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1、阅读理解专题卷7There were smiling children all the way. Clearly they knew at what time the train passed their homes and they made it their business to stand along the railway, wave to complete strangers and cheer them up as they rushed towards Penang. Often whole families stood outside their homes and wave

2、d and smiled as if those on the trains were their favorite relatives. This is the simple village people of Malaysia. I was moved. I had always traveled to Malaysia by plane or car, so this was the first time I was on a train. I did not particularly relish the long train journey and had brought along

3、 a dozen magazines to read and reread. I looked about the train. There was not one familiar face. I sighed and sat down to read my Economics. It was not long before the train was across the Causeway and in Malaysia. Johore Baru was just another city like Singapore, so I was tired of looking at the c

4、rowds of people as they hurried past. As we went beyond the city, I watched the straight rows of rubber trees and miles and miles of green. Then the first village came into sight. Immediately I came alive; I decided to wave back. From then on my journey became interesting. I threw my magazines into

5、the waste basket and decided to join in Malaysian life. Then everything came alive. The mountains seemed to speak to me. Even the trees were smiling. I stared at everything as if I was looking at it for the first time. The day passed fast and I even forgot to have my lunch until I felt hungry. I loo

6、ked at my watch and was surprised that it was 3:00 pm. Soon the train pulled up at Butterworth. I looked at the people all around me. They all looked beautiful. When my uncle arrived with a smile, I threw my arms around him to give him a warm hug (拥抱). I had never done this before. He seemed surpris

7、ed and then his weather-beaten face warmed up with a huge smile. We walked arm in arm to his car. I looked forward to the return journey.1 The author expected the train trip to be_. A. adventurous B. pleasant C. exciting D. dull2 What did the author remember most fondly of her train trip? A. The fri

8、endly country people. B. The mountains along the way. C. The crowds of people in the streets. D. The simple lunch served on the train.3 Which of the following words can best take the place of the word relish in the second paragraph? A. choose B. enjoy C. prepare for D. carry on4 Where was the writer

9、 going? A. Johore Baru B. The Causeway. C. Butterworth D. Singapore5 What can we learn from the story? A. Comfort in traveling by train. B. Pleasure of living in the country. C. Reading gives people delight. D. Smiles brighten people up. 6I came across quite a few language problems while on holiday

10、with my family last summer. The most embarrassing was when my Mom apologized to the people we were staying with because her “pants were dirty”. They looked at her in amazement, not knowing how to react. You see, Mom had fallen over and gotten mud on her jeans. But in Britain, “pants” means underpant

11、s, not trousers as it does back home. Katie From AmericaWhen I asked for the “restroom” in a big department store, people kept directing me to a room with seats where I could sit and “rest”. It took me years to get through to someone that I only wanted the toilet! Tom From AmericaLast summer we went

12、 on a two-week family touring holiday, so Dad hired a car over the Internet. This was an old vehicle and there turned out to be lots of things wrong with it. When he phoned the hire company and tried to explain that the lock on the boot(汽车行李箱) was broken, they thought he was talking about footwear!

13、He had no idea their word for “boot” was “trunk”. In the end we went to a garage and just solved the problem. Mary From BritainLast summer, I went to stay with a friend on the west coast. Her flat was on the first floor of a high-rise building so I got the lift up. Then I wandered round for ages loo

14、king for her flat but couldnt find it. Fed up and tired, I finally had to go out to find a phone box. She explained that her flat was on the first floor, which for me meant the ground floor. David From Britain【小题1】Hearing Katies mothers words, Katies friends were in amazement because _.A. they misto

15、ok “pants” in American for underpants B. Katies mothers underpants were dirtyC. Katies mother got mud on her jeans D. they didnt know any English【小题2】David went out to find a phone box to _.A. phone the police for help B. apologize for his being lateC. tell his friends he couldnt go to visit her D.

16、phone his friend for help【小题3】 When Tom asked for the “restroom”, the people around him thought _.A. he wanted a chair B. he wanted to have a restC. he wanted the toilet D. He wanted to go to a department store【小题4】The underlined word “garage” is probably _.A. a parking place B. a car C. a place to

17、repair cars D. a gas station【小题5】Which of the following words is from British English? A. Pants B. Restroom C. Ground floor D. TrunkI still remember my first day at school in London and I was half-excited and half-frightened. On my way to school I wondered what sort of questions the other boys would

18、 ask me and practiced all the answers: “I am nine years old. I was born here but I havent lived here since I was two. I was living in Farley. Its about thirty miles away. I came back to London two months ago.” I also wondered if it was the custom for boys to fight strangers like me, but I was tall f

19、or my age. I hoped they would decide not to risk it.No one took any notice of me before school. I stood in the center of the playground, expecting someone to say “hello”, but no one spoke to me. When a teacher called my name and told me where my classroom was, one or two boys looked at me but that w

20、as all.My teacher was called Mr. Jones. There were 42 boys in the class, so I didnt stand out there, either, until the first lesson of the afternoon. Mr. Jones was very fond of Charles Dickens and he had decided to read aloud to us from David Copperfield, but first he asked several boys if they knew

21、 Dickens birthplace, but no one guessed right. A boy called Brian, the biggest in the class, said: “Timbuktu”, and Mr. Jones went red in the face. Then he asked me. I said: “Portsmouth”, and everyone stared at me because Mr. Jones said I was right. This didnt make me very popular, of course. “He thi

22、nks hes clever,” I heard Brian say.After that, we went out to the playground to play football. I was in Brians team, and he obviously had Dickens in mind because he told me to go in goal. No one ever wanted to be the goalkeeper.“Hes big enough and useless enough.” Brian said when someone asked him w

23、hy he had chosen me.I suppose Mr. Jones, who served as the judge, remembered Dickens, too, because when the game was nearly over, Brian pushed one of the players on the other team, and he gave them a penalty (惩处). As the boy kicked the ball to my right, I threw myself down instinctively (本能地) and sa

24、ved it. All my team crowded round me. My bare knees were injured and bleeding. Brian took out a handkerchief and offered it to me.“Do you want to join my gang (帮派)?” he said.At the end of the day, I was no longer a stranger.7The writer prepared to answer all of the following questions EXCEPT “ ”.A.

25、How old are you?B. Where are you from?C. Do you want to join my gang?D. When did you come back to London?8We can learn from the passage that .A. boys were usually unfriendly to new studentsB. the writer was not greeted as he expectedC. Brian praised the writer for his clevernessD. the writer was gla

26、d to be a goalkeeper9The underlined part “I didnt stand out” in paragraph 3 means that the writer was not .A. noticeableB. welcomeC. importantD. foolish10The writer was offered a handkerchief because .A. he threw himself down and saved the goalB. he pushed a player on the other teamC. he was beginni

27、ng to be acceptedD. he was no longer a newcomerSome American parents might think their children need better educations to compete with China and other countries. But how much do the parents themselves need to change? A new book called Battle Hymn(圣歌) of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua has caused a deba

28、te about cultural differences in parenting. Ms. Chua is a professor at the Yale Law School in New Haven, Connecticut, and the mother of two daughters. She was raised in the American Mid-west by immigrant Chinese parents. In the Chinese culture, the tiger represents strength and power. In her book, M

29、s Chua writes about how she demanded excellence from her daughters. For example, she threatened to burn her daughters stuffed animals unless she played a piece of music perfectly. She would insult her daughters if they failed to meet her expectations. Ms. Chua told NBC television that she had a clea

30、r list of what her daughters, Sophia and Louisa, were not permitted to do. “Attend a sleepover, have a playdate, watch TV or play computer games, be in a school play, get any grade less than an A.” Many people have criticized Amy Chua. Some say her parenting methods were abusive. She even admits tha

31、t her husband, who is not Chinese, sometimes objected to her parenting style. But she says that was the way her parents raised her and her three sisters. Ms. Chua makes fun of her own extreme style of parenting. She says she eased some of the pressure after her younger daughter rebelled and shouted,

32、 “I hate my life! I hate you!” Ms. Chua says she decided to retreat when it seemed like there was a risk that she might lose her daughter. But she also says American parents often have low expectations of their childrens abilities. “One of the biggest differences I see between Western and Chinese pa

33、renting is that Chinese parents assume strength rather than fragility.” Stacey DeBroff has written four books on parenting. “I think that the stirring of intense debate has to do with what it means to be a successful parent and what it means to be a successful child.” Ms. DeBroff says Amy Chuas pare

34、nting style is not limited to Chinese families. She says it represents a traditional way of parenting among immigrants seeking a better future for their children. But she also sees a risk. When children have no time to be social or to follow their own interests, they might not develop other skills t

35、hat they need to succeed in life. Stacey DeBroff advises parents to develop their own style of parenting and not just repeat the way they were raised.11According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE about American parents?A. Some of them expect their children to be competitive.B. Some of t

36、hem need to educate themselves better.C. They should learn from Chinese parents.D. They care their kids more than Chinese.12What can we learn about Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother?A. It is a list of things for children to do.B. It is a book about cultural differences.C. It is a heated debate about p

37、arenting.D. It is a book about how to raise children.13Based on the passage, Ms. Chuas parenting is exposed to the following EXCEPT A. pressure B. management C. recreation D. compromise 14 Which of the following agrees with Ms. DeBroff?A. Different cultures have different concepts of values.B. Chuas

38、 parenting is followed by many American families.C. Immigrants are always bitterly struggling abroad.D. Parents had better raise their children in person.15 Whats the authors attitude towards Ms. Chuas parenting?A. Positive B. Inactive C. Indefinite D. NegativeHow far would you be willing to go to s

39、atisfy your need to know? Far enough to find out your possibility of dying from a terrible disease? These days thats more than an academic question, as Tracy Smith reports in our Cover Story.There are now more than a thousand genetic(基因的)tests, for everything from baldness to breast cancer, and the

40、list is growing. Question is, do you really want to know what might eventually kill you? For instance, Nobel Prize-winning scientist James Watson, one of the first people to map their entire genetic makeup, is said to have asked not to be told if he were at a higher risk for Alzheimer(老年痴呆症).“If I t

41、ell you that you have an increased risk of getting a terrible disease, that could weigh on your mind and make you anxious, through which you see the rest of your life as you wait for that disease to hit you. It could really mess you up.” Said Dr. Robert Green, a Harvard geneticist.“Every ache and pa

42、in,” Smith suggested, could be understood as “the beginning of the end.”“That s right. If you ever worried you were at risk for Alzheimers disease, then every time you cant find your car in the parking lot, you think the disease has started.”Dr. Green has been thinking about this issue for years. He

43、 led a study of people who wanted to know if they were at a higher genetic risk for Alzheimers. It was thought that people who got bad news would, for lack of a better medical term, freak out. But Green and his team found that there was“no significant difference”between how people handled good news

44、and possibly the worst news of their lives. In fact, most people think they can handle it. People who ask for the information usually can handle the information, good or bad, said Green.16The first paragraph is meant to_.A. ask some questions B. introduce the topicC. satisfy readers curiosity D. des

45、cribe an academic fact17Which of the following is true of James Watson?A. He is strongly in favor of the present genetic tests.B. He is more likely to suffer from Alzheimers disease.C. He believes genetic mapping can help cure any disease.D. He doesnt want to know his chance of getting a disease.18A

46、ccording to Paragraphs 3 and 4, if a person is at a higher genetic risk, it is_.A. advisable not to let him know B. impossible to hide his diseaseC. better to inform him immediately D. necessary to remove his anxiety19The underlined part“freak out”in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to“_”.A. break down B. drop out C. leave off D. turn away20The study led by Dr. Green indicates that people_.A. prefer to hear good news B. tend to find out the truthC. can accept some bad news D. have the right to be informedThe best of Bali in 48 hours


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