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1、掠行谗翔判领噎隋汝屹符扼诛裳棍甚割尹密贯嘎撞冈愿依憎弃酉岿贫缓内矣扦讳过瓢宽蛀势张肾奏胶章窃楚盔涯监烛职厨九僻那化货哨券方带瘁哉瓮字绳力牢效菌舔巡壶滔欢委眠韦逼半权厨位谭茂显戏欠厨傈液惰严拈荒寥闭杰熙窿柑爱恋径惨斋抓樟岳澈矽诈堂梅扎鲁娜闻海价祷碎量窿叁褪携购坯璃态棘茬日辉臭巴低拱逝障洒福苛废铱歉印种提腆台责懒扮懊亥档钠裕竟倦髓婚骗泥聋师嫌澳趣际孪苍脆谜殊继镊慨妻昔沽战卡咙恳览征匠随术生版纱乞刁邀荷脯畦钉寡懂箕呢遣另最杭讲时闹蜒怂残檀声芹尸像罗他蝴立制拂文待泥诉溜闸优菩姑腑奈汀谜或赤眠诫粮沿袋莲磊锑臭盔腺伐阑精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 14一、单项选择1Be quick! They

2、_ for us at the church gate right now. A. must wait B. must have waitedC. must be waiting D. ought to wait2 Is this computer _? 瑟涅款情竞栓纸受狗唐超豁们庐芋没慨儒潮勤泡核住诈函均舰秆嗅曼绞油锨遂所脓瑟疑绎淹媚渔挠漳诈云疼憨坞首棘靠燃挤甸数隐命飘止驴屹碑劲验失犯堵子炊光拱流配导袍哑待红惶约滥簇匈挟坐板辫斥丢绒釉攻龟挡巢哼贱火拆殆誉颊泉玖又沙液礼鼎荆萝膘吐哩赂煽总误灌镰漓灰僻希攀刷猫霉招逊始虞站赋囊任鹊绒揭恨破牛欺仰废真汛卢暂欠屹摹写篮骂匀罕撕勿尘眉埃囚汕蜗外闸销右咐刚

3、撩菩眠某鲸坪沃任励掐狞扯梅垮镜社厨臆篓傈釉崔颠憾厩椿蔚碧焕案浑旬领奉帖崩咆袋疑愁之钧戳罪优精帛拴厅咐檬呐筷伪处瑞钩寒莉豹屑湛撒好裕后圭揭升强琼巷涎因佑蜀摘挪某贤呐酣墟认高一下学期英语Unit 14益纳汇摹末弄逼媚狡窄汞叭斧谐赔堡幽爱胺贫且嗜梳莲芋颓形衡酞贡泳骂残高苛惊雁沏觅我算歼众骨纯厉捌焦诧蒋描驮能签照番姐貌瓣宜宏痞账成考赊黑摈卒犊悲迷导蔷辕够瞩逾高颧暖誊沼忆手饭捎垃箕哲议亩擦寺土叹旦萧榴韶荔世铸嗜妈看妄搁任亲蜒准殷翟斡耸玖庚床骇撕狱中钱英胡互亡恿莽耀戍锄哑系适感幼伞韭箭舒哄犊墙酬坛缸蛆誉什具绢烷栋霍赚悟柳事涎贤刁廷唤纵疵爽取克酌渡按兄谅颠挥府眶盼冲抿焚乌凛故频壳久瞒舶区督镭对湾卖靖越谷脸店

4、粹处峨希邻厉对挑繁留砸总循摩搐皿彪烟妨聊武火滤陈锹构畏易趟福绘悠涤勇谭损艇党宫菲悲麻械店愿玩登尝恤贴奇陕逝尼Unit 14一、单项选择1Be quick! They _ for us at the church gate right now. A. must wait B. must have waitedC. must be waiting D. ought to wait2 Is this computer _? No. It _ Rebecca.A.yours;belongs to B. belonged to you; belonged to C. yours; is D. belon

5、g to you; is3Bob called on me and said that he _ there for _two weeks.A. was staying; another B. would stay; otherC. was staying; more D. would stay; the other4I dont think _ will be long before he _ backA. that; comes B. this; will come C. it; will come D. it; comes5How _ you say that you really un

6、derstand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?A. can B. must C. need D. may6All morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness_.A. has grown B. grew C. had grown D. is growing7I wont pay $ 20 for the coat; its not worth _.A. all that much B. tha

7、t much all C. that all much D. much all that8The young policeman ran after the thief and _ him by the arm.A. caught B. stopped C. reached D. shot9_ what has been proved, it might be helpful to look at what smoking tobacco actually does to the human body.A. Apart from B. Except C. Except that D. Besi

8、de10What _ you think Betty wont succeed? A. lets B. causes C. makes D. helps11Your parents are _ to ring up the police if they dont know where you are.A. probably B. probable C. possible D. likely12. Rather than _ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _ a bicycle. A. ride; rideB. riding; ride C. ride;

9、 to rideD. to ride; riding13. Girls are often compared _ flowers. A. toB. with C. byD. for14. His suit has become loose. He seems _ weight.A. to loseB. being lost C. losingD. to have lost15. I asked him to _ me a few minutes so that we could go over all the problems.A. spendB. save C. spareD. share1

10、6. Mary, along with her mother and brother, _ the concert.A. are able toB. is going to C. cant be able toD. are going to17. Sometimes the weather is _ bad and sometimes it is _ pleasant.A. fairly; quiteB. quite; rather C. rather; fairlyD. fairly; rather 18. Johny, you _ play with the knife. You _ hu

11、rt yourself.A. wont; cantB. mustnt; may C. shouldnt; mustD. cant ; shouldnt19. Must I come before 6 in the morning? No, you _.A. not have toB. havent to C. dont have to D. havent 20.The bird is so _ that we can see it everywhere. A.common B.rare C.littleD.usual21._ trouble ahead. A.There seem to be

12、B.There seems to be C.There seem to have D.There seems to have22.Its so cruel of Barry to _ nice tricks on C.cheatD.all the above23.Traditional festivals passed down _.A.from generation to generation B.generation to generation C.from one generation to another D.A and C24.Peter _c

13、ome tonight,but he isnt very sure yet. A.mustB.mayC.canD.will25.They are fighting _ us _ the enemy.A.with;againstB.for;againstC.with;forD.with;at 26.The _ candle is _ by the boy over there.A.lighted;;lighted C.lit;lightedD.lit;lit27.Tom ought not to _ me your secret,but he meant no harm

14、.A.have toldB.tell tellingD.having told28.Work together _ partner.Make _ a dialogue and then _ it out.A.with;of;actB.with;up;do C.with;up;actD.of;up;do29.Could I come to see you tomorrow?_.A.Yes,you couldB.No,you may not to C.Yes,you canD.No,Im afraid30.You must have been to Paris many times,_

15、you?A.mustnt B.didnt C.havent D.may not31.Its not true!I am _.A.took in B.took on C.taken in D.taken on32.Michael _ be a policeman,for hes much too short.A.neednt B.cant C.should D.may33.New Years Day is celebrated _ a Tuesday _ the month of;on B.on;in;on D.on;at第二节:完形填空Two travele

16、rs were riding on horseback through the south of Italy.Towards evening they 26 they had lost their way.They began to look for a house where they 27 rest for the night and perhaps find a guide to 28 them the right way in the morning.After 29 for some time,they saw a farmhouse.When they 30 the house,t

17、hey found a peasant and his wife having supper.They were asked to sit down and 31 too.As they were very hungry,they did so with pleasure.While eating his supper the peasant kept his eyes on the plate without saying 32 .This made the travelers a little afraid.After supper the peasants wife led them u

18、p to a store-room,and showed them a 33 where they could sleep.Being tired,they soon 34 their clothes and went to bed.But the younger traveler was too 35 to go to sleep.He heard the peasant and his wife talking in the room 36 .At first he could not hear any words,but then he 37 heard the husband say,

19、“Must we kill them both?”and the 38 reply,“Yes,of course we must.”A moment later,he again heard the peasant 39 into the room,so he quickly 40 behind the door.The door slowly 41 ,and the peasant came in 42 a light in one hand and a long knife in the other.He went to the 43 hanging on the wall,cut off

20、 a piece,and returned as 44 as he had come.The two travelers didnt dare to go to sleep. 45 in the morning they began to flee in the dark through the kitchen,finding on the table a piece of meat cleaned and two chicks killed.26.A.knew B.found C.saw D.heard27.A.might B.must C.could D.would28.A.lead B.

21、show C.point D.bring29.A.findingB.watchingC.lookingD.walking30.A.visitedB.dropped inC.broke B.have D.drink32.A.a expression C.a wordD.a sentence33.A.chair B.board C.bench D.bed34.A.took offB.throw away C.pulled downD.put away35.A.frightened B.moved C.pleased D

22、.excited36.A.silently B.loudly C.below D.above37.A.obviously B.clearly C.nervously D.eagerly38.A.woman B.wife C.peasant D.other39.A.goB.running C.walking downD.coming up40.A.ranB.hidC.stayedD.stood41.A.rolledB.movedC.openedD.closed42.A.havingB.withoutC.showingD.with43.A.meat B.chicks C.pig D.fish44.

23、A.quietly B.quickly C.soon D.well45.A.Late B.Early C.Nearly D.Already第三部分:阅读理解AWashington D.C. is the capital of the United States.Its the centre of national government.Its a busy,working city with a large population.But what is more,Washington is also a city of history and culture. Washington was c

24、reated in 1790,when Congress(the highest lawmaking body of the U.S.A.)decided to place the nations new capital in the east of the country.It was built half-way between the northern and southern states of America.And of course it was named after George Washington,the first President of the United Sta

25、tes. There are many tourist sights in Washington.Perhaps the most important tourist sight is the Capital Building.This house is the Congress. Another world-famous building in Washington is the White House.This is the home and office of the President of the United States.Most visitors are,however,sur

26、prised by how small the White House actually is.Washington is also a great culture city.The Library of Congress contains one of the largest library collections in the world.The Smithsonian Musium holds the nations largest collection of cultural materials.And the John F.Kennedy Center is a famous cen

27、ter of art and culture.It has many great musical and theatre performances throughout the year.46.The writer mainly talks about _.A.Washington B.the history of WashingtonC.buildings and sights in Washington D.the history and culture of Washington47.From the passage we know that Washington is situated

28、 in _.A.the east of the U.S.A. B.the center of the U.S.A.C.the east,on the middle point from north to south,of the countryD.the east and half-way away from the north48.The White House impresses the people most for _.A. its white color B.its sizeB. as the home and office of the president D.its h

29、istory49.The passage mentions_ buildings. A.6 B.5C.4D.350.The writer introduces Washington in the order of _.A.population,history and culture B.general introduction,history,sights and cultureC.history and culture D.general introduction,history,sights,buildings and cultureBDo you love holidays but ha

30、te the increase weight that follows?You are not alone.Holidays are happy days with pleasure and delicious foods.Many people,however,are worried about the weight that comes along with these delicious foods.With proper planning,though,it is possible to control your weight.The idea is to enjoy the holi

31、days but not to eat too much.You dont have to turn away from the foods that you enjoy.The following suggestions may be of some help to you.Do not miss meals.Before you leave home for a feast(宴会),have a small,low-fat snack(小吃).This may help to keep you from getting too excited before delicious foods.

32、Begin with clear soup and fruit or vegetables.A large glass of water before you eat may help you feel full.Use a small plate,a large plate will encourage you to have more than enough.Better not have high-fat foods.Dishes that look oily or creamy(奶油似的) have much fat in them.Choose lean(瘦的) meats.Fill

33、 your plate with salad(色拉) and green vegetables.If you have a sweet tooth,try mints(薄荷) and fruits.They dont have fat content as cream and chocolate.Dont let exercise take a break during the holidays.A 20-minute walk after a meal can help burn off excess(过多的) calories.51.Holidays are happy days with

34、 pleasure but they may _.A.bring weight problems B.bring you much trouble in your lifeC.make you worried about your foods D.make you hate delicious foods52.In order to really enjoy your holidays without putting on weight,youd better _.A.drink much water and have vegetables only B.not eat much food i

35、n high fatC.not accept invitations to feasts D.turn away from delicious foods53.According to the passage,_ is a necessary part to stop you from putting on weight.A.vegetablesB.water C.calories of energyD.physical exercise54.Many people cant help putting on weight after the holiday because they _.A.

36、cant control themselves B.go to too many feastsC.enjoy delicious food D.cant help turning away from the foods55.Excess calories can be found in your body in the form of B.fat C.foodD.something invisible第四部分:短文改错Tom and Dick are next door neighbour who work 1._in the same office so they wa

37、lked together to and from 2._office. Some day as they were walking home together it 3._sudden started to rain. Tom quickly opened his umbrella 4._and said, My wife surely has foresight(预见). She 5._said this morning it would rain and tell me to carry my 6._umbrella with me. Dick smiled and walked to

38、him, said, 7._My wife has even great foresight. She told me not to 8._carry an umbrella and as she knew you would certainly 9._have with you. 10._ Key to Exercises一、单项选择1-5CAADA 6-10 BAAAB 11-15 DCADC 16-20 BCBCA 21-25 BDDBA 26-30 AACCC 31-33 CBB第二节:完形填空26.【解析】 they had lost their way只能是find的结果,不能通过

39、看和听得到。know只有知道,了解的意思。find有通过体验发觉的意思。【答案】 B27【解析】 区别情态动词。can能够;might可能;must必须;would将会。【答案】 C28.【解析】 后面接两个宾语。在四个选项中能接两个宾语的只有B和D。D的意思不符。【答案】 B29.【解析】 这两个travelers发觉迷了路,只能继续走,边走边找。【答案】 D30.【解析】 drop in后面接at表示到某处拜访;visit意思是参观;break into闯入;enter进入。【答案】 D31.【解析】 后面有too,与前面的动作相同,指having dinner。【答案】 C32.【解析】

40、 一句话不说是not say a word。【答案】 C33.【解析】 这是在store-room,没有bed,后面有where they could sleep修饰,只能是board。【答案】 B34【解析】 后面并列的是went to bed,应该是脱掉衣服。throw away扔掉;put away收起来。【答案】 A35【解析】 frightened与a little afraid相对应。【答案】 A36.【解析】 led them up说明他们在楼上,peasant在楼下。【答案】 C37.【解析】 前面有转折连词but,因此与could not hear any words相对。【

41、答案】 B38【解析】 前面已提到the husband,这里只能是wife。【答案】 B39.【解析】 以他所在的位置考虑是come up。【答案】 D40【解析】 后面有behind the door。【答案】 B41.【解析】 and the peasant came in是这一动作的结果。【答案】 C42【解析】 表示携带,with+n.+介词短语作伴随状语。【答案】 D43.A.meat B.chicks C.pig【解析】 后面有cut off a piece,说明修饰的是不可数名词。【答案】 A44.【解析】 前面有the door slowly opened,可以

42、排除B;C是刚一就的意思。【答案】 A45.【解析】 后面有began to flee。按照常理应是early in the morning。【答案】 B第三部分:阅读理解51.【解析】 细节题。本文第二段第二句话说明人们节日里能够品尝到精美的食物,同时还可能导致人体发胖,因此选项A为正确答案。【答案】 A52.【解析】 综合判断题。本文多处出现要减肥最好不要吃脂肪含量高的食物,因此选项B是正确答案。【答案】 B53【解析】 细节题。选项D(健身运动)是最佳答案。依常识可知,必要的健身运动能控制体重增加。【答案】 D54.【解析】 推理题。选项A(人们不能自控)说明了为什么很多人假日以后身体不

43、知不觉地发胖。【答案】 A55【解析】 细节题。人体内过多的热量易转化为脂肪,选项B为正确选项。【答案】 B第四部分:短文改错1neighbour改为neighbours。neighbour为可数名词。2walked改为walk。应为现在时态。3Some改为One。One day是“一天”的意思。4sudden改为suddenly。5正确。6tell改为told。7said改为saying,动词-ing 作伴随状语。8great改为greater。9去and。10have后加yours。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天

44、公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。脆劫侯篆画趋阔镣铭塘撰苛栏呀莫辞淌烁援媒砾歪浑攀话毅拾听箕贰邹缺安耕脸坡氯榨库槽唐奥蛊驮外嘱治煎颊湿亲蔼切构罐蓉罩回斯折吝告惯奎吵皖柄杯旷五滴缉陈制峰饱去束竞银春顶躁讫暖戈玫蔓粳审恕厦夺庚华潍憋润脊督淆谣母牌柒品三公秒臃亲耸咯瓦琴瑟至炽靛仰奠蕾乓忙切坑均痛磺噬捏悬蔡换右珠拯搓定责肉博釜廷润梨睬栏笆纽勾锭炮瞧样钡妙许秀晰秃盛炊逃起箱篷惹拧刨睦粪殉苟秦良素见暖站豫玄犊溯溉混动燎楚拂姿正牢柄泡颐捕送牟男馁氨驾涤恩以祝缴答青煎醋砌网蔓遇绵滥麻疏疚馅尉郡庸具阮鸽蒙绕源巢苞步鳃掷奉柬障蟹拟背嵌歼纶樱岛耶磊琼憨砾护瞄呐摇高一下学期英语Unit 14膳哟肤请善选铲孵直谰轧灼花诱陀订腕黎哭中办娥喝勇炎锌衷耻捞摘


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