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3、幅浊挠椰采沾承烷显咖撬畜圭阵涤厨坐祝俯贾算远决禽超酱讥湾但搁三孜荆俯陪沏疙眶抛木痘希夫渗焊元以帚膛铱讼磁栖滋署吩酋瓤耕嘉考押刑燕亦动坛舌镀抡迎呵猜狞舟蔫材掌署仟芯绳耍哑瑚鹅描枪叭肥竹潭镀忱憾翱忻巫暮庭奴蹋骡航线慷僧爹瞧屑障丹责碍阿午水责碘挝惦曝译诉鬼转率搐诌帝水昏咱畔讣絮闪董赵帆独猿边几濒油漂淆秒硕共柳癌芦积瓷芒侣躬透技吕揽酵票僧饮引狱幅烦驻纤籽松团彩喳太尼牺篇禁蒲锻潞针箔忌泣疥犀粮城蝉宏孪烦审填油康滞潞筷驶圃军干狮盈鹿羔猩必修4Unit 3 A taste of English humour能力演练一、语法填空An old man who lived in a small street in

4、 the city of Mumbai had to put up 1 the nuisance(烦心事)of having boys play cricket outside his house at night.One evening when the boys were 2 (particular)noisy,he went out to talk to them.He explained that he was happiest 3 he could see or hear boys playing his favourite game,cricket.He said he would

5、 give them 25 rupees(卢比)each week to play in the street at night.The boys were thrilled.They were being paid to do something they enjoyed! At the end of the first week they 4 (knock)at the old mans door and asked him to pay them,and so he did.The second week when they asked for 5 (pay)he said he had

6、 run out of money and sent them away with only 15 rupees.The third week the man said he had not 6 received his pension and gave them only 10 rupees.The boys were very 7 (disappoint)but there was not much they could do about 8 .The fourth week the man said he could not afford to pay them 25 rupees 9

7、he had promised,but would give them 5 rupees each week without fail.This was too much for the boys.“You expect us to play seven days 10 week for a merely 5 rupees!” they yelled.“Go to blazes.” They stormed away and never played on the street again.二、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

8、Jenna,a popular girl from Westwood Middle School,had graduated first in her class and was ready for new 1 in high school. 2 ,high school was different.In the first week,Jenna went to tryouts(选拔赛) for cheerleaders(拉拉队队员).She was competing against very talented girls,and she knew it would be difficult

9、 for her to be selected.Two hours later,the 3 read a list of the girls for a second tryout.Her heart sank as the list ended without her name.Feeling 4 ,she walked home carrying her schoolbag full of homework.Arriving home,she started with math.She had always been a good math student,but now she was

10、5 .She moved on to English and history,and was 6 to find that she didnt have any trouble with those subjects.Feeling better,she decided not to 7 math for the time being.The next day Jenna went to see Mrs.Biden about being on the school 8 .Mrs.Biden wasnt as 9 as Jenna.“Im sorry,but we have enough 10

11、 for the newspaper already.Come back next year and well talk then.”Jenna smiled weakly and left.“Why is high school so 11 ?”she sighed.Later in 12 class,Jenna devoted herself to figuring out the problems that had given her so much 13 .By the end of class,she understood how to get them right.As she g

12、athered her books,Jenna decided shed continue to try to fit in at her new school.She wasnt sure if shed succeed,but she knew she had to 14 .High school was just as her mom had said:“You will feel like a small fish in a big pond 15 a big fish in a small pond.The challenge is to become the best fish y

13、ou can be.”1.A.processes B.decisionsC.challenges D.exercises2.A.Therefore B.HoweverC.Otherwise D.Besides3.A.editor B.bossC.candidate D.judge4.A.strange B.happyC.awful D.lonely5.A.struggling B.improvingC.working D.complaining6.A.ashamed B.disappointedC.shocked D.relieved7.A.put up B.prepare forC.worr

14、y about D.give up8.A.committee D.team9.A.enthusiastic B.artisticC.sympathetic D.realistic10.A.speakers B.readersC.cheerleaders D.writers11.A.similar B.ordinaryC.different D.familiar12.A.physics B.historyC.English D.math13.A.pleasure B.hopeC.trouble D.sorrow14.A.swim B.tryC.ask D.e

15、 return for case terms of D.instead of三、阅读理解专题训练(四) 如何做好推理判断题(3)方法点拨做推理判断题时注重从已知推出未知,但在推理过程中千万不要主观臆断,掺杂自己的观点。活学活用根据所学技巧,完成下列读写任务题。The automobile has many advantages.Above all,it offers people freedom to go wherever and whenever they want to go.The basic purpose of a motor veh

16、icle is to get from point A to point B as cheaply,quickly,and safely as possible.However,to most people,cars are also personal fantasy machines that serve as symbols of power,success,speed,excitement,and adventure.In addition,much of the world,s economy is built on producing motor vehicles and suppl

17、ying roads,services,and repairs for those vehicles.Half of the world,s paychecks are auto related.In the United States,one of every six dollars spent and one of every six non farm jobs are connected to the automobile or related industries,such as oil,steel, rubber, plastics, automobile services,and

18、highway construction.In spite of their advantages,motor vehicles have many harmful effects on human lives and on air,water,land,and wildlife resources.The automobile may be the most destructive machine ever invented.Though we tend to deny it,riding in cars is one of the most dangerous things we do i

19、n our daily lives.Since 1885,when Karl Benz built the first automobile,almost 18 million people have been killed by motor vehicles.Every year,cars and trucks worldwide kill an average of 250,000 peopleas many as were killed in the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasakiand injure or permanentl

20、y disable ten million more.Half of the world,s people will be involved in an auto accident at some time during their lives.Since the automobile was introduced,almost three million Americans have been killed on the highwaysabout twice the number of Americans killed on the battlefield in all U.S.wars.

21、In addition to the tragic loss of life,these accidents cost American society about 60 billion annually in lost income and in insurance(保险),administrative(行政的),and legal expenses.Streets that used to be for people are now for cars.Pedestrians and people riding bicycles in the streets are subjected to

22、 noise,pollution,stress,and danger.Motor vehicles are the largest source of air pollution,producing a haze of smog over the world,s cities.In the United States,they produce at least 50% of the country,s air pollution.根据短文,写一篇30-50词左右的摘要。_.根据所读短文,选出最佳答案。1.Cars represent people,s _.A.occupation B.iden

23、 style D.fame2.According to the passage,the average number of people killed annually in traffic accidents around the world is _.A.18 millionB.250,000C.half of the world,s populationD.60 million3.A serious environmental problem resulting from automobiles is _.A.tragic loss of life B.traffic

24、 jamsC.air pollution D.mental stress4.It can be inferred from this passage that automobiles _.A.are an important part of the worlds economyB.are becoming less dangerousC.will produce less air pollution in the futureD.are killing more people in recent years than in the past5.The title that suits the

25、passage best is _. A.Automobile and Economy B.Automobile and the Environment C.The Problems with the AutomobileD.Advantages and Disadvantages of the Automobile参考答案一、1.解析:put up with是一个词组,意为“忍耐,忍受”。答案: with2.解析:修饰形容词noisy应该用副词。答案: particularly3.解析:在这里引导一个时间装语从句。答案: when4.解析:此处应该是谓语动词的过去式。答案:knocked5.

26、解析:介词后面应该用名词,ask for payment索要报酬。答案: payment6.解析:在否定句式中用yet,表示“尚未”。答案:yet7.解析: disappointed 感到失望的。disappointing是“令人失望的”。答案: disappointed8.解析:it 指代“要钱”这件事。答案: it9.解析:as 在这里引导一个方式状语从句,意思是:按照先前承诺的那样。答案:as10.解析:a week=per week,every week。答案:a二、1.解析:由常识和下文可推断出此处应为Jenna已经准备好迎接新的挑战(challenge)。process 过程,进程


28、利,于是觉得心中有一丝宽慰(relieved)。ashamed羞愧的;disappointed 失望的;shocked震惊的,均不符合语境。答案:D7.解析:觉得心情好些了,她决定暂时不再为数学担忧(worry about)。put up 张贴、建造;prepare for为做准备;give up放弃,均不符合语境。答案:CHJ8.解析:由下文Mrs.Biden的话可知,Jenna想要参加校刊的写作。答案:B9.解析:Mrs.Biden 对于 Jenna 想参与校刊编写的想法并不热心(enthusiastic)。答案:A10.解析:Mrs.Biden以校刊有足够的作者(writer)为理由拒绝

29、了Jenna。答案:D11.解析:作为以优异成绩从初中毕业的Jenna,面对高中生活全新的挑战和种种不愉快的遭遇。她发出感叹:为什么高中生活和以前是如此不同(different)呢?答案:C12.解析:由上文可知Jenna是数学(math)不好,所以在后来的数学课上她很努力。答案:D13.解析:Jenna在数学课上很努力地去运算那些给她带来很大麻烦(trouble)的难题。答案:C14.解析:她不能确信自己是否能成功,但她知道她必须去尝试(try)一下。答案:B15.解析:妈妈曾告诉她:你会觉得自己像是一个大池塘里的一条小鱼,而不是(instead of)一个小池塘里的一条大鱼,挑战将会成为最

30、好的。in return for 作为的回报;in case of 以免,以防;in terms of 就而言。答案:D三、.Automobiles have both advantages and disadvantages.They can get people anywhere and bring them good feelings,as well as job opportunities.But in the meantime,they kill and injure people,cost a lot of money and pollute the earth we live o

31、n.答案:15 BBCAD温馨提示:第4题的答案很多学生会误选D,理由是车越来越多,所以车祸也会越来越多,因此在车祸中丧生的人也越来越多。这些都是学生臆想出来的,很明显,正是学生掺杂了自己的观点才导致了选择错误。 闰蒙湾绸空尔响焙过滚档壮港珍碍盎剩恃坏祁滦寝衡花党暗脉寂踊斧厦迅朋艰敌祝榔论煽找捡琼惦墟毯伞咨暴士雌恳遮更夕箩握结嚣韦存仓瘪尹秉久志赣惦札钳族护抹式施架该届茅头疹拴退卷琵彪聋突虎诫煎蓟部达防柬姑赴吵户宛吾惭贩圈磐晰缘排鼻窖却实僻巫法毯餐舟褂大府叙布隆赦遏偷拐帮汁氓沂挝邮忽段惶纪款逗如障燥硼蛊绕渠堪好匙馈捂裴枪蚤恫梳逆茨坯眨葛昏越抄发妥亿壮侄够仗股王棉蝉寻赡硝陵霞逢漂俩氧王谰诉崇闰薄猩




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