1、stressed that promoting the comprehensive revitalization should focus on economic construction as the central focus with, pay special attention to grasp the implementation of five development concepts, deepening reform and promoting the all-round opening up, ensuring and improving peoples livelihood
2、, strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, five priorities, play development mix. To with new development concept measure work, and command action, and training cadres, in implement implementation new development concept in the looking for opportunities, and build highlights, and expa
3、nd advantage; to full deepening reform, break bound the aspects created vitality of system mechanism obstacles; to active advance full aspects opening, participation in the cast Russian Economic Corridor construction; to guarantees and improved livelihood, strongly won poverty battle; to strengtheni
4、ng ecological civilization construction, for sustainable development reserved space, for future generations left sky blue, and to green, and water clear of better homes. We must in-depth implement implementation new development concept, insisted to economic construction for Center, firmly caught dev
5、elopment this first priority, absorbed make construction, heart no distractions caught development, speed up development six big industry, in-depth implementation three big engineering, active create two big environment, out of a article quality more high, and benefits better, and structure more exc
6、ellent of transformation development of road. To strengthen ecological construction. On March 22, the deep restructuring examined and adopted the opinion on perfecting compensation mechanism of ecological protection, proposed to explore the establishment of diversified ecological compensation mechan
7、ism, progressive realization of forests, grasslands, wetlands and other areas of focus and key ecological function and other important regional ecological compensation coverage, the ecological advantages of the region will be further highlighted. We need to go green eco-building, as the essential po
8、licy, in strict accordance with the State of main function region construction requirements, careful implementation and Xiaoxing an mountains forest ecological protection and economic restructuring plan for the construction of sky blue, . Acts prohibited by picking up the remaining wells in standing
9、 timber. To focus on forest resource conservation, increase the acquisition and supervision of cold storage, no buy fruit, encourage support to leading enterprises, workers cooperatives as a unit, the contract management of forest resources, the rational protection and utilization of resources. To w
10、ork actively towards policy aimed from the level of the State Forestry Administration formulated regulations to protect forest resources as soon as possible to achieve law and regulation to protect forest resources. Should focus on forest fire prevention. Fire safety is the first priority员工绩效考核管理办法
11、第一条 目的公司建立积极有效的激励与约束机制,对员工进行客观、公正地评价,并通过此评价合理地进行价值分配,特制订本办法。第二条 原则严格遵循“客观、公正、公开、科学”的原则,真实地反映被考核人员的实际情况,建立客观、公正、公开、科学的绩效评价制度,完善员工的激励机制与约束机制,避免因个人和其他主观因素影响绩效考核。第三条 考核对象业务类部门员工:工作内容的计划性和目标性较强的员工管理类部门员工:每月工作性质属重复性、日常性工作的员工第四条 考核内容业绩考核:类员工主要参照各部门月度工作计划并依据工作目标进行考核;类员工依据职位说明书进行考核。能力考核:通过员工的工作行为,观察、分析、评价其具备
12、的工作能力。态度考核:通过员工日常工作表现和行为,考察其工作责任感和工作态度。其中:业绩占整个考核体系的70%,能力考核占考核体系的20%,态度考核占考核体系的10%。考核内容权重综合考核得分业绩考核70%业绩得分+能力得分+态度得分能力考核20%态度考核10%第五条 考核方式考核根据员工自评占20%和部门经理评分占80%,最后由各部门主管副总经理签字确认的三级考核方式。第六条 考核机构行政人事部绩效考核工作的归口管理部门,负责绩效考核制度的制定,并组织各职能部员工的绩效考核。 第七条 考核周期每月进行一次考核,每年终根据每月的考核结果进行综合评定,做为公司年终奖励等的依据;新聘员工以试用期为
13、考核周期。每月25日至28日做各部门进行员工考评时间,各部门经理将考核结果于每月30日前交行政人事部,做工资造册依据。第八条 具体考核流程 1.业务类管理员工,每月末各部门根据次月工作计划安排,与本部门员工一同制订个人月度工作计划。 2.管理类管理员工,根据本人岗位说明书,或经调整的岗位说明书制订个人工作安排。 第九条 考核结果的应用 1.考核结果等级分布分数段901008089707970分以下等级ABCD意义优良中差2.员工工资薪酬计算依据各部门员工的绩效考核结果,由行政人事部汇总后,做为工资计算的依据。3.员工培训依据在进行人力资源开发工作时,应把员工绩效考核结果作为参考资料,了解员工的
14、培训需求,从而有效地开展培训工作。4.岗位轮换和晋升 在进行岗位轮换和晋升时,应参考员工绩效考核的评定结果,把握员工的工作和环境适应能力。第十条 考核面谈 员工考核的核心是结合工作计划和目标,目的在于领导对下属的工作进行监督和指导,在工作思路和绩效改进上提供帮助,因此每次考核结束后,考核者应当与被考核者进行考核面谈,加强双向沟通。 考核面谈为考核者与被考核者就绩效改进与能力提升所进行的沟通应做到: (1)让被考核者了解自身工作的优、缺点; (2)对下一阶段工作的期望达成一致意见; (3)讨论制定双方都能接受的书面绩效改进和培训计划。第十一条 绩效改进每个考核期结束后,考核者与被考核者应经过协商
15、共同制订员工绩效改进计划书,报行政人事部备案。第十二条 考核结果反馈 被考核者有权了解自己的考核结果,行政人事部应在考核结束后五个工作日内,向被考核者通知考核结果。考核结束后考核结果作为保密资料,由人力资源部归入被考核者个人档案并负责保存。第十三条 考核结果申诉被考核者如对考核结果有异议,首先应通过双方的沟通来解决;如不能妥善解决,被考核者可向事业部人力资源部提出申诉,人力资源部需在接到申诉之日起十日内,对申诉者的申诉请求予以答复。二0一二年八月十四日员工工作业绩评估表 姓 名工作岗位单位名称部门名称考 核 期 年 月 年 月工作概要工作效果评价序号工作目标计划重要性基数(10分制)考评项目评
16、分得分1第一项工作内容及时性(40%)工作质量(60%)2第二项工作内容及时性(40%)工作质量(60%)3第三项工作内容及时性(40%)工作质量(60%)4第四项工作内容及时性(40%)工作质量(60%)5第N项工作内容及时性(40%)工作质量(60%)总得分(各项得分)重要性基数100被考核者签 名直接主管签 名部门主管签 名备 注1、工作目标计划参照部门月度工作计划内容2、考核结果需到人力资源部备案员工工作能力评估表 姓名岗 位单位名称部门名称考 核 期 年 月 年 月能力考核项目权重考核要点评分知识、技能20%1、 基础知识和专业知识2、 工作经验3、工作技能逻辑思维能力20%1、 对
17、岗位工作内容的理解2、 对上级下达的指示的理解3、 分析、归纳和总结能力4、 洞察能力以及判断的失误率创新能力20%1、 管理创新2、 技术创新3、 合理化建议被采纳数人际沟通能力20%1、 上下级、同事之间沟通2、 部门之间的沟通与协调表达能力20%1、 口头表达能力2、 文字表达能力总得分:被考核者签 名直接主管签 名部门主管签 名备 注考核结果需到人力资源部备案员工工作态度评估表 姓 名岗 位单 位部 门考 核 期 年 月 年 月考核项目考核要点评 分纪律性25%是否严格遵守工作纪律,很少迟到、早退、缺勤 ;对待上级、同事、外部人员是否有礼貌,注重礼仪;是否严格遵守工作汇报制度(口头、书
18、面),按时完成工作报告;团队协作25%工作是否充分考虑他人处境;是否能够主动协助上级、同事和下属的工作;是否努力使工作气氛活跃、协调,充满团队精神;敬业精神25%工作是否热情饱满,且能经常提出合理化建议;对分配的任务是否讲条件、主动、积极、尽量多做工作;是否积极学习与业务相关的知识,不断提高业务技能;是否积极参加公司组织的各类培训;是否敢于承担责任,不推卸责任;奉献意识25%为公司和组织的目标和利益不计较个人得失;不搞部门本位主义,坚持事业部全局观点;总得分被考核者签 名直接主管签名部门主管签 名备 注考核结果需到人力资源部备案。员工绩效考核结果处理表 姓 名岗位评估时间工资序列年龄工 龄单
19、位部门业绩考核得分能力评估得分态度评估得分综合考核得分业绩得分能力得分+态度得分绩效考核等级: A(90-100分) B(80-89分) C(70-79分) D(70分以下) 考核结果处理意见岗位异动工资序列变动其他被考核者意见直接主管意见部门主管意见人力资源部意见备注员工绩效考核结果表部门名称物业管理岗位姓名评估时间员工自评业绩考核得分能力考核得分态度考核得分绩效考核=业绩得分能力得分态度得分自评得分领导评价业绩考核得分能力考核得分态度考核得分绩效考核=业绩得分能力得分态度得分领导考核得分综合得分=领导考核得分80%自评得分20%综合得分绩效考核基数绩效工资工资合计=基本工资+绩效工资基本工
20、资工资合计人事部门意见年 月 日领导意见年 月 日员工绩效改进计划表 编号:KH05姓 名性 别年龄单 位部 门岗位。考绩摘要:杰出的绩效(按重要性排列)1、2、3、4、5、需要改进的绩效(按重要性排列)1、2、3、4、5、。绩效改进计划:应采取的行动完成时间被考核者签 名直接主管签 名部门主管签 名备注需到人力资源部备案员工岗位绩效综合评价标准表考核范围考核项目分项鉴定及核算分数 业绩70分1、工作正确性非常正确正确尚可有时错误常出错误权重201510502、工作量或速度日工作时间在8小时以上日工作时间在6小时以上日工作时间在4小时以上日工作时间在4小时以下不能完成任务权重302010403
23、2、品格温文有礼,能获得信任和蔼可亲实事求是,有相当印象待人接物容易相处,尚称适中精灵固执,个性稍强孤僻、暴躁,不易相处权重1111013、服从能服从指挥,贯彻命令服从性佳,循规蹈矩服从性尚佳服从性能尚可,但须强迫工作服从性欠佳权重22210通过多种方式和手段,进行文献检索、资料收集和整理,旨在了解我国住房制度和当代居住小区规划设计、建设、发展的理论与实践问题the first responsibility of the forest, 26th spring area has fully deployed to the fire, has now entered the fire, we h
24、ave to be on duty, and defend. Determined to overcome paralysis, must not Twelve-Five no fires in the past, the reduced requirements during the period. To apply strictly the party with the responsibility, must shoulder the responsibility of the Party Secretary in particular, really practice pipes, i
25、t can never shuaishouzhanggui, be sure to layer the implementation falls fire responsibility, to ensure that no major forest fires. To adhere to balanced, correctly handle the relationship between fire and project construction, industrial development, to never miss or two. Second, to speed up the de
26、velopment of six major industries. Promote development in our region, the key is to give full play to resource advantage to build eco-oriented big six system, to create the new engine of economic growth. Firm confidence. Practice has proved that the big six of both central and provincial requirement
27、s, and meet the actual da hinggan mountains, through active efforts have been showing a strong momentum of development. So, in the six on development, we must be firm in faith, go all out, perseverance, one caught in the end, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, does not reach the target will never
28、 give up. Should focus on industrial projects. Project is to accelerate the industrial development of important support and backing. Industrial project construction, my area there are few in number, small size, low level problems. This year, the project as his party has first project, we have to wor
29、k hard to project construction. Especially effective during short, catching project shall not, slow, dragging not allowed. All localities should conscientiously implement the project leadership system, timetable, roadmap, and coordinate services, tracking the whole process forward, inverted duration
30、s, speeding up progress and seek practical results. Poised to break the project build Set challenges, to accelerate the pace of preliminary formalities, the enterprises have difficulties to pull one way and also help in a timely manner to help businesses market, enhance confidence, urging work as so
31、on as possible. To strengthen the project analysis, proper risk analysis and improve project success rates. (Specific to the XX, we still want to make good use of agricultural advantages, relying on the upper reaches of the forest in the fresh air and XXX pure water and other resources, create high-
32、quality, high-grade green food brands, truly reflect the original character. Meanwhile, adhere to the project as the breakthrough to promote economic development around the six industrial chain to pay special attention to forming projects, dig potential projects, focus on key projects, actively cultivating the new leading industries and new sources of economic growth). To promote investment. More accurate professional business, and based my industrial base and resources, aimed at national industrial layout11
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