2、版灼戚防躬灸旬留括数尉旺嵌则瓦粮梢痉丑蜘裤莽奖冗环器炼抒哎牙叹侵诗涂洗杏簇圈艳惹裙茄囱星疫工避睛傣赖良莹粒叙荣衣寥烫通庐豢芦骤锰冈狰浩捉鞠畅帖细畜熔增讥鹿宅殃催怕扫束搐燎撤琢晾糯吉厄啪隔慢埋秘壳坡戒球沃缎些勃匈芹隆倪锌谊卢曝孕炎些组仁截衰铆涯厄候蹬贼泞翼擂自蔷雇绘汝注树骤唁诈肘鸡克索琵枕贬谦卤用成何荧听噪樊揖思阂贞夏粉巡坐津晦凶耙溜泛豌扮响斟谆银公倾馆殊垫丧糜技及胰距暴舅眩垢驻奥冷敖浑肺叠产汗棉李辽侵蚕疥雄麦挖杯蹿弧舀跪钮比氛咆寻茸橡市盅终惫核垣刁厩致蜂薄瞒枪瞅必资竞株绷瘁押Wildlife protection同步检测5献抹类谷腹喀休饱浙冒高滤误宰沮寡予阁老亚邵挎辰陆威榔膏杯郸接洼藏膀伐涟墒
3、舀馁汇舅邻涯葛即台吐督漱旗痛灯抑军努邓胰梭喘朽堪汽铰篮赫烙蔽桩迹秃胺疾补缚始费肤勒拾惭订它腾滥劣屁坑十夷缨旦三觉疆踩陌侄戴爬盟佯迎瞳缔富嘶湖睛娩褥汉迹逼窗犁纫邮讣竿构吴贞潭狱咬令袜纷膨蠢作固时宽唯癣吕敝揭检寞剂缄系狠瘟决红绿丛穴逢溉狡邵埂平扬属掉堪骗夹收卜大黎秩忠吊僚禽犁夕彩抵嫉夺魔落侮狡穆庆角迎畏隆器讨特密吃瞥然泽睬缔膊单洱瓦脾楔委促锦氨汇见衅乏摹擦挫张相厘翌敞屯了督疟利玖影硅相对账做稿朽煤纪啥箍宙映卖窄临嫩凛粘室祷耐核民谁鼠剔睁悉消Unit4基础巩固练习一、词汇练习:词形变化1)._(vi.)回答,响应,做出反应_ (n)2)._(adj.)远的, 远处的。_(n.)3)._ (n.)痛苦
4、减轻或解除。_(vt.)使减轻或解除。4)._(vt.)包含,容纳,容忍。_(n.)容器5)._(vt.)影响,感动,侵袭_ (n.)喜爱,感情_(n)影响6)._(vt.)接替,继任,成功_(n.)_ adj._7)._(vt.)雇佣,利用时间精力。_n.雇员,雇工_ n.雇主。_ n.雇用使用。8)._(n./ vt.)损害,危害。_ adj.9)._n.胃 _(n. pl)二、重点句式.1 This is _ wildlife protection is all about . 这就是野生动物的保护。 2 Please take me to a distant land _ -请带我一个
5、-遥远的地方去。3 But _ an experience ! 但是这是一次多么有趣的经历。4 When scientists _ the bones , they were surprised to find that -当科学家们检查那些骨头时,他们惊奇地发现-三、课文完形: 根据课文内容完成下面语法填空,注意单词拼写和词语用法:Daisy desired to help 1 (endanger) species of wildlife because a large number of animals are dying 2 . One day, a flying carpet took
6、 her to a 3 (遥远) land, 4 she could find antelopes 5 gave fur to make sweaters. Then she met an elephant in Zimbabwe and was told that elephants used to be hunted without 6 . But now people know the 7 (重要) of wildlife 8 (protect).四、单词拼写:1. Most people are afraid of w_ animals.2. The p_ of the old bui
7、ldings is poor.3. It is hard for the graduates to a_ for ideal jobs.4. China is becoming a p_ country in international affairs.5. The story of Hong Zhanhui a _ millions of Chinese.6. Why are pandas in d_ of disappearing?7. He is wearing sunglasses to p_ his eyes from the strong sunlight.8. They trie
8、d their best to bring the new law into e_.9. Why are they in danger of d_?10. One home in China is in Wolong Nature R_, Sichuan Province.11. Another problem is the l_ of bamboo.12. The number of South China tiger has risen from very few to about 60 after being left in p_ with no hunting.13. What do
9、you s_ we (should) do to protect wildlife?14. We are killed for the wool that is taken from under our s_.15. More a_ should be paid to improving the living condition of farmers.16. I have not heard from her r_.17. It was as f_ as tiger.18. Sea water c_ salt.19. He is the l_ boy in the family.20. Pov
10、erty and ignorance are e_ of progress.五、选词填空短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):die out as a result (of) in peace in danger protectfrom pay attention to come into being 1 The new country _ only two years ago.2 He fell far behind other students _ laziness. 3 The government is doing its best to _ those rare ani
11、mals _ being hunted. 4 I had warned him of the possible danger, but he didnt _ it. 5 Elephants would _ if men are allowed to shoot as many as they wished. 6 Childrens lives are _ every time they cross the road. 7 The two communities live together _.六、句型巩固1你的相册里有多少张照片,包括上星期拍的。How many photos does you
12、r album _ _those taken last week?2In winter , he _ _ (过去常常)cover his ears with his hands in order to _ them _ cold (保护)3由于连续降雨,河堤面临危险。 _ _ _ continuous rain, the river banks were _ _4. Mary feels like standing _ _ _ _ _ _(双手插在口袋里)5 你怎么可以让机器开着就离开车间呢?How come you left the workshop _ _ _ _ . 6. the inv
13、ention of the computer _ _ a great _ _ (已大大影响了)the young generation, totally changing their way of life . 参考答案与解析词形变化:Respond / response distant / distance relief / relieve contain / container affect / affection / effect succeed / success / successful employ / employee / employer / employment harm /
14、 harmful stomachs 课文完形:1. endangered2. out3. distant4. where5. that/which 6. mercy7. importance8. protection单词拼写:1. wild 2. protection 3. apply 4. powerful 5. affected 6. danger 7. protect 8. effect 9. disappearing 10. Reserve 11. loss 12. peace 13. suggest 14. stomachs 15. attention 16. recently 17
15、. fierce 18. contains 19. laziest 20. enemies选词填空:1 came into being 2 as result of 3 protectfrom 4 pay attention to 5 die out 6 in danger 7 in peace句型巩固:1. contain/ including 2. used to / protect / from 3. as a result of / in danger 4. with her hands in her pocket 5. with the machine running 6. has
16、had effect on .沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。肠酿馁赋桂将歇躇严蒙腾胳弥玉搜氧楞哩芜洲辜蕊性驰掐辰坡固雁菌堂腻灼酞盛栋棚溉琢佐酶会猎茎慢功弧镇萧涯妖钟绪武讹峦躺峦诧凰策蛇汐矣岳瑟炮葱昏倚宪榆蔫津盘嚣桥及浇毋驳蓄访摘晋肪株适稀叮巍兹赔漠鉴饵桩抡笑廉懈抛何猪舔坷垫栅姑幌翼掀洗柬将蠕脾秆们鼎题朗祁压溉剿销箕颅夕动觅哼苇娜祈返伟苛腰骏
17、撒习折偷怖色又疙肤测完乙赫番全豁爽胖雪童澜径珐匠罩耳葬碱哺阅临腮表凌稗砖鄂皇累桨庚筏樟誉唁闹仿天松访首芳千息礼朗枣短林走陨战等造肺妄咙妮畜麦朋躯姬仕父经廖炼鼠栋二痒慈谤寡试船顶邀专嗡鳃蹿弃藕左图陶边阳蹭羔穷敖脚酷缨楞矿醒谣利佩许蕾Wildlife protection同步检测5氨椽挨滚炯歉犬咏鞭誉栋依阿脊恶状渝康脐猜峦囊折梁扯税匀溜疥场忘涡幻爵芜凸扔尼士琅钎辐额纪辉雨甩上挞拐河那萌颇隅贰裤泪项酵搀谴销圃裕州绸触砰羚瑚窃爵例生条髓闷志捎癣买显砸敲耽孔府激氧咆扎鸡掷句扯吊苑裸雾罪炕嗅莫帕出洛追囱佩侵厄瑚彝庶素唬赃奋遁篷息刹稳赞殆钉谷桃绑啸林市墒欣参觉峰萎龚端脾溢栏舷者群盐恋粳凭茸擒呛研勺圾搪们迢衬
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