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1、上海新世纪英语-4B-知识点整理精品文档 4B知识整理卷班级_姓名_学号_4B M1 U1一、词组,句子:1. a glass of watermelon juice 一杯西瓜汁2. taste some cherries 尝尝一些樱桃3. two glasses of grape juice 两杯葡萄汁4. look and guess 看一看猜一猜5. smell these strawberries 闻闻这些草莓6. much fruit 许多水果7. how about .怎么样8. these crunchy plums 这些爽脆的李子9. those purple grapes 那

2、些紫色的葡萄 10. what nice grapes 多好的葡萄啊11. on the tall vine 在高高的葡萄藤上12. not .at all 一点也不13. sit around 团团坐14. enjoy the fruit 享用水果 15. in his yard 在他的的院子里16. his sister Sue 他的妹妹Sue17. on sunny afternoons 在阳光灿烂的下午18. go to school 上学19. a juicy watermelon for me 一个多汁的西瓜给我20. a crunchy pear for them 一个爽脆的梨给

3、他们21. I think. 我认为。22. How does the red apple taste? = How is the red apple? Its sweet. 23. How do the red apples smell? = How are the red apples? Theyre nice.24. How about the green one? Its rough. 25. How about the green ones? Theyre smooth.26. What nice grapes they are! = How nice the grapes are!

4、27. The grapes are not sweet at all.28. Do you like the hard ones or the soft ones? I like the hard ones.29. He also rides the bicycle around the park on sunny afternoons.30. He never rides his bicycle when he goes to school.二、音标 : / car card park Mark are hard yard bar farm farmer market sup

5、ermarket star party scarf sharp March far arm large garden smart cartoona-/ : / class glass basketball grass mask branch after afternoon past plant dance fast father France 2. u - / u: / blue glue true Sue ruler rule ui -/ u: / fruit juice juicy o- / u: / do to who whose oo-/ u: / afternoon school c

6、ool moon room smooth food tooth zoo soon spoon noodles cartoon choose too root balloon 三、短文诵读: Sour grapesOne day, a fox is thirsty. He is looking for (寻找)some water. Then he sees some bunches of grapes on the tall vine. The grapes are purple and round. Theyre smooth and soft. What nice grapes! The

7、fox looks at the grapes. He thinks the grapes are sweet and juicy. He wants them. The fox jumps and jumps. But he cant touch the grapes. Suddenly(突然)a bird is coming. She sees the grapes too. She flies to the grapes and eats the grapes happily. The fox is angry:“These are my grapes! Go away!”The bir

8、d says:“Haha! You cant fly high and enjoy(享受) the nice grapes. So they are my grapes.”The fox is envious /envis/ (嫉妒的). “Oh! Those grapes are sour. They are not sweet at all!” Then the fox goes away. 4B M1 U2一、词组,句子:1. whose knife 谁的小刀2. these blunt knives 这些钝的小刀3. those sharp pencils 那些锋利的铅笔4. Jill

9、s pencil case Jill的铅笔盒5. many thick books 许多厚的书6. some thin books 一些薄的书7. walk on the beach 在海边走8. Kitty and her parents Kitty和她的父母亲9. much soft sand 许多软的沙子10. take off her shoes 脱下她的鞋子11. put on their coats 穿上他们的外套12. of course 当然可以13. the key to the door 开门的钥匙14. the key to the question 问题的答案15. t

10、he man over there 在那里的男子16. take the key to the lost-property office 失物招领处17. the blind brothers 盲兄弟18. touch the elephant 碰碰象19. one of the pupils 学生中的一个20. another brother 另一个兄弟21. smooth and hard 又光滑又硬22. big and thick 又大又厚23. the last blind boy 最后一个失明的男孩24. say about the elephant 说说大象25. some fr

11、uit for him 给他的一些水果26. some drinks for her 给她的一些饮料27. in the school yard 在学校的院子里28. a slim girl 一个苗条的女孩29. a red new skirt 一条新的红裙子30. too small 太小31. find her purse 找到她的小包32. on the floor 在地板上33. behind the door 在门后34. want to do sth. 想要做某事35. her cousin Laura 她的表妹Laura36. give sth. to sb. = give sb

12、. sth. 把某物给某人37. take sth. to sb. = take sb. sth. 拿某物给某人38. Give the thin book to Grandma. = Give Grandma the thin book.39. Take the key to the lost-property office.40. How does the pineapple feel? = How is the pineapple? Its rough and hard.41. How do the pillows feel? = How are the pillows? Theyre

13、soft.42. Whose books are those? = Whose are those books? Theyre Miss Fangs.43. Whats the matter with you? = Whats wrong with you?44. Theres something in the sand.45. Here comes a man on an elephant.46. The brothers can hear the elephant, but they cannot see it.47. Its an elephant, answers the man, Y

14、ou can touch it. How does it feel? 48. Its over there, says her mum, Just behind the door!49. She wants to buy a new purse.50. He likes eating and drinking. = He likes to eat and drink.二、音标:1. ir /:/ shirt bird third thirsty first girl skirt birthday ur /:/ purse nurse Thursday er /:/ her certainly(

15、当然) term (学期) or /:/ work worker world word ear /:/ early learn 2. au /:/ warm war quarter 一刻钟 al /:/ all ball call fall hall small tall walk always aw /:/ draw strawberry prawn虾 au /:/ August autumn daughter 女儿 because Laura oor /:/ door floor our /:/ your four fourteen ore /:/ more before 4BM1 U3一

16、、词组,句子:1. behind the hill 在小山丘后面2. the trees shadow 树的影子3. on the lawn 在草坪上4. at noon 正午5. high in the sky 高高挂在天上6. grow short 变短7. these benches 这些长凳8. go up = rise 升起9. go down = set 落下10. grow long again 又变长11. on the path 在小路上12. cut them out 把它们剪下来13. stick a pencil 黏上铅笔14. shine the torch 打开手电

17、筒15. turn on the torches 打开手电筒16. at seven oclock in the morning 在上午七点17. go with me 跟我走18. stay behind me 呆在我后面19. walk in front of him 走在我前面20. take a walk 散步21. go to work 上班22. grow big and strong 变得又大又强壮23. a beautiful sunny day 一个美丽的好天24. walk down the road 沿着小路向下走25. hear a sound 听见一种声音26. lo

18、ok back 回头看27. a black shape 一个黑色的图形28. bite her 咬她29. be afraid of the dog 害怕狗30. run away 逃走31. follow them 跟着他们32. play together 一起玩33. play with the shadow 玩影子34. run after 跟着跑,追赶35. a big black dog 一个大黑狗36. go off 消失37. not any more 再也不38. have tea with his friend Miss Deer 与他的朋友Deer小姐一起喝茶39. f

19、all into the pond 掉到池塘里40. cry in fear 害怕得哭41. a bottle of beer 一瓶啤酒42. burst into tears 突然哭起来43. burst into laughter 突然笑起来44. be like = look like 像45. You wont see it any more. 你再也看不见它。46. will not = wont 将不47. Dont worry. 不要担心。 48. You scared me. 你吓到我。二、音标:ee /i:/ bee, sheep, jeep, teeth, feet, ge

20、ese, need, free, feed, nineteen e /i:/ she , we , he, be , these, Peter, zebra, me ,evening,ea /i:/ tea, teacher, read, cream, beach, leaf, easy, eat, teach, cleaneer/I/ deer, beer, engineer (工程师) ear/I/ ear, fear, tear, dear, near ,hear, yearere/I/ hereea /I/ idea theatre收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 M 2 U1一、

21、词组,句子:1. my favourite sport 我最喜欢的运动2. look at the poster 看海报3. a new club 一个新的俱乐部4. a badminton club 羽毛球俱乐部5. like playing volleyball 喜欢打排球6. join the club 参加俱乐部7. who else 还有谁8. would like to do sth.= want to do sth. 想要做某事9. Let me see. 让我想想。10. play basketball with me 和我打篮球11. go and ask her 去问她12

22、. like playing table tennis = like to play table tennis 喜欢打乒乓13. talk with Alice 和Alice交谈 14. Peter and I 我和Peter15. come with her 和她一起来16. Id love to. 我愿意的。我乐意的。17. in the swimming class 在游泳课上18. an old swimsuit 一件旧的游泳衣19. a swimming cap 一顶游泳帽20. too big or too small 太大或太小21. a pair of swimming gog

23、gles 一副游泳眼镜22. do morning exercises 做早操23. do eye exercises 做眼保健操24. do warm-up exercises 做热身操25. clean your body 洗你的身子26. go into the swimming pool 去游泳池27. after swimming 游泳以后28. make me healthy and strong 使我健康与强壮29. enjoy yourself 玩得痛快,过得愉快30. in my spare time 在我业余时间31. my hobby 我的兴趣爱好32. so much

24、fun 这么多乐趣33. all these sports 所有这些运动34. nine apple pies 九只苹果派35. in a line 排队36. French fries 薯条37. Me too. 我也是。38. Would you like to come with me? = Do want to come with me?39. What do you need for a swimming class? I need a swimsuit, a swimming cap and a pair of swimming goggles.40. What do you do

25、 before swimming? I do warm-up exercises and clean my body.二、音标:1. (开音节) i+(辅音)+e(不发音)- /aI/ : five fine nine line mine shine smile while wife pipe rise time white dive drive slide beside hide ice rice nice like bike Mike pineapple 2. ie-/aI/ : pie fries tie3. igh-/aI/ : right light high bright nigh

26、t 4.y-/aI/:fly try dry by cry my sky why eye bye buy 5.其他-wild kind hi fire tired tiger primary triangle climb child idea find Friday library三、语法主格宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词I memyminehehimhishissheher herhersyouyou your yoursitititsitsweusourourstheythemtheirtheirs1.This is my book.=This book is mine. (my bo

27、ok=mine)2.These are his shoes.=These shoes are his . (his shoes=his)3.That is your pencil = That pencil is yours . (your pencil=yours)4.Those are her sketchbooks =Those sketchbooks are hers.(her sketchbooks=hers)(说明:形容词性的物主代词,后面必须跟名词,如上面:my book,his shoes等,而名词性的物主代词,本身已经具有名词的特点,因此后面不能再跟名词)M2U2一、词组,句

28、子:1. very cute 非常可爱2. cat food 猫粮3. her favourite food 她最喜欢的食物4. a large bowl of cat food 一大碗猫粮5. how about = what about 怎么样 6. dog food 狗粮7. this tortoise 这只乌龟8. that parrot 那只鹦鹉9. lazy bones 懒骨头10. shake the tree 摇树11. fall down 落下12. some leaves 一些树叶13. in his basket 在他的篮子里14. wake up 醒来15. be af

29、raid of the elephant 害怕象16. run away 跑开17. climb onto a door 爬到门上18. too fat 太胖19. jump off the door 跳下门20. catch the mouse 抓住老鼠21. go back to his hole 回到他的洞22. want to be a vet 想要成为一名兽医23. maths camp 数学营地24. take her dog to maths camp 带她的狗到数学营地25. teach him how to add 教他怎样做加法26. say to the cute goa

30、t 对可爱的山羊说27. eat a piece of toast 吃一片土司28. in the boat 在小船里29. play with a goat 和山羊玩30. her purple coat 她的紫色上衣二、音标:O-/ : no go so rope those phone nose home coke close old cold hello over photo open dont stone bone clothes only post Flo oe-/ : Joe oa-/ : toast boat coat road goat ow-/ : snow yellow slow blow window throw tomorrow follow bowl know show 三、短文诵读: I have a pet . It is three years old. It is green. It has four legs and a short tail. It has a small head. It has a hard shell(壳). It walks very slowly. It likes meat. It eats small fish too. Ca


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