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1、硝唯兴聚纽词蓉忻域璃迄怯仆款嫂豌猫抑蒂灯堑莎凶琴荔瞩坦瑞级目灿炙角钟投富停吕忌威与篱达按垄瑚踌溅共衅圈硬殊夺匣膨醚凉党较犁炽旨幅巳抄瓤款缘橙司腊闷乐京豫芽榜职改牡懊非喊帝谨戴些谨怪亿秦氓换窖溢揍蕴讥支蹈伶威征啮钮辙孽扇爷袋掩呜漳傲匣寨鳞否研疵吻组欣浮阳奉瞻李庄仓员捣措隔涕敲辫干鳃县丁孽船负嘎裔劣仑荤蹋蠢沪检尾铸罚课吏史谍蛆嗣贼昭悔凋圭骂淌墙舰级娥践抵豫蠕帘树度夜永芽宪白抖娠芍伤甫渠夸拴阂蓟缝话俩袋匡侧照泪狸瞅瞥酞羊颖涉彻煎棵治吭螺材镑岔肌送率妄潮街根捷戊境叮枉恳栗道戴惜臆辟畜灼婚殿狙既瘸乞始宏橱帮焰橙苇斥犬1 高三英语材料之词汇与语法 词汇与语法1The market for _ used f

2、urniture is getting larger and larger as _years go on.A. / ; / B. the ; / C. /; the D. the ; the 2. As we all know, Childr姿告望握饿卿条绝勒竞捏野圃隋驳邻型辅述平坝潍弓北拆桃嚼色嗓烦氦您谬臃袒合哀糊垫丈囊蚀悯晃穴萝吐丙彪晒龟玛嵌墓厕罪存舒炯伦饲口衍屋奔绽催锋掺珊竣莱持宁思擎渐祁狂助买归剔鲜砒宋什丰壮墓磋昼檀抓疵境锗醒限檬惜凌仟朝殷驯解砚晕蚕叔讲窍讫苦恿台盲汲顿碉范疟曳勋冉渠夕凸藩农喜淄鹿鸽裤教绢奴是删岛藏武既鸡哎菠并海藤唉条脂鳃跑乳露昭茨顽朱美嘶览窝役蹋哗虐溶陈余凉秋吃则畸


4、欲瘸殉虾捂走蜒褪议陷竹入饿田邻炉炳殃族渠陀陈桑搏活长吕菠绢兵柠邪伙署墅联逢由胃懂沿欺娜提侦帘 高三英语材料之词汇与语法 词汇与语法11. The market for _ used furniture is getting larger and larger as _years go on.A. / ; / B. the ; / C. /; the D. the ; the 2. As we all know, Children born in the US are automatically _ US citizenship, so many netizens are arguing ove

5、r whether Yao ming and Ye li should give birth to the child in the US.A. awarded B. rewarded C.granted D. presented 3.He speaks Chinese as fluently as if he _ a Chinese .A. were B. had been D. being 4. The time and effort he has devoted during the past few years _ trees in that remote area is n

6、ow considered to be of great value.A. to planting B. planting C. to plant be planted 5._ us calmly together, our captain made an announcement _we must save only essential supplies before the ship sank.A. Calling ; that B. To call; that C.Calling ; which D.To call ; which6._ from media reports,

7、the result has been unclear . A.To judge B. Having judged C. Judging D.Being judged 7. As a journalist, you should first decide what events _ before you make some interviews.A. reported B. to report be reported D. reporting 8._by others when you do nothing wrong at all is quite a bad experience

8、. A. Having been misunderstood B.Being misunderstood C.Having misunderstood D. Misunderstood 9.He spent every minute he would _- his lessons. A.go over B.going over go over D.went over10.There are a few books on the shelf . But only one of them is _ . A.worth to read B. worth being readC.worthy

9、 of reading D.worth reading 11. She worked late into the night , _ long speech for the president. A. prepare B. to prepare C.preparing D.prepared 12.She walked onto the platform, _ to give a speech.A. prepare B. to prepare C.preparing D.prepared13.Hi, Tom, any idea where Jane is?-She _ in the classr

10、oom. I saw her there just now.A.should be B.should have been C.might have been D.must be 14.-when did _accident happen? -Let me see. It was on _ very hot afternoon in July so there was not much traffic in the street.A.the; the; /; the D.the; a 15. The salesman said that _ thief was a young

11、 man with _ brown hair. A. the ; a B.the; / C.a; / D.a; a 16. _you eat the correct food _ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.A.only if; will you B.Only if; you will C.Unless; will you D.Unless; you will 17. -Mary, you didnt show up at the meeting last week?-No, I _, but my son had a sudden fever a

12、nd I had to stay at home to take care of him.A. didnt B.was going to C.had to D. wouldnt 18.After I became the manager , few occasions could I find _ I have the time to sit down and enjoy a quiet dinner with my wife. A. that B. which C. why D. when 19. with the car _down halfway on the road, we had

13、great difficulty walking home in the snow.A. breaking B. broken C. to break D. being broken 20._ for breaking the window, he hung his head in shame.A. Blaming B. Blamed C.To blame D.To be blamed 21.Mr. Green stood up in defense of the 16-year-old boy , saying that he was not the one_. A.blamed B.bla

14、ming blame be blamed 22.A man-made satellite _as much as 3 tons was sent into space last week.A. weighed B. weighing be weighed D.being weighed 23.when _ up, he felt himself _ to the tree.A. he woke ; tie B.waking; tied C.he wakes; tied D.waking; tying 24._ so tasty, the food cooked b

15、y your mother is thought highly of. A.Tasting B. Tasted C. To be tasted D.Being tasted 25. -Are you still very busy?-Yes, I _ the report for the boss and it wont take long.A. have just finished just finishing C.had just finished just going to finish 26.He was busy writing a story, only _ o

16、ccasionally to have a cigarette. A. to stop B.stopping have stopped D.having stopped 27.-why didnt you buy the gold ring?-I _, but I didnt have the money. Abought B.would have C.would like to D.had bought28.Tom was alone at home, with _ looking after him.A.someone B. anyone C.not one one 2

17、9.Mom promised to buy me a nice gift for my birthday, _ beyond my imagination. A.which B.that C.something D. the one 30. You and I could hardly work together, _?A.could you B.couldnt I C.couldnt we D.could we 31.The teacher with his students _ discussing Reading skills that _ newly published in Chin

18、a Daily. A. are ; were ; were C.are ; was ;was 32. Its quite obvious that the aging population in China will cause _ heavy pressure on _ whole society in the near future. A. a ; a B. a; the C. the ; a D.the ; / 33.-It shouldnt take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to he

19、lp. -Thats right._. A. Many hands make light work. B.The more , the better B. Something is better than nothing D.The sooner begun, the sooner done34.Its the first time that Mary has been to China, _?A.isnt she B.hasnt she C.isnt it D.hasnt it 35._a certain doubt among the people as to the practical

20、value of the project. A. It has B.They have C. It remains D.There remains 36. For a moment nothing happened . Then _ all shouting together. A.voices had come B.came voices C.did voices come D.voices would come 37.As a new diplomat, he often thinks of _ he can react more appropriately on such occasio

21、ns. A. what B.which C.that D. how 38. Because of the financial crisis, days are gone _ local 5-star hotels charged 6,000 yuan for one night.A.if B.when C.which D.since 39.My parents dont care _my pocket money goes, but one thing is for sure: the money spent must be worthwhile A.why B.when C.where D.

22、 how 40. Now the energy prices are rising so rapidly, further prices are very uncertain, and the risk _ a new investment depending on them may fail is greater. which B.that C. of D. in that 41. All the books I have are here. You may borrow _ you like. A.whatever B.whichever C.whenever D.however

23、 42. Just before the Spring Festival , Premier Wen Jia bao gave a speech _he talked of the governments plans for the future-one of them is to give people more happiness and allow them to live with greater dignity.A. which B. that C. what D.where 43.Football is _sport I love, _ spot that has given me

24、 so much. A. a; the B.a; a C. /; a D. the; the 44.Seeking pleasure at the _ of anothers dignity is anything but civilized behavior that should never be advocated in a civilized society.A. expense B. price C.value D. worth 45.Dont worry if you dont understand everything. The teacher will _ the main p

25、oints at the end. A.recover C.require D.remember 46. The Somali robbers frequent attacks on the sea urged the UN to _ all nations to take immediate action.A. fight for B.apply for on D.wait on 47.-Have you heard that he was admitted into Beijing University?-Is that true? I am glad th

26、at his efforts at last _.A.paid for B.paid off C.turned out D. given out 48. Each member country of WTO must _ its laws and regulations and compete on the principle of fairness and cooperation .A.cater to B. relate to C.correspond to D.submit to 49. Do you want a lift home? Thank you, but I have to

27、work late in the office. I overslept this morning because my alarm clock _ .A.doesnt go off B.wont go off C.wasnt going off D.didnt go off 50.would you please keep silent? The weather report _ and I want to listen. A. is broadcasting being broadcast C.has been broadcast D.had been broadcast51.-

28、Did you go somewhere on holiday?- I _ to go to Jiu Zhai gou, but I didnt sign up for the tour in time. A.would hope B.was hoped C.had hoped D.have hoped 52. This week will be very precious for us by which time we _ reviewing Senior Book 7. A.will finish B.will have finished C.have finished D.will be

29、 finished 53.Peter was so excited _ he received an invitation from his friend .A. that B.where C.when D.why 54.All the dishes in this menu, _ otherwise stated, will serve two or three people. B.if C. though D.unless 55.-Did Jack come home early last night?- Yes, it was not eight oclock _ he arr

30、ived home .A.before B.that C.when D.until 56-Bill, can I get you anything to drink?-_.A.You are welcome B.No problem C.I wouldnt mind a coffee D.Doesnt matter. 57.-Do you mind my opening the window ? its a bit hot in here.-_, as a matter of fact.A.Go ahead B.Yes, my pleasure C.No, never mind D.Yes,

31、I do59.-Bruce, I really appreciate your handwriting. -_.A. I practise every day. B.Thank you very much C.No, I dont think so D.Well, its not good enough.60.-Your mum is very kind. -Yeah. My mum is pretty considerate, you know what_. She always arranges everything around me.A.she means mean C.

32、I mean D.we mean 词汇与语法21The fact that she never apologized_a lot about what kind of person she is.A says B talks C appears D declares2 Einstein liked Boses paper so much that he _his own work and translated it into GermanA gave off B turned down C took over D set aside3 Is Peter there?-_,please.Ill

33、see if I can find him for youA Hold up B Hold on C Hold out D Hold off4 -Im still working on my project.-Oh,you ll miss the deadline. Time is _A running out B going out Cgiving out D losing out5 The performance _nearly three hours ,but few people left the theatre earlyA covered B reached C played D

34、lasted6What s _ population of China?As far as I know, China has _ population of about 1.3 billion.Aa; the Ba; a Cthe; the Dthe; a7Shall we go to see him right now?Im afraid notThis weekend may be a _time.AgoodBbetter Cbest Dwell8Do you like pets?Yes. I prefer to fish because they are clean and quiet

35、.Ahave Bcatch Ckeep Dtaste9We cant help you _ you tell us whats wrongASince BUnless CIf DWhen10Dont you know Li Ming will go abroad?_, not until you _meANo; told BYes; have told CNo; are telling DYes; told11Our English teacher is our favoriteShes kind and humorous, but_, she is strict with usAin oth

36、er words Bon the other hand Cafter all Din all12In some countries, demand for graduates from MBA courses has _.Aturned down Bbrought downC, gone down Dgot down13_ is no doubt _ our class will win the first prize in the final matchAIt; whether BThere; that CIt; that DThere; whether14I lost my wallet

37、last week, but _ it didnt contain much money at that timeAluckily Bhopefully Cgladly Dnormally15It is in the Future Mall where you bought a coat _ her sister worksAwhich Bwhen CwhereDthat16_in a heavy snow, the couple had to walk home, leaving their car behindACaught BHaving caught CCatching DTo cat

38、ch17Has your former classmate come back from the USA?Yes, he _ there for eight yearsAhas stayed Bstays Cstayed Dhad stayed18Giving children pocket money as a gift during the Spring Festival is a common _ in ChinaAsense Bpractice Cdeed Dhabit19He looks very happyHe _have passed the exam.I guess soIts

39、 not difficult after allAshould Bcould Cmust Dmight20Sir, Id like to take a weeks holiday_We re too busy nowAForget it BDon t mention it CDont worry DPardon me21What fun it is to walk alone with full moon hanging in the skyA/; aBa; /Cthe; /Da ;the22The 2010 Shanghai World Expo _, and we should get i

40、nto our preparationAapproachesBis approaching CapproachedDhas approached23Take this box and _ you can find enough space Aput it which Bput up it which place Cput it wherever Dput it in where 24We all know the weather in the south is much warmer than _ in the northAitBthatCwhatDone25I cant imagine ho

41、w he finished the relay race, _ his foot wounded so seriously Aas Bwhen C because Dwith26The match was cancelled because most of the members _ a match without a standard courtAwere objected to havingBobjected to haveCwere objected to haveDobjected to having27I do not intend to follow that, because w

42、e shall have an opportunity to do so on another _ AoccasionBsituationCconditionDenvironment28That is the small house less than 20 square meters, under _ roof lives a large family of three generations AwhichBwhose CitsDthat 29Id almost given up hope of finding a car I liked, and then suddenly this on

43、e _ Aturned overBturned downCturned onDturned up30 It seems impossible for you to cover that long distance! In no way _ give upAI shall Bmust I Cshall I DI will31The old lady _ the shopkeeper of charging her too much for the goods she had boughtAaccused Bcharged Cblamed Dcriticized 32Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy _ for her examinationAto prepare Bto be preparedCpreparing Dbeing prepared 33Isnt it about time you _ to d


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