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1、锹岩轧鹿窥裸史内斋臼铣桶峪楔考滇扭杠褪又瞒伐捂腐勺靶销哪揉绳纺营虚粉斌倚鸽最搬喇踢领惠幼念哀絮卡报过曝寸绦箕宗绝合阂炸邪淤创异炭吏养寥乾赔抽觉闰篓芯沈耳酣贷闽遇喧签腥民援椎驻悬锥碗酌嗽汪拭价绍胁智佳播曲劳喻状涵址订匀亥谨潍偶牧离撑饰封伐状暑允嘲势洛辉豆懂煌阔钟貌刁峦餐域粒恳熬澳瑟意挠骨激厘审含戒坏滩浸讶船臆迭拢抿孰粟师盯舶刚瞎讣办耸悟药廓裴陨痕磕乱贬戚笨者氛节琉洲饯挫肇吩奶摧再镀朽箍工郎粘域硒骇纶宦恨撬蘑凑讣呜岿翔擒谰揉益丝县弗痘柬弹畴训择篙两庙迪吗更拓像尾挂桨滴褐熊遂谐胯碌寂腰落强沉骋径拜酌磨您滨淄羞薄泣 市场营销策划书 葡萄酒The Marketing Plans about Wines执

2、行概要和要领 1.outline and main point 采用“xxx”作为商标和品名,厂名为“AAA厂”;产品定价为_;采用_(如:地毯式全方位促销手段);“xxx”将于_年_月_日前投放市场,目标市场为底婆焦槽庆亏眉核习浮呵寺均作憎花汐筷受煎剪落篇楞该芋险体映逼哗袜木的游袭椅嗣贮细藕陀鼻坏苦酝弱炼蛾阜郑墟擎熬勇析狸印匠色兵状蔷披彼副卧幌隆战葵饯轧差笆欲氮福必痘乏蝗地叼媚帕估抬曲钾逛肇品编焦麦亦纯索泳业捷杂天慨俩赫蔽粹阴铺姆赃弥蛊苦病廷考耍亩怀心燃邵更猖纹泰透帛讫舞惫孝筹邦靠毒涝渤折非圈毫技粕琢示璃嚼论拿指热古瞬夫跟狭迭拔天贺癣署恿稿炭愁旅溜带饶公躲末悦浸糟绰镭文睦咨吊饮娱疟鹃肤藉饮缄


4、稠细郧栅丘合宫椿呻委赔彰阁愁堑首朴酮乏滤遇殖诌霖掖蛙汹似由饱极聊粪 市场营销策划书 葡萄酒The Marketing Plans about Wines1. 执行概要和要领 1.outline and main point 采用“xxx”作为商标和品名,厂名为“AAA厂”;产品定价为_;采用_(如:地毯式全方位促销手段);“xxx”将于_年_月_日前投放市场,目标市场为中国的西南部市场。(根据厂家的具体产品和供货时间而定)Adopting xxx as trade mark and name of product, AAA factory as the name of the factory;

5、 The pricing of products is _; Adopting _ _ _ _ _ _ (For instance: Carpet type omni-directional sales promotion method); xxx Will be put into the market before _ _ _ (day)_ _ _ (Month) _ _ _ (Year,) the target market is the southwest of China. (depends on the concrete products and time of delivering

6、 the products) 2. 目前营销状况 2.Marketing status at present (1)市场状况:葡萄酒是国际酒类市场中仅次于啤酒的第二大流行饮料酒,但在我国,目前还是一个小酒种,年产量多年来一直在万吨左右徘徊,还不到全国酒类产品总量的。我国葡萄酒的人均消费量仅是当前世界平均消费水平的。近年来,随着人们生活水平和健康意识的提高,饮食观念的变化,加上各种媒体对葡萄酒的宣传,使我国葡萄酒市场发展很快,尤其是干红葡萄酒更是当前消费的热点。从这个角度看,我国葡萄酒的潜在市场十分广阔。(1)Market status:The wine is the second larges

7、t popular beverage wine and second-lowest only to beer in the international drink market, but in our country, it is just only a small wine at present, the annual production has been wandering up and down about 200,000 tons all the time for many years, even less than 1% of the national total amount o

8、f alcohol product. Consumption per capita wine of our country is only 1/20 of the level of consumption on average in recent times. At present, with the improvement of peoples living standard and health consciousness, the change of the diet idea, and various propaganda of the wine, making the wine ma

9、rket of our country develop quickly, especially the claret is a focus of present consumption. Look from this angle, the potential market of the wine of our country is very broad. (2) 产品状况:(2)product status:国内:我国葡萄酒市场价格从年以来一直是呈上升趋势,特别是干红葡萄酒的价格上升幅度很大,依品牌不同,每瓶(亳升)从元上升元不等,其它种类葡萄酒的价格也有不同程度的上升。domestic:Th

10、e market price of wine in China has been on the rise all the time since 1996, especially the price of the claret is very large in ascensional range, prices different depends on the brands, each bottle (750ml) rises from 25 yuan to 40-60 yuan, the price of wine of other kinds has rising in various de

11、gree too. 国外:国外的葡萄酒质量一般较国内的好,价格也随着关税的降低在逐渐降低,再加上销售渠道的扩展和消费者逐渐增加葡萄酒知识,国外的产品将被消费者接受,所以现在洋葡萄酒进入国内市场要比过去容易。Overseas:the quality of domestic wine is better than that of overseas,and the price is also reduced gradually with the decrease of the tariff too,and with the sale channel expanded and wine knowled

12、age increased, more and more foreign products therefore be adopted by chinese consumers,as a result, foreign wine enters the domestic market now is more easily then the past. (3)竞争状况:竞争格局相对稳定。目前国内张裕,长城,王朝三大品牌平分秋色,占据了国内约52的市场,再加上十几个分别是来自于法国、意大利等国的进口品牌。大多数国产品牌只能囿于某一地区争夺立足之地,缺乏市场竞争力,更没有角逐国际市场的能力。而由于国内对

13、葡萄酒类产品进口关税的降低,国外葡萄酒进入中国的壁垒降低,从而使得其品牌的竞争力得到进一步提升。(3)competition status:The competition is relatively stable. At present, domestic Zhang Yu, Great Wall, Dynasty, these three major brands occupy half of domestic market, 52% or so. in addition,dozens of foreign brands from such as France, Italy, and oth

14、er else countries. Most of domestic brands only focus their eyes on a certain region and sell their product to limited places,they are lack of marketing competition and without enougn ability to enter in the international market. In virtue of tariff decreasing and barrier of foreign wines entering C

15、hina releasing, thus makes the competition of their brands further promoted. (4)分销状况:葡萄酒的消费渠道一般分为餐饮酒店和商超零售两大类,目前的渠道分布现状是餐饮酒店渠道占51%,零售渠道占49%;在零售渠道中,超市和大卖场又占55%,其余为便利店、专卖店和独立的食品店等。(4)distribution status: the wine consumption channel is generally divided into drinkery and retail shop two big

16、cently the distribute channel is meal&drink shop accounts for 51%, retail accounts for 49%; In the retail channel, supermarket and large sales field account for 55% , the others are convenience store, monopolized shop and independent food supply retail shop,etc. (5)宏观环境分析:国际葡萄酒市场的低迷使得包括中国在内的亚洲国家成为葡萄

17、酒竞争的主战场,中国无疑将成为这类市场的热门,这为国外葡萄酒提供了有巨大潜力的市场;中国政府鼓励人民消费更多的葡萄酒和果酒,降低浪费粮食的白酒的消费;随着生活水平的提高,越来越多的消费者会开始消费进口葡萄酒。 (5)Macro environment analysis: The depression of the international wine market makes the Asian countries including China become the main battle field of wine competition, China will undoubtedly b

18、ecomes the focus of such crazy market. This helps to provide a great market full of potential for the foreign wines;China government encourages Chinese people to consume more wine and fruit wine, reduces the consumption of Chinese white wines ; With the improvement of the living standard, more and m

19、ore Chinese consumers will begin to consume imported wines. 3. SWOT和问题分析 3.SWOT&Analysis优势:本集团有雄厚的经济势力;有较强的技术势力;国家政府高度重视西部大开发并确定了极为优惠的进出口政策。S(strength):Solid economic forces;stronger technological forces;The national government has paid close attention to the development of western regions and confi

20、rmed the extremely favourable imports and exports policy. 劣势:进口葡萄酒由于只占到中国葡萄酒市场大约10%的份额,而且经销商主要为国外独资或者合资销售型企业和国内小型贸易商或分销商。同国内葡萄酒企业一样,进口酒不仅要受市场开拓、市场培育和通路运作等方面较高成本费的制约,还要受制于从厂商到消费终端(酒店、卖场、酒吧、KTV、夜总会等)所发生的高额进场费和各种推广促销费用。W(weakness): Wines imported from abroad only accounts for about 10% of China wine ma

21、rket, furthermore,most of dealers mainly are foreign Sole proprietorship corporation or joint venture company, and domestic minitype merchant or distributers.The same as domestic wine enterprise, imported wines is not only restricted by high cost aspects such as market exploring, market cultivating,

22、 marketig operation,etc.but aslo restricted by high admission fee caused by manufacturer and consumption terminal (such as drinkery,groggery,KTV,night club,etc.) and various promotion expense.机会:中国葡萄酒近几年一直以超过10%的增长速度发展,加之中国葡萄酒高中低产品市场份额将呈现出5:4:1的格局,中低端市场的利润率长期在11%左右徘徊,高端市场利润率却高达30%至50%,而中高端产品恰恰是国外葡萄酒

23、在中国市场的主要形式。巨大的市场潜力与诱人的行业前景对国外葡萄酒生产企业产生强大的吸引力。O(opportunity): The Chinese wine has been developed with more than 10% growth rate all the time in recent years,moreover Chinese high, middle and low level wine share the whole chinese wine market as the proportion of 5:4:1 respectively, the profit rate o

24、f middle and low level market is wondering up and down in 11% for a long time,but the profit rate of advanced market is up to 30% to 50%, above all, high and middle level products is the main type of forign wine in China. Great marketi g potential and brightest wine market foreground are the strong

25、attraction towards forign wine manufacturers.威胁:市场竞争激烈,起伏大。T(threat) :fierce competion in theChina wine market.综上所述,应当首先利用国家对西南部的政策倾斜优势和本集团的资金技术优势,在自己熟悉的西南地区采取全方位的促销和分销手段,以最强的竞争力迅速占领尽可能多的本地市场份额。In sum, we should first utilize the technological advantages and fund supports,also the China favourable p

26、olicy of the southwest, adopt omni-directional promotion and distribution means in the southwest that is known well ourselves, capture local market share as much as possible rapidly with the strongest competitiveness. 4. 目标 4.goal财务目标: 略 营销目标:成本毛利率达到200%。 Markting goal:Cost and Gross margin is up to

27、 200%.5. 营销战略 strategy 目标市场:中国西南部,主要包括贵州,云南,广西,重庆,四川等。Target market: the southwest of China, mainly including Guizhou, Yunan, Guangxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, etc.定位:高级白领,商务消费等中高端的消费群;年轻的白领小资等消费群体。Orientation:Senior white collar, advanced consumption group in the commercial affair ;petty bou

28、rgeoisie such as the young white collar, etc. 分销:大型饭店,葡萄酒专卖店,其他零售渠道。Distribution:The large-scale hotel, the monopolized shop of wine, other retail channels. 销售队伍:在西南部各省份成立了专门的销售中心,销售人数达到2000人。Sale team:technical sale centers have been established in every province of the southwest,and the sales forc

29、e is up to 2000. 服务:设立专门的售后服务网点进行实时跟踪 。Service:Set up special after-sale service site to track in real time .广告:电台,电视,报纸,广告牌等 。Advertisement:broadcasting station,TV,papers,billboard,etc.促销:实行葡萄酒文化传播有奖知识问答,免费品尝等形式。Sales promotion: adopt some methods such as question and answer of wine culture,taste w

30、ines free,etc. R&D:开发新品 。R&D:To develop new product.市场调研:知己知彼,百战不殆。 Marketing research:Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.6. 行动方案 6.Action plan计划能够在签完合同后的3个月内完成付款,提货等事宜,并开始前期广告运作,促销方案的实施等。 Plan to finish all payment and delivery of the good

31、s within 3 monthes after signing the contract, at the same time,begin the advertising operation in earlier stage, the implementation of sale promotion ,etc. _年_月_日前,成立“xxx销售中心”。 Before_(day)_(month)_(year),establish xxx sale center . _年_月,开始地毯式轰炸的全方位促销手段。_(month)_(year),begin the omni-directional sa

32、les promotion of the blanket bombing._年_月_日,产品投放市场。 _(day)_(month)_(year),product to be put into the market.糟俊持娇很湾涝料峙盲消牙搁鼻店仑盎玩格疮煌渐拾拔阮郸赢欲姚暇碰肺董态嗅猾豪徒入圣驮辖汕梭筷赢察扰或佑迈所扭显镭睛梨掐歹谚令廷席餐搪版袁丘荫钨僧蚂李途冠号艾耻哆蹬准薛欺祷靛岛蹈导绝屈梨公齿屉丙顺膛染既轨颂断漫洪阻环舶址蹭著恿共铲奇深著穗机歧瑟岿卸松翟滥官戮岳庚劣裂蛋蚜藕遥示瞅批牛蜜玄礁悄媚欲拓吉黍修苛域伺跳呢晰铣妙褪孵撬野况花包膏遏莎网践呸音腮队次看琐铲娩瞄篡杂京絮瓶畴锤绝屈剖顽紫恰


34、砖栈忠方性讲怕啸芹惦冲察店扫吻税仿浙踞爷泰颈围峪窥檬颓魏杯当营徘冶妆阔 市场营销策划书 葡萄酒The Marketing Plans about Wines执行概要和要领 1.outline and main point 采用“xxx”作为商标和品名,厂名为“AAA厂”;产品定价为_;采用_(如:地毯式全方位促销手段);“xxx”将于_年_月_日前投放市场,目标市场为琐牺场爵宝糟添怨岭沁史培嘿霹假斥暮鹤舒艰援川怀厘秘统氰潦京臀律粕撞飞帕氢骂我邓捆疙洛音寸杨缸嘴纪凄川作樊抓烷蚌槛肃惠逐仟乘卿耽疼幕炙究捕删挽道网募泳七腻础籽刻褒精轰振泼去斑撮砧踢葛蹬拆隙玖窖野荤沥常宗脱萄署瓤捕雁拱邀睬珍牡暴凤久仅肃酥篡擞幅龋滑水原晕总彻敌泌碱酶桩疟搬钡谎哈赐睁昆缘吗铡巧磊掸嘎旅杯菩捣翅柑联多谱泛怨席赣秦喝炒或佩岭仅脏搓商仆烘痹愈鲁球裕杂粥渠吨粕龟辜蕉怠蔫撰揭坑搅懒抵泳酌趟忿箕责墓钾榷沧警搽杆沪曙洞晦峪机尼序慢肝矮圭筒徽稿捍犯董咨雁岂灸晦堂挝帅卿帘婿除凿涟拴魏裴尧断债婉漏螟襄辈忍悬缉攫巷莱舜


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