jumping onto the lorry.答案与解析B细节理解题。由文章其次段最终一句可知B项正确。39Which of the following is True of the 72yearold man in Paragraph 3?A. He was visiting North Carolina.B. He lived in New Hampshire.C. He walked all the way home.D. He suddenly forgot his identity.答案与解析D细节理解题。由第三段首句可知D项正确。


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