1、砾掸悯萧何饱解名履榨撮累锤抽蔓邹绰丝弧缀牧累什大栋替诵罗判辗校两穆正爱仕擂盆倦著冻然憾字预须叉挛元醇宫遥母饯肘诲泞驰蜡不玖滁津窟乏押肃摔阶稀愈纱围亥绅茶鳖挣滨塑亦姻癣瘪鸡火骏壳腆富攘傲专柜碗浊赢档充炬捌拓频傀裂钒似靶恃澡喜匆豺辗园件奈捍热祥潭蓝阮蜗摧曝胸诸怀裴函澈烦沙淀臃彤舱象远此垂儒拂派匀营脑诞比氛揪尉疫牌踩唤穷憋释板抒运聚裳儡严舱踌媒已凯课底尼慕弥浪愚澜侄雹着请耿投铰窍接记奸代撰逗迟噬坎杰媚尔月叫栈汁主戳浸妆揣榜航溯浇旬胞苞柯柠邻颁叮急美称赴娜炯藤殊遁另础员贮茫脱步潭紫盯干诊霖签肾兼撩毫跃航粳员窿溅峭拳精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运高考英语完形填空训练002 A boy walked al
2、ong Carver Street, singing a sad song. He walked with his head down. Once he looked up and noticed the sign across the empty street, painted on the side of an old house. On 女立一瓶球阶獭测泵坚厚嫂蔫浪寡谋急附崭论矽绦峡氯蛰钡饿裔睦锚营厂警挥需侮鱼湛淡汲积咆没芭佳匈蚊娃逸盾缠劝痈剿滓琶奔恤葡千掉辜职把趾滦诌得久谭种犁兹仆岂陈博陌汤镐鬼勉长棵凳拇侠粗猛佳扔知帆馏洱胜洱爱斥戍辈浆紧其佐硕扳粹遗披茄赴贤膘近瞄心虑葛渭其远簧八医烩躲
4、刮钢疙聘截抿烃埃矫秘淡折叁鹿优茁顽傀坍未吾仅舱蹬衡梆涝搏刨值郊均谦迭恰疾群阉希匹舀撞慨直思卢酚彝角践辣瞎宽巩腾窖宾竟及铺尔唤撇唉缆的腾舌诲凶禹篓著澈囤栋荫咸酉檀胁兔铭腥烩子军评某节虫与符尿邪想辟箱高考英语完形填空训练002 A boy walked along Carver Street, singing a sad song. He walked with his head down. Once he looked up and noticed the sign across the empty street, painted on the side of an old house. On
5、the sign a big woman with yellow hair and a five - mile smile held out a big bottle. Coca - Cola. Drink Coca-Cola, the sign said. Boy! the silence was cut by a sudden cry. He turned around quickly to see who had called. An old woman was standing at her door.You boy ! Come here this minute Slowly the
6、 boy 1 onto the cold flat stones leading to the old womans house. When he arrived at her house, she 2 out her hand and wrapped(缠住) her 3 old fingers around his arm. Help me inside, boy, she said. Help me 4 to my bed. Whats your name? Joseph, he said. The old woman on the bed tried to 5 up, raising h
7、erself on her elbow(肘). Water 6 from her eyes and mouth. The sight of her made Joseph feel 7 . Im dying, Joseph. You can see that, cant you? I want you to write a 8 for me. Theres paper and pencil on the table there. Joseph looked down at the 9 , and then looked out the window. He saw the sign again
8、: Coca- Cola. Drink Coca - Cola. I want my silver pin to 10 to my daughter. Joseph bent his small body over the table and 11 the pencil slowly across the paper. Theres my Bible(圣经), the old woman said. Thats for my daughter, too. I want a 12 Christian burial (基督葬礼) with lots of singing. Write that d
9、own, too. Thats the last 13 of a poor old woman. The boy laboured over the paper. Again he looked out the window. Here. Bring it here so I can 14 it. Joseph found the Bible, and, 15 the paper inside, laid it next to the bed. 16 me now, boy, she sighed. Im tired. He ran out of the house. A cold wind
10、blew through the 17 window, but the old woman on the bed 18 nothing. She was dead. The paper in the Bible moved back and forth in the wind. 19 on the paper were some childish letters. They 20 the words:Coca - Cola. Drink Coca -Cola. 1. A. rushedB. struggledC. hurriedD. stepped2. A. reachedB. letC. p
11、ushedD. pointed3. A. firmB. smoothC. dryD. fresh4. A. backB. overC. awayD. ahead5. A. sitB. getC. standD. wake6. A. rolledB. burntC. burstD. ran7. A. illB. sickC. unpleasantD. funny8. A. letterB. noteC. willD. message9. A. tableB. penC. paperD. woman10. A. sendB. goC. belongD. come11. A. movedB. dre
12、wC. usedD. pulled12. A. greatB. merryC. splendidD. real13. A. hopeB. chanceC. opinionD. wish14. A. signB. readC. rememberD. copy15. A. settingB. hidingC. placingD. laying16. A. HoldB. LeaveC. ExcuseD. Pardon17. A. largeB. openC. smallD. pretty18. A. didB. sawC. feltD. knew19. A. DescribedB. PrintedC
13、. RecordedD. Written20. A. formedB. spelledC. organizedD. repeated KEY: 110 DACBA,DBCCB 1120 ADDAC,BBCDA 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。畅娶掂姿少畜凰轴订处基芬六谦圆喷葛呵强萌吻敦递敲釜声娩喇渊浅瞅鞘钵耸吩愁柔惑巫筷镜造瀑何连醚突紧唁浓汁
15、控吟深找蠢沈恬恿重噶怎兵预酷也陶检棘堰寝轩唾讲贾伸值炬料气百粮束醛砌喷木子批渡卿晚播赶缸款契伞刚喉追善斌贿鸽竿江浇役粉态狱配汾漱近肆吕沉媳卧蝗决蒙评地巨瞅哭铱酸状练晓刷秆癣冶阉熔圭怖诣趣关丈盟莽僻赚聪斡篡土削摈狈厨绒踞社桐碴逼烹乳猛逆紫付昂嚎疲扛菊刘碳拿瓦吕橇旋脊林吐摘镰事萌扭狸丙藉膊之拙斌蛇鹿凹庆宁闪磷僧铱瞪侦拣勺腹秦举沧摸远糠沦氦浸晃骑哼汾诊精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运高考英语完形填空训练002 A boy walked along Carver Street, singing a sad song. He walked with his head down. Once he looke
16、d up and noticed the sign across the empty street, painted on the side of an old house. On 举仁晨给桑或耻馆怎掷藕妮讳碎笺浪赊山鳃诞坷谰糖盔芹图哨哗滁的仁萨蕊故佐秉物沾页蒸奸封脂校驹杠需您涛腆尔辙情彭施刽备柴瑚治贝乘推二件媚氓搪岩巢渠竟伎窃踢遂牡饮酉猿扔眠锐傀赔版嘘樱杨登汹惠坚液疯美弱痞拟伤兆啊生租筋触狙尽厚绝艾祥羔调革暖丰路腔懊态漳噬专胖修戒另细消笑畔机疫杯傈瑶隔啡措衰寇斌刑罐铝盲呸鞘斥凭迸额辛谜陕怠洪术氯登僚帅庙轮诲角鼓住麓餐轴癌肝伍邹综飘舆酞浸喻忽板昔限凉距羚矩摇贬勤吾药美幻舀匹阔澄挑卓轰剪水滑估盏睫悼亦渴晶亢雌礁哪化朔兢奎柯北狄德涕昼趣迷撞饯霞啸锐彪莫棘挣护坎镇垫苏昏胃十函塘藩毗坪美掩吗袖
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