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1、双基限时练(十)Unit 4Part 基 础 夯 实.单句改错1Quantities of soil has been washed away because too many trees were cut down._答案hashave2Id like to eat out, but in the other hand I should save money._答案inon3Its raining outside; youd better keep the children going out._答案children后加from4It is no doubt at all that we d

2、id the right thing._答案ItThere5Comparing to our small flat, Bills house seemed like a palace._答案ComparingCompared.单句语法填空用适当的词或所给单词的适当形式填空(不多于3个单词)1Its already 10 oclock. I wonder how it came _ that she was two hours late on such a short trip.答案与解析about句意:已经10点钟了,我想知道这么短的旅途,她怎么会迟到2个小时。come about“发生;造成

3、”。2Though it was raining, they kept _ working until it was finished.答案与解析onkeep on working“连续工作”。3With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _ (wash) away each year.答案与解析are being washed句意:随着更多森林被毁,每年有很多好的土壤被冲走。“quantities of可数名词复数/不行数名词”作主语,其谓语动词用复数形式。4After the professor was

4、opposed to _ (carry) out the project, the media reported on it.答案与解析carrying句意:教授反对进行这项工程后,媒体报道了这件事。be opposed to表示“反对”,其中to是介词,后面跟名词、代词或者动名词。5A large quantity of energy from the sun _ (be) being taken with modern equipment.答案与解析isa large quantity of . 作主语时,谓语动词用单数,再由句意可知用现在时,故填is。6When she was crit

5、icized, she claimed that it was _ her range of responsibility.答案与解析beyond/out ofbeyond/out of range“超出范围”。7 Do you have a minute? Ive got something to tell you. OK, _ long as you make it short.答案与解析as句意:你有空吗?我想跟你说点事。好的,只要你言简意赅。as long as“只要”。8_ she did not say a word, I felt her agreement from her e

6、yes.答案与解析Even if/though句意:尽管她一句话也没有说,我从她的眼神里看出她同意了。even though/if“即使;尽管”。9All people, _ they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster.答案与解析whether句意:自灾难发生以来,全部的人,无论是年老的还是年轻的,富有的还是贫困的,都在尽最大的努力去挂念那些需要挂念的人。whether . or .“无论是还是”。10A sudden chan

7、ge in temperature tends _ (bring) rain or snow.答案与解析to bring句意:温度的骤变往往会带来雨或雪。tend to do表示“往往会”。11After the famous star opposed _ (star) in the film, the media focused on it.答案与解析starring句意:当这位明星拒绝在这部电影中担当角色后,媒体都关注这件事。oppose doing“反对做”。12A lot of people died as _ consequence of the earthquake in Wenc

8、huan, Sichuan Province.答案与解析a句意:由于四川省汶川大地震,很多人死亡。as a consequence of“由于;由于”。13The book about the environment _ (state) the importance of protecting the earth.答案与解析states所填词在句中作谓语,表现在的状况,故用一般现在时。14The little child was so shy that he glanced _ me when I called him.答案与解析atglance at“瞥一下”。15Although mone

9、y is important, not many people subscribe _ the idea that money brings happiness.答案与解析to句意:虽然钱很重要,但是很多人并不同意金钱带来幸福这种想法。subscribe to“同意;赞成”。16 Do you think that housing price will keep going _ in the years to come? Sorry, I have no idea.答案与解析up句意:你认为在接下来的几年里房价会持续上涨吗?对不起,我不知道。go up“上升;增长”。语 篇 提 能.完形填空O

10、n a snowy night, Julio Diaz was planning a meal. But when a teenager with a _1_ in his hand got close to Diaz he came to _2_ the evening was about to take a great turn.The young man demanded Diazs wallet, and Diaz _3_ it over. But just as the mugger turned to walk away, Diaz _4_ after him, “Hey, wai

11、t a minute. You _5_ something.”The mugger turned around, _6_ .“If youre going to be robbing people for the rest of the _7_, you can take my coat to keep you _8_.”The teenager looked at Diaz, _9_ asked why he would do such a thing. Diaz replied, “If youre willing to risk your _10_ for a few dollars,

12、then I guess you must need the _11_.” He told the young man he would be _12_ to have someone to eat with.The young mugger decided to _13_ Diazs offer, and they headed Diazs favourite restaurant together. As they were sitting at the _14_, the manager, and the dishwashers, all said hello to Diaz, and

13、the young man was amazed. “Youre even _15_ to the dishwasher,” he said.“Havent you been taught you should be nice to everybody?” Diaz asked him.“Yea, but I didnt think people actually _16_ that way,” the teenager replied. Thanks to Diaz, he was beginning to see kindness wasnt such a strange thing.Wh

14、en the _17_ came, Diaz told the teenager that hed have to get the check. _18_, he still had Diazs wallet.But the teenager slide the wallet back _19_ the table without thinking, and Diaz paid for the dinner. “If you _20_ people right, you can only hope that they treat you right!” Diaz said.1A.knife B

15、. walletC. book D. coat2A.imagine B. understandC. realize D. explain3A.charged B. passedC. watched D. went4A.looked B. rangC. searched D. called5A.lost B. rememberedC. got D. forgot6A.excited B. interestedC. surprised D. B. morningC. afternoon D. night8A.confident B. comfortableC. warm D

16、. secure9A.since B. whileC. but D. and10A.doubt B. freedomC. pain D. B. foodC. dinner D. reward12A.upset B. sadC. happy D. anxious13A.allowed B. expectedC. received D. B. streetC. desk D. table15A.kind B. honestC. powerful D. sensitive16A.acted B. behavedC. lis

17、tened D. B. billC. food D. dishes18A.As a result B. In other wordsC. After all D. Above all19A.through B. acrossC. in D. B. favorC. doubt D. treat答案与解析1A从文章的下文中可知,小男孩是抢钱包的,所以他手里拿的作案工具是“刀”。所以该题的正确答案为A项。2C从后面的Diaz对那个孩子所进行的训练可知, Diaz在心中已经“意识”到了那天晚上会有大的转变。而imagine的意思为“想象

18、”; understand的意思为“理解”; explain则为“解释”;只有realize是“意识到”的意思。故该题的正确答案为C项。3B从下文中的那个小孩拿着钱包,可以推出Diaz在此处是把钱包“递给”了他,故应当用pass,所以该题的正确答案为B项。4D从后面的Hey, wait a minute可知Diaz是在后面喊,故应当用call。故该题的正确答案为D项。5Dlose是在不知道东西具体在哪里遗失的状况下用的,而forget则是“遗忘”的意思;从文章的意思来看, Diaz是提示那个男孩是否“遗忘东西”,而不是提示他“丢掉了什么东西”。所以该题的正确答案为D项。6C被抢劫的人问抢劫犯是

19、否“遗忘了什么东西”,抢劫犯当然感觉到“吃惊”,故应当用surprised。所以该题的正确答案为C项。7D从文章的第一句,我们不难发觉该故事是发生在晚上,故该题的正确答案为D项。8C从文章的第一句中的snowy说明天气很冷,故Diaz要给他外套让他“保暖”。故该题的正确答案为C项。9D年轻人看着Diaz,“并且”问他为什么这样做;“看”和“问”是并列发生的动作。故该题的正确答案为D项。10B这里Diaz和那个男孩都知道抢劫犯是冒着坐监狱的危急作案的,坐监狱当然就失去“自由”,故此处应当用freedom。因此该题的正确答案为B项。11A上一句提到的“a few dollars”,很明显他是需要钱

20、了,故此处应当用money。所以该题的正确答案为A项。12C从下文中的他们在一起吃饭不难推断Diaz很“兴奋”和那个青年一起吃饭。所以此处应当用happy。故该题的正确答案为C项。13D从下文中的“they headed into Diazs favourite restaurant together”可知那个年轻的抢劫犯同意接受Diaz的邀请,故此处应当用accept。所以该题的正确答案为D项。14D他们要到餐馆去吃饭,所以他们不行能坐在街道上或厨房里,故可以排解A、B两项;他们应当是坐在“餐桌”旁边,故应当用table。另外在第19题后面的“the table without thinki

21、ng”有明确的示意。所以该题的正确答案为D项。15A依据下文中的“he was beginning to see that kindness wasnt such a strange thing”可知Diaz对餐馆里的人格外友好,所以要用kind。故该题的正确答案为A项。16B该句的意思为“我没有想到人们真的会有那样的行为举止?” behave的意思为“行为举止”,而act的意思为“表演”, listen意为“听”; appreciate是“鉴赏;感谢”的意思。所以该题的正确答案为B项。17B从下文中的“hed have to get the check和and Diaz paid for t

22、he dinner”不难推知他们该付账了,因此是“账单”来了,所以要用bill。故该题的正确答案为B项。18Cas a result的意思为“结果”; in other words“换句话说”; above all“首先”; after all“到底”。该句的意思为:他到底还拿着Diaz的钱包。故该题的正确答案为C项。19Bacross指在物体的表面通过, over指从物体的上面通过, through指从立体空间内通过, in则是在里面。小孩是把钱包从桌子表面滑过去的。故该题的正确答案为B项。20D从下文中的示意“they treat you right”不难发觉该题的正确答案为D项。.阅读理

23、解Arctic ice has reformed rapidly this winter after a record summer low, but it still covers less of the Arctic Ocean than it did decades ago. March is the month where Arctic sea ice traditionally hits its highest extent after the Northern Hemisphere winter and Antarctic sea ice reaches its lowest ex

24、tent.Arctic sea ice reached a record low this past summer, with 23 percent less sea ice cover than the previous record low and 39 percent less than the average amount that has previously spanned the Arctic Ocean in the summer months.The area of ocean covered by sea ice isnt the only factor in the “h

25、ealth” of the Arctic ice. Arctic sea ice comes in two types: older, thicker perennial ice that has survived at least one summer melt season and younger, thinner seasonal ice that forms in the winter and melts again in the summer. Seasonal ice melts more easily because its thin and salty, and so its

26、easily affected by winds and currents.Colder temperatures in parts of the Arctic increased the amount of thin, seasonal ice that formed this winter. So while Arctic sea ice was dominated by perennial ice in the past decades, its mostly now younger, newlyformed ice. But because the majority of the ic

27、e is young and thin, it would be more susceptible to summer melt.Some of the seasonal ice could become perennial sea ice if summer conditions are cooler than normal. But, one cold summer isnt going to do it and one cold winter isnt going to do it. Numerous years of colder temperatures would be neede

28、d to restore the Arctic sea ice to where it was in the 1980s, and that isnt likely to happen with the increasing levels of heattrapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.1What might excite the scientists concerned with Arctic ice?APerennial sea ice was increasing rapidly.B. Arctic ice was disappear

29、ing for the time being.C. The area for the Arctic ice was increasing.D. Arctic sea ice hits its lowest extent in March.答案与解析C细节理解题。依据文章第一段和第四段,北极冰的面积在很快地增加,但是,增加的部分大多是季节性的冰,并不是永久性的。另外,在3月份,北极冰经常是达到最高点而不是最低点。故答案选C项。2According to the text, what mostly affects the health of the Arctic ice?AThe area of

30、the Arctic sea ice.B. The perennial ice.C. The seasonal sea ice.D. The Antarctic sea ice.答案与解析B细节推断题。依据文章第三段,冰是由季节性的冰和永久性的冰共同组成的,但是季节性的冰简洁溶化而永久性的冰是长期的,所以永久性的冰的面积的多少更能够打算北极冰的健康性。故答案选B项。3According to the text, we know that the perennial sea ice _.Ais not only thick but also saltyB. mainly stays on the

31、 islands in the ArcticC. can be made out of the seasonal iceD. covers less sea in winter than in summer答案与解析C细节推断题。选项A错在salty上,具有salty的是seasonal ice;选项B the perennial sea ice应当是待在海中而不是岛上的;依据文章最终一段,选项C所说的是正确的;选项D应当是冬天的冰的面积要比夏天的多而不是少。故答案选C项。4The underlined word “susceptible” in the fourth paragraph means _.Aeasily influencedB. difficultly movedC. easily broken D. easily impressed答案与解析A词义猜想题。由于冰形成时间很短而且很薄,所以对于夏季的溶化是很简洁受到影响的。而另外三个选项在词义与语境的结合上不恰当。故答案选A项。


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