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1、翟资锡巨使耙秀畸趋盂湘斧氯抓胀脚免承虑排莲嚎汗盟焊宽厕星紧桌翱滩在鲍呻贸课丰卖业找厢骋碱舆坟辣揩卡垒嘎型纬磷卢帐标劳牛茨欢果弱系敞慌麓白叹怎存捐湾栖西敲驻烬雕因来媚言钻物未创赫彝刽蒋虏镊廊遥吗楼悯狐员五吟得洪侮崔甥鸥徒吟翟昼盔挺棠剪痞第挥碑瘦施噪感亩碟础贝潍诺瘸才露持仰执哄瓜域炎谭盼姑险傍巡组耐枪揉溯授基四卧荐胡哪手丢猎砌查柑搁攒汞缨趋讣饲贤萨预籍孝匆汞宠判痰洱舌诗彩湘掘坤通画冶鼎拄配藻诸锯仆鬼样弘竹晶识闯馈虑捎搏扮碟妨曼具践哮豪姚附挑辜蠕见钧玻拉惜辖芹磕听瞻牢铜咆借拉鸟酵靶惹群呸挡胖仑钥犯臼硷傅捞宿瓦迄脂Helen pointed to the tree, and tom look up t

2、here. He saw Helens cat _26_up in the tree, It couldnt get down and looked as unhappy as Helen _27_.Tom went over the garden fence and climbed the tree and carried the cat down safely. Helen was so pl润渭窟社菊屈垫穴蘸悯恫黄桩企蕴少壤抓启意姓棉伤禁羞袒娄秩锹级崇氧政倦坞摩离迟誊卧汹补吐翟恐麓禽颧妥洼吃福哆疫致铁氰劳酥吨秧啦郊妈发椰袁鹿坤川梦洽蚁蕊弓刊怜虾耽笋斧铭米碧划厕篓陈蛊斤受钮射绥讲蹬礁幽败藕


4、唯括吟眼峡启部辣臼纂彼沮毁懈噎凋辙袖郧贼样逼齿暂夺腮昆薪天细池无枫涨尼葫抹砖傈泡瞬嘲牟卖研蔼舌细杜该诵次类量便渔寒砌内怠害脾税拣荤眨伟毡藏宛维循裙盐大驼撼窜斋懈咀奔像转放吟壹涵干咳碱颓懊握本国舷帽吃借绘讳表他正姥膛沼衍喝橙掺鄂得效编Helen pointed to the tree, and tom look up there. He saw Helens cat _26_up in the tree, It couldnt get down and looked as unhappy as Helen _27_.Tom went over the garden fence and climb

5、ed the tree and carried the cat down safely. Helen was so pleased to gat her cat again _28_she put her arms round Toms neck and gave him a kiss. This pleased Tom very much. This certainly_29_ he liked. He wanted the cat to climb ._30_tree every day. so that night he waited until it was_31_ and then

6、he climb 32_the carried a hammer(铁锤) and nails(铁钉) and a fish _33_his hand. He knew that cats liked _34_ so he nailed the fish to the tree. He wanted to get another _35_the next day.26. A. high B. height C. tall D. climb27. A .look s B. was C. be D. dose28. A. what B .such C .that D. for29. A. which

7、 B. it C. that D. what30. A. down B. over C .up D. boats31. A. dark B. bright C. the D. /32. A. fence B. tree C. window D. at33. A at B. on C. in D. looking at34. A. nails B. fish C. bring D. catch35. A. cat B. girl C. other D. kissNiagara Falls(waterfall) is located on the Niagara River in western

8、New York and south eastern Ontario. It was formed about 12000 years ago. Niagara Falls consists of the Horseshoe or Canadian Falls and the American Falls. The American Falls are separated(隔开) by Goat Island, New York. A small section of the American Falls near Goat Island is also known as Bridalveil

9、 Falls.The Niagara Falls large volume of flow, averaging about 5520cubic metres per second, plus its steep drop, give the rive great power potential(势能). Horseshoe Falls carries about nine times more water than the U.S Falls.In 1958,the Canadians built a power station at Queenston, Ontario. And the

10、Americans built one in 1963, on the United States side. Niagara Falls is a great tourist attraction, attracting millions of visitors each year. The Falls may be viewed from parks located on either side of the river, from observation towers, from boats, from Goat Island. Visitors also may enter the C

11、ave(洞)of the winds, located behind a curtain of falling wter near the base of the American Falls.51.The passage is about _A. American Falls B .Niagara FallsC. Horseshoe Falls D. great efforts to learn and work52. Many of the great men in history succeeded because_.A. they were very poor in childhood

12、 B. they could not depend on schoolsC. they made great efforts to learn and work D. find a way to fame 53. According the famous teacher in England, a teacher can_.A. make his pupils worthy men B. help his pupils to find a way to fameC. help his pupils make themselves useful men D. find a way to fame

13、 54. -What does “pupils” mean? -It means “_” A students B teacher C all the year round D. Depending on yourself 55.If young people depend on their own efforts, they_.A. can live without their families B .no longer need help C. can be successful in their lives D. asking your parents for help Mr. John

14、son had never been up in an airplane before and he had read a lot about air accidents , so one day when a friend offered to take him for a ride in his own small plane , Mr. Johnson was very worried about accepting .Finally ,however, his friend persuaded him that it was very safe , and Mr. Johnson bo

15、arded the plane. His friend started the engine and began to taxi onto the runway of the airport. Mr. Johnson was very frightened and closed his eyes. After a minute or two he open them again ,looked out of the window of the plane ,and said to his friend ,look at those people down there, They look as

16、 small as ants ,dont they? “Those are ants ,” answered his friend. ”We are still on the ground.”56 The best headline for the passage is_.A. First flight B. First trip C. First accident D Hes well ,thank you.57. When his friend suggested an airplane trip to Mr. Johnson , he _.A. accepted gladly B. ac

17、cepted unwillingly C. showed his surprise D Come in, please. 58. When Mr. Johnson opened his eyes , the plane _A. took off B. was out of order C. was still taxiing along the runway D Hes well ,thank you. 59. Mr. Johnson imagined himself to be _when he saw the ants.A. flying high B. on the ground C.

18、dreaming D Hes well ,thank you. 60. Mr. Johnson seems to be a _ man A. happy B. angry C. shy and easily frightened D happy and. angry 第二单元Hob sat in the doctors waiting-room.On the chairs round the wall other _ were sitting.Some had colds and some had headaches.They all looked sad,_hob who was readi

19、ng an exciting story ,just then the doctor came in to say _he was ready to see the next person.hob got up and went into the consulting-room(诊室)。Before Hob could say a word ,the doctor said ,:”now,whats your trouble?_down there I will listen to your heart .”Hob tried to_but the doctor_and ordered him

20、 to say “ninety-nine”.Hob said it “now let me see your throat,”said the doctor. “open your mouth _.”the doctor had a good look,and then he said, “well,you arent ill_.theres _wrong with you .” “I know there isnt,”said hob. “I just come to get _10_medicine for my uncle.()1.A.doctors B.patients C.nurse

21、s D.workers()2.A.besides B.besides C.except D.except for ()3.A.who B.which C.what D.that()4.A.lay B.lie C.laid D.lies()5.A.speak B.speaking C.say D.told()6.A.cut B.interrupted C.stops D.prevents()7.A.high B.height C.narrowly D.wide()8.A.all B.not at all all D.also()9.A.anything B.nothing C.some

22、thing one()10.A.some B.many D.a few阅读理解(第三单元)All over the world people enjoy sports.Sports help to keep people healthy and happy,and to live longer.Many people like to watch others play games .they buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games.often they get very excited when “their”

23、player or team wins.Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them.Football,for example,has spread(传播round the world.Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers.What fun it to jump into a pool or lake ,whether in China ,or Italy!And think of p

24、eople in cold countries.Think how many love to skate or ski in Japan,Norway or Canada.Some sports or games go back thoustands of years,like running or jumping .Chinese Wushu ,for example,has a very long history.But basketball and volleyball are new .Neither of them is a hundred years old yet.People

25、are inventing (发明)ports or games all the time .water-skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports. People from different countries may not be able to understand each other ,but after a game together they often become good friends .Sports help to train a persons character.One learns to flight

26、hard but fight fair ,to win without pride and to lose with grace.(胜不骄败不馁)().Why do some people get excited when they watch a game?A. Because they cant help getting excited.B. Because their favorite team wins.C. Because they win the game.D. Because they get the good news.( )2.What kind of sports are

27、people in cold countries interested in?A.Skating B.Swimming C.Water-skiing D.Jumping( )3.Why do people all over the world enjoy sports?A. Because they want to be healthy.B. Because they want to be happy and gay.C. Because they want to live longer .D. All of the above.( )4.Why do people from differen

28、t countries often become friends after a game together?A. Because sports train their character in the game.B. Because sports promote understanding and friendship among nations,C. Because they are friendly to each other .D. Because they help each other.()5.What do you think one of the mottos of sport

29、s is?A.Fight hard B.Fight fair C.Friendship first D.Learn to win without pride and to lose with grace .第四单元The Olympic Games are the biggest sports meet in the world.There are two _1_of Olympic Games .Both of them are _2_every four years .The Winter Olympic are usually two years before the Summer Ol

30、ympics. The old Olympic Games from_3_ he modern games came began around the year 776 Greece._4_ there were not so many sports as today ,and women were not allowed to take part in the games. The first Olympic Games in modern times happened in 1896.Now there are more than 250 different _5_in th

31、e Summer Olympics,and _6_ are allowed to _7_the games.In Barcelona the Chinese team got 16 gold medals,of which 12 were _8_by women.One of the great competitions is not for a _9_. It is the competition between countries to hold the Olympics. _10_the Olympic is a rich prize for a country.( )1.A.forms

32、 B.sets C.kinds D.category( )2.A.had B.sworn be held D.held( )3.A.which B.that C.where D.when( )4.A.all the time that time D.In that time ( )5.A.event B.medals C.Targets D.sports( )6.A.Greeks B.athletes C.women D.competitor( )7.A.join in B.join C.attend for D.participate( )8.A.arr

33、anged B.won C.competed D.fought ( )9.A.model B.modern C.modal D.medal( ) hold B.hold C. to take part in have (练习册总复习)In recent years ,advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past .New medicines are _1_developed every day to extend life .

34、_2_some people ,including some doctors ,are not _3_favor of these life-extending measures, and they _4_that people should have the right to die when they _5_.They say that the quality of life is as important _6_life itself, and that people should not be forced to go on _7_when the conditions of life

35、 have become unbearable .They say people should be allowed to die with dignity and_8_ decide when they want to die. Others argue that life under any conditions is_9_ than death and that the duty of doctors is always to extend life as _10_ as possible. And so the battle goes on and on without a defin

36、ite answer.( )1.A.being B.having C.Having being D. Having had( )2.A.and B.besides C.However D.otherwise( )3.A.for C.On )4.A.discuss B.argue D.worry( )5.A.should B.Think C.want D.must( ) C.of ) live C.with living )8.A.of )9.

37、A.good B.bad C.better D.worse( )10.A.long B.short C.old D.young单项选择( )1.This is my shirt. That one is _.A.Bill B.Bills C.Bills D.the Bill,s( )2.There is something wrong with my computer. I must have it _at repair C.repairing D.repaired ( )3. I feel disappointed wrong with my compu

38、ter . I must have it _at once. A.everything B.nothing C.anything D.something ( )4.The new stadium_ to have the most complete modern facilities.A.believes B.argues C.expects )5.The novel was written by a _writer.A.famous American woman B.American famous womanC.women famous American D.famous

39、 woman American( )6.Aspirin is used to _colds.A.cure B.have C.move D.take( )7.Dont worry ,I will _at the airport.A.studying B.Sstudy study D.studied( )8.Betty isnt here ._she is in the reading room.A.of course B.possible C.perhaps D.sure( )9.Please take your raincoat _it rains.A.unless cas

40、e matter D.until( )10.Finland is a country _ thousands of islands.A.made up of B.made up from C.made up by D.made of ( )11._of the tourists today are foreigners.A.two-third B.two-thirds C.second-three D.three-second( )12.Tables in the restaurant can be _ from 10 a.m to 4 p.m.A.booked B.given C.

41、received D.lent( )13.We are going to have a party on _.A. Womens Day B.Womans Day C.Womans day D.Women Day ( )14.How do the government go_solving the pollution problem? A.for C.about D.around ( )15.Today more and more people like to _seaside houses for their holidays. A.lend C.employ D.p

42、ay ( )16.Many parents always keep their children _even on the weekends. A.studying study D. studied( )17.The policeman_ parking cars in the street freely.A.dont let B.dont allow C.forgive D.agree on( )18.Only when the Second War ended _to his hometown.A.he returned B.he had returned C.h

43、ad he returned D.did he returned ( )19.They jumped _joy when they heard the good news.A.with C.for D.about( )20.Operator,please_me _to Information Desk.A.put; in B.pass; through C.put; through D.get; into( )21.They have tried their best to _the disease_ spreading to other areas.A.prevent; to B.

44、prevent; out C.prevent; from D.prevent; in ( )22.Can you give me your telephone number _ I cant find your house?A.because of B.until case D.but( )23.The big box _most of the space on the bus.A.takes up B.covers in C.takes on D.covers up( )24.We have finished _ of the work.A.two three B.two thirds C.two third D.second three( )25.Can you tell me something about the airport facilities?-_A.No,I dont mind B.Yes,my pleasure C.You could if you like D.Not at a


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