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1、双基限时练(七)Unit 3Part 基 础 夯 实.词形转换用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1The long run left Eric feeling _ (breath)答案breathless2I turned left _ (automatic) without thinking when he shouted.答案automatically3The young man is very strong physically, but weak _ (mental)答案mentally4My parents thought it was _ (normal) for a boy to b

2、e interested in ballet.答案abnormal5After a _ week of work, all the employees were extremely _ and tired. They complained that few could work efficiently under _. (stress)答案stressful; stressed; stress6Playing computer games is highly _. Once you get _ to it, you will find it hard to get rid of it. Now

3、, Henry, one of my classmates is fighting his _ to the games. (addict)答案addictive; addicted; addiction7The weather was _, so we were _. We then wanted to have lunch in a nearby restaurant, but to our _, the restaurant was closed. (disappoint)答案disappointing; disappointed; disappointment8The film has

4、 a positive _ on students, and seeing a film is an _ measure. In _, both teachers and students can learn a lot from a film. (effect)答案effect; effective; effect9My parents tried to _ me to the new school, but I was more _ to my former school. (accustom)答案accustom; accustomed.单句语法填空用适当的词或所给单词的适当形式填空(不

5、多于3个单词)1 Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency? Well, you know, English is my _ (strong). So it is my best choice.答案与解析strength句意:你为什么选择在国际旅行社工作?哦,你是知道的,英语是我的强项,所以这是我最好的选择。strength“优势;特长”。2This is the first time we _ (see) a film in the cinema together as a family.答案与解析have see

6、n句意:这是我们第一次全家一起在电影院看电影。This is the first time (that) .中从句要用现在完成时。3It is a rule that the students should be banned from _ (play) computer games in our school.答案与解析playing考查ban sb. from doing sth.的被动结构: sb. be banned from doing sth.。4We have made _ clear that we are strongly against smoking in the off

7、ice.答案与解析itit在此作形式宾语,真正的宾语是that引导的从句。5The great success of this program has been largely _ to the support given by the 10 local businessmen.答案与解析duedue to“由于”。6 How about going swimming today? Sorry, I dont feel quite myself today. I dont feel like _ (do) anything.答案与解析doingfeel like doing sth.为固定搭配

8、,意为“想做某事”。7_ (addict) to computer games, the boy has lost all interest in his lessons.答案与解析Addicted形容词短语addicted to .(沉迷于)在此作状语。8All the waiters lined up in front of the gate to welcome the guests _ moment they arrived.答案与解析thethe moment在此作连词,引导时间状语从句,表示“一(就)”,相当于as soon as。while所引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词必需是连续

9、性的。9Our neighbour has _ big a house as we do.答案与解析as结合“asadj.a(n)可数名词单数as比较对象”结构,填as。10 Tom is so worried about the test that he plans to study all night. Tell him he should quit _ (worry) and get some sleep.答案与解析worrying句意:汤姆格外担忧测试,他打算学习一晚上。告知他不用担忧,睡一会儿觉。quit在此作“停止”讲,后接动词时,应用v.ing形式。11Having been h

10、ere for two years, I have been accustomed to _ (live) in such a noisy place.答案与解析livingbe accustomed to (doing) sth.“习惯于(做)某事”。语 篇 提 能.完形填空The night of Sept. 26, 1996 was one that I will never forget. After a _1_ day of school, I still _2_ to write a big paper. There were many things on my mind. At

11、that time I was having many problems _3_ my family and friends, and therefore I was in a very bad mood. And I was unhappy with _4_ and the way that my life was going. A major I was struggling with was _5_ use. For two years I had been smoking marijuana (大麻) and _6_ it, but could not stop. I did not

12、let drugs affect my grades or personality, but it made a(n) _7_ in how I thought about myself. I had always been a _8_ kid and still tried to be, but drugs brought me down. I _9_ thought about how drugs were not something I wanted as part of my life. I wanted to change but I was _10_ to make the tra

13、nsition (转变)I looked up at the sky as I got out of my car. The moon was covered by the earths _11_ in a lunar eclipse (月蚀)The outer circle of the moon was exposed and gave off _12_ beams of light, gleaming in all directions. I stood outside in the cool _13_ air for what seemed a long time of happine

14、ss. The joy that I had not felt for _14_ came upon me. I closed my eyes to decide if this dream could be _15_. I slowly opened my eyes and caught a _16_ star flying over treetops. Tears fell from my eyes and _17_ down my cheeks. I had seen the true beauty of _18_ and God. Those few minutes helped me

15、 find the _19_ to change.It was not easy to make the decision to stop using drugs. It was even harder to _20_ stop. Quitting has given me hope and a reason to be proud of myself. It has helped me grow stronger and more mature (成熟)1A.busy B. freeC. active D. lazy2A.wanted B. hadC. intended D. meant3A

16、.in B. aroundC. with D. family B. my jobC. my friends D. myself5A.drug B. smokeC. alcohol D. energy6A.liked B. got used toC. hated D. needed7A.effect B. differenceC. dress D. impression8A.hardworking B. relaxedC. good D. happy9A.seldom B. repeatedlyC. always D. frequently10A.glad B. rea

17、dyC. scared D. painful11A.tree B. shadowC. equator D. pole12A.many B. littleC. big D. tiny13A.spring B. summerC. fall D. winter14A.days B. monthsC. seasons D. ages15A.bright B. nearC. real D. actual16A.falling B. risingC. shinning D. jumping17A.felt B. streamedC. flowing D. B. earthC

18、. world D. nature19A.determination B. courageC. reasons D. hope20A.actually B. quiteC. completely D. gradually答案与解析1A从下文提到的心中想着很多事情,可以看出作者一天很“劳碌”。2B从整篇文章来看,作者一开头就描述了自己因忙而导致的烦躁心情。所以此处表示他“不得不”做这些事。3C在某方面有困难常用“have a problem with sth.”结构。4D从下文看出作者因自己吸毒而对“自己”不满。5A下文提到作者是在和“毒品”而不是“烟”“酒精”作斗争,也不是“精力”不济。6C由

19、后句的转折语气可知应选“憎恶”。7B此处强调毒品使他的想法和以前有所不同了。8C此处good与上文语境“I did not let drugs affect my grades or personality”相符。而且又与下句的bring sb. down (打倒)构成反意。happy是一个很强的干扰项,但此处拿自己与过去相比,说明自己变坏了。所以happy与整体大意不符。9D此处表示“频繁地”问自己。10C“可怕”与but的语气相符。11B依据下文月蚀知,月亮被地球的“阴影”遮住了。12D由下文的描述对比可知此处指“微小的”。13C从第一句的时间可知当时是“秋天”。14D上文“for two

20、 years”的信息复现。15C此处的dream是指上文提到的happiness是否“真实”。16A从下文的划过树梢可知此处指的是“流星”。17B此处指眼泪“流;涌”,故选B。18D前面描述的是“自然”美景。19B前面提到想转变却可怕,此处指最终找到足够的“士气”去转变。20A做出戒毒的打算是不简洁的,“真正地”戒毒更难。.阅读理解“I smoke for my health,” I wrote in a newspaper article published in 1979. Since I am a doctor, this advice attracted much attention.

21、 I reasoned that smoking made me cough and thus prevented pneumonia(肺炎); smoking made my heart go faster and reduced the need for special exercise; smoking made me eat less and kept me thin. And then, at 51, I had a heart attack.Strange, how the proof connected smoking to heart disease appeared uncl

22、ear to me, and how the same information now appears extremely reasonable. Why stop now? Smokers who stop after their first heart attack have an 80percent chance of living ten more years if they dont, a 60percent chance.As a smoker, I always felt bitter at the fact that we smokers received only disre

23、spect from nonsmokers. How could nonsmokers know that smoking was bad for the health if there were no smokers to prove it? Being a member of the experimental group, rather than the control group, I should get a certain measure of social praise. Ive done my time. Im now ready to be a control. I no lo

24、nger smoke for my health. My health cant stand the help.Will I miss the latenight trips to find a store thats still open and selling cigarettes? Will I miss searching through ashtrays (烟灰缸) to find the longest end that is still smokable? Only time will tell. Not smoking may give me the time to find

25、out.Was it easy to stop? Sure. Here is all you have to do. First, experience a terrible pain under your breastbone as you finish a cigarette. Next, have yourself admitted to a healthcare unit and be taken away of your clothing and belongings. Finally, remain in the unit at bed rest for four days whi

26、le smoking is forbidden. This broke my habit. See if it works for you.1The author used to believe all the following EXCEPT_.Acough does good to healthB. smoking does good to healthC. smoking helps prevent people from getting too fatD. smoking can take the place of physical exercise答案与解析D细节理解题。依据第一段,

27、作者认为吸烟使他咳嗽,因此不患肺炎;吸烟加快心脏跳动,但是可以因此削减特殊运动的数量;他还认为吸烟使他吃得少了,所以身体不发胖。依据他其次个观点,选项D偷换概念,所以错误。2Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThe society should take less care of smokers.B. Nonsmokers should be grateful to smokers.C. The author believes he will live longer if he gives up smoki

28、ng.D. The author used to buy cigarettes late at night.答案与解析A细节理解题。由第三段可知吸烟者在社会上不受敬重,故A项表述不正确。3The underlined word “help” at the end of the third paragraph refers to _.Asocial disrespect B. smoking cigarettesC. control group D. experimental group答案与解析B词义猜想题。依据前一句可知,作者以前认为吸烟有益于健康,现在不需要这种挂念了,所以help指的是吸烟。4Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?AWhy I Developed Heart DiseaseB. My FaultC. Why I Give up SmokingD. The History of Smoking答案与解析C主旨大意题。从行文结构上看,第一段作者原认为吸烟有很多好处,但下文主要叙述为什么把烟戒掉了,因此中心思想是为何戒烟。


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