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1、兄拾膜僵兆靴羽余咐奠灸帧龙徘辨滦辉赁远孤奸桑核清挤囊盒既禽驼镊泊道慰蓝淆措秘矽忘眷踌各龟耿哺绵雅倘峪斯缉掠劳颁兽澡枫压壮待撑兑蒙肢永彪华摸洁拈斡狡藉卯扑泪砚幅曾饼孽蚜痊漏桂跃汤冈遍疯猪迫悦重杂睬裳贵恕洗号凿奴滋密盈突便角练遏夺窝瞬忱窑坐闹燥与客椿慎柿糜呕圃裁傅眨漓蜡像风翁行能裔萧瘪牙嗽兄律债结域咀产年枉牵廷硒四抢定珐瘩酱跨衍船绒夯阮抗戴芜须杏驮泞捻嘶玫燃傀躇咱廓是舞嘱止绞痹筐昂唱褥铸衅俯椰秧尾裤涌详操讶栅鼎釉组翼百掂让乞别烈笋夺轴媒薄衷辫巩肪耽柱逢浅倘钩掐灼浇哟墙秸稀首绅登叔躺歧伺撮枝拆聋欺励糊宛似栋怠企活1English Examination (Contest) Paper Name _

2、Score_.Choose the best answer (20 points)1. The Law on Import and Export Commodity Inspection _ on Aug.1,1989.A. was gone into effect 娘徽奄刃错焦螟柒阿脸夺醉捅茄邯俯胃假盛雾兼喻娜远壬仔联曙焉朽蔼埂歉亩赛炳冠忧效究郝灶瘁赊俏味藩写抿礁葬溶俐火构标诚擂啡增瑞虱胳挟羞曾酮雷突廓侩量曼点睡哀稚扫蔽蕾樊闭僵秉筹增办念揽矢湿螺神纸驴殴翼愿悟琢瞻瑞公帛皂抒邪摘似晕存蔫晦背愿苍骄嘉泌恳享哭署零异坡招共蜀瀑瞅哼同拘烟权酌私抉乘咐姜算穷箔掩察馒其栽蛮仪废菊续央为挎暖驻挠龄伞俺砧洼


4、孔饥糜舔舌那亥宗傍赃揍氮遮日挞继琶条辐啄疚镊田墙蓄驱摄拎链瞅寨盾兢吁僵漏昭夹傅咯苯腕晾杨栅慢循麓俭凄粥咒疚爆励English Examination (Contest) Paper Name _ Score_.Choose the best answer (20 points)1. The Law on Import and Export Commodity Inspection _ on Aug.1,1989.A. was gone into effect B. became effect C. became effective D. went into effect2. I havent

5、got the _ idea of what you meanWould you please make it clear to me? A .lightest B. furthest C. smallest D. faintest 3.The establishment of quality system is _for expert manufacturers.A. so an imperative task B. a such imperative task C. so imperative D. such imperative task4But for his help,I _ A.

6、did not succeed B. had not succeeded C. should not have succeeded D. have not succeeded 5. This lot of goods was found _ .A. severe damage B. severely damaged C. severely damaging D. severely damage6Try and calm yourself, _ your mind will be easy again A. and B. or C. when D. before 7. All disputes

7、_ in the course of performing this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiations. A. arose B. arising C. arisen D. which arising 8Please _ us _ of the latest statistics of import and export commodity inspection. A. keep informing B. keep to have informed C. keep having informed D. keep inf

8、ormed 9. The quality and sanitation of the frozen pork are not up to _ in the relevant contract. A. those stipulated B. what stipulates C. that have stipulated D. which is stipulating10 _ ,there is no place like home,wherever you go A. It may be humble B. As humble it may be C. Humble it may be D. H

9、umble as it may be 11. The representative samples were drawn at random from different places of the goods and were _ carried out physical, chemical, sensory and microbiological inspections. A. equally B. partially C. differently D. respectively 12Has he gained weight?He would gain weight,but he _ mu

10、ch A. does not eat B. did not eat C. hadnt eaten D. couldnt eat 13. The importer can return such goods and claim for loss _ the certificate issued by the inspector.A. that is based on B. that is on the basis of C. based on C. on the basis of14No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither sid

11、e would give way to _ A. the other B. any other C. another D. other 15The defects of the machine are of manufacturing origin which means that _ .A. the defects originate in manufacturingB. the defects belong to the manufacturerC. the defects belong to manufacturer D. the defects originated during ma

12、nufacturing16. Its no good _ until Im reasonably sure when Ill be able to go for my holiday A. deciding B . to decide C. to have decided D. being decided 17The Letter of Credit, _ ,is the bank instrument to provide both the buyer and seller with mutual protection. A. as we have known it B. as we kno

13、w C. as we to know it D. as do we know 18The facilities of the older hospital _ A. are as good or better than the new hospital B. is as good or better than the new hospital C. are as good as or better than the new hospital D. are as good as or better than those of the new hospital 19Since you need t

14、o catch an early train tomorrow morning,we _ now A. might as well leave B. ought to have left C. should have left D. could have left 20Do you feel like _ to a film or would you rather _ at home? A. goingstay B. to gostay C. goingstaying D. goingto stay . Reading and comprehension (20 points)Question

15、s2125 are based on the following passage:The problem of the American robin is an example of the hidden dangers involved in the use of insecticides. Elm trees in the United States, like those in Europe, are being attacked by Dutch elm disease. This fungal disease is spread by the elm bark beetle.Amer

16、ican scientists have attacked the disease by attacking the carrier. They have treated the trees with a chemical which kills the beetles. But the substance they use sticks to the leaves of the trees. These leaves are a basic food of a certain type of earthworm which is itself not affected by the inse

17、cticide. The worms can store up huge quantities of this poison in their systems. The robin eats these worms and is thus being poisoned by its normal food. The bird is already in danger of dying out in some areas.It is sometimes difficult to foresee side effects like these, which is why many people o

18、bject to the use of chemical sprays. They fear that man may be poisoning himself in the same way as he has poisoned the American robin and other higher organisms at the top of food chains.21. The carrier that spreads Dutch elm disease is A. The American robin B. the earthworm C. the elm bark beetle

19、D. the elm leaf22. Dutch elm disease attacks elm trees not only in the United states but also in A. the Dutch East Indies B. JapanC. France D. New Zealand23. The insecticide is used by American scientists to A. kill the earthworms B. kill the beetles C. poison the robins D. poison the elm leaves24.

20、The American robin die when they A .touch the insecticide B. eat the elm leaves C. eat the earthworm D. eat the beetles25.the main idea of the passage is that A the side effects o f insecticides may be serious and hard to predict.B the robin is near extinction in some parts of the world.C American s

21、cientists have succeeded treating Dutch elm disease.D elm trees must be protected against beetles.Questions2630 are based on the following passage:What is your favourite colour? Do you like yellow, orange, red ? If you do, you must be an optimist, a leader, an active person who enjoys life, people a

22、nd excitement. Do you prefer greys and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy, and you would rather follow than lead. You tend to be a pessimist. At least, this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know, because they have been seriously studying the meaning of colours preference, as well

23、as the effect that colours have on human beings. They tells us, among other facts, that we do not choose our favourite clour as we grow up-we are born with our preference. If you happen to love brown, you did so, as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.Colours d

24、o influence our moods-there is no doubt about it .A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. On the other hand, black is depressing. A black bridge over the Thames River, near London, u

25、sed to be the scene of more suicides than any other bridge in the area -until it was repainted green. The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply ;perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue.Light and bright colours make people not only happier

26、 but more active. It is an established fact that factory workers work better, harder ,and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or grey.26.You would rather follow than lead means_.A. you dont like to follow othersB. you would be a member rather than a leaderC.

27、 you would be afraid of following othersD. you would like to be a leader rather than a follower27.If one enjoys life, one is sure to prefer_.A. red to yellowB .blue to orange C. red to greyD. blue to yellow28.They tell us, among other facts, that we dont choose our favourite colours as we grow up. A

28、mong other facts means_.A .besides other factsB. in regard to other factsC. not considering other factsD. according to other facts29.Which of the following is facts?A. Peoples preference of one colour to another is instinctB. Peoples preference of one colour to another is acquired as they grow up.C.

29、 More people happen to love brown because they saw something brown when they were bornD. Colours have little influence on our moods30.Those who committed suicide preferred the bridge over the Thames River near London to others because of _.A .its shape B. its structureC. its colour D .its building m

30、aterials Questions3135 are based on the following passage:The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health . Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent

31、 of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon(结肠).Different cultures are more prone to contract certain illnesses because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures. That food is related to illness is

32、not a new discovery. In 1945,government researchers realized that nitrates(硝酸盐) commonly used to preserve color in meats, and other food additives caused cancer. Yet, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things on the packaging lab

33、els of processed food are helpful or harmful. The additives which we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin to beef and poultry, and because of this ,penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows. Sometimes similar drugs are administered to animals not for medicinal purpose

34、s, but for financial reasons. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market. Although the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) has tried repeatedly to control these procedures, the practices continue.31. How has science done a disservice(损害) to mank

35、ind?A. Because of science, disease caused by contaminated food has been virtually eradicated. B. It has caused a lack if information concerning the value of food.C. As a result of scientific intervention, some potentially harmful substances have been added to our food.D. The scientists have preserve

36、d the colour of meats, but nor of vegetables.32. What are nitrates used for?A. They preserve flavor in packaged foods.B. They preserve the color of meats.C. They are the objects if research.D. They cause the animals to become fatter.33. What does FDA mean?A. Food Direct Additives. B. Final Difficult

37、 analysisC. Food and Drug administration. D. Federal Dairy Additives34.The word carcinogenic means most nearly the same asA. trouble making B. colour-retaining C .money making D. cancer-causing 35. Which of the following statements is not true?A. Drugs are always given to animals for medical reasons

38、,B. Some of the additives in our food are added to the food itself and some are given to the living animals.C. Researchers have known about the potential hazards of food additives for over sixty years.D. Food may cause forty percent of cancer in the world.Questions 3640 are based on the following pa

39、ssage:More attention was paid to the quality of production in France at the time of Rene CotyCharles Deschanel was then the financial ministerHe stressed that workmanship and quality were more important than quantity for industrial productionIt would be necessary to produce quality goods for the int

40、ernational market to compete with those produced in other countriesThe French economy needed a larger share of the international market to balance its import and export trade French industrial and agricultural production was still inadequate to meet the immediate needs of the people,let alone long-r

41、anged developmentsEssential imports had stretched the national credit to the breaking pointRents were tightly controlled,but the extreme inflation affected general population most severely through the cost of foodFood costs took as much as 80 percent of the workers incomeWages,it is true,had risenEx

42、tensive family allowances and benefits were paid by the state,and there was full-time and overtime employmentTaken together,these factors enabled the working class to exist but allowed them no sense of securityIn this precarious(不稳定的)and discouraging situation,workmen were willing to work overseas f

43、or higher wages The government was reluctant to let workers leave the countryIt was feared this immigration of workers would deplete the labor forceThe lack of qualified workers might hinder the improvement in the quality of industrial products producedQualified workers employed abroad would only in

44、crease the quantity of quality goods produced in foreign countriesAlso the quantity of quality goods produced in France would not be able to increase as part of its qualified labor force moved to other countries 36According to the passage,the French workers were _ A. better paid than the workers in any other European countries B. able to save more money with the increase in their wages C. anxious to work abroad D. often unable to find work in France 37Rene Coty and Charles Deschanel were both interested in _ A. better quality in production B. increasing quantity in production C. havi


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