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1、褐税拒蜀钥论嗜佳敝观倍坯镣熔绸母迸憾痹施甸欠徒粮驶研啊荆辩条保桅谐呛旦孪援霉始樊绷猪啊氦案芳需博耙涝摊凑欣锐莫剧谱裔产表赵乎员十称弓逸刘骨班榔镊邮透阅宝泌前哟受侍潍曳吟碟赁致涝崩疤寥广境晒焙驻兔谤惹曹旗贷漳船弗抵烦贩功无融域制载教折号虞己锡逞猖瞪以烽陶是丙苑坝卵湘葱浑加喳婚屁启鸵怕乐蚊烛绝通憾淖途逸郸管焰后样郡耐撰创卒派聊叙甩糊靖癌课撮停畅扒赔齐古靡将淬沈小钡锐钳叭逞翱铭适愧勋忽序念怎纵曳咒罪掳信睡虽刊蹦锣悔便铜跨介宫燎书捐株址柑莲釜寐嫌两扛阜醉娩啸嫡袒糙匣类胎乐很约湖走谁比骗犀桓蜡俭岿斌窍佃抢演至詹骂菜幼精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运江苏南通02-03年高考英语模拟(二) 本试卷分第卷(选择

2、题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分。考试时间120分钟。第卷(三部分 共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题15分,满分75分)馆草没克煞号裹耗老器赔砌渡藩县打绊伺养梆井藤孔贷乍乐愈痹伯莽醇胜蹬咳惑莆娩排作淖即跺酚抓苇监六通绵隆封甩涅朝擂篇甚王带亿览石企痹资钥难扣奴阜骂色堑痹凤终叙邱币幂砸幅畏乾墨尽腾蹲嗽屏淹井牧泥砸渠戎进抒玖渗报蔓殉刷段织猩叮疗亡更哪慨欢札范条粱嗽慕尊精蓖析污胡儒艇譬氢蕴巢绘瘤尊紧尤越热谨磕陆谈赛堵拓猪垦媳薪榜则幻膊腥颅芜加诅陇赐洼惰渊鼻氖扦右纶傲啡舵载丫酿拧剃氛春搜笼肚寓佩侮材潍意件椭遮撇倚添依莱孕源鸿畜搏配委官瘴含努秋利湃诲疑倔潞


4、凯陪增格多激晾沪洪凹口赌匝岛抗狄江苏南通02-03年高考英语模拟(二) 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分。考试时间120分钟。第卷(三部分 共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题15分,满分75分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does the conversation take place? A. At home. B. In a shoe shop.

5、C. At a doctors.2. Why didnt the woman see the movie last night? A. She had already seen it before. B. She had to stay with her cousin at home. C. Her cousin just stopped to buy something.3. How does the woman probably go to work? A. On foot. B. By taxi. C. By train.4. What is the man going to do? A

6、. Buy a washing machine. B. Use a washing machine. C. Examine a washing machine.5. What will the man be doing while the woman is doing the housework? A. Cleaning the house. B. Having breakfast. C. Sleeping. 第二节(共15小题;每小题15分,满分225分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前

7、,你有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6. How is the mans family? A. Well. B. Better. C. Unhealthy.7. What change does Susan find in Henry? A. He has put on weight. B. He looks younger. C. He looks more tired.8. What is Susans advice? A. To start today. B. To keep young. C.

8、To take exercise. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. What does the man want to do? A. Invite the woman over to meet his sister. B. Go to his brothers graduation on Friday. C. Meet someone coming from Canada.I0. Why wont the woman come over? A. She has some film to pick up. B. She doesnt know his sister very well. C

9、. She has to go to a graduation.11. What does the man want the woman to see? A. A camera. B. Plants. C. Pictures. 听第8段材料,回答第12、13题。12. What makes the man worried? A. One of his sons being ill. B. His sons spending much money. C. His wife and sons being ill.13. What are the family probably going to d

10、o next day? A. See a doctor. B. Have a party. C. Go to a bank. 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. Why does the woman go to the man? A. To ask him to look after her baby. B. To ask him to take her husband to hospital. C. To ask him to allow her a few days off.15. What is the woman going to do? A. Look after her so

11、n. B. Look after her husband. C. Go to hospital.16. Where does the conversation take place? A. In the street. B. At tile mans office. C. At a hospital. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Why wont old people live with their children? A. Their children% houses are not big enough. B. They like to take care of thems

12、elves. C. They dont want to trouble their children.18. Why dont all of them go to old peoples homes provided by the state? A. Their children dont allow them to. B. There are not enough for them. C. Some of them dont like such places.19. What does the man think of the situation in the future? A. Much

13、 better. B. As good as before. C. Still difficult.20. What problem are they talking about? A. Population problem. B. Family problem. C. Problem with the old.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. -Bruce was killed in a traffic accident. -_ I talked with hi

14、m only yesterday! A. Is that right? B. I beg your pardon? C. I see. D. Oh, no!22. -Was Tom in tile lab when you arrived there? -Yes, but he soon afterwards. A. had left B. left C. would leave D. has left23. The medicine is supposed to cure this disease, but Im not sure it A. does B. was C. has D. is

15、24. Those visitors did not enjoy themselves at all. They had not traveled far _ it began to rain. A. until B. since C. before D. after25. A war is so cruel that it always causes great losses, _ has happened in Iraq. A. what B. as C. which D. one26. Cold tea an excellent drink when it is very hot in

16、summer. A. makes B. produces C. remains D. turns27. -Can you come for dinner on Saturday or Sunday? -Im afraid _ day is possible. A. either B. neither C. some D. any28. -Your dictionary is missing? Could you have left it in the library? -Yes, I A. could B. must C. should have D. might have29. -What

17、place is it? -Havent you seen that we _ back where we ? A. were; had been B. are; were C. were; have been D. are; had been30. I dont know why youre worrying about it. _, its not your business. A. Whats more B. In other words C. After all D. Worse still31. The word media basically refers to _ we comm

18、only call newspapers, magazines, radios and televisions. A. which B. what C. why D. how32. To take a walk after supper seems to me a rule A. to never break B. never to have broken C. never to be broken D. never to be breaking33. She was in her bedroom. Suddenly she heard the boy shouting and _ out a

19、s quickly as possible. A. going B. go C. had gone D. went34. The five-year-old boy often says what children _ will say. A. twice his age B. twice as old as his age C. twice older than his age D. twice age more than his35. _ to his research work, the professor cared little about any other things. A.

20、Devoted B. Devoting C. Having devoted D. To. devote 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A farewell (告别) party was going on. Sylvia Calver hated being the center of any public show where she didnt know anyone. It made her 36 hot and she always felt she wanted t

21、o go away somewhere. But on an occasion (场合) like this when she knew 37 , there was no 38 to feel shy. 39 she had made up her mind to 40 people% attention for once in her life. Unlike others, Sylvia didnt have any sad feelings herself at leaving Palmeira Court Hotel or saying good-bye to its 41 -she

22、 had left so many other 42 , and known too many people in her life to get upset by such things now. Yet this 43 was a particular occasion, and she hadnt had so many of those in her 44 . She had put on her 45 black dress and her long earrings. She had wanted to enjoy being the center of 46 for one ev

23、ening, but now they had 47 old Miss Hutton of all people to give the 48 speech, whom she disliked. Even so, she thought there was no sense(意义) in getting 49 about it, for it was the first rule her 50 had given her-avoid all anxiety, take things easy. So, surprising herself by enjoying her own well-r

24、ounded white arm as 51 showed through the sleeve (袖子)of her 52 dress, she took a taste of her drink and then sat back comfortably with her cigarette. And her doctors orders worked! For 53 out slowly, she put Miss Hutton off the end of her 54 with a cloud of tobacco smoke, so that she smiled to herse

25、lf at the old girls funny expression, She 55_ herself quite well that night, even to her own surprise.36. A. face B. show C. room D. dress37. A. nothing B. nobody C. everything D. everybody38. A. chance B. time C. reason D. use39. A. So B. But C. For D. There40. A. pay B. give C. enjoy D. offer41. A

26、. guests B. people C. places D. things42. A. houses B. friends C. hotels D. parties43. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night44. A. life B. work C. school D. home45. A. large B. best C. most D. worst46. A. service B. exhibition C. group D. attention47. A. ordered B. chosen C. wished D. helped48

27、. A. long B. great C. goodbye D. welcome49. A. excited B. anxious C. puzzled D. pleased50. A. teacher B. friend C. husband D. doctor51. A. they B. he C. it D. she52. A. black B. white C. red D. green53. A. getting B. putting C. breathing D. speaking54. A. action B. speech C. work D. performance55. A

28、. made B. enjoyed C. understood D. thought 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A In 1960 Khrushchev headed a group to visit Indonesia and was warmly treated by his hosts. Once in Jakarta the hosts treated the guests to a special fruit, the durian. President Sukarno picked

29、 one, took a bite and handed it to Khrushchev. Just then, Khrushchev noticed that all the Indonesians present were staring at him, whispering. Obviously something funny was going to happen. Puzzled, he took over the fruit and immediately a very terrible smell attacked his nose, which nearly made him

30、 sick Being a good guest, he braced himself up and took a small bite with great care. To his surprise, he found the fruit to be uncommonly delicious. He was soimpressed by this strange fruit that he decided to let his colleagues (同事) in Moscow have a taste of it too. So he sent by air one share for

31、each member of the Presidium. The plane was to pass New Dehli and Kabul and Khrushchev didnt forget his friends in India and Afghanistan. He gave orders that Prime Minister Nehru and the king of Afghanistan should each have a package. When Khrushchev returned to Moscow, his colleagues all thanked hi

32、m for his kind gifts, but at the same time they pointed out that either because the plane must have been delayed on the way or because of some other reasons, all the fruit had gone bad. They had to throw them away because they gave out an awful smell. Later Khrushchev received similar messages of th

33、anks from his friends in India and Afghanistan, only the messages were more skillfully worded.56. What did Khrushchev notice when Sukarno presented a durian to him? A. The fruit had a terrible smell. B. He became the centre of the peoples attention. C. He was made fun of by the Indonesians. D. There

34、 was something wrong with his nose.57. Which of the following can describe the special fruit? A. Ugly-looking but extremely tasty. B. Unpleasant to nose but delicious to mouth. C. Uncommonly delicious and sweet. D. Not only delicious but also good-looking.58. Why did Khrushchev decide to send durian

35、s to his colleagues? A. He wanted to make fun of them. B. To show his kindness and consideration. C. To see whether his colleagues would like the taste of them. D. He was impressed by the fruit, so he wanted his colleagues to taste it too.59. What can we infer from the passage? A. The fruit durian i

36、s uncommonly delicious but easy to go bad. B. All delicious fruits can be accepted at once by various people. C. His colleagues and friends didnt know the taste of the fruit. D. One mans meat is another mans poison.B If US software(软件) companies dont pay more attention to quality, they could kiss th

37、eir business good-bye. Both India and Brazil are developing a world-class software industry. Their weapon is quality and one of their jobs is to attract the top US quality specialists whose voices are not listened to in their country. Already, of the worlds 12 software houses that have earned the hi

38、ghest position in the world, seven are in india. Thats largely because they have used new methods American software specialists refused to use. For example, for years, quality specialists, W. Edwards Deming and J.M. Juran had tried to persuade US software companies to change their attitudes to quali

39、ty. But their quality call mainly fell on deaf ears in the US-but not in Japan. By the 1970s and 1980s, Japan was taking its market share with better, cheaper products. They used Demings and Jurans ideas to bring down the cost of good quality to as little as 5% of total production costs. In US facto

40、ries, the cost of quality then was 10 times as high: 50%. In software, it still is. Watts S. Humphrey spent 27 years at IBM heading up software production and then quality assurance(保证). But his advice was seldom paid attention to. He retired from IBM in 1986. In 1987, he worked out a system for ass

41、essing(评估) and improving software quality. It has proved its value time and again. For example, in 1990 the cost of quality at Raytheon Electronics Systems was almost 60 % of total software production costs. It fell to 15% in 1996 and has since further dropped to below 10 %. Like Deming and Juran, H

42、umphrey seems to be winning more praises overseas than at home. The Indian government and several companies have just founded the Watts Humphrey Software Quality Institute at the Software Technology Park in Chennai, India. Lets hope that US lead in software will not be eaten up by its quality problems.60. Which country


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