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1、七年级英语下册_完形填空与阅读理解各十篇精品资料英语七年级上学期阅读理解(一)Amotherandheryoungson Themothersays:“Iwantoneticket (票)tothezoo”andgiveshimoneyuan.Theconductorlooksatthesmallboyforafewsecondsandthensaystohim,“Howoldareyou,youngman?”Themotherbeginstospeak,buttheconductorstopsher,Theboysays:Imfourathome,andtwointhebuses.”Atla

2、stthemotherhastotakefiftyfenoutofherpocketandgivesittotheconductor.1.Whydoestheconductorlookatthesmallboyforafewseconds?( )A.ShelikeshimB.Shethinkstheboyneedtobuyahalf-priceticketC.Sheknowsthesmallboy.D.Shesawtheboysomewhere2.Whydoestheconductorstopthemotherandlettheboysay?( )A.Theboyswordsareintere

3、stingB.ThemotherisabadmotherC.ThesmallboycantellthetruthD.Shelovesthesmallboy3.Atlastthemother( )A.buysanotherticketB.buysahalf-priceticketfortheboyC.sayssorrytotheconductorD.givesoneyuantotheconductor4.Whatdoestheword“conductor”mean?( )A.司机B.售票员C.乘客D.警察5.Fromthestorywecansee( )A.everyboymustbuyatic


5、tyou.ThegiraffesfromBrazilarewaitingtolookdownonyou.TicketsOpentimeGrown-up:(成人)$2.009:00a.m4:00p.mChildren:over12$1.00Except(除)FridayUnder12Free(免票)10:00a.m3:00p.mKeepthezooclean!Donttouch,givegoodfoodorgoneartheanimals!1.Howmanykindsofanimalsaretalkedaboutinthepassage?( )A.fourB.fiveC.sixD.seven2.

6、NowMrSmithisinthezoowithhistwosons,oneis14andtheotherisis10.Howmucharetheticketstogether(总共)?( )A$4.00B.$2.00C.$3.00D.$10.003.Whichofthefollowingisthevisitingtime?( )A.8:30amMondayB.9:30amFridayC.3:00mSundayD.5:00pmTuesday4.Fromthepassagewecanguesstheanimal“giraffe”mustbevery( )A.fatB.longC.strongD.

7、tall5.Whichofthefollowingcanwedointhezoo?( )A.togivesomefoodtothefishA.totouchthemonkeyontheheadB.tothrowthingseverywhereC.tokeepthezooclean(三)Tomlikesfishverymuch.Heoftenbuyssomefishintheshopandtakesithome.Butwhenhiswifeseesthefish,shesaystoherself,“Good!Icanaskmyfriendstohavelunch,andwecaneatthefi



10、iswife.A.thefishB.thecatC.hiswifeD.hisfriend4.HowmuchfishdoesTomoftenbuy?A.onekiloB.twokiloC.threekiloD.fourkilo5.Tomlikes()verymuch.A.catB.hiswifeC.fishD.hisfriends(四)Leo is thirteen years old. He has a brother and a sister. He has 10 tennis rackets, 8 baseballs, 6 basketballs, 12 soccer balls and

11、18 volleyballs, but he never (从不) plays sports. His brother, Neal likes soccer ball. He is a member(成员) of the city soccer club. He plays soccer ball every day with his friends. His sister, Nancy likes volleyball, but she doesnt play it. She watches it on TV!根据短文内容回答问题。6. How many balls are there in

12、 their family?_7. Do Neal and Nancy like sports?_8. Who(谁) plays ball every day in Leos family?_9. Does Leo like sports?_10. What does Nancy like?_(五)Acrow(乌鸦)wantstodrink,buthecantfindwater.Helookshereandthere.Atlast(最后),hecries(大叫),“Icanseeajar(罐子)andthereissomewaterinit.”Hetries(试图)togetthewater,


14、gins(开始)todothatuntil(直到)thewaterishighenoughtodrink.1.Whatisthecrowlookingfor?( )A.AjarB.WaterC.FoodD.Meat2.Whydoesnthedrinkrightnow(马上)?( )A.Heisntverythirsty.B.Nowaterinthejar.C.Hedoesntwanttodrinkit.D.Thewaterisnthigh.3.WhatstheEnglishmeaning(意思)for“drop”?( )A.putintoB.taketoC.carrytoD.puton4.Wh

15、ydoeshepickupthestone?( )A.Heishungry.B.Hewantstoputthemintothejar.C.Hewantstomakehisbreakstrong.D.Heisplayingagame5.Whichtitle(题目)doyouthinkisthebest(最好)?( )A.AClever(聪明的)CrowB.AthirstyCrowC.ACrowandAJarofWaterD.ACrowandStones(六)OnedaythefamousAmericanscientistAlbertEinstein(著名的美国科学家爱因斯坦)cameacross


17、过去式)thesameoldovercoat.Oncemorehisfriendtriedtopersuade(劝)himtobuyanewone.“Thereisnoneednow”saidEinstein.“Everyonehereknowsme”1.WheredidEinsteinmeethisfriendforthefirsttime?( )A.AmericaB.ChinaC.JapanD.NewYork2.-Whydidhisfriendsay“youneedtohaveanewovercoat”?-Becausehisovercoatwastoo()A.newB.longC.sho




21、oufeel4.Whoisright?A.TomB.TeacherC.NoneDmother5.Whichofthefollowingsentenceisright?A.TheteacheriswrongB.TomisrightC.TomiswrongD.Tomtmotheriswrong.(九)Hello, I am Becky. Im eleven. I have a sister, but I dont have a brother. I like sports. I sometimes (有时) play tennis with her. I collect 4 tennis rack

22、ets, and my sister has 2 rackets. I like ping-pong, too. I play ping-pong with my friends. Do you like sports? Do you play sports every day? Lets be friends !1.What does Becky have ?A. She has a sister. B. She has a brother.C. We dont know. D. She is an English girl.2.What does Becky like?A. She lik

23、es her sister. B. She likes her friends.C. She likes ping-pong. D. She likes ping-pong and tennis.3.Who does Becky play ping-pong with?A. Her sister. B. Her classmates. C. Her friends. D. No one.4.Which one is TRUE (正确的)?A. Beckys sister is eleven. B. Becky likes sports.C. Becky has a sister and a b

24、rother.D. Becky only likes tennis, and she doesnt like ping-pong.5.What does Becky want (想要) to do?A. She wants to write to her parents. B. She wants to find new friends.C. She wants to write a note. D. She wants to play tennis with you.(十)The world is not hungry , but it is thirsty . It seems stran

25、ge that nearly 3/4 of the earth is covered with water while we say we are short of (短缺) water. Why? Because about 97% of water on the earth is sea water which we cant drink or use for watering plants directly (直接地) . Man can only drink and use the 3% - the water that comes from rivers and lakes. And

26、 we cant even use all of that, because some of it has been polluted (污染) . Now more water is needed. The problem is: Can we avoid (避免) a serious water shortage later on? First, we should all learn how to save water. Secondly, we should find out the ways to reuse it . Scientists have always been maki

27、ng studies in the field. Today, in most large cities water is used only once and then runs to the sea or rivers . But it can be used again. Even if (即使) every large city reused its water, still there would not be enough. What could people turn to next? The sea seems to have the best answer. There is

28、 a lot of water in the sea. All that needs to be done is to get the salt out of the sea water. This is expensive, but its already used in many parts of the world. Scientists are trying to find a cheaper way of doing it. So you see, if we can find a way out, well be in no danger of drying up. 1 . The

29、 world is thirsty because _. A. 3/4 of the earth is covered with water B. we have enough sea water to use directly C. we havent used all the water in rivers and lakes D. about 97% of water on the earth cant be drunk or used for watering plants directly 2. Which of the following is true ? A. 3% of wa

30、ter on the earth is in rivers and lakes. B. 75% of water on the earth is the sea. C. 97% of the earth is covered with water. D. 3% of water on the earth is sea water. 3. From the passage we learn _. A. if every city reuses its water, well be in no danger of drying up B. man can only drink and use ab

31、out 25% of water on the earth C. today in most large cities water is used only once D. water can be used only once英语七年级上学期完形填空(一)Today is Sunday. My parents dont go to 91 and I dont go to school. So we go to the 92 to do some farm work. My uncle is a farmer. He has many 93 trees on his farm. We ofte

32、n 94 him pick (摘) apples. We get up early this 95 . We all wear (穿) our old clothes. We also buy many kinds of food 96 my uncles son in a shop. Because 97 likes them very much. I think my uncle will 98 us a lot of apples when 99 come back. I like apples very much. I like to work 100 the farm. ( ) 91

33、. A. shopB. schoolC. work( ) 92. A. officeB. farmC. hospital( ) 93. A. appleB. orangeC. apples( ) 94. A. helpB. helpsC. helping( ) 95. A. eveningB. morningC. afternoon( ) 96. A. toB. forC. with( ) 97. A. heB. himC. they( ) 98 A. sellB. bringC. give( ) 99. A. He B. I C. we( ) 100. A. atB. onC. in(二)I

34、 am a new student in Class 10. 11 name is Gina Brown. My 12 name is Liu Yufei. You can 13 me Gina or Liu Yunfei. I am very happy to 14 two good friends here. One is a 15 . 16 name is Wang Lin. The other (另一个) one 17 a girl. 18 name is Xie Caixia. 19 ! it is a picture of my friends and me. Besides (除

35、了) Wang Lin, Xie Caixia and me, you can also see Mary, Michael and Lucy. So there are (有) _20_ girls in the picture. ( ) 11. A. I B. MeC. My( ) 12. A. JapaneseB. EnglishC. Chinese( ) 13. A. say B. callC. speak( ) 14. A. answerB. spellC. meet( ) 15. A. boyB. girlC. girls( ) 16. A. His B. HerC. My( )

36、17. A. am B. isC. are( ) 18. A. HisB. HerC. My( ) 19. A. HelloB. LookC. What( ) 20. A. fourB. fiveC. six(三)I have a good friend. 1 Chinese name is Da Shan and his 2 name is Mark Rowswell. He 3 from Canada. He can 4 English and French (法语). And he speaks Chinese very 5 . He likes China very much. Now

37、 he teaches English 6 Beijing. Da Shan 7 a big nose, big eyes 8 short brown hair. He has a happy family. His wife (妻子) is from Sichuan, China. They 9 two children. Da Shans father and mother are in Canada. But 10 like China, too. And they often come to China. ( ) 1. A. HeB. Him C. His( ) 2. A. Engli

38、shB. FrenchC. Chinese( ) 3. A. comeB. doesC. comes( ) 4. A. speakB. speaksC. says( ) 5. A. goodB. niceC. well( ) 6. A. atB. toC. in( ) 7. A. isB. areC. has( ) 8. A. and B. orC. so( ) 9. A. areB. haveC. is( ) 10. A. theyB. themC. their(四)Hi! My name is Jane, Im from Canada. Im in Beijing. now. I like

39、 21 here. So I often eat a lot 22 food. I have breakfast at home. 23 breakfast, I eat porridge and Chinese bread. My mother and father 24 are doctors, they dont have time to cook lunch. 25 I dont go home for lunch. I often have lunch in a restaurant near my school. The food here is good. I can have

40、26 foods for lunch. I eat chicken, rice and vegetables. Sometimes(有时) I eat Beijing roast duck. I have dinner at home 27 my father and mother. Sometimes we 28 with our friends. We 29 fish, vegetables and fruits(水果).What 30 you? Please tell me.( ) 21. A. the foodB. the drinkC. the people( ) 22. A. forB. ofC. from( ) 23. A. ForB. HaveC. On( ) 24. A. allB. twoC. both( ) 25. A. so B.andC. but( ) 26. A. the same B. sameC. different( ) 27. A. to B. andC. with( ) 28. A. eating B. eat outC. have( ) 29. A. have B. to eatC. having( ) 30. A. are B. forC. about(五)Julia i


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