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1、1999年同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试Paper One 试卷一(90 minutes)Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes, 15 points) (略)Part II Vocabulary (15 minutes, 15 points)Section ADirections: In this section there are fifteen sentences , each with one word or phrase underlined . Choose the one from the four choices m

2、arked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.I6. Courageous people think quickly and act without hesitation. A. complaint B. considerationC. delayD. Anxiety17. Ive only recently explored

3、Shakespeare with profit and pleasure. A. followed B. evaluated C. acted D. studied18. Hardly a week goes by without some advance in technology that would have seemed incredible 50 yeas ago. A. hard to invent B. hard to understand C. hard to imagine D. hard to believe19. You have to pay a (n) premium

4、 for express delivery. A. extra charge B. extra price C. extra tip D. extra bonus20. Arriving anywhere with these possessions, he might just as easily put up for a month or a year for a single day. A. arrange B. manage C. last D. stay 21. The salesman approached the house cautiously when he saw the

5、vicious dog at the door. A. carefully B. deliberatelyC. nervously D. bravely22. A new technological process may be employed to this abundant supply directly. A. produce B. reserve C. exploit D. search 23. An international treaty signed several years ago bans trade in plants and animal of endangered

6、species. A. forbids B. eliminates C. promotes D. protects 24. It is not easy to remain tranquil when events suddenly change you life. A. calm B. upset C. steady D. severe 25. When faced with doubts from some advisers on the attempted invasion, Kennedy ignored them. A. failed to understand B. put up

7、with C. stood up for D. refused to considerSection BDirections: In this section, there are ten incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are fourchoices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a sin

8、gle line through the center.26. Dont _while Im talking. You can ask what you want later. A. cut out B. cut in C. cut off D. cut down 27. He misled management by giving it the idea that the older and more experienced men were not an _ but a liability. A. assistance B. advantage C. asset D. award 28.

9、In 400 A.D. Chinese children played with a fan-like toy that span upwards and fell back to earth as _ceased. A. rotation B. suspension C. emission D. motivation 29. As a good photographer, you must develop an awareness of the world around you and the people who _ it. A. innovate B. inhabit C. integr

10、ate D. inherit 30. Children in the United States are exposed to many influences _those of their families. A. rather than B. better than C. more than D. other than 31. The fact that the earths surface heats _provides a convenient way to divide it into temperature regions. A. unsteadily B. unevenly C.

11、 infrequently D. irregularly 32. You may never experience an earthquake or a volcanic eruption in your life, but you will _changes in the land. A. adapt B. adopt C. witness D. define33. It is understood that the filming of Legends is almost complete and the film is not _ to be delayed. A. easy B. av

12、ailable C. great D. likely34. The first step before making any decision to A. interact B. integrate C. intervene D. intensify35. The television station is supported by A. donations B. advertisements C. pensions D. accountsPart III Reading Comprehension (45minutes, 30 points)Directions: There are six

13、 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Passage One Lateral thinking (

14、迂回思维), first described by Edward de Bone in 1967, is just a few years older than Edwards son. You might imagine that Caspar was raised to be an adventurous thinker, but the de Bone was so famous, Caspars parents worried that any time he would say something bright at school, his teachers might snap,

15、Where do you get that idea from? We had to be careful and not overdo it. Edward admits. Now Caspar is at Oxford-which once looked unlikely because he is also slightly dyslexic (诵读困难). In fact, when he was applying to Oxford, none of his school teachers thought he had a chance. So then we did several

16、 thinking sessions, his father says, using my techniques and, when he went up for the exam, he did extremely well. Soon after, Edward de Bone decided to write his latest book, Teach Your Child How to Think, in which he transforms the thinking skills he developed for brain-storming businessmen into i

17、nformal exercises for parents and children to share. Thinking is traditionally regarded as something executed in a logical sequence, and everybody knows that children arent very logical. So isnt it an uphill battle, trying to teach them to think? You know, Edward de Bone says, if you examine peoples

18、 thinking, it is quite unusual to find faults of logic. But the faults of perception are huge! Often we think ineffectively because we take too limited a view. Teach Your Child How to Think offers lessons in perception improvement, of clearly seeing the implications of something you are saying and e

19、xploring the alternatives. 36. What is TRUE about Caspar? A. He first described lateral thinking. B. He is often scolded by his teacher. C. He is Edwards son. D. He is an adventurous thinker.37. Caspar succeeded in applying to Oxford because _. A. he used in the exam the techniques provided by his f

20、ather B. he read the book Teach Your Child How to think before the exam C. he was careful and often overworked D. all of his school teachers thought he had a chance38. It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that Edward _. A. was prompted to study lateral thinking because his son was slightly dyslexic B

21、. once taught businessmen how to think before he wrote for parents and children C. was likely to improve childrens logic with his book D. gave a description of lateral thinking several years after his son was born39. According to Paragraph 3, which of the following statements expresses Edward de Bon

22、es view? A. We often think ineffectively because we take too limited a view. B. Thinking is traditionally regarded as something executed in a logical sequence. C. Everybody knows that children arent very logical. D. h is an uphill battle trying to teach children to think.40. Lateral thinking refers

23、to the following EXCEPT _. A. seeing the implications of what you are saying B. exploring the alternatives for what you are saying C. improving ones logic in thinkingD. improving ones perception in thinkingPassage Two For millions of years before die appearance of die electric light, shift work, all

24、-night cable TV and die Internet, earths creatures evolved on a planet with predictable and reassuring 24-hour rhythms. Our biological clocks are set for this daily cycle. Simply, our bodies want to sleep at night and be awake during the day. Most women and men need between eight and eight and a hal

25、f hours of sleep a night to function properly throughout their lives. (Contrary to popular belief, humans dont need less sleep as they age.) But on average, Americans sleep only about seven and a half hour per night, a marked drop from the nine hours they averaged in 1910. Whats worse, nearly one th

26、ird of all Americans get less than six hours of sleep on a typical work night. For most people, thats not nearly enough. Finding ways to get more and better sleep can be a challenge. Scientists have identified more than 80 different sleep disorders. Some sleeping disorders are genetic. But many prob

27、lems are caused by staying up late and by traveling frequently between time zone or by working nights. Dr. James F. Jones at National Jewish Medical and Research Center in Denver says that sleep disorders are often diagnosed as other discomforts. About one third of the patients referred to him with

28、possible chronic fatigue syndrome actually have treatable sleep disorders. “Before we do anything else, we look at their sleep,” Jones says. Sleep experts say that most people would benefit from a good look at their sleep patterns. My motto (座右铭) is Sleep defensively, says Mary Carskadon of Brown Un

29、iversity. She says people need to carve out sufficient time to sleep, even if it means giving up other things. Sleep routines - l/ire going to bed and getting up at the same time every day - are important. Pre-bedtime activities also make a difference. As with Eisner, who used to suffer from sleeple

30、ssness, a few life style changesavoiding stimulants and late meals, exercising hours before bedtime, relaxing with a hot bathyield better sleep.41. What is TRUE of human sleep? A. On average, people in the U. S. today sleep less per night than they used to. B. For most people, less than six hoers of

31、 sleep on a typical work night is enough, C. Most people need less sleep when they grow older. D. Most people need seven and a half hems of sleep every night42. For our bodies to function properly, we should _. A. adjust our activities to the new inventions B. be able to predict the rhythms of our b

32、iological clocks C. sleep for at least eight hours per night D. believe that we need less sleep as we age43. According to the author, many sleeping disorders are caused by _. A. improper sleep patterns B. chronic fatigue syndrome C. other diseases D. pre-bedtime exercises 44. Which of the following

33、measures can help you sleep better? A. Having late meals. B. Traveling between time zones C. Staying up late. D. Taking a hot bath.45. Sleep defensively means that - A. people should sacrifice other things to getting enough sleep if necessaryB. people should give up going to bed and getting up at th

34、e same time every day. C. people should go to a doctor and have their problems diagnosed D. people should exercise immediately before going to bed every nightPassage ThreeThe media can impact current events. As a graduate student at Berkeley in the 1960s, I remember experiencing the events related t

35、o the Peoples Park that were occurring on campus. Same of these events were given national media coverage in the press and on TV. I found it interesting to compare my impressions of what was going on with perceptions obtained from the news media. I could begin to see events of that time feed on news

36、 coverage. This also provided me with some healthy insights into the distinctions between these realities.Electronic media are having a greater impact on the peoples lives every day. People gather more and more of their impressions from representations. Television and telephone communications are li

37、nking people to a global village, or what one writer calls the electronic city. Consider the information that television brings into your home every day. Consider also the contact you have with others simply by using telephone. These media extend your consciousness and your contact. For example, the

38、 video coverage of the1989 San Francisco earthquake focused on live action such as the fires or the rescue efforts. This gave the viewer the impression of total disaster. Television coverage of the Iraqi War also developed an immediacy. CNN reported events as they happened. This coverage was distrib

39、uted worldwide. Although most people were far away from these events, they developed some perception of these realities.In 1992, many people watched in horror as riots broke out on a sad Wednesday evening in Los Angeles, seemingly fed by video coverage from helicopters. This event was triggered by t

40、he verdict (裁定) in the Rodney King beating. We are now in an age where the public can have access to information that enables it to make its own judgments, and most people, who had seen the video of this beating, could not understand how the jury (陪审团) was able to acquit (宣布无罪) the policemen involve

41、d. Media coverage of events as they occur also provides powerful feedback that influences events. This can have harmful results, as it seemed on that Wednesday night in Los Angeles. By Friday night the public got to see Rodney King on television pleading, Can we all get along? By Saturday, televisio

42、n seemed to provide positive feedback as the Los Angeles riot turned out into a rally for peace. The television showed thousands of people marching with banners and cleaning tools. Because of that, many more people turned out to join the peaceful event they saw unfolding (展开) on television. The real

43、 healing, of course, will take much longer, but electronic media will continue to be a part of that process.46. The best title for the passage is _. A. The1989 San Francisco Earthquake and the i992 Los Angeles RiotsB. How Media Cover EventsC. The 1992 Los Angeles Riots D. The Impact of Media on Curr

44、ent Events47. All the following statements are true EXCEPT that _.A. all the events occurring on the university campus at Berkeley were given national mediacoverageB. video coverage of the 1989 San Francisco earthquake gave the viewers the impression of total disasterC. electronic media can extend o

45、nes contact with the worldD. those living far away from a certain event can also have some perception of realities by watching television48. The term electronic city in Paragraph 2 refers toA. BerkeleyC. Los AngelesB. EarthD. San Francisco49. The 1992 Los Angeles riots broke out becauseA. video coverage from helicopters had made people angryB. video coverage had provided powerful feedbackC. the jury acquitted the policemen who had beaten Rodney KingD. people can make their own judgements50. It can be inferred


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