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1、A-Night-the-Earth-Didnt-Sleep-英语说课精品文档Lesson Plan for Unit 4A Night the Earth Didnt Sleep Lesson Plan for Unit 4A Night the Earth Didnt Sleep Teaching objectives and demands:A. Get the students to know something about the San Francisco earthquake in 1906. Activate their relevant vocabulary and knowl

2、edge about earthquake.B. Get the students to understand the text and language points.C. Get the students to appreciate the literary devices the author used in the text.Teaching contents:A. key words and phrases to describe an earthquake: Destroy, in ruins, great damage, deep cracks, fall downB. diff

3、icult sentences: Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed. Never in all San Franciscos history were her people so kind as on that terrible night. Nothing is left of it but memories and some houses far from the center of the city. A list of .only a few addresses. A list ofwill

4、fill a library. A list of .will never be made.C. Class activity: discussion about the authors description of the earthquake.Important points and difficult points:A. Important points: Activate the students relevant vocabulary and knowledge about earthquake. Improve the students ability of analyzing t

5、he text and get them to develop the skills of obtaining the main idea of the text in the limited time.B. Difficult points: Get the students to understand some difficult sentences. Guide the students to appreciate the literary devices.Teaching approachA. Task-based learning B. Activity-based teaching

6、 (class work, individual work, group work)Teaching aidsPowerPointTime allocationsStep1. Lead-in (2minutes) Step2. Pre-reading (5minutes) Step3. Fast-reading (8minutes) Step4. Intensive reading Step4.1 difficult sentences (10minutes) Step4.2 literary devices (8 minutes) Step5. Discussion (5minutes) S

7、tep6. Homework (2minutes)Teaching procedures:Step1leading-inA. Relate this story to the previous reading a night the earth didnt sleep and lead in naturally.B. Introduce something about the author.Rationale: get the students to have a short review of what they have learnt before and activate their e

8、xisting knowledge so that they will have a whole concept of this unit.Step2 pre-readingA. Give the students some background knowledge about the earthquake in San Francisco by showing them some pictures.B. Ask the students to describe the pictures in their own words.Rationale: Activate the students r

9、elevant vocabulary and knowledge about earthquake and make it less difficult for students to further understand the text.Step3fast-readingA. Ask the students to read the passage quickly and think about the following questions: Whats the main idea of each paragraph? How did the author feel about the

10、earthquake? How did the author feel about the people during the earthquake?B. check the answers (their answers may vary)C. Guide the students to find proofs in the text.Rationale: get the students to find out the main idea of the text and the authors attitude expressed in the text. Step4Intensive-re

11、ading Step4.1Difficult Sentences 1. Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed. 2. Never in all San Franciscos history were her people so kind as on that terrible night. A. Introduce the concept of inverted sentence, ask the students to read the first paragraph and find out sent

12、ence1. B. Put sentence1 in the normal word order and explain its meaning. C. Ask one student to put sentence in the normal word order and explain its meaning. Rationale: get the students to know the meaning of the sentences so that they will not be an obstacle in their understanding of the text. Enc

13、ourage the students to explore by themselves. 3. Nothing is left of it but memories and some houses far from the center of the city. Divide the sentence into two parts and explain them in the detailed way. Rationale: this one is a little bit difficult to understand. 4. A list of .only a few addresse

14、s. 5. A list ofwill fill a library. 6. A list of .will never be made. Explain the three sentences roughly. Step4.2Literary Devices Introduce the students some literary devices used in the article: Negative words/ Repetition/ Contrast/ Parallel 1. Negative wordsa. list three sentences on the screen a

15、nd invite one student to the read them and ask him whether the three sentences have something in commonb. Ask students why the author put negative words at the beginning of the sentence.2. Repetition a. ask the students to find out one word that has been repeated again and againb. list them on the s

16、creen and explain the complex sentence All of the ways man had made to keep the city safe were gone in the thirty seconds the earth moved.c. Ask the students why the author use the word gone so many times3. Contrasta.ask the students to find some sentences in which the author uses contrast to descri

17、be the people in the earthquake. b.list them on the screen and analysis the contrastc.explain two of the sentences that are difficult to understand:Amazing as it may seem, Wednesday night was a quiet night. Never in all San Franciscos history were her people so kind as on that terrible night.( Langu

18、age points)4. Parallela. ask the students to find out the parallel sentences in the third paragraph and try to understand them. b. List the three sentences and ask some students to explain them in their own words. Rationale: help the students to appreciate some literary devices employed by the autho

19、r and refer to it in their own writing.Step 5Discussion How do you think of the writers description? Do you believe it? Give your reasons.Step6 Homework Ask the students to listen to tape and practice reading the third paragraph with feeling.Teaching Plan for Unit 3ComputersPeriod 4 ReadingWho Am I?

20、 教学设计By Zhou Jin(周晶) 鄂南高中一、教学设计思路本节课我采用自主型教学和任务型教学的方法,让学生对课文进行阅读理解。自主型教学是学生在老师的指导下自主地进行学习。任务型教学是英语新课标中倡导的一种英语教学方法。根据新课标的规定标准及课堂教学设计的特点,本节课的设计思路如下:导 入:教师首先以图片的形式复习有关电脑的词汇和计算机的发展历程,让学生看文章标题和图片来预测语篇的内容,培养学生的预测能力;并让学生讨论计算机的应 用领域,为计算机产品按发展的时间顺序排队。教师播放课文录音,请同学快速地阅读课文,并回答教师提出的与课文有关的问题。然后让学生仔细阅读课文的每一 段,回答教师

21、设计好的问题和任务。其间,教师让学生以不同的方式朗读课文。然后,教师通过让学生进行短文填空的方式来帮助学生总结阅读课文,并检验他们是 否理解文章。最后教师布置一项讨论的任务,让学生用语言来表达出未来电脑的模样及应用,激发他们的想象力和兴趣,升华主题。二、学习者分析内容收集数据的途径学习者特征的描述已有知识和技能访谈,行为观察初中所学的英语基础知识,单词可以,语法不好。过程和方法访谈及观察仍持初中英语学习方法,渐渐适应高中学习。态度/情感/价值观访谈,观察,科学调察课堂反映良好,因为对新课程内容较感兴趣。思想水平访谈,观察能够很好地配合教学,但由于基础不是很好,对学习方法正在探究阶段。一般认知水

22、平查阅学习者档案,观察基础不是很好,但都很努力,有一定的自学能力。三、 学习任务分析本单元主要围绕“计算机”这一中心话题展开,而本文题为“Who Am I?”, 阅读文章以第一人称的拟人手法介绍了计算机发展演变的历史和计算机在各个领域的应用,让学生了解了计算机的发展变化之快以及在生活中用途之广。目标: 1、锻炼学生的阅读能力 2、使学生了解更多计算机的相关信息知识,学到与此有关的一些语言知识并能清晰地了解作者的写作思路,从而实现阅读文章理解的三个维度:信息知识、语言知识和语篇知识。3、激发学生的学习兴趣和想象力。教学难点:1、如何提高学生的阅读能力和如何使其能更好的理解课文。 2、怎样掌握文章

23、的重点。3、使学生能够积极讨论计算机的话题。四、教学目标理论依据:普通高中课程标准实验教科书根据新课标的规定及其高一学生的特点及基础,把本节课教学目标定为:1、语言知识方面: A.单词:simplify, logically, reality, solve application, finance, explore B.词组:technological , revolution, artificial, intelligence, as a result2、语言技能方面: 使学生掌握和运用计算机的有关词汇及表达法,可以较好地运用并进行关于计算机发展和应用话题的交流,提高读及说的技能。3、学习策

24、略方面: A.兴趣策略:用图片提高学生学习兴趣,听录音使学生产生模仿兴趣。 B.自主型学习策略:通过提问让学生自己找答案,看谁找的又快又准。C.任务性教学策略:要求学生在理解文章过程中,讨论和编练对话。 4、情感态度方面:A. 通过激发兴趣方法,使学生积极参与课堂活动,产生强烈求知欲。B. 通过互动等方式,增进师生友情,达到进一步的信任。 5、文化意识方面:通过学习,了解计算机发展演变的历史和计算机在各个领域的应用,从而让学生了解了计算机的发展变化之快以及在生活中用途之广,激发学生的学习兴趣和想象力。五、教学设备黑板,录音机,电脑,投影仪。六、教学设计分析(Teaching Procedure

25、s )(40 m/s) (下附详细过程)七、资源与媒体利用 通过图片进行导入,引起学生的注意力,增进师生间的互动,提高学生用英语说话的欲望,让他们形成良好的语言习惯。通过录音机和黑板的运用,使学生能够切身的体会到本文的内容。教学设计分析(Teaching Procedures )教师活动内容方式Step 1 Greetings Greet the whole class as usual.Step2 Leadin Review some new words of computers by showing them some pictures. Then predict the content

26、of the text, know about the development of computers and talk about the uses of computers. Step 3 Reading1.SkimmingThe students listen to the tape and answer some questions on the screen.Qs: 1).Who is the speaker in this story?2). Whats the main idea of this passage?3).Tell the following statements

27、true or false.2. Scanning This is an individual work. Ask the students to scan one paragraph by one paragraph to find the detailed information. Let them answer some questions and fill in a chart.1) Where were you in 1642?2) What were you called in 1936?3) What happened to you in the 1970s?TimeEvents

28、1642The computer began as a calculating machine.1822The analytical machine was made by Charles Babbage.1936The computer grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower.1940sThe computer had grown as large as a room.1960sThe first family of computers was connected to each other.1970sComputers were used i

29、n offices and homes.NowComputers connect people all over the world together.Encourage the students to find the sentences in the text. They should finish this task by themselves.3. Careful readingAsk students to find the topic sentence of each paragraph and the supporting details to each one.Para.1:

30、I began as a calculating machine in 1642 in France. 1. calculating machine2. analytical machine3. universal machine4. laptopPara.2: These changes only became possible as my memory improved. 1. tubes 2. transistors 3. chips 4. network 5. World Wide WebPara.3: Since the 1970s many new applications hav

31、e been found for me. 1. communications 2. finance 3. trade 4. robots 5. mobile phones 6. medical operations 7. space rockets 8. providing a life of high qualityStep 4 SummaryStress the content of the text by filling the blanks of the short passage.Step 5 ActivityDiscussion1. What can we do by comput

32、er in the future?2. What can the future computer be like?Give them five minutes to prepare and discuss with the classmates. After they prepare and discuss, the teacher can choose some of them to report their answers. Evaluate their performance, and tell them no matter how advanced computers are, the

33、y cannot replace our human beings.Step 5 Homework 1. Read the text more after class.2. Do an interview: Suppose your partner is a famous computer expert, and you are a reporter. What do you want to know about the history and the uses of computers? Make a conversation with your partner.活动内容方式Individu

34、al activity. Enjoy the pictures and answer the questions. Individual work. Ask the students to skim whole passage and find out the main idea of each paragraph. Ask student to scan one paragraph by one paragraph, and then answer some questions about the details.Group activity.Discuss in a group and s

35、hare the information.Group activity.Discuss and learn how to express their own ideas. Finish the task step by step.备注板书把握好每一个环节的时间板书八、教学后记 1、在课堂上学生应该是教学活动的主体。因此,采用自主式教学策略能激发学生学习热情和积极性。通过提问让学生自己找答案,看谁找的又快又准来激励他们。使学生真正体会到自己是学习的主人。2、课堂上讲求的是师生的密切配合,教师用学生容易接受的方法来讲解文章,学生才能更有兴趣的接受新的东西。3、各种媒体资源的利用有利于吸引学生的注意

36、力,也有利于活跃课堂气氛,能够提高教学效果。九、评价与反思A.教师反思1. Have all the teaching aims been reached? _2Have all the students learnt something in the lesson? _ 3What can be improved? _B.学生反思1. What impressed me most in the class? _2. What havent I understood yet? _ 3. In what aspect do I need improvement? _C.学生课堂活动评价Class:Name:Score:ItemsUnderstandable5 4 3 2 1Logical5 4 3 2 1Creative5 4 3 2 1Active5 4 3 2 1Cooperative5 4 3 2 1Others5 4 3 2 1收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


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