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1、CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT保密协议Confidentiality Agreement dated , 2012 between (the “Company”) and Winsway Coking Coal Holdings Limited (the “Receiving Party”). (以下简称“公司”)与 (“接受方”)于2012年 月 日签署本保密协议WHEREAS:鉴于:A. The Receiving Party has requested access to certain confidential and proprietary information

2、 concerning the Company in connection with its evaluation of a potential Transaction (defined below); and 接受方要求取得公司的保密及专有信息以便对潜在交易(定义见下文)进行评估;而且B. The Company has agreed to provide such information on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.公司同意按本协议的条款和条件提供此类信息。In consideration of the f

3、oregoing and the mutual agreements contained in this Agreement (the receipt and adequacy of which are acknowledged), the parties agree as follows:根据本协议中相互约定,各方同意如下:1. Defined Terms定义1.1. As used in this Agreement, the following terms have the following meanings:本协议中的有关术语具有以下含义:“Affiliate” of a Party

4、, means a Person that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, Controls, is Controlled by, or is under common Control with, such Party.“关联方”,一方的关联方是指任何直接或间接通过一个或多个中间体控制一方或被一方控制或与一方共同被控制的主体。“Agreement” means this confidentiality agreement.“协议”指本保密协议。“Business Day” means any day of

5、the year, other than a Saturday, Sunday or any day on which banks are closed for business in .“工作日”指一年中除周六、周日或 的银行非营业日以外的任何一天。“Control” means the power to direct, manage, oversee and/or restrict the affairs, business or assets of a Person, including, without limitation, the holding, direct or indire

6、ct, of (i) securities of a Person to which are attached more than 50% of the votes that may be cast to elect directors of the Person, or (ii) the votes attached to those securities are sufficient, if exercised, to elect a majority of the directors of the Person.“控制”是指有权指示、管理、监督和/或限制一个主体的事务、经营或资产,包括但

7、不限于直接或间接持有(i)某一主体超过50%以上表决权的股票,以投票选举该主体董事,或(ii)该主体股票数量所具表决权足以选出该主体的多数董事。“Information” has the meaning specified in Section 3.“信息”定义见第3条规定。“Law” means any applicable law, statute, code, constitution, treaty, ordinance, order, decree, directive, rule, published policy, regulation or decision of any co

8、mpetent judicial, legislative, administrative, ministerial, departmental or regulatory body or authority or by the rules, policies or other requirements of any relevant stock exchange.“法律”指任何可适用法律、法规、成文法、规章、条约、条例、命令、法令、指示、规则,有权的司法、立法、行政、内阁、部门或监管机关或机构颁布的政策、法规或决定,或其他证券交易所的相关规则、政策或要求。“Notice” has the m

9、eaning specified in Section 9.“通知”定义见第9条。“Parties” means the Company and the Receiving Party and includes such Partys Representatives and Affiliates and references to the “Company” and “Receiving Party” include such Partys Representatives and Affiliates.“各方”是指公司和接受方,包括每一方的代表和关联方。在提及“公司”和“接受方”时均包括其代表

10、和关联方。“Person” means a natural person, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, corporation, joint stock company, trust, unincorporated association, joint venture or governmental, regulatory or other entity, and pronouns have a similarly extended meaning.“主体”指任一自然人、合伙、有限合伙、有限责

11、任合伙、公司、股份公司、信托、不具法人资格的组织、合营或政府性、监管性或其他实体。任何其代词具有类似的含义。“Representative” of a Party, means any director, office, employee, agent, accountant, auditor, counsel, banker, lender, or other advisor of that Party.“代表”任一方的代表是指其董事、管理人员、雇员、代理、会计师、审计师、律师、银行、贷款人或顾问。“Standstill Period” has the meaning specified i

12、n Section 7.“停滞期间”定义见第7条。“Transaction” means a transaction or series of transactions involving the Company and/or its security holders and the Receiving Party relating to: (i) the purchase, sale, exchange or any other acquisition, direct or indirect of any of the assets or securities of the Company;

13、 (ii) the issuance of any debt or equity securities of the Company; or (iii) any transaction in which the securities of the Company are or become subject to any amalgamation, arrangement, merger or similar transaction which directly or indirectly results in any business combination involving the Par

14、ties.“交易”指包括公司和/或其证券持有人和接受方的与下列相关的单一交易或一系列交易:(i)购买、出售、交换或其他直接或意接收购公司资产或证券;(ii)公司发行债务或股权类证券;或(iii)任何使公司证券受限于各方因合并、安排、兼并或类似交易而直接或间接形成商业组合的交易。2. Interpretation解释2.1. In this Agreement the words “including”, “includes” and “include” mean “including (or includes or include) without limitation”. The expre

15、ssion “Section” and other subdivision followed by a number mean and refer to the specified Section or other subdivision of this Agreement. Words importing the singular number only include the plural and vice versa.本协议中的“包括”是指“包括但不限于”。对于“条”的表述和跟在其数字后的其他附属条款是指本协议中的该条或其附属条款。单数形式的词也包括复数含义,反之亦然。3. Non-Di

16、sclosure of Information不披露信息3.1. “Information” means: (a) collectively all information (including without limitation, information in the form not only of written information but also information which may be transmitted or stored orally, electronically or by other means) and communications, in the p

17、ossession or control of, or belonging to, the Company, relating to, or otherwise concerning, the Companys business, operations, assets, liabilities, financial condition, plans, prospects and affairs, or the Transaction, which has been, is, or will be disclosed to the Receiving Party, and whether or

18、not any such information is specifically identified as “confidential” or subject to this Agreement (the “Confidential Information”); and (b) all reports, evaluations, forecasts, projections, analyses, compilations, data, studies and other materials which contain or otherwise reflect or are generated

19、 from, in whole or in part, Confidential Information, and are prepared by the Receiving Party or any of its Representatives (the “Evaluation Material”).“信息”是指:(a)公司拥有、控制或所有的与公司的业务、运营、资产、责任、财务状况、计划、前景和事务,或与交易有关的已经或将要披露给接受方的全部信息(包括但不限于书面形式的信息,以及以口头、电子或其他形式传递或存储的信息和交流),也无论该等信息是否已经被标注保密或受限于本协议(“保密信息”);以

20、及(b)任何包含、反映或从保密信息产生的由接受方或其代表准备的报告、评估、预测、投影、分析、编辑、数据、研究或其他资料(“评估资料”)。3.2. The Receiving Party agrees to treat and will keep confidential all confidential Information furnished to it, or any of its Representatives, by the Company, or any Representative of the Company, whether before or after the date

21、of this Agreement, together with all Evaluation Material, and, will use such Confidential Information and Evaluation material solely to evaluate whether or not to enter into the Transaction (the “Permitted Purpose”) and not directly or indirectly for any other purpose whatsoever, and will disclose I

22、nformation only in accordance with this Agreement. 接受方同意无论在本协议日前或之后,对公司或公司的代表向其或其代表提供的保密信息,以及评估资料保密,且仅将保密信息和评估资料用于其评估是否达成交易(“许可的目的”),而不会直接或间接地用于其他目的,并且仅按本协议披露信息。3.3. The restrictions set out in Section 3.2 do not apply to Information or portion thereof that the Receiving Party can demonstrate:如果接受方能

23、够证明信息存在以下情形,第3.2条的限制不适用于该信息或其中的一部分: (a) is or becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of disclosure directly or indirectly by the Receiving Party;并非接受方直接或间接披露而成为公众所知的信息;(b) is or becomes available to the Receiving Party on a lawful and non-confidential basis from a source ot

24、her than the Receiving Party unless the Receiving Party knows after due inquiry that such source is prohibited from disclosing the information to the Receiving Party by a contractual, fiduciary or other legal obligation to the Company;接受方从合法途径并且是从接受方以外的其他非保密来源取得,除非接受方在通过询问得知该信息来源对公司有基于合同、信托或法律的义务不得向

25、接受方披露。(c) is or was independently acquired or developed by the Receiving Party and prior to disclosure by the Company under this Agreement, without violating the Receiving Partys obligations under this Agreement or any other obligation of confidentiality it may have to the Company;是在公司按照本协议披露前,接受方在没

26、有违反其在本协议项下义务或其对公司可能存在的其他保密义务的情形下,由接受方独立取得或开发的信息。(d) is required to be disclosed by Law; or 按照法律要求的披露;或(e) is consented to be disclosed in writing by the Company.由公司书面同意的披露。If only a portion of any Information falls within one or more of the foregoing exceptions, the remainder shall continue to be su

27、bject to the prohibitions and restrictions set out in this Agreement.如果任何信息中只有一部分属于上述除外情形的一种或多种,其他部分仍应受限于本协议所列禁止或限制条款的规定。3.4. Information may be disclosed to the Receiving Partys Representatives:可以向接受方代表披露的信息:(a) only to the extent that such Representatives need to know such Information for the Perm

28、itted Purpose;只有在该等代表为许可的目的需要知道该等信息;(b) provided such Representatives have been informed of the confidential nature of such Information;该等代表已经被告知此信息的保密性质;(c) provided that the Representatives agree to be placed under the same confidential obligations as the Parties have agreed upon hereunder; and 该等

29、代表同意按照各方在本协议中的约定承担保密义务;并且(d) provided that the Receiving Party will keep a list of all Representatives to whom Information has been provided, which list shall be provided to the Company within one Business Day of such a request being made by the Company.接受方保留一份其披露信息的代表名单,并且在公司要求时的一个工作日内向公司提供该名单。3.5.

30、 The Receiving Party agrees that it will be responsible for any breach by its Representatives of this Agreement.接受方同意其将对其代表违反本协议的行为承担责任。3.6. Unless required by Law, neither Party shall disclose the fact that investigations or negotiations concerning a Transaction are taking place, or that the partie

31、s are considering a Transaction, or the terms, conditions or other facts relating to such a Transaction, including the existence or terms of this Agreement.除非法律要求,任何一方均不得披露涉及交易的调查和谈判正在进行,或各方正在考虑此交易,或与交易相关的条款、条件或其他情况,包括本协议的存在及其条款。3.7. If the receiving Party becomes legally required to make disclosure

32、 of any Information pursuant to Law (whether by oral question, interrogations, request for information or documents, subpoena, civil investigation or demand, or similar process), or as required by Law pursuant to Section 3.6 or 7.1(f), the Receiving Party will:如果接受方按照法律要求(无论是口头询问、讯问、要求信息或文件、传唤、民事调查或

33、要求,或类似程序),或根据第3.6条或第7.1(f)条按照法律要求需要披露任何信息,接受方将:(a) provide the Company with prompt written Notice of the requirement and the proposed content of any disclosure with sufficient specificity such that the Company may seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy or waive compliance with the provi

34、sions of this Agreement, and the Receiving Party will not oppose any action taken by the Company to seek such a protective order or other appropriate remedy;即刻向公司发出书面通知关于披露的要求和将披露信息的具体内容,以便公司寻求保护令或其他适当的补救或豁免遵守本协议中的规定,并且接受方将不会反对公司采取行动寻求保护令或其他适当的补救。(b) co-operate in a reasonable manner with the Compan

35、y in limiting the extent of the disclosure and in obtaining a protective order or other appropriate remedy set forth in Section 3.7(a); and采取合理方式与公司合作以便限制披露范围,以及取得第3.7(a)条所述的保护令或适当的补救;并且(c) disclose only that portion of the Information that it is, upon the advice of its counsel, legally compelled to

36、 disclose.在其法律顾问建议下仅披露被合法要求披露的那部分信息。3.8. To the extent applicable, Information shall remain subject to all applicable privileges, including solicitor-client privilege, anticipation of litigation privilege, work product privilege and privilege in respect of “without prejudice” communications. No waiv

37、er of any such privilege is implied by the disclosure of Information to the Receiving Party pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.在所适用的范围内,信息应受限于所有可适用的免予披露待遇,包括律师与委托人之间的免予披露,参与诉讼的免予披露,诉讼工作内容的免予披露以及任何“受保护”的信息交流。公司按照本协议的条款向接受方披露信息不代表公司已经放弃此类免予披露待遇。4. Handing and Return of Information信息的转交和归还4.1. The

38、 Receiving Party will give the Company immediate Notice of any determination not to proceed with a Transaction. Upon receipt of such Notice, or at any time upon the written request of the Company, or any of the Companys Representatives, for any reason, the Receiving Party will and will cause its Rep

39、resentatives to promptly:接受方在决定不进行交易时将立刻给公司书面通知。在公司收到此通知时,或公司或公司的任何代表,因任何原因提出书面要求时,接受方将立即,并且使其代表立即:(a) return all Confidential Information to the Company, at the Receiving Partys expense, without retaining any copies;自费向公司归还所有保密信息,不保留任何复制件。(b) destroy all Evaluation Material in the possession of the

40、 Receiving Party or any of its Representatives, without retaining any copies; and销毁所有接受方或其代表持有的评估资料,不保留任何复制件;并且(c) certify to the Company in writing that this Section 4.1 has been complied with.向公司书面证实第4.1条已经遵守。4.2. Notwithstanding Section 4.1, to the extent that data or electronic records containin

41、g Information are retained by the Receiving Party, or its Representatives, as data or records for the purposes of backup, recovery, contingency planning or business continuity planning or are otherwise not accessible in the ordinary course of business, such data or records, to the extent not otherwi

42、se permanently deleted or overwritten in the ordinary course of business, will not be accessed except as required for backup, recovery, contingency planning or business continuity purposes and, if restored or otherwise becoming accessible, will be permanently deleted forthwith and the Receiving Part

43、y will certify to the Company in writing that this Section 4.2 has been complied with.尽管有第4.1条的规定,接受方或其代表可为且仅为备份、恢复、应对意外或持续经营,并且在日常经营中不会被接触到,不会被永久删除或覆盖的情况下保留包含信息的资料或电子记录作为资料或记录。如果该等数据或资料被复原或可被接触到,接受方应立刻永久性地删除该等数据或记录,并且向公司书面证实第4.2条已经被遵守。5. No Representation or Warranty不存在陈述与保证5.1. The Receiving Party

44、 acknowledges that the Company and its Representatives make no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the Information provided by it or fitness for the Permitted Purpose, nor shall the Company nor its Representatives be deemed to have made such repres

45、entation or warranty. The Receiving Party agrees that it will rely upon its own investigations, due diligence and analysis in evaluating whether to proceed with a Transaction.接受方承认公司及其代表对其提供的信息的准确性、完整性或是否适合许可的目的未作出任何明示或暗示的陈述或保证,也不会被认为作出该等陈述或保证。接受方同意其将依赖自己的调查、尽职调查和分析来评估是否进行交易。5.2. The Company and its

46、 Representatives will not be liable to the Receiving Party, directly or indirectly, as a result of or arising out of, the Receiving Partys use of the Information or any part thereof. This Agreement does not benefit or create any right or cause of action in, or in favour of, any Person, other than pu

47、rsuant to this Agreement.公司及其代表将不会因接受方使用信息或其中的一部分而直接或间接产生的后果承担责任。除根据本协议外,任何主体不因本协议受益或产生有利于该主体的任何权利或诉讼理由。5.3. To the extent that any Information is owned by the Company it will remain the exclusive property of the Company. Nothing in this Agreement or in the disclosure of any Information to the Recei

48、ving Party will confer any interest, right or title in or to the Information to the Receiving Party. No express or implied right is granted to the Receiving Party with respect to any of the Companys patents, copyrights, trademarks or trade secret information, as applicable.任何公司所有的信息将仍为公司独自所有。本协议或向接受

49、方披露任何信息将不会授予接受方信息中或关于信息的任何利益、权利或权益。没有就公司的专利、版权、商标或商业秘密(如适用)授予接受方明示或暗示的权利。6. Remedies救济6.1. In the event of a breach of the Receiving Partys obligations under this Agreement, the Receiving Party shall immediately upon the discovery of such breach, give Notice to the Company of the nature of the breach


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