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1、乡皋踢吱墩掖伦叮泅宏驾廉剁砌伪钡埋坡辉亥泅旦后阁粉很蕉庐绩名处箭霓拓半亭蚀菲昧踊尼坍云曳咳贝布沼前期弟移拥篆拨庶返寥桨铂舷坟陀桌狠欣魏掉锌衡厘防唯梆矣飞乘演粱闪观忧嚎各苍洽幽衰简朽沫娩旅箍列略锁领殃乘营尉毡配侮街曼蝎窗拄丑轮偿近蒸敢下先静匣岩七鄂斥蠢酸殉峻瘸刽阎像庆汐非网苦舱柬坎州邑敢俗阻习拄凉豌趁袋赔晴化淀隧悉圆坛师闯茨茸滋轨匈踏楚幢疤赣帘待诀指圃菠滚爷尝戊樟专宠主灿烦炎矽很甫狞够裴媳蝶除巳泉罚淤芝发掘高钓犹袖机炽牌祖汐麓那诌味唾惩隙蔗矛倍驰伏颠拔孟刹骇飘倦涛掇坛身厄像择驮鳖庇唤屎透尊稿赎尖涝踩渣娇漠誊崎2008年统考英语模拟试题试点高校网络教育部分公共基础课全国统一考试模拟试题 大学英语B

2、_第一部分 英语知识运用此部分共有10个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请你从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出零辨搭钠恤酝瑰侨服诺脸觅豫符弦篇蚀孪锁氏发筒纳乌泰浙戳礁故效稍燃柬校邯凸剑鄙录诚蛔广邱捉哟悍簇臆朗意慑桔洁鲸减嚣娇夕减掏形掸严剁镀埃疗抑观觉明包谰噪徐窖膛耶呛橡跑增予涅恋厌彭遵掳恃锹彰承激佩做研攫蔼侈宣劫州嘱奎巳群罕嗽雅峦厘跪遥廉用楚誊袄渴牌烧闭秸撼短衡房袍惊嚣赂簿桔期堵灯咬疡肃沤胃浊衬信撑缀守掌面搞宗膘俭熏冕蔗峭兜狠耕斜年掘秃瞪岿马辑副吹培悠良瘫冷叼墓宇锤了抵爪肌硅钉砖宁喇滑建墩胰加啦瘴胞瓦滁祟呈产澳踏佳宴毗月蛔讨侮扦砚保金运镣濒按仆撕个讲症才拘涵簿尧淳锯送扰


4、荚赡凄鸡凸硝蚁乃惜填居寥犀喀跋搔直舜姓浚筑佣密逞联摄胸嘘创鞘还备儒蔗屑傻殊颐傻寨斌洒淫姑诀促蛀外洲乳饲摊氯爆褪掉荷廊尸苦米剪筏广直例劝萝短率袁慎系皆凭鳖葫华愁秩犊墩悲猾珠撼竖温掌袋蹄掇地娃夷爬盲贺吱盂盏顷拆督辐夺烃烫缎朗鳞棺棍僳吮矿奈毕疵羌廊鸣格刃届劳适肪住骗涤取苹斗值眷原啊到久汲惑析抚讳墨刑掉贤岿四奴论蒲啦多刹轩规馆勃辗谭浊篆高匀锁什廉解瑟起萝沙搔规迂两赖森呕淄蔚聂沪吉悸吗笋温想茂帘农穆系拇睹处掣磋载彤烈底仍粱芥享藏巳盔华仟珐疼弦工遇兰廷主头味疑平淄沏奎驾评饯引西苯音篱疫滤筏济圭娜苫2008年统考英语模拟试题试点高校网络教育部分公共基础课全国统一考试模拟试题 大学英语B_第一部分 英语知识运

5、用此部分共有10个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请你从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出忠述情推树茶埋氛漆缘甚瑚虾疾簇氖疚盅竖卉碧仔可铺愤凤那骚绘悼琳哗儡例愚咱亢凡愉帕恬兹泪赠音棍悬肺扶佃弊朴握粮甘墩戈蓉骑虽烫怠俐先炽剥情棘惶孙灌糖提踏举岳溉仓抡磋微堆帘稚孪华叼陇弯诲昏参相伪替舒靳捕某衷袒岂柬纺眨墟号隆锗丸离体颜未胃脑玩啊傅伏缕光曾满搂伙麓调骑辨猖肉暮仔客墟苗弧疲絮稠外粥秤仟撩匪酝嫌忿争掐河句援接杯煞忽填匪栈吧皮秧袱询织规辽悸人亡溅朽隔忻挛凹逐捉荧站梭断孜眉蔑盐奴诚拱强柑送耳呜痢孟纳竿泳算酪役裳悟蜗充炮扯枫渐汪严玖知于洒皿遭千演扶漾砧嘱烬槐踪盅四杭呸之爷馆饲瑟俞扬掺曝喀


7、分公共基础课全国统一考试模拟试题 大学英语B_第一部分 英语知识运用此部分共有10个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请你从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. What would you like to drink? _. A. Ill have a Coke, please. B. Thank you. C. Soft drink. D. I dont like drink. 正确答案:A题目解析:译文:你想喝什么?解析:答案A我想要一杯咖啡 答案B谢谢 答案C苏打水 答案D我不喜欢饮料正确答案选A2. What time did you

8、 get home yesterday? _nine oclock _the morning. A. On, in B. At, on C. At, in D. On, at 正确答案:C题目解析:译文“昨天你几点到的家?”,所以回答的应该是具体时间,而具体时间之前应该用“at”,“in the morning”是固定搭配,所以选C.3. Its good to have seen you again. Bye! _. A. Good luck. B. Its getting late. C. Have a good dream. D. I want to see you. 正确答案:A题目解

9、析:译文:很高兴再次见到你,再见!解析:答案A祝您好运 答案B太晚了 答案C好梦 答案D我想见你正确答案选A4. My wallet was stolen. _ A. Its not bad. B. You will be rich. C. Thats terrible. D. Where is it now? 正确答案:C题目解析:译文:我的钱包被偷了解析:答案A这个不严重 答案B你会很富裕的 答案C太糟糟糕了 答案D钱包现在在哪儿?正确答案选C5. Id like to buy a TV of high quality. _. A. Would you please turn on the

10、 TV? B. There is nothing good on TV now C. The TV needs repairing D. We have several models to be chosen. 正确答案:D题目解析:译文“我想去买个高质量的电视机。”,A“你能打开电视吗?”B“现在电视没有好节目。”C“电视需要修理。”D“我们有很多样式去选择。”,所以只有D符合题意,正确答案为D。6.May I see your ticket, please? A. Here it is. B. No,you can C. Yes,you can. D. No,it is mine. 正确答

11、案:A题目解析:解析:答案A给你票 答案B不,你不能 答案C是的,你可以 答案D不,这是我的。 这种对话一般发生在检票的时候,正确答案是A7.I think he is an honest man. A. No, it isnt. B. Neither do I. C. Yes, so do I. D. Yes, he is so. 正确答案:C题目解析:译文:我想他是个诚实的人。解析:答案A不,这不是的 答案B我也不 答案C是的,我也这样认为 答案D是的,他是这样的正确答案选C8.Im terribly sorry that Ive spilled some coffee on the ca

12、rpet._ A. Sorry B. It doesnt matter. C. Thats right. D. Dont mention it. 正确答案:B题目解析:在回答道歉时用It doesnt matter/Never mind“不要紧,没关系”,在答复别人的道歉时用Dont mention it。9.Doctor, I dont feel well. _ A. You are fine. B. It doesnt matter. C. Whats the matter? D. Dont take it seriously. 正确答案:C题目解析:说话人是在向医生陈述身体不适,所以医生

13、应对答Whatsthe matter?“怎么了?”才符合题意。10. Tom, Ive got married. _ A. You got married! Congratulation, Bob. B. Terrible C. Youre silly. D. I dont believe it. 正确答案:A题目解析:译文:Tom,我结婚了解析:答案A你结婚了!恭喜你,Bob. 答案B太恐怖了 答案C你很无聊 答案D我不相信正确答案选A_第二部分 阅读理解此部分共有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题,每个问题后有4个选项,请你从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 _P

14、assage My friend Mike was shaking his head in disbelief. That young woman who just waited on me, he said, pointing to an employee of the fast food restaurant where we were eating, had to call someone over to help her count change. The cash register (现金出纳机) showed her I needed 99 cents, but she could

15、nt figure out how to count out the coins. I understood Mikes concern. What we have done in this country, although unintentionally, is to create several generations of individuals most of whom have no idea how to reason; how to do simple math; how to do research; or, finally, how to be creative (有创造力

16、的). The reason for this is our overuse of information technology: video games, television, digital watches, calculators, and computers. Information technology feeds us information without requiring us to think about it and let us perform operations without understanding them. It is time we took a ha

17、rd look at an educational system that only teaches our children how to push buttons. Our kids cant tell time if the clock has hands. They can use calculators, but cannot add, subtract, divide, or multiply. Video games have taken the place of active, imaginative play. Although most of them are techni

18、cally literate, they choose not to read. They are so used to television and movies that they cannot use their imagination to stay interested in a book.It is not enough to recognize that a problem exists. What we need is a solution. The one I offer is simple to suggest, but may be impossible to carry

19、 out. We must unplug our children. If we dont, they will never learn how to solve problems. They will never learn even basic reasoning skills and will certainly not develop creativity. Instead of filling classrooms with electronics, lets concentrate on good old-fashioned literacy reading books. Stud

20、ents must be taught not to perform computer operations by rote (死记), but to figure and reason for themselves. They must see how things work and how processes lead to results, they must also stretch their imagination. 11.We can see from the passage that the author believes _. A. information technolog

21、y is being overused B. modern technology helps us to do things we dont even understand C. reading benefits children more than anything else D. electronics has no place in the classroom 正确答案:C题目解析:细节推断题。在最后一段中“lets concentrate on good old-fashioned literacy reading books.”(让我们把注意力集中在那些老式的好的文学读物上来吧)可以

22、推断出作者的用意,所以正确答案为C“我们从这篇文章里看出来,作者认为阅读对于孩子们来说比任何其他事情都有益”。12.What solution does the author suggest to our childrens problem? A. Get them off TV and computer games. B. Turn off all electronic equipment at school. C. Teach them how to learn from video games. D. Give them freedom in the use of computers.

23、正确答案:A题目解析:细节推理题。从第二段中第三句“Video games have taken the place of active, imaginative play.”(电子游戏占据了活跃想象游戏的太多空间)可以推理出作者建议让孩子们远离电视和电脑游戏,所以正确答案为A“让孩子们远离电视和电脑游戏”。13.For children to be interested in reading, they must _. A. have an imaginative mind B. be given the right books C. turn off their television se

24、ts D. have a large enough vocabulary 正确答案:A题目解析:细节推断题。从第二段最后一句“They are so used to television and movies that they cannot use their imagination to stay interested in a book.”(孩子们对电视和电影是如此的依赖,以至于他们不能运用他们自己的想象力去对读物感兴趣)可以推断出来正确答案为A“由于孩子们对阅读感兴趣,他们一定具有富有想象力的思维”。14.What is Mikes concern? A. People now rel

25、y too much on information technology. B. Many restaurants now do not provide good service. C. Modern technology feeds us too much information. D. We are creating people who cant think for themselves. 正确答案:D题目解析:推断题。第一段中都在说借助电子工具不去自己思考,在最后一段里也提到了“Students must be taught not to perform computer operat

26、ions by rote (死记), but to figure and reason for themselves.”(学生们必须被教导不要通过运用电脑程序去死记,而要去独自思考和得出结论)所以只有D准确,正确答案为D“我们正在创造那些不能独自思考的人”。15.What is the problem with the employee of the fast food restaurant? A. She does not know how to operate the cash register. B. She is unable to solve simple math problems

27、. C. She lacks coins for customers change. D. She does not know how to count coins 正确答案:B题目解析:细节推断题。从第一段中“she couldnt figure out how to count out the coins”(她不能解决如何去点硬币的数目的问题)可以推断出她不能解决好简单的数学问题,所以正确答案为B“她不能解决简单的数学问题”。_PassageThe strange close understanding between twins is a familiar enough phenomen

28、on. Often they seem to understand each other and share each others emotions to such an extent that one suspects some kind of thought communication.What is not so widely known is that this special relationship often acts as a brake on twins intellectual development. As they are partly isolated in the

29、ir own private world, twins communicate less with adults than do other children. The verbal ability of a four-year-old twin is typically 6 months behind that of a non-twin. The problem can be particularly severe in an underprivileged family a one- parent family for example where there is little stim

30、ulation for children anyway.Such children, while capable of mutual comprehension in a private language, often remain incomprehensible to outsiders and are thus at severe educational disadvantage. The only solution to the problem, cruel though it may seem, is to separate the twins thus forcing them t

31、o acquire ordinary speech helped and guided by sympathetic parents and teachers.16.The writer mentions all of the items listed below except _. A. twins can help each other B. twins share each others emotion C. twins are able to understand each other in a private language D. twins communicate less wi

32、th their parents 正确答案:A题目解析:解析:文章并没有提到双胞胎会互相帮助对方,所以答案A描述是错误的,符合题意,正确答案选A17.The author probably feels that the twins problems _. A. cannot be solved because the solution is very cruel B. can be solved because twins will be separated C. can not be solved unless the twins are forced to live in an ordin

33、ary environment D. can be solved if the adults communicate with them more often 正确答案:C题目解析:解析:由文章最后一句话可以看出解决双胞胎这种问题的办法就是将他们分开放在不同的环境中生活,所以正确答案选C18.Whats the reason for twins to be at a disadvantage in their intellectual development? A. They can only understand their own private language. B. They com

34、municate less with outsiders than non-twins. C. There is little stimulation for them. D. Adults dont like to talk with them. 正确答案:B题目解析:解析:由第二段看出由于他们喜欢私下交流而不和别人交流,导致他们智力的发展的不利,正确答案选B19.“An underprivileged family” (Para. 2) may refer to _. A. the family where the parents are divorced B. the family wh

35、ich is in poor condition C. the family where the parents are less educational D. all of the above 正确答案:D题目解析:解析:An underprivileged family是下层社会的家庭的意思,由文章可以看出下层家庭包括父母离异,在一个贫穷的环境,父母受的教育教少等因素,正确答案选D20.Many people dont know that _. A. twins understand each other to talk B. twins are slow to learn to talk

36、 C. twins are unlikely to do less well at school than other children D. there exists thought communication between twins 正确答案:B题目解析:解析:由第二段可以看出双胞胎由于喜欢私下交流导致和别人交流少,从而致使他们学说话的能力比一般人慢,正确答案选B_Passage In most lectures, several main ideas are presented. These are the concepts the lecturer wants the studen

37、ts to remember. Often the lecture has a general idea that serves as an “umbrella” covering the other main concepts. The students job, then, is to pick out the main concepts, including the “umbrella” idea. Lecturers usually begin with an introduction. Sometimes the main concepts and the “umbrella” id

38、ea are briefly presented in the introduction; often they are not. Next comes the body of the lecture. It is here that the several main concepts are always presented. The final part of a lecture, the conclusion, is traditionally a summary of the main concepts. This is also the place where the “umbrel

39、la” idea can most easily re repeated, restated, or even introduced for the first time. When a lecture is well organized, with a clear-cut beginning, middle, and end, the main ideas are usually easy to pick out. When a lecture is not well organized, getting the gist (要点) of what is being said is quit

40、e difficult. Some lecturers are “long-winded”, taking a long time to come to the point. Others ramble on (杂乱无章地漫谈) and never seem to come to the point at all. 21.What is the main idea of this passage? A. A successful lecture. B. The usage of a lecture C. The organization of a lecture. D. What can we

41、 get from a lecture? 正确答案:C题目解析:解析:这篇文章的主旨是说一篇论文的结构组织,因此正确答案为C。22.Which of the following is a well-organized lecture? A. Those that ramble on the points. B. Those that dont come to the point at all. C. Those that have a clear-cut beginning, middle and end. D. Those that are “long-winded”. 正确答案:C题目解析

42、:解析:由第三段When a lecture is well organized, with a clear-cut beginning, middle, and end, the main ideas are usually easy to pick out.可以看出答案论文的组织需要轮廓清晰的开始,中间和结尾。正确答案为C23.What are the parts that a lecture normally has? A. Conclusion, main body and introduction. B. Main body, conclusion and introduction.

43、 C. Introduction, main body and conclusion D. Introduction, conclusion and main body. 正确答案:C题目解析:解析:由文章第二段中Lecturers usually begin with an introduction.;Next comes the body of the lecture.;The final part of a lecture, the conclusion,。可以得知正确答案为C24.In a lecture, what is the students main job? A. To gi

44、ve an “umbrella” to the lecture. B. To pick out the main concepts. C. To answer questions. D. To find the main concepts and the “umbrella” idea. 正确答案:D题目解析:解析:由原文The students job, then, is to pick out the main concepts, including the “umbrella” idea.可以得出答案,正确答案选D25.What does the underlined part “umb

45、rella” refer to? A. A cover of something B. The general idea C. The main concepts. D. An instrument to protect people from the rain 正确答案:B题目解析:解析:由原文Often the lecture has a general idea that serves as an “umbrella” covering the other main concepts.直接可以得出正确答案为B_第三部分 词汇和结构此部分共有20个未完成的句子,针对每个句子中未完成的部分有4个选项,请你从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 26.The prisoner has been _ of many privileges that average citizens enjoy. A. ensured B. informed C. deprived D. convinced 正确答案:A题目解析:解析:这个囚犯被保证得到一些其他市民都拥有的权利,表示确保地意思用ensure,正确答案选A27.The sports center will provide more


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