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新目标八年级(下册)Unit 9 词汇专练+答案.docx

1、一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成每空1. Its dangerous here. Please take the kid to a s_ place.2. You can ask for help _ (无论何时) you need it.3. Tian Liangs beautiful daughter Cindy was born in Fujian p_ on April 15, 2008.4. There are ten _ (狐狸) and three tigers in the zoo.5. The number of old people is getting larger a

2、nd larger in China, and its really a _ (社会的) problem.二、单项选择1. -Do you have a plan for the summer vacation?-YesLets go _ this timeA.anywhere interestingB.nowhere interestingC.interesting somewhereD.somewhere interesting2.The man cant be our math teacher. He _ to ChengduA.goes B.will go C.has gone D.h

3、as been3.Im looking after Tom todayHes been in my house _ 8:00 this B.since C.for D.till4.-Beijing is very beautiful. I _ the Palace Museum last year.-Yes,its very beautifulI _ there twice.A.went;have gone B.went;have beenC.have gone;went D.have been;went5.The teacher encouraged us _ up

4、a tent by ourselves when we camped in the mountains.A.put put C.putting D.puts6.Ive never _ other countries.A.traveled B.traveled toC.traveled D.will travel7.There were many times visitors _ photos of the building in Hongcun.A.take B.takingC. took D.are talking8.How long_in Shanghai?-Since the

5、end of last year.A.did she live B. does she liveC.has she lived D.will she live9.-_has Judy run the marathon?-Three times.A. How far B. How soonC. How many times D. How long10.What _job did he do?A.others B.the otherC.another D.other11.Have you ever _to a water park?No,I havent. A. gone B. been C. v

6、isited D.go12. I enjoy ice skating._.A. I do so. B. So I do. C. So do I. D. neither so I13. I have_ _been to U.S.A.Neither has Jim.A. never B. ever C. already D.yet14.My teacher is _ years old.A. 30 more than B. more than 30C. more 30 than D.less 30 than15.You can rent a bike if you want to get some

7、 _.A.exercise B. exercisesC. exercising D. exercised三、用所给词的适当形式填空1.The old man had a _(peace) life in the countryside.2.Its sunny outside. Lets _(go) for a picnic in the park.3.It seems to be the most _ (enjoy) party I have ever had.4.I think the computer is one of the most helpful _(invent) in our

8、life.5.Playing basketball is a great way _ (have) fun and stay in shape.6. I _(go) to the science museum yesterday. Have you ever _(be) there? Yes, I have.7.Jenny has a _(relax) weekend with her grandparents in the countryside.8.The monkey was looking at _(it) in the mirror in surprise.四、完成句子1.王琳去过美

9、国三次了。Wang Lin _ been _ America three times.2.李明以前从没有去过那儿。Li Ming _ never _ there before.3.琳达去超市了。Linda _ gone _ the supermarket.4.杰克已经回家了吗?Has Jack _ home yet?5.你曾经去过国家科学博物馆吗?Have you ever _ the National Science Museum?五、根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,在空白处填入单词,每空限填一词Euro Disney was opened in 1992 in Paris. It is one

10、 fifth the size of the 1_(城市) It is the worlds 2_(最好的) theme park. About 50 million visitors coming 3_(来自) abroad go to see Mickey and Donald every 4_(年). So it makes a lot of money and many friends!But Euro Disney had a 5_(艰难的) time at its beginning. Some people in Paris 6_(相信) that the park would

11、influence their culture in a bad way. And about 3,000 French 7_(工人) stopped their jobs at the Dark because they felt it 8 _(错的) to speak English while workingLater people began to 9_(喜欢) itMany people who have been to the par 10_(返回) with their friendsNow it is even more popular than the Eiffel Towe

12、r。参考答案一、1. safe 2. whenever 3. province 4. foxes 5. social二、DCBBB BBCCD BCABA 三、1. peaceful 2.go 3. enjoyable 4. inventions 5. to have 6.went;been 7. relaxing 8. itself四、1. hasbeento 2. hasneverbeen 3. hasgoneto4.Hasgoneyet 5.Haveeverbeen to五、lcity 2best 3from 4year 5hard 6believed 7workers 8wrong 91ike l0return


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