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1、第一部分必修四Module 5.语法填空,单句训练1She was sitting on the floor _(surround) by books.答案:surrounded考查非谓语动词。句意:她坐在地上,四周都是书。she与surround之间为被动关系,故用过去分词。2(2021台州模拟改编)The police suspected him of carrying drugs so they went_ his bag, but found nothing.答案:through考查动词短语。句意:警察怀疑他携带毒品,因此具体检查了他的包,但什么也没找到。go through“具体检查

2、”,符合句意。3(2021泉州模拟改编)In the school hall, where a meeting is_(hold), some students are busy preparing for it.答案:to be held考查动词。句意:在学校大礼堂将进行一次会议,有几个同学正忙着做预备。依据句意,“会议将要进行”,要用将来时态的被动语态。be to do结构是将来时态的特殊表达形式。4_(spot) shopping shoulder to shoulder with a girl, I felt very embarrassed.答案:spotted句意:被发觉和一个女孩

3、并肩逛商店,我感觉很尴尬。spot sb. doing sth.“发觉某人在做某事”。I与spot之间为被动关系,故用过去分词。5(2021南昌模拟改编)The final score of the basketball match was 93 to 94. We were only _(narrow) beaten.答案:narrowly考查副词。句意:篮球竞赛的最终比分是9394。我们差一点就赢了。narrowly“牵强地”,符合句意。6(2021烟台模拟改编)Childrens ability to adapt to a new environment comes _(natural)

4、. It is not a result of many experiences.答案:naturally考查副词。句意:孩子们适应新环境的力气是与生俱来的。它与经受无关。naturally“自然地,自然而然地”,符合句意。7(2021大庆模拟改编)One of the advantages of living on the top floor is that you can have a good _ of the city.答案:view考查名词。句意:住在高层的一个优势是你可以清楚地看到城市的风貌。have a good view of “清楚看到,饱览”。8Jack got _ kic

5、k out of going for _ walk after dinner when he was young.答案:a; a考查固定搭配。句意:杰克小时候从饭后闲逛中获得了乐趣。get a kick out of“从中获得乐趣”;go for a walk“去闲逛”。9We dont think the experiment is a failure. At_ we have gained experience for future success.答案:most考查短语。句意:我们认为试验没有失败。我们至少获得了将来成功的阅历。at most“至多”,符合句意。10(2021江苏省扬州中

6、学高三1月质量检测改编)The first thing you must remember is that in order to succeed, it is almost compulsory that you _ be optimistic.答案:should考查虚拟语气。你必需记住的第一件事情是为了成功,你确定要乐观。在表示命令、要求、建议、义务等句中,从句用虚拟语气“should动词原形”形式,should可以省略。这些词有order, suggestion, suggest, demand, proposal, propose, compulsory等等。.语法填空,篇章训练阅读下

7、面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The weather is getting hotter. Having taken exercise, we will become much _1_(thirsty). A cold drink may be just _2_ thing. But most of us are never concerned about what we drink. There are plenty of “energy drinks” on the market. Most of them have an attractive colo

8、r or cool name. Something that looks cool may be harmful to our _3_(safe). _4_ a careful check, we may find that most energy drinks have lots of caffeine(咖啡因) in them, _5_(typical) aimed at young people, students, busy people and sports players. Makers sometimes say _6_ drinks make us better at spor

9、ts and can keep us awake._7_ be careful not to drink too much.Research by Australian scientists found caffeine makes our heart beat fast, which in most energy drinks is at least as strong as _8_ in a cup of coffee or tea and that many teenagers _9_(affect) by caffeine. There are possible health risk

10、s connected with energy drinks. Just one can of energy drink can make us nervous,_10_(cause) heart attacks. So why not stop drinking it right now?1_2._3._4._5._6_7._8._9._10._答案:1.more thirsty2.the3.safety4.After5.typically6.their7.But8.that9.are affected10.causing.完形填空(2021安徽合肥一中质检)All of us go thr

11、ough some difficult times as we approach teenage years. Its the age when we have to deal with the most _1_ in our life. This transition (过渡) from childhood to adulthood is _2_ for some, but rough for others. The most important thing about being a teenager is _3_. When we are teenagers, we would get

12、blamed or even punished for anything wrong we do.Its all not so _4_ about being a teenager though. We dont have to have our _5_ take us to somewhere we want to go or we couldnt go before. We can have _6_with friends or even alone, which we couldnt have because we were too _7_ to know what pleasure i

13、s! Its a very enjoyable time of life. During this age, we are old enough to _8_ what is good for us, and make decisions without _9_ others.But like the saying goes, “All good things must come to an end, but all bad things can continue _10_.” During this period, we are having much _11_ for our studie

14、s. If we dont pass, we wont get jobs, and things will take a turn for the _12_. With the present world economy in _13_, we have to do really, really well in our _14_ for a job. Adults say that their _15_ is the hardest part of life. But I think the transition from a kid to an adult is much _16_ than

15、 being already an adult. What we do in our teenage years will _17_what we become and how we lead our life in the future. In conclusion, it is quite _18_ that parents put much pressure on an already stressed on teenager. If they realized that, living condition for teenagers would be much better. _19_

16、 for the teens ourselves we should get to know what is best for us. Whats more, we should understand the right _20_ of life we choose at this age can make us happy for the rest of our existence.语篇解读:青春期是一段困难的时期,也是逐步走向独立的时期,同时,这种独立性又打算了今后一生的走向及生活状态。因此,家长应当给原来压力就大的青春期的孩子少施压;青少年更要明辨是非,为制造一个奇怪的将来打下基础。1A

17、.chances BchangesCfeelingsDexpectations答案:Bchance意为“机会”;change意为“转变,变化”;feeling意为“感觉,触觉”;expectation意为“期望,预期”。青春期是从儿童期向成年期的过渡阶段,会有很多的变化,故B项正确。2A.smooth BpracticalCdemandingDnecessary答案:Asmooth意为“顺当的;光滑的”;practical意为“实际的”;demanding意为“苛刻的,要求高的”;necessary意为“有必要的”。依据此空后的but rough for others可推断,从儿童到成人的过渡

18、期对一些人来说是顺当的,smooth与形容词rough相对应,二者意义相反,符合but所表示的转折关系,故A项正确。3A.knowledge BindependenceCconfidenceDresponsibility答案:Dknowledge意为“学问”;independence意为“独立”;confidence意为“自信”;responsibility意为“责任”。依据下句“When we are teenagers,we would get blamed or even punished for anything wrong we do.”可推断,成为青年人以后就要为自己的所作所为负责

19、,要有责任感,故D项正确。4A.easy BstrangeCbadDinteresting答案:Ceasy意为“简洁的”;strange意为“惊异的”;bad意为“坏的”;interesting意为“好玩的”。第一段讲的是青春期;带给孩子的压力,而这一段第一句中的though意为“虽然;不过”,表示转折,故可推断,此处讲青春期也并不是那么的糟糕,故C项正确。5A.guides BpartnersCparentsDfriends答案:Cguide意为“导游”;partner意为“伙伴”;parent意为“父;母”;friend意为“伴侣”。句意为:我们不必让父母带我们去我们想去或者以前不能去的地

20、方,故C项正确。 BtroubleCrelationDbusiness答案:Afun意为“乐趣”;trouble意为“麻烦”;relation意为“关系”;business意为“生意,商业”。依据第7空后的“.what pleasure is”可推断,青春期的孩子可以和伴侣一起,甚至独自一人玩得很快乐,故A项正确。7A.proud ByoungCsmartDmature答案:Bproud意为“傲慢的”;young意为“年轻的”;smart意为“聪慧的,机灵的”;mature意为“成熟的”。依据此空前的“.which we couldnt have because we were.”

21、的时态,以及下句中“During this age,we are old enough.”可推断,这里提到的是儿童时期的状况,即年龄太小,并不知道欢快所在,young与old相对应,故B项正确。8A.predict BrememberCimagineDunderstand答案:Dpredict意为“猜想”;remember意为“记得”;imagine意为“想象”;understand意为“理解”。依据第7空后的“.to know what pleasure is!”可推断,青春期有别于儿童时期对欢快的不理解,从而理解了什么对自己是有益的,故D项正确。9A.guiding BhelpingCin

22、vitingDconsulting答案:Dguide意为“引导,向导”;help意为“挂念”;invite意为“邀请”;consult意为“询问”。依据此空前的“During this age,we are old enough to. make decisions.”可推断,这段时期我们已经长大了,足以自己作打算而不需要向他人请教,故D项正确。10A.occasionally BbrieflyCforeverDnaturally答案:Coccasionally“间或,间或”;briefly“简短地,短暂地”;forever“永久”;naturally“自然地”。依据此空前的“All good

23、 things must come to an end,but.”可推断,前后为对比关系,故后半句表示:但是全部的坏事都始终持续着。故C项正确。11A.pressure BpassionCmotivationDpanic答案:Apressure意为“压力”;passion意为“激情,热忱”;motivation意为“动机,推动”;panic意为“恐慌,慌张”。依据此空后的“If we dont pass,we wont get jobs,and things will take a turn.”可推断,在学习方面,青少年有很大的压力,故A项正确。12A.better BworseCfewerD

24、more答案:Bbetter意为“更好的”;worse意为“更坏的”;fewer意为“较少的”;more意为“更多的”。依据此空前的“.we wont get jobs.”可推断,通不过考试就找不到工作,其后果只能是使自己的生活恶化,take a turn for the worse意为“恶化”,故B项正确。13A.decline BhopeCincreaseDdebt答案:Adecline意为“下降,衰退”;hope意为“期望”;increase意为“增加”;debt意为“债务”。依据此空后的“With the present world economy. we have to do rea

25、lly,really well in our _14_ for a job.”可推断,世界经济的现状打算了我们必需这样做,依据常识可知,经济状况不景气往往造成用工需求疲软,故A项正确。14A.contribution BeducationCapplicationDqualification答案:Bcontribution意为“贡献,捐献”;education意为“训练”;application意为“应用申请”;qualification意为“资格,条件”。依据第12空前的“If we dont pass,we wont get jobs.”可推断,假如通不过考试,就找不到工作,所以为了找到工作

26、必需在学习上表现精彩,故B项正确。15A.promotion BworkCexperienceDage答案:Dpromotion意为“提升,晋升”;work意为“工作”;experience意为“阅历,经受”;age意为“年龄阶段”。依据下一句“But I think the transition from a kid to an adult.”可推断,这里是指成人阶段与青春期作比较,句意为:成年人认为他们那个年纪是一生中最困难的阶段。故D项正确。16A.harder BhappierCeasierDlighter答案:A依据此空前的“.is the hardest part of life.

27、But I think.than being already an adult.”可推断,“我”并不像那些成年人所说的那么认为,反而觉得未成年向成年的转变比变成成年人更难,故A项正确。17A.reflect BconfirmCdetermineDidentify答案:Creflect意为“反映,反射”;confirm意为“确认,确定”;determine意为“打算”;identify意为“鉴定,识别”。依据上文“If we dont pass,we wont get jobs, and things will take a turn for the _12_.”可推断,青春期的行为直接打算之后

28、的生活品质,故C项正确。18A.vital BurgentCcommonDunnecessary答案:Dvital意为“至关重要的”;urgent意为“紧急的,急迫的”;common意为“共同的,一般的”;unnecessary意为“没有必要的”。依据下句“If they realized that, living condition for teenagers would be much better.”可推断,家长假如能生疏到青少年原来压力就大的境况,孩子们的生活会好得多,此处的虚拟语气表明事实上正好相反,故D项正确。19A.Or BOtherwiseCButDBecause答案:C依据此

29、空的上下文“If they realized that.以及.for the teens ourselves we should get to know what is best for us.”可推断,这里是从家长和青少年两个方面分别给出建议,虽然家长的行为有不妥之处,但是青少年自身也应当明辨是非,上下文形成转折关系,故C项正确。20A.experience BwayCconditionDpower答案:Bexperience意为“阅历,经受”;way意为“方式”;condition意为“条件,状况”;power意为“能量”。依据“.we should get to know what is

30、 best for us.”可推断,青春期我们应当知道什么对我们是最有益的,即懂得如何生活,the right way of life意为“正确的生活方式”,B项正确。.阅读理解YICHANG, Hubei, July 31 (Xinhua)The Three Gorges Dam has successfully controlled the biggest flood crest (洪峰) on the Yangtze River this year, officials said on Tuesday.The Three Gorges Reservoir reduced the disc

31、harge (排出) of floodwater to 44 000 cubic metres per second on Tuesday morning from the previous 48 000 cubic metres,to protect the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Meanwhile, the water level in the reservoir rose from 144.03 metres at midday on Monday to 145.19 metres at 7:00 p. m. on

32、Tuesday.“The flood crest passed the Three Gorges Dam smoothly,” said Cao Guangjing, deputy general manager of the China Yangtze Three Gorges Project Corporation (CTGPC)Cao said it was the first time the dam had to control flood crest since construction of the worlds largest dam was completed on May

33、20 last year.The inflow was 50 000 cubic metres per second on Tuesday,2500 cubic metres less than Mondays peak.It was earlier predicted that inflow would top 56 700 cubic metres per second on Tuesday as more rain was forecast. However, the wind divided the rain clouds on Monday afternoon, said Cao.W

34、ater levels on the middle and lower reaches of the river were on the rise, said Cheng Haiyun,general engineer of the Yangtze River Hydrological Bureau.Hubei Province,where the Three Gorges Project is located, is at risk. The provincial government had given orders to watch over the levees (堤坝) roundt

35、heclock.The Three Gorges Reservoir is capable of holding 39.3 billion cubic metres of water, including 22.15 billion cubic metres extra in the flood season when it reaches its 175 metres.Most of the floodprone areas are located at the middle and lower reaches, in economically developed regions that

36、are home to 15 million people and contain 1.5 million hectares of farmland. Four major floods have occurred there in the 20th century,with the most recent in 1998 killing 1,526 people.1The news mainly tells the public that _.AThree Gorges Dam controls the biggest flood crest of the Yangtze RiverBthe

37、 reason why the biggest flood crest on the Yangtze River takes placeCThree Gorges Dam protects the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze RiverDthe biggest flood crest causes the great loss and destruction答案:A这是一篇新闻报道。第一段就告知我们新闻的主题和写作目的。2Which of the following statements is NOT true according to th

38、e passage?AThe water level in the reservoir rose by 1.16 metres as result of the flood crest.BWhat delighted the public was that the flood crest passed the Three Gorges Dam smoothly.CIt was the first time the dam had to control flood crest since its completion.DThe Three Gorges Reservoir is able to

39、hold 61.45 billion cubic metres of water.答案:D倒数其次段可知三峡水库能够容纳“39.3 billion cubic metres”,其中包括“22.15 billion cubic metres”是水灾时储存的。3The underlined expression “roundtheclock” (Paragraph 8)probably means _.Aall day and all night Bin the dayCfrom time to timeDin the night答案:A依据本段的内容可知,目前状况极度危急,堤坝应当“不分昼夜地”

40、处于监视之中,故A项为最佳答案。4The Three Gorges Reservoir reduced the discharge of floodwater because _.Awater levels on the middle and lower reaches were on the riseBthe water level in the reservoir rose quicklyCthis would protect the middle and lower reaches from floodDmore farmland could be provided with water

41、 in dry seasons答案:C由其次段中的“. to protect the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River”可知答案为C项。5In which kind of tone probably did the writer report the news?ADisappointed. BExcited.CAnxious.DAstonished.答案:B三峡大坝成功地把握今年最大的洪峰,作者报道这则消息时应当是怀着喜悦的、令人兴奋的心情,从文中successfully以及最终一段说中下游地区的重要性反衬了把握洪峰的重大意义,也进一步

42、表明作者的这种心情。.七选五依据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Rules on how to be a fit kidBeing fit is a way of saying a person eats well, gets a lot of physical exercise, and has a healthy weight._1_ If youre a kid who wants to be fit, here are three rules to live by.1Eat a variety of foods.You may have a

43、 favorite food, but the best choice is to eat a variety._2_ Taste new foods and old ones you havent tried for a while.Some foods, such as green vegetables, are more pleasing the older you get.Shoot for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a daytwo fruits and three vegetables.2_3_What does

44、 it feel like to be full?When youre eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full.Sometimes, people eat too much because they dont notice when they need to stop eating._4_ And over a period of time, overeating can lead to unhealthy weight gain.3Limit screen time.Wha

45、ts screen time?Its the amount of time you spend watching TV or DVDs, playing video games, and using the computer.The more time you spend on these sittingdown activities, the less time available for active stuff, like basketball, bike riding and swimming._5_These rules arent magic.However, follow the

46、m most of the time and you can become a fit kid sooner or later.ADrink water and milk.BListen to your body.CEating too much can make you feel uncomfortable.DTherere a lot of discussions these days about fit kids.ETry to spend no more than 2 hours a day on screen time.FAsk your parents to help you do your favorite activities regularly.GIf you eat different foods, youre more likely to get the nutrients your body needs.答案:DGBCE


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