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1、一般现在时:often, usually, always, sometimes, never, seldom, every week/day/year/month., once a week, on Sundays一般过去时:ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week/year/night/month., in 1989, just now, at the age of five, one day, ago, long ago, once upon a time, then(那时), on that day, 现在进行时:now, a

2、t this time, these days, Listen! Look! at this moment/time过去进行时:at this time yesterday,at that time或when + 一般过去时从句, at 1:00 last night 现在完成时: recently, recent years, these days/years, lately, since, for + 时段, in the past few years, ever since, in the last five months, up to now, since then, so far,

3、ever, never, yet, lately, once, twice, three/four times., already, before, just.过去完成时: before, by the end of last year/term/month.一般将来时: tomorrow, next day/week/month/year., soon, in a few minutes, by., the day after tomorrow, in the future过去将来时: the next day/morning/year.,the following month/week.现

4、在完成时:already, yet, so far, as yet, lately ,recently,these days/weeks/years, until now, up to now, since+ 时间点, for+时间段, in the last/past( few years)等过去式:以前的某个时间点如yesterday,one year ago等, in the past一般现在时:always, usually, often, sometimes等现在完成时英语16种时态中不易掌握的一种时态,不仅用法法复杂,而且还通常要与某些特定的词语连用。本文对现在完成时通常连用的词语

5、作一归纳,供大家参考。一、since不管since 是用作介词、连词还是副词,它通常都与现在完成时连用。如:Charles has worked hard since leaving school. 自从离开学校以来查尔斯工作一直很努力。(since为介词) Great changes have taken place here since 1978. 自1978年以来这里发生了巨大的变化。(since为介词)Her reading has improved greatly since she changed schools. 自从她转校以来,她的阅读水平提高了很多。(since为连词) Yo

6、u havent changed muchfy; mso-char-indent-count: 2.0; mso-char-indent-s since we last met. 自从上次我们见面以来,你变化不大。(since为连词) She moved to London last May and has since got a job on a newspaper. 她去年五月到伦敦,此后一直在报社工作。(since为副词) He left school in 1983. I havent seen him since. 他1983年离开学校。打那时起我一直没见过他。(since为副词)【

7、几点说明】1. 表示时间长度时,通常用一般现在时代替现在完成时。如:How long is it since you arrived? 你到来多久了?It is =has been ten years since he left here. 他离开这儿已10年了。2. 对于某些表示状态(如seem等)的动词,或因句义等方面的原因,有时可能用一般现在时比用现在完成时更合适。如:It seems like years since we last met. 我们似乎几年未见面了。 Since when does the $42 plus $5 service charge come to $48?

8、从什么什候开始42元加5元的服务费等于48元了? 3. 若不是指从过去持续到现在,而是指从较远的过去持续到一个较近的过去,则用过去完成时。比较:He hasnt eaten anything since Tuesday. 自星期二以来他一直未吃东西。(自星期二以来他一直未吃东西。指从星期二到现在未吃东西)Yesterday he told me that he hadnt eaten anything since Tuesday. 他昨天告诉我自星期二以来他一直未吃任何东西。(指从星期二至昨天未吃东西二、in the last five years类似于in the last five yea

9、rs的时间状语,它若表示从现在算起的过去一段时间内,通常要与现在完成时连用。如:This company has come a long way in the last five years. 最近五年这个公司已经前进了一大步。The house has changed hands three times in the last two years. 在过去两年中,这栋房子已转手三次。Is that the sum of what youve done in the last two years? 这就是你最近两年中完成的全部数量吗?【注】其中的介词in有时也可换成for, during, o

10、ver, within 等,有时也可省去。如:I have been here for the last two weeks. 最近两周我一直在这里。Over the last few years, prices have fallen sharply. 在过去的几年中,价格已急剧下降了。My business has decreased during the last two months. 最近两个月内,我的生意减少了。另外,若不是表示从现在算起的过去一段时间,则不用现在完成时。如:Jim managed two goals in the last ten minutes. 在最后的10分

11、钟内,吉姆设法得了两分。【比较】I didnt see much of Harry in the last months. 在最后的几个月中,我很少看见哈里。I havent seen much of Harry in the last months. 在最近的几个月中,我很少看见哈里。三、in the past five years类似于in the past five years的时间状语,它表示从现在算起的过去一段时间,因此通常要与现在完成时连用。如:的时间状语,它表示从现在算Ive seen little of her in the past few weeks. 近几周我很少见到她。

12、Weve planted thousands of trees in the past five years. 过去五年我们种了成千上万棵树。Population has increased by 200% in the past 25 years. 人口在过去25年内增加了200%。【注】其中的介词in有时也可换成for, during, over, within 等,有时也可省去。如:Hes been in a coma for the past six weeks. 在过去的六个星期中,他一直昏迷不醒。People have changed their diets a lot over

13、the past few years. 在过去的几年中,人们的饮食习惯已改变了很大。Within the past few minutes, the President has issued a statement. 在过去的几分钟里,总统发表了一项声明。另外,有时可能用含有情态动词的完成式。如:I must have slept three hours in the past day and a half. 在过去的一天半时间里,我肯定只睡了三个小时。四、over the yearsover the years 的意思是“这些年来”“经过这么多年之后”“最近几年”,通常表示的是从现在算起的过

14、去几年,因此通常与现在完成时连用。如:Shes brought us so much happiness over the years. 这些年来,她给我们带来了不少的幸福。Weve had a few arguments over the years, but in general we get on very well. 最近几年来,我们争吵过几次,但总的说来,我们相处得很好。Womens social status hasnt changed much over the years. 这些年来妇女的社会地位没有多大改变。Over the years Ive learnt to remem

15、ber how to survive, and how to forget pain. 这些年来,我已经学会了记住怎样挣扎求生和怎样忘却痛苦。【注】当不强调对现在的影响时,该短语有时也可与一般过去时或过去完成时连用。如: Over the years, her love for him deepened. 在过去的几年中,她对他的爱进一步加深了。Shed suffered terribly over the years but it hadnt made her bitter. 她在过去的几年中吃了不少苦,但这并没有让她产生怨恨。有时over the years还可表示在将来的几年中,此时可与

16、将来时态连用。如:The brickwork will mellow over the years so that it blends with the surroundings. 再过几年,这砖墙将会变柔和,这样它就会与周围的环境和谐一致了。五、so far当so far表示“到目前为止”时,它指的是从过去某时持续到现在的一段时间,因此通常与现在完成时连用。如:So far there has been no bad news. 到现在为止还没有什么坏消息。We agreed to meet here but so far he hasnt turned up yet. 我们讲好在这里见面的

17、,但到目前为止他还没有来。So far the work has been easy, but things may change. 到目前为止,这工作很容易,但情况可能有变化。Thankfully, the land has so far escaped . 谢天谢地,至今这块土地尚未开发过。【注】当so far表示“到这种程度或范围”时,则不一定与现在完成时连用,而是可以根据情况选用时态。如:I can only help him so far. 我只能帮他到这种程度。六、up to nowup to nowup to now 的意思是“到现在为此”,指从过去持续到现在的一段时间,通常与现

18、在完成时连用。如:Up to now hes been quiet. 他直到此刻仍保持沉默。Her life has run smoothly up to now. 她的生活到目前仍一帆风顺。Up to now, the work has been easy. 到现在为止这工作还算容易。七、until nowuntil now 的意思是“直到现在(为止)”,表示从过去某时持续到现在的一段时间,通常与现在完成时连用。如:Until now I have always lived alone. 我一直独自生活至今。Until now the President has shut his eyes

19、to this problem. 总统至今仍对这个问题视而不见。【注】以下两句中的until now比较特殊,因为其中的until与前面的“否定”构成了类似于notuntil(直到才)这样的句式,此时,句子通常用一般过去时。如:(直到才)这样的句式,此时,句子通常用一般过去时。如:I was unaware of his existence until now. 现在我才知道有他这么个人。I never realized I loved you until now. 我至今才意识到我爱你。另外,until有两个意思,一是表示“到为止”,二是表示“在以前”,所以until now除表示“到现在为

20、止”外,有时还可表示“在此之前”(即过去),此时它可与一般过去时连用。如:Until now I thought that this sort of accident was the owners fault but now I know differently. 过去我一直认为这类事故是车主的过错,但现在我有了不同看法。八、Its the first time thatIts the first second, third time that 的意思是“这是第一次(第二次、第三次)做某事”。句首的it有时也可换成this, that等。如:Its the second time Ive co

21、me here. 这是我第二次来这儿。Its the first time that he has seen an elephant. 这是他第一次见到大象。This is the first time that Ive heard her sing. 这是我头一次听她唱歌。若主句用一般过去时,则that从句通常用过去完成时。如:It was the first time that I had ever driven a taxi. 这是我第一次开出租车。九、just副词just表示“刚刚”时,在英国英语中常与现在完成时连用,而在美国英语中常与一般过去时连用。如:He (has) just a

22、rrived in Japan. 他刚到日本。The clock (has) just struck three. 钟刚敲过三点。Poor Jim (has) just had an accident. 可怜的吉姆刚出个事故。 十、before,imes New Roman; mso-han recently, in the past副词before的意思是“以前”,副词recently的意思是“最近”,介词短语in the past的意思是“过去”。一般说来,它们既可与现在完成时连用(强调对现在的影响或与现在的联系),也可与一般过去时连用(客观地陈述过去的情况)。如:客观地陈述过去的情况I

23、(have) read the book before. 我以前读过这本书。He has done did this sort of work before. 他以前干过这种工作。I hear that he went has gone abroad recently. 我听说他最近出国了。In the past I (have) had many jobs. 以前我做过许多工作。In the past people thought that the sun turned round the earth. 过去人们认为太阳是绕着地球转。英语中哪些词常与现在完成时连用现在完成时英语16种时态中不

24、易掌握的一种时态,不仅用法法复杂,而且还通常要与某些特定的词语连用。本文对现在完成时通常连用的词语作一归纳,供大家参考。一、since不管since 是用作介词、连词还是副词,它通常都与现在完成时连用。如:Charles has worked hard since leaving school. 自从离开学校以来查尔斯工作一直很努力。(since为介词) Great changes have taken place here since 1978. 自1978年以来这里发生了巨大的变化。(since为介词)Her reading has improved greatly since she c

25、hanged schools. 自从她转校以来,她的阅读水平提高了很多。(since为连词) You havent changed much since we last met. 自从上次我们见面以来,你变化不大。(since为连词) She moved to London last May and has since got a job on a newspaper. 她去年五月到伦敦,此后一直在报社工作。(since为副词) He left school in 1983. I havent seen him since. 他1983年离开学校。打那时起我一直没见过他。(since为副词)

26、【几点说明】1. 表示时间长度时,通常用一般现在时代替现在完成时。如:How long is it since you arrived? 你到来多久了?It is =has been ten years since he left here. 他离开这儿已10年了。2. 对于某些表示状态(如seem等)的动词,或因句义等方面的原因,有时可能用一般现在时比用现在完成时更合适。如:It seems like years since we last met. 我们似乎几年未见面了。 Since when does the $42 plus $5 service charge come to $48?

27、 从什么什候开始42元加5元的服务费等于48元了? 3. 若不是指从过去持续到现在,而是指从较远的过去持续到一个较近的过去,则用过去完成时。比较:He hasnt eaten anything since Tuesday. 自星期二以来他一直未吃东西。(指从星期二到现在未吃东西)Yesterday he told me that he hadnt eaten anything since Tuesday. 他昨天告诉我自星期二以来他一直未吃任何东西。(指从星期二至昨天未吃东西) 二、in the last five years类似于in the last five years的时间状语,它若表

28、示从现在算起的过去一段时间内,通常要与现在完成时连用。如:This company has come a long way in the last five years. 最近五年这个公司已经前进了一大步。The house has changed hands three times in the last two years. 在过去两年中,这栋房子已转手三次。Is that the sum of what youve done in the last two years? 这就是你最近两年中完成的全部数量吗?【注】其中的介词in有时也可换成for, during, over, within

29、 等,有时也可省去。如:I have been here for the last two weeks. 最近两周我一直在这里。(from )Over the last few years, prices have fallen sharply. 在过去的几年中,价格已急剧下降了。My business has decreased during the last two months. 最近两个月内,我的生意减少了。另外,若不是表示从现在算起的过去一段时间,则不用现在完成时。如:Jim managed two goals in the last ten minutes. 在最后的10分钟内,吉

30、姆设法得了两分。【比较】I didnt see much of Harry in the last months. 在最后的几个月中,我很少看见哈里。I havent seen much of Harry in the last months. 在最近的几个月中,我很少看见哈里。三、in the past five years类似于in the past five years的时间状语,它表示从现在算起的过去一段时间,因此通常要与现在完成时连用。如:Ive seen little of her in the past few weeks. 近几周我很少见到她。Weve planted thou

31、sands of trees in the past five years. 过去五年我们种了成千上万棵树。Population has increased by 200% in the past 25 years. 人口在过去25年内增加了200%。【注】其中的介词in有时也可换成for, during, over, within 等,有时也可省去。如:Hes been in a coma for the past six weeks. 在过去的六个星期中,他一直昏迷不醒。People have changed their diets a lot over the past few year

32、s. 在过去的几年中,人们的饮食习惯已改变了很大。Within the past few minutes, the President has issued a statement. 在过去的几分钟里,总统发表了一项声明。另外,有时可能用含有情态动词的完成式。如:(from )I must have slept three hours in the past day and a half. 在过去的一天半时间里,我肯定只睡了三个小时。四、over the yearsover the years 的意思是“这些年来”“经过这么多年之后”“最近几年”,通常表示的是从现在算起的过去几年,因此通常与现

33、在完成时连用。如:Shes brought us so much happiness over the years. 这些年来,她给我们带来了不少的幸福。Weve had a few arguments over the years, but in general we get on very well. 最近几年来,我们争吵过几次,但总的说来,我们相处得很好。Womens social status hasnt changed much over the years. 这些年来妇女的社会地位没有多大改变。Over the years Ive learnt to remember how to

34、 survive, and how to forget pain. 这些年来,我已经学会了记住怎样挣扎求生和怎样忘却痛苦。【注】当不强调对现在的影响时,该短语有时也可与一般过去时或过去完成时连用。如: Over the years, her love for him deepened. 在过去的几年中,她对他的爱进一步加深了。Shed suffered terribly over the years but it hadnt made her bitter. 她在过去的几年中吃了不少苦,但这并没有让她产生怨恨。有时over the years还可表示在将来的几年中,此时可与将来时态连用。如:T

35、he brickwork will mellow over the years so that it blends with the surroundings. 再过几年,这砖墙将会变柔和,这样它就会与周围的环境和谐一致了。五、so far当so far表示“到目前为止”时,它指的是从过去某时持续到现在的一段时间,因此通常与现在完成时连用。如:So far there has been no bad news. 到现在为止还没有什么坏消息。We agreed to meet here but so far he hasnt turned up yet. 我们讲好在这里见面的,但到目前为止他还没

36、有来。So far the work has been easy, but things may change. 到目前为止,这工作很容易,但情况可能有变化。Thankfully, the land has so far escaped being developed. 谢天谢地,至今这块土地尚未开发过。【注】当so far表示“到这种程度或范围”时,则不一定与现在完成时连用,而是可以根据情况选用时态。如:I can only help him so far. 我只能帮他到这种程度。六、up to nowup to now 的意思是“到现在为此”,指从过去持续到现在的一段时间,通常与现在完成时

37、连用。如:Up to now hes been quiet. 他直到此刻仍保持沉默。Her life has run smoothly up to now. 她的生活到目前仍一帆风顺。Up to now, the work has been easy. 到现在为止这工作还算容易。七、until nowuntil now 的意思是“直到现在(为止)”,表示从过去某时持续到现在的一段时间,通常与现在完成时连用。如:Until now I have always lived alone. 我一直独自生活至今。(from )Until now the President has shut his ey

38、es to this problem. 总统至今仍对这个问题视而不见。【注】以下两句中的until now比较特殊,因为其中的until与前面的“否定”构成了类似于notuntil(直到才)这样的句式,此时,句子通常用一般过去时。如:I was unaware of his existence until now. 现在我才知道有他这么个人。I never realized I loved you until now. 我至今才意识到我爱你。另外,until有两个意思,一是表示“到为止”,二是表示“在以前”,所以until now除表示“到现在为止”外,有时还可表示“在此之前”(即过去),此时

39、它可与一般过去时连用。如:Until now I thought that this sort of accident was the owners fault but now I know differently. 过去我一直认为这类事故是车主的过错,但现在我有了不同看法。八、Its the first time thatIts the first second, third time that 的意思是“这是第一次(第二次、第三次)做某事”。句首的it有时也可换成this, that等。如:Its the second time Ive come here. 这是我第二次来这儿。Its t

40、he first time that he has seen an elephant. 这是他第一次见到大象。This is the first time that Ive heard her sing. 这是我头一次听她唱歌。若主句用一般过去时,则that从句通常用过去完成时。如:It was the first time that I had ever driven a taxi. 这是我第一次开出租车。九、just副词just表示“刚刚”时,在英国英语中常与现在完成时连用,而在美国英语中常与一般过去时连用。如:He (has) just arrived in Japan. 他刚到日本。T

41、he clock (has) just struck three. 钟刚敲过三点。Poor Jim (has) just had an accident. 可怜的吉姆刚出个事故。十、before, recently, in the past副词before的意思是“以前”,副词recently的意思是“最近”,介词短语in the past的意思是“过去”。一般说来,它们既可与现在完成时连用(强调对现在的影响或与现在的联系),也可与一般过去时连用(客观地陈述过去的情况)。如:I (have) read the book before. 我以前读过这本书。He has done did this

42、 sort of work before. 他以前干过这种工作。I hear that he went has gone abroad recently. 我听说他最近出国了。In the past I (have) had many jobs. 以前我做过许多工作。In the past people thought that the sun turned round the earth. 过去人们认为太阳是绕着地球转。现在完成时中几个标志性词(组)的讲解与演练 我们都知道,现在完成时常见的标志词包括以下词语:just,ever,never,yet,already,for,before,si

43、nce,so far,recently,twice,three times等。虽然同为标志词,但它们的用法却不尽相同。这里试就其中几个易混淆的词做一简要讲解,供同学们学习参考:1.ever,never:ever意为“曾经”,本身为肯定意义,可用于肯定、否定和疑问句中;never意为“从不”,本身具有否定意义。1) Have you ever seen that kind of animal?你以前曾经见过那种动物吗?2) I have ever been to London.我曾经去过伦敦。3) No one ever known the news about him.没有人知道有关他的消息。

44、4) She has never told us about herself.她从未告诉我们有关她的事情。2. already,yet:二者都有“已经”的意思,但already常用于肯定句的中间,yet则多用于否定、疑问句末,常表示“已经,还没有”。1) I have already had lunch.我已经吃过午饭了。2) -Have you finished your homework yet?你已经完成你的作业了吗?-No, not yet.还没有。3. for,since:如果想表达“我在北京已经居住了10年”这个意思,既可以说: I have lived in Beijing fo

45、r 10 years. 也可以说: I have lived in Beijing since 1996. 也就是说, for 表示“到.的数量”,常和一段时间连用;而since表示“自从.以来”, 其后常跟过去某一起始时间点或过去的动作。又如: The boy has studied all the time since he came into the room.4. before:“以前”, 在现在完成时中,一般放在句末。1) I think I have met you before.我想我以前见过你。2) It seems that I have been here before.我

46、似乎以前来过这里。实战演练:一、用括号中动词的适当形式填空:1. _she _ (wait) for an hour yet?2. He_(not finish) the work yet.3. Li Ming _(know) him since then.4. I _(receive) a letter from my brother recently.5. We _ (be) there many times.6. How long _ you _ (learn) English?7. Wang Ming _ (not read) the book before.8. -He _ (liv

47、e) in this city since he _ (leave) his hometown.-When did he _ (leave) there?-He _ (leave)there three years ago.9. -His father _ (be) in the Party for years.-When _ he _ (join) the Party?-He _ (join) the Party in 1996.10.- It _ (rain) for such a long time!- When _ it _ (rain)? -It _ (rain) 3 hours ago.二、根据中英文提示完成句子。1. 我爸爸已经工作了25年了。my father, work, for , 25 years_2. 你学英语有多久了?how long, you, learn, English_3. 他自上中学就买了这辆自行车。he, have, bike, since, study, middle school_4. 这本书我已读了一个月了。I, read, book, for, a month_


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