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1、定时训练(6).专题特训(动词与动词短语)1Have a good rest; you need to _ your energy for the tennis match this afternoon.Aleave Bsave Chold Dget解析句意:好好休息吧,你需要为今日下午的网球赛保存精力。答案B2Mary finally _ Bruce as her lifelong companion.Areceived Baccepted Cmade Dhonoured解析句意:玛丽最终接受了布鲁斯作为她的终身伴侣。接纳为。答案B3It seems difficult

2、to _ “hurt” from“injure” in meaning.Ajudge Btell Cdivide Dseparate解析tell A from B说出A和B的区分。答案B4The three sisters decided to hold a family party to _ their parents silver wedding.Acelebrate BmemorizeCcongratulate Dwelcome解析句意:三姐妹打算进行一次家庭聚会,庆祝她们父母的银婚。答案A5Joe Jones,the eldest of the eight children,had t

3、o _ out of high school at the age of 16 to help his father on the farm.Aleave Bdrop Cfall Dgo解析drop out“中途退学,辍学”。答案B6They _ the train until it disappeared in the distance.Asaw Bwatched Cnoticed Dobserved解析句意:他们看着火车直到它消逝在远方。see观察;notice留意到;observe观测。均不合题意。答案B7Do you think the Stars will beat the Bull

4、s?Yes.They have better players,so I _ them to win.Ahope Bagree Cexpect Dsuggest解析句意:你认为明星队能战胜公牛队吗?是的,他们有着比较优秀的运动员,因此,我估计他们赢。expect估计。答案C8Excuse me.May I ask you some questions?Sorry,Im too busy and havent a minute to _Aspend Bspare Cshare Dstop解析答句句意:对不起,我太忙了,没有一分钟时间可以腾出来。spare 抽出,匀出。答案B9Although th

5、e working mother is very busy,she still _ a lot of time to her children.Adevotes Bspends Coffers Dprovides解析句意:尽管这个在职母亲格外忙,但她仍旧在她的孩子身上投入很多时间。把献给。答案A10When I opened the door,a parcel on the floor _ my eye.Amet Bcaught Cdrew Dattracted解析句意:当我在开门时,我观察地板上有一个包裹。catch ones eye引起某人留意,惹人注目。答案B11Ni

6、ck is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does _ his boss.Aserves Bsatisfies Cpromises Dsupports解析句意:Nick正在找另一份工作,由于他觉得他做什么都不能使老板满足。satisfy使满足。答案B12What you said just now _ me of that American professor.Amentioned BinformedCreminded Dmemorized解析句意:你刚才所说的话使我想起了那位美国教授。remind sb of

7、 sb/sth使某人想起某人/某事。答案C13Our English teacher _ our buying a good EnglishChinese dictionary.Aasked Bordered Csuggested Drequired解析句意:我们的英语老师建议我们买一本好的英汉词典。suggest sbs doing sth建议某人做某事。答案C14To be mentally healthy,you need to _ good relationships with each other.Abuild up Bput up Ctake up Dhold up解析句意:为了精

8、神健康,你们彼此需要建立良好的关系。build up 建立;put up张贴,搭起; take up占用;hold up阻挡。依据句意可知选A。答案A15Im still working on my project.Oh,youll miss the deadline.Time is _Arunning out Bgoing out Cgiving out Dlosing out 解析依据语境可知时间快要到了,此处要用现在进行时表示将来,run out表示“用完;耗尽”。后三项分别表示“出去”“分发”“输掉”,都不合语境。答案A16Do you know why Michael resigne

9、d from the board?He held out for higher wages, but was _ in the end.Aput down Bbroke downCcut down Dturned down解析考查动词短语辨析。句意:你知道Michael为什么要从董事会辞职吗?他提出要增加薪水,但最终被拒绝的了。put down镇压,登记;break down打破,折断,出故障;cut down消减;砍倒;turn down调小;拒绝。依据题意可知选D项。答案D17Durant,the Thunder basketball player,has _ some growing p

10、ains trying to improve his floor games this season.Agone through Bgot throughClooked through Dbroken through解析考查动词短语辨析。go through经受;通过;完成;get through完成;通过;接通;look through扫瞄;break through突破。本句意为“经受了成长的苦痛”,故应选A项。答案A18I will move out next week.Im not going to _ my roommate smoking any longer.Aturn to B

11、stick toCcome up with Dput up with 解析考查动词短语辨析。句意: 我下周就会搬出去。我再也受不了我室友吸烟了。turn to 向求助;stick to 坚持;come up with 想出;put up with 忍受。依据题意可知选D项。答案D19More and more rich people have promised to _ their wealth after death to help the poor and the disabled.Agive away Bgive upCgive out Dgive in解析考查动词短语辨析。句意:越来越

12、多的富人已经许诺他们去世后把他们的财产捐给那些穷人和残疾人。give away赠送,分发;泄露;give up放弃;give out分发,发出;give in屈服,上交。依据题意可知选A项。答案A20All these documents must be _ the university you are applying for before December.Adonated to Bsent inCsubmitted to Dhanded in解析考查动词短语辨析。句意:全部的文件必需在十月之前递交给你申请的高校。捐赠;send sth in 寄出;submit to向

13、递交;hand in上交。依据题意可知选C项。答案C.完形填空 体裁:夹叙夹议话题:感悟人生时间:14分钟She stared in the mirror,long and hard.She was not seeing the reflection(影像)that stared back at her;she was lost in a world of _1_In an instant she was back;the reflection in the mirror _2_ her.For a second she thought it was her mother staring ba

14、ck at her.But as reality slowly set back in,she _3_ that the reflection was indeed hers.Gone were the dimples (酒窝)that once graced her cheeks.Where had those _4_ little dimples gone,she thought to herself? So _5_ in the daily chores of her daytoday life,she had not noticed that time had not stood _6

15、_,until today,when she _7_ to stop and look,really look into the mirror,the mirror that had seen her _8_ from a brighteyed 20yearold full of hope.The years had passed her by and as she wondered about this _9_fate,that nature _10_ages everyone,she began to _11_She knew deep down in her heart that if

16、she were given the _12_ to have her time over again,she would not change a thing.She was _13_ where she was meant to be.As she _14_ at this stranger in the mirror,she looked deep into her eyes.She could see the _15_ and the kindness that emanated from(从发出)them.She _16_ noticed that there was a warmt

17、h that had not been there so many years ago.Finally,after years of trying to _17_ the stereotypes (模式化的形象) that _18_ bothered her,she finally saw beauty,real beauty.“You are _19_,” she whispered at the mirror and this time she _20_ it;she really,really meant it.【语篇导读】一位女士偶然照镜子,发觉岁月的痕迹已经爬上了脸颊,不禁悲伤。但看

18、到自己眼睛里闪烁的才智和和善,她坚信自己是秀丽的。1A.memories BregretsChappiness Dimagination解析从文章其次段这位女士回忆了自己容颜的变化可知,此处是说这位女士陷入回忆之中,故选memories。答案A2A.embarrassed BfrightenedCconfused Dworried解析以下句“For a second she thought it was her mother staring back at her.”可知,镜子里的影像使她感到迷惑。答案C3A.discovered BunderstoodCnoticed Drealized解析

19、她最终意识到(realized)镜子里的影像就是她自己。答案D4A.deep Bcute Cshallow Dfine解析她暗自思忖,这对可爱的(cute)小酒窝哪儿去了?答案B5A.thrown up Bpicked upCcaught up Dtaken up解析她每天忙着做家务,几乎没有时间照镜子。be caught up in sth表示“被卷入,陷入”。答案C6A.firm Bdim Cfar Dstill解析她忙于家务,没有留意到时间并不是静止不动的(still)。答案D7A.happened Bbegan Ccontinued Ddecided解析依据上下文语境可知,她是偶然停下

20、来照镜子发觉自己变老了。因此用happen to do sth,表示“碰巧,恰好做某事”。答案A8A.admit Bchange Covercome Dcover解析这面镜子见证了她从一个20岁的青春少女,变成(change)现在的样子。答案B9A.strange Bsilent Csecret Dcruel解析岁月消逝,青春不再,因此此处表示“残酷的(cruel)”命运。答案D10A.actually Bsuddenly Ceventually Dequally解析大自然最终(eventually)会给每个人刻画上岁月的痕迹。答案 Bcry Cdoubt Denvy解析依

21、据下文这位女士的心情转变可知,此处应是她“笑(smile)”了。答案A12A.power Btry Ccourage Dchoice解析依据语境可知,此处是假设,假如给她一个选择(choice),让她重新活一次,她不会转变任何事情,她还会是现在的她。答案 Bright Cthen Dfinal解析参见上题解析。right“恰好,正好”。答案B14A.glared Bglanced Cstared Dlaughed解析从前文可知,她始终凝视(stared)着镜子里的影像。答案C15A.wisdom Bstrength Csatisfaction Dhonesty解析依据与kin

22、dness的搭配关系可知,此处指岁月带来的另外一种特质,只有“才智(wisdom)”符合语境。答案A16A.anyway Balways Calso Dalready解析她还(also)留意到自己眼神中透出的暖和。答案C17A.come up to Blive up toCtake control of Dlook forward to解析依据上下文的语境可知,她多少年来始终想保持自己的形象,这不断熬煎着她。live up to表示“符合(标准),不负(盛名)”,符合语境。答案B18A.violently BinstantlyCimmediately Dconstantly解析参见上题解析。c

23、onstantly“不断地”。答案D19A.proud Bperfect Cbeautiful Drealistic解析从上文“she finally saw beauty,real beauty.”可知答案为C。答案C20A.meant Bproved Caccepted Dappreciated解析从后文“she really,really meant it”可知,这一次她的确这样认为,因此选meant。答案A.阅读理解 体裁:说明文话题:3D技术时间:10分钟Being in the right place at the right time and getting in on the

24、ground floor can make you rich.If someone suggested back in the 1990s that you start an internet company,you would have probably laughed.Most of us did.But there were a handful of smart people who didnt laugh.They went to make their little websites at the right time,and today they dont have a worry

25、in the world.I believe Ive found such a business.Folks just like you are making lots of cash with this new technology we call.3D printing.Business Insider says its “the next trillion dollar industry.”The Economist compares its historychanging impact to the invention of the steam engine.Trend forecas

26、ters are whispering how this invention could create “more millionaires than the internet.”All around the world,3D printing revolution goes on.and this is your chance.You are finally in exactly the right place,at precisely the right time.right where you can knock into the growing trend3D printing.The

27、se 3D printers create actual objects that you can hold in your hand and use in your everyday life.I know it sounds unbelievable,but it actually works.Dont ask me how.Im not a technology expert,and cant explain it to you.What I do know is that 3D printing makes me more dollars in a week,and sometimes

28、 in a single day,than I used to make in a month.and now you can do the same!3D printing is the largest moneymaking opportunity of the decade,an opportunity that anyone with a computer and the internet can exploit.You can simply design the product you want on your computer or download a finished desi

29、gn,and the 3D printer makes it for you.You can 3D print things like toys,jewelry,spare parts,you name it.Thanks to 3D printers,now you can have a factory right on your desktop!I was born in a communist country in Eastern Europe.Without a college degree and with my thick East European accent.I didnt

30、have much going in my favor.I was dirt poor and couldnt speak a word of English when I first came to America,and thanks to 3D printing,I have attained financial freedom and a dream lifestyle.I dont have to wake up at six in the morning,bus for one hour to a job I hate,or work my ass to the bone just

31、 to fill someone elses pockets.Instead,I enjoy time with my family.I take luxury vacations and travel the world,dine in nice restaurants without having to check the prices,and live life the way it was meant to be lived.Unfortunately,a growing number of people these days choose to rely on the governm

32、ent or their employers.I will show you how to make money with 3D printing.Even if youre totally new to all of this and you have only a few hours a week to follow my system,you can still have a second income or even a fulltime income in a matter of weeks.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。作者通过亲身经受,介绍了3D技术所带来的商业价值能够让人很简洁

33、地致富。1Paragraph 1 suggests that if you want to be rich you should _Astart a website right nowBstudy modern technologyCcatch chances of businessDstand in the right place解析推理推断题。依据第一段第一句话“Being in the right place at the right time and getting in on the ground floor can make you rich.”以及后面所举的开网络公司的例子,可以

34、看出要想发财必需抓住商业机会。故选C项。答案C2The main idea of Paragraph 2 is that _Athe writer has found a moneymaking businessB3D printing is most promising new technologyC3D printing revolution is going on in the worldDpeople should follow the trend in the right time解析推理推断题。依据其次段的第三、第四、第五句话“Business Insider says its t

35、he next trillion dollar industry. The Economist compares its historychanging impact to the invention of the steam engine.Trend forecasts are whispering how this invention could create more millionaires than the internet.”可知3D打印技术是一项前景格外好的新技术。答案B3The writer repeatedly mentions that 3D printing _Acan

36、make us become rich easilyBis very interesting and admirableCis a game for intelligent peopleDproduces anything you imagine解析细节理解题。依据第三段的第五、第六句话“What I do know is that 3D printing makes me more dollars in a week, and sometimes in a single day, than I used to make in a month.and now you can do the sa

37、me! 3D printing is the largest moneymaking opportunity of the decade, an opportunity that anyone with a computer and the internet can exploit.”可知3D技术可以很简洁地使人变富。答案A4The writers personal story is one about _Ahard work of the poorBthe command of hightechCnice dreams coming trueDthe struggle of a foreig

38、ner解析细节理解题。依据第五段的第三句话“.thanks to 3D printing, I have attained financial freedom and a dream lifestyle.”可知作者的经受是一个美梦成真的故事。答案C5The tone of this article sounds very _Aacademic BtechnologicalCpolitical Dcommercial解析推理推断题。本文主要介绍了3D技术所带来的商业价值,故这篇文章的主基调具有商业性。答案D.书面表达(2022长春一模)假设你叫李华,你的一位伴侣(英语名字叫John)刚从国外归来

39、,邀请你参与本周日在他家举办的伴侣聚会,但你不能参与,请你依据以下要点给他写一封电子邮件:1表达想参与的意愿;2忙于预备高考;3由于感冒,身体不适;4表示歉意并另约时间;留意:1.可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。2词数100120。提示:高考the College Entrance ExamDear John,_Yours trulyLi Hua【参考范文】Dear_John,I am extremely sorry to tell you that I am unable to go to your party this Sunday.It is very kind of you to invi

40、te me to your house and I really look forward to going to your party and sharing your happy experiences abroad.Much to my regret,I will be absent from your party owing to the fact that the College Entrance Exam is just around the corner,for which I am now really busy preparing.Whats worse,I have caught a bad cold lately and I am really not myself.Anyway,we will have many more chances to get together.Shall we make it after the Exam?I am truly sorry.I hope you will forgive me and accept my sincere apologies.I look forward to your reply.Yours_truly,Li_Hua


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