1、 Exercises Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension Structure of the Text Structure of the TextUnit 7:ExercisesExercises Vocabulary Vocabulary Cloze Cloze Translation Translation第1页Unit 7:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension1.1.According According to to paragraphs paragraphs 1 1 and and 2,2
2、,why why do do Americans Americans love love cyberspace?cyberspace?Americans Americans love love cyberspace,cyberspace,because because America America is is a a nation nation that that loves loves to to explore explore new new frontiers frontiers and and admires admires independence.independence.And
3、 And cyberspace cyberspace is is a a place place where where you you can can go go and and be be yourself yourself without without worrying worrying about about the the neighbors,neighbors,and and is is a a new new frontier frontier that that gives gives people people an an exciting exciting sense s
4、ense of of freedom.freedom.ReferenceReferenceEx.I,pp.134-135第2页Unit 7:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension2.2.But But at at the the same same time,time,as as suggested suggested in in paragraph paragraph 2,2,what what worries do people have about cyberspace?worries do people have about cybersp
5、ace?However,However,as as cyberspace cyberspace embraces embraces people people of of all all kinds kinds different different ages,ages,occupations,occupations,races,races,individual individual tastes,tastes,etc.,etc.,there there are are worries worries whether whether all all these these people peo
6、ple can can get get along,along,and and whether porn on the Net will harm children.whether porn on the Net will harm children.ReferenceReference第3页Unit 7:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension3.3.In In paragraphs paragraphs 3 3 and and 4,4,the the author author tries tries to to define define th
7、e the nature nature of of cyberspace cyberspace by by comparing comparing it it to to real real estate.estate.What What do do these these two two have have in in common?common?Why Why do do some some citizens citizens believe believe that that the the government should regulate cyberspace?government
8、 should regulate cyberspace?Both Both real real estate estate and and cyberspace cyberspace are are comprised comprised of of different different districts districts and and places places serving serving different different purposes purposes and and different different groups groups of of people.peo
9、ple.However,However,now now most most people people dont dont recognize recognize the the difference difference between between these these different different places,places,and and direct direct all all their their attention attention to to those those morally morally bad bad places places suitable
10、 suitable only only for for criminals criminals and and porn porn fans.fans.Therefore Therefore they they believe believe cyberspace cyberspace is is a a nasty nasty place place that that the the government should regulate.government should regulate.ReferenceReference第4页Unit 7:Reading comprehensionR
11、eading comprehension4.4.According According to to paragraphs paragraphs 5 5 to to 7,7,whats whats the the authors authors point point of of view view about about governmental governmental regulation regulation of of cyberspace?cyberspace?And And what are the reasons she gives?what are the reasons sh
12、e gives?The The author author holds holds that that governmental governmental regulation regulation by by laws laws wont wont work,work,and and cyberspace cyberspace communities communities need need no no government government control control but but self-rule.self-rule.The The reasons reasons are:
13、are:(1)(1)It It is is unconstitutional unconstitutional for for the the government government to to use use censorship censorship to to counter counter indecency indecency and and other other troubling troubling speech;speech;(2)(2)Cyberspace Cyberspace is is a a voluntary voluntary destination dest
14、ination where where users users can can choose choose where where to to go go and and what what to to see.see.It It is is easy easy to to avoid avoid those nasty places.those nasty places.ReferenceReference第5页Unit 7:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension5.5.In In paragraphs paragraphs 8 8 to to
15、11,11,the the author author describes describes cyberspace cyberspace in in greater greater detail detail by by comparing comparing it it with with real real estate.estate.What What three three aspects aspects of of cyberspace cyberspace does does she she discuss?discuss?What What are are their thei
16、r counterparts in real estate?Do they need regulation?counterparts in real estate?Do they need regulation?ReferenceReference第6页Unit 7:Reading comprehensionReading comprehensionThe The three three aspects aspects of of cyberspace cyberspace are:are:(1)(1)private private e-mail e-mail conversations;co
17、nversations;(2)(2)information information and and entertainment entertainment services;services;(3)(3)munities.E-mail E-mail conversations conversations require require no no regulation,regulation,as as they they are are private private and and consensual.consensual.Information Information and and e
18、ntertainment entertainment services services dont dont need need regulation regulation either,either,for for customers customers need need to to request request an an item item or or sign sign up up for for a a subscription,subscription,stuff stuff is is not not sent sent out out to to people people
19、 who who dont dont ask ask for for it.it.Community Community services services need need regulation regulation rules rules and and moderators moderators to to keep keep out out unwanted unwanted advertising,advertising,irrelevant irrelevant discussions,and rude participants.discussions,and rude part
20、icipants.ReferenceReference第7页Unit 7:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension6.6.According According to to paragraphs paragraphs 12 12 to to 14,14,what what are are the the characteristics of cyberspace communities?characteristics of cyberspace communities?The The author author discusses discusses
21、 three three characteristics characteristics of of cyberspace cyberspace munities.(1)(1)The The success success of of cyberspace cyberspace communities communities is is determined determined by by rules,rules,some some of of which which are are determined determined by by the the content content su
22、pplier,supplier,and and some some of of which which concern concern prices prices and and membership membership fees.fees.(2)(2)Cyberspace Cyberspace communities communities develop develop when when people people with with like-minded like-minded interests interests band band together,together,so s
23、o every every one one of of them them has has its its own own character.character.(3)(3)Cyberspace Cyberspace communities communities of of any any size size and and kind kind may may flourish,flourish,and and people people have have the the freedom freedom to to choose choose the the cyberspace com
24、munity they want to join.cyberspace community they want to join.ReferenceReference第8页Unit 7:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension7.7.Among Among these these characteristics characteristics of of cyberspace cyberspace communities,communities,which which feature(s)feature(s)makes makes cyberspace
25、 cyberspace unique?unique?How How are are cyberspace communities different from terrestrial ones?cyberspace communities different from terrestrial ones?ReferenceReference第9页Unit 7:Reading comprehensionReading comprehensionIt It is is the the third third characteristic characteristic that that makes
26、makes cyberspace cyberspace communities communities different different from from terrestrial terrestrial ones.ones.For For one one thing,thing,in in real real estate,estate,the the tyranny tyranny of of government government forces forces everyone everyone to to live live by by the the rule rule of
27、 of the the majority,majority,squeezing squeezing out out minority minority groups groups and and minority minority preferences.preferences.However,However,cyberspace cyberspace allows allows communities communities of of any any size size and and kind kind to to flourish.flourish.For For another,an
28、other,in in real real estate,estate,communities communities are are forced forced on on people people by by accidents accidents of of geography.geography.Most Most people people are are stuck stuck in in the the country country where where they they are are born.born.In In contrast,contrast,cyberspa
29、ce cyberspace communities communities are are chosen chosen by by the the users.users.The The rules rules in in cyberspace cyberspace have have a a moral moral rather rather than than legal legal authority.authority.If If users users do do not not like like the the rules rules of of a a given given
30、cyberspace cyberspace community,they can leave munity,they can leave it.ReferenceReference第10页Unit 7:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension8.8.In In paragraphs paragraphs 15 15 and and 16,16,the the author author pictures pictures future future cyberspace cyberspace munities.In In her her imagin
31、ation,imagination,what what are are cyberspace cyberspace communities communities like like in in the the future?future?And And what what should should cyberspace explorers do accordingly?cyberspace explorers do accordingly?New New cyberspace cyberspace communities communities in in the the future f
32、uture will will be be self-self-contained,contained,catering catering to to their their own own members members inclinations inclinations without without interfering interfering with with anyone anyone elses.elses.The The rules rules governing governing these these communities communities will will
33、evolve evolve according according to to the the relation relation between between supply supply and and demand demand in in the the market.market.Cyberspace Cyberspace explorers explorers will will need need to to define define and and identify identify their their communities,communities,and and es
34、tablish establish and and accept accept their their own own local local governments,without help from any terrestrial government.governments,without help from any terrestrial government.ReferenceReference第11页Unit 7:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension9.9.In paragraph 17,whats the conclusion th
35、e author draws?In paragraph 17,whats the conclusion the author draws?She She concludes concludes that that society society needs needs to to understand understand that that there there are are no no solutions solutions that that are are flawless flawless and and can can meet meet all all the the dif
36、ferent different needs needs of of different different people,people,and and that that government government regulation regulation can can not not create create a a safe safe and and peaceful peaceful world world either.either.In In cyberspace,cyberspace,although although we we wont wont have have a
37、 a perfect perfect society,society,at at least least we we can can have have the the right right to to choose choose and and be be responsible responsible for what materials we see.for what materials we see.ReferenceReference第12页Unit 7:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension10.10.Whats Whats the
38、the meaning meaning of of the the title title of of the the article article “Cyberspace:“Cyberspace:If You Dont Love It,Leave It”?If You Dont Love It,Leave It”?The The title title means means cyberspace cyberspace is is a a voluntary voluntary place place which which users users can can choose choos
39、e to to visit visit or or not not to to visit.visit.Through Through it it the the author author expresses expresses the the point point of of view view that that individual individual users users instead instead of of the the government government should should be be responsible responsible for for
40、deciding deciding what what they see on the Internet.they see on the Internet.ReferenceReference第13页1.1.Introduction(Paras.17)Introduction(Paras.17)2.2.Body(Paras.816)Body(Paras.816)3.3.Conclusion(Para.17)Conclusion(Para.17)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 7:Structure of the textStructure of the textEx.
41、II,pp.135-136第14页1.1.Introduction(Paras.17)Introduction(Paras.17)1)Background:Americans love cyberspace.1)Background:Americans love cyberspace.Reasons:Reasons:A._.A._.B._.B._.Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 7:Structure of the textStructure of the textAmericans love new frontiers and independenceAmerica
42、ns love new frontiers and independenceCyberspace is a new frontier that promises freedomCyberspace is a new frontier that promises freedom2)Issue to be discussed:_2)Issue to be discussed:_Can different kinds of people inCan different kinds of people incyberspace cyberspace all all get get along?alon
43、g?Or Or will will fear fear of of kids kids surfing surfing for for cyberporn provoke a crackdown?cyberporn provoke a crackdown?第15页1.1.Introduction(Paras.17)Introduction(Paras.17)3)Some citizens viewpoint:3)Some citizens viewpoint:_._.Reason:Reason:_Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 7:Structure of the t
44、extStructure of the textGovernment should regulate cyberspaceGovernment should regulate cyberspaceMorally Morally bad bad places places make make cyberspace cyberspace sound sound like like a a nasty nasty place,place,though though cyberspace,cyberspace,similar similar to to real real estate,estate,
45、consists consists of of different different places places that that are are for for different different purposes and different people.purposes and different people.第16页1.1.Introduction(Paras.17)Introduction(Paras.17)4)Authors viewpoint:4)Authors viewpoint:_Reasons:Reasons:A.A._B._B._Text OutlineText
46、 OutlineUnit 7:Structure of the textStructure of the textRegulation Regulation wont wont work.work.Cyberspace Cyberspace communities communities need no government.need no government.It It is is unconstitutional unconstitutional for for the the government government to to use use censorship censorsh
47、ip to to counter counter indecency indecency and and other other troubling troubling speech.speech.Cyberspace Cyberspace is is a a voluntary voluntary destination destination where where users users can can choose choose where where to to go go and and what what to to see.see.It It is is easy easy t
48、o avoid those nasty places.to avoid those nasty places.第17页2.2.Body(Paras.816)Body(Paras.816)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 7:Structure of the textStructure of the text1)1)Description of cyberspace(Paras.8-11)Description of cyberspace(Paras.8-11)2)2)Characteristics of cyberspace communities(Para.4)Cha
49、racteristics of cyberspace communities(Para.4)3)3)Description of future cyberspace communities(Para.4)Description of future cyberspace communities(Para.4)第18页2.2.Body(Paras.816)Body(Paras.816)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 7:Structure of the textStructure of the text1)1)Description of cyberspace(Paras
50、.8-11)Description of cyberspace(Paras.8-11)Aspects of Aspects of CyberspaceCyberspaceTerrestrialTerrestrialCounterpartsCounterpartsMain Main CharacteristicsCharacteristics?第19页2.2.Body(Paras.816)Body(Paras.816)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 7:Structure of the textStructure of the text1)1)Description o
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